A Second Chance at love The Rocker Girls Series (28 page)

Read A Second Chance at love The Rocker Girls Series Online

Authors: Jennifer Byars

Tags: #romance, #womens fiction, #contemporary, #music, #romance fiction, #romance erotic, #rocker

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His hand went across her face,
splitting her lip as she tumbled back, getting blood on the
linoleum floor. “Nickels said that you’d never find out. I just
wanted to see, Ad. I just wanted a taste of something I wasn’t
supposed to have. That’s all. Nickels said ‘why not have a little
fun,’ so I did.” His hands ran through his hair as he tried to
explain to her once again his reasoning.

She wiped the blood off her
mouth with her arm before she spoke again. “You
. No matter what Nickels told
you, you knew if I found out I’d be hurt, it could destroy our
marriage. But you didn’t care, all you cared about what was you
wanted!” she hissed.

You sent me divorce

I gave you another chance!
But you didn’t stop, you didn’t stop screwing around. That’s all
that I wanted from you. I wanted you to be sorry for what you did
to me!” she yelled.

He took her by the arms again, banging
her into the wall. She screeched as his grip cut into her arms.
“But I came back to you! I always come back to you! You’re the one
I love, no matter who I fuck, I told you that I loved you, baby

She was tired of having the same old
argument with the rock god. Like she was so lucky he wanted her.
This time she was going to tell him off, no matter what the cost.
“Great, Jimmy, you came back to me. As you can see by my face, I’m
so damn lucky to have you!” she snarled.

He pushed her against the
wall again, this time with enough force that her head smacked into
it. “You
lucky! I want only you! I want to be married to you! I can
have any woman I want in this whole fucking world, but I want you!”
he yelled at her.

She never thought she could
feel so much anger at this man, but right now she hated him. “Well,
I don’t want
Jimmy! I don’t want your lying, cheating, whoring ass
anymore!” she screamed at him.

She saw his drunk, stoned eyes lose
control, and she knew what was coming, she’d seen that look before.
She only had a second before his fist met her face, and she
wondered if she’d live through this one.




The flight from Nashville to Cleveland
wasn’t that long, a little over three hours. But it felt like
eternity because all Win wanted was to get home to Addison. The
night before in the motel room, he just about kicked Andy out so
Addison could talk dirty to him on his cell. That woman and her
voice drove him crazy!

Win took Addison’s duffle, which she’d
let him use for the trip, out of the trunk of Andy’s Corolla. She
thought having a little piece of her along would help him remember
her. He didn’t need a piece of luggage to remember his angel. But
if she wanted him to take it, he would.

Man, it’s good to be
back,” Andy told Win, grabbing his own bag out of the

I can’t agree with you
more,” Win chuckled, and he was thinking exactly what he was going
to do to his girl the moment he saw her.

No offense man, but I’m
pulling Tia out of the apartment soon as we step in. There’s lots
that I… need to do,” he chuckled, and he looked like a man
possessed to hurry his ass up the stairs. That was something Win
knew about all too well.

I won’t stop you. If my
angel isn’t already at my place, I’m picking her ass up, and none
of you fuckers will see us till morning,” Win told him, and Andy
laughed in agreement. They hit the staircase, starting to climb up,
when Rex came running down to them.

Win and Andy stood still for a minute.
But Andy was the one who spoke, because Win just had a bad feeling
about was about to be said. “What the hell? What’s going on?” Andy
asked Rex, then looked over at Win.

The look on Rex’s face, and the panic
in his eyes when Win saw him…and Win just knew. “Addison,” he
whispered, and started running up the stairs before Rex could even
get a word out.

He made it to their landing, running to
the girls’ apartment door. When he opened it and went inside, all
he saw was crying women. “Addison!” Win yelled into the

Nickels came out from the kitchen,
along with that redheaded fucker Dax. As soon as their eyes met, he
started over to beat the shit out of one of the instigators in his
girl’s misery. But South came and grabbed his arm, stopping him.
“No, man, they’re here to help,” he told him.

Win looked around to the girls. “Here
to help with what?” he growled at South.

Andy came running in,
looking for Tia. Win figured Rex had told him what was going on.
Tia jumped out of Margie’s arms and ran into Andy’s in complete
meltdown mood. Win felt like he was losing his mind. He wanted
answers right fucking now! “What the hell is going on?” he asked
angrily, looking for Addison.
“Where the
hell is Addison?”

Lynn, strong, foul-mouthed,
quick-tempered Lynn, looked up at him. She’d been crying. Holy
shit! She’d been crying! She still had tears running down her

Nickels came up next to her, rubbing
her back, and then she grabbed his hand, holding it tightly. Win’s
body was shaking with fear of the next question. “Is she hurt?” No
one answered. “Is she at the hospital? Please God, don’t tell me
she…” He couldn’t even finish that sentence.

We don’t know where she’s
at,” Lynn said, wiping tears off her face.

Win stood there for a minute, letting
that statement penetrate. “What the fuck do you mean, you don’t
know where she is?” he yelled.

Nickels released Lynn’s hand and came
over to Win. “Look, when Jimmy saw Mindy he thought he knew Addie
was coming home. He started to clean himself up, or so we thought.
But when Mindy bumped into him at Dax’s place, she made it clear to
Jimmy that she wasn’t coming home, and he should just move

We all know that Jimmy’s a
mess. And I’m owning that I had a big part in this whole fucking
fiasco. But he’s been drinking and on drugs for over a week now. As
soon as we figured out he was coming to get Addie, I called

I needed to let her know
that Jimmy was coming, so she should get the fuck out of her
apartment. That me and Dax were on our way to get him, and put him
in rehabilitation and counseling.”

So then where the fuck is
she?” Win asked.

He beat us to

Win’s hands went to his hair as he
looked at the people around him. That was even worse than he
could’ve imagined. “No. NO!”

He went to get his phone. “I’m calling
the cops,” he snarled, and Nickels came running to him. “No, look—I
don’t know what Jimmy will do right now if he’s backed into a
corner. He’s a sick man, and he hasn’t slept in days. I’m afraid
that he might hurt Addison if he thinks someone’s coming after

Win’s eyes widened at that comment. “So
you’re just going to leave her in his hands?! If you’re not sure
what the hell he’ll do, how can you just leave Addison with him?”
he yelled, feeling the need to break something.

Dax came up with a cell in his hand,
looking to calm the situation as much as he could under the
circumstances. “We’re not leaving Addie with him. I just got ahold
of the cell company, and they’re working on his GPS location as we
speak. They’re going to call us back, and we’re hoping they give us
the exact location of where they’re at, so we can go get them.
Jimmy will listen to me.”

Win looked at this guy with annoyance.
“Are you sure about that? If he’s as fucked up as you say he is,
will he listen to anybody?”

Marge was sitting on the floor next to
Lynn’s legs. “We all agreed this is the best way, Win. Right now
Jimmy is desperate to get her back. And if he’s gone this far to
have her…then we’re afraid of something far worse if we get the
police involved and try to take her from him.”

Nickels’ phone rang. “Bill, tell me you
found out where they’re at? Yes…” Lynn jumped up when she saw he
was looking for a piece of paper, brought him some, and a pen. “So
he’s in Erie, Pennsylvania?” He looked at Lynn and she frowned, and
Tia started crying. “Yeah…okay. No, I know the place you’re talking
about, but give me the address so I can get there quicker... Yeah,
got it. Call me if he moves.”

He took her to Erie. Just
fucking great, Nickels! What if he wants…” But Lynn couldn’t go on,
and Win was heading for his keys on the kitchen table.

Dax came rushing out of the kitchen and
Nickels took Lynn in his arms, kissing her cheek. “We all know why
he went there. It’s only a little more than an hour away; we’ll get
this taken care of. I promise,” he told her with a hug.

He looked at Win. “Okay, we found him,
we should be back in no less than five hours,” he told them, going
to the door.

Win had his keys in his hand; he wasn’t
going to just sit here waiting to see if his angel was okay. “The
fuck you say! I’m coming with your ass. There is no way my girl is
going to be anywhere near this man ever again,” Win told

Dax was by the door, ready to go. “I
don’t think that’s such a good idea. What if Jimmy sees you and
loses his shit because he thinks you’re coming after his

Win growled. “First, she’s not his
motherfucking girl anymore! And I’ll stay in the fucking truck
until you get them to come out. But Addison is coming home with

South jumped up, going to Win. “I’ll
come with you, just in case you need some extra help.”

Nickels nodded his head, knowing he
didn’t have time to argue. “Dax, they might be right, let’s just
get our asses there! The sooner we get there, the

Win was in the kitchen and looking at
the floor, seeing the blood, and his and Nickels’ eyes met. This
was one of the reasons they were so worried. He’d already hit her.
“If he’s hurt her in any fucking way…he won’t have to worry about
rehabilitation. I’m going to send that fucker to hell!” Win yelled,
running for the door, and Nickels, Dax and South followed after


Chapter 16


Addison’s eyes started to open, and she
winced; it hurt. Her hand went to her eye automatically, feeling
the swelling. “I wish you wouldn’t make me so mad, baby girl,”
Jimmy said, and then she remembered what had happened.

She tried to get up, but her head was
throbbing. She just lay there for a minute looking at the ceiling
of a room she didn’t recognize. “Where are we?” she asked him,
still lying on her back.

She heard him take a drink, of what she
assumed was alcohol. “Do you remember when we first got married,
and for our honeymoon you wanted to drive to the East Coast?” He
chuckled, thinking. “We barely had any money for the trip we had
planned, but you just had to go see Niagara Falls, even though it
was going to take us longer and more money to get to

Do you remember what you
told me, what you said when I said it would eat up too much money,
and would set us three days behind?” he asked her. She didn’t
answer him; she remembered everything about that trip and what they
were to each other back then.

You told me, that since
we’re married now, you’d let me experiment with your body. But only
if I took you to Niagara Falls would you let me try some of those
positions that I’d been begging you for since I was sixteen.” He
sat back against the chair next to the bed.

We were on I-90, and I was
supposed to get on 80, but instead I stayed on 90, getting off in
Erie. I was taking you to Niagara Falls, but there was no way I was
waiting for that promise you just made me.

I stopped at the first
motel I could find when I couldn’t take it anymore. We barely made
it into the room to start our experimentation, I was so damn turned
on thinking about how I was going to have you. I’d been dreaming of
different ways I could take you for so long, and then you were
going to let me have my way with you, I was going to take my wife.”
His eyes closed as he thought, and tears ran down her face at the
wonderful memories she once had with this man.

I made love to you all
night, I just couldn’t get enough of you. Do you remember that? And
when we woke up in the morning, we just laid naked in bed together
talking about the life we were going to have. We talked about how
many children we were going to have, what color did we think their
eyes were going to be?” He stopped and looked at her. “Our babies’
eyes will be violet like their mama’s,” he whispered, then turned
away from her, his head falling back, once more lost in

Hell, we even planned how
many years apart they were going to be, and what we’d name them.”
He chuckled. “Then you told me how you needed Tia to be close to
us, and did I think she’d marry Howie.

The sun was coming through
a small crack in the curtains and it shined on your skin, making it
look golden. You looked like a mythological goddess, my goddess,
made just for me. I thought to myself, I was one lucky fucker to
have this beautiful woman laying by me, and looking at me with
adoration in her eyes.”

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