A Second Chance at love The Rocker Girls Series (29 page)

Read A Second Chance at love The Rocker Girls Series Online

Authors: Jennifer Byars

Tags: #romance, #womens fiction, #contemporary, #music, #romance fiction, #romance erotic, #rocker

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She sighed, wiping away a tear that
rolled down her face. “I remember that, Jimmy. I remember us back
then,” she whispered.

He sat back up, taking the last swig in
his cup. “Now look at us. Look at what I’ve done to your face.” He
shook his head, angry with himself. “I can’t go on living this way,
Addie. I know I’ve fucked up over and over again. I know I’ve hurt
you, but all I see is the happy times. I want those

Her hand fell to the bed; she needed to
get up and hoped her husband could be reasoned with. “Those times,
those are our memories, Jimmy. But things change, people change.
The life you lead…” She shook her head. “Things get jaded. I never
wanted to be married to a rock star, which was your dream. I just
wanted my Jimmy. So I gave up my dream and helped you follow yours,
because all I wanted was you, that’s all.”

He rubbed a hand over his face, turning
in his seat to look at her. “You remember when you’d go on stage
with me? Those nights just before we’d go out and perform, and we’d
hear the crowd calling out our name.” She looked over at him, and
he smiled. “Remember how you’d wear those sexy skirts for me, with
your red cowboy boots. I’d come over, taking off your glasses and
placing them on your hat, so only I could see your beautiful violet
eyes. They were only meant for me.

Right in between the metal
staging the fabric of the stage was the only thing not exposing
what I was about to do to you. You’d wrap your arms around my neck,
slipping that sweet tongue of yours into my mouth, letting me take
all I wanted from you. In front of a whole fucking crowd, and they
never knew it,” he chuckled.

I’d grab your ass, moving
the little skirt away just enough to make sure you were ready for
me, and when you’d moan in my ear, clinging to me… Fuck, Addison,
every time that was my snapping point, and I couldn’t get my dick
out of my pants fast enough to slip myself into my needy girl. Then
you panted my name while I claimed you, and the guys would go on
stage and the crowd would roar...” He shook his head. “You always
knew I needed something dirty from you to get worked up to go on

Those were good times,
Jimmy,” she said softly.

I can’t tell you how much
I miss that, I miss you. Because you know me, you know
, Addison. Not James
Richardson the rock star!” he told her passionately.

Jimmy, why’d you bring me

Why? Because of all the
things I just told you. I can’t be away from you anymore, baby
girl, it hurts too damn much!” he said, reaching over to pour
himself more to drink.

You know, even if we got
back together, things would be different.” She saw his face turn to
her, and she backtracked. “Because I’m a doctor now, Jimmy,” she
told him, hoping to defuse whatever he might have been

I don’t care if you’re a
doctor, Addison! I was proud of you when you graduated. I know I
missed it because I was on the road, but I was proud of

He smiled once again. “Do you remember
making me play doctor with you? How you just wanted to take my
temperature, and hear my heartbeat. But as soon as I saw your sweet
little face, even at twelve I had so much more on my mind that I
wanted to do with you. Lord, I’d talk you into so much,” he

Yes, you did, you could
always talk me into anything.” she sighed, placing her hand on her

I’m sorry I hit you,” he
said softly.

You’re always sorry,
Jimmy. I don’t understand why you just don’t stop,” she said before
she even thought; it slipped out. She quickly turned her head and
could see that just pissed him off.

Addison, I told you that I
was sorry!” he growled, getting mad at himself for hitting

She sat up quickly, knowing this was no
time for her smart-ass mouth. “I know, baby, I know. I’m sorry,
okay? I didn’t mean to start a fight,” she whispered.

He got up from the chair, coming to her
on the bed. “You just called me baby, just like you used to. It’s
been so long since you’ve said that to me,” he said, his eyes
looking into hers.

Shit, she did. But she just wanted him
to calm down, not for him to think she meant it as a term of
endearment like she used to. His hand came up to her face, touching
her hurt cheek. “I’m sorry, baby girl, so fucking sorry.” He moved
in closer to her.

He kissed her swollen cheek, and she
knew if she didn’t want to get hit, she was going to have to play
to Jimmy’s whims, but use her wits as well. So when he leaned in,
taking her by the back of the neck, she let him kiss her. Her brain
was telling her to be passionate like she used to be, but it was

Her mind raced over how she could get
hold of Winston. While Jimmy was kissing the side of her neck, her
eyes roamed around the room for a cell phone; she didn’t see
Jimmy’s or hers anywhere. She looked for some way to get hold of
Winston, hell, even Nickels at the moment.

Jimmy must have taken the phone out of
the room, and she didn’t see her shoes anywhere. His hands went
under her shirt, feeling her stomach, then reached up and pulled it
off. Her heart was pounding as his mouth went to her nipple in her
lace bra, kissing it. She held her breath as a tear ran down her
face, thinking of Winston, and she just didn’t know what the hell
to do.

He leaned her back on the bed, slipping
his tongue once again into her mouth, releasing her only long
enough to strip off his shirt. When he came back down he wrapped
his arms around her, breaking free from the kiss and going to her
neck as his fingers unlatched her bra.

She put her fingers through his hair as
he tore the undergarment from her body. His head traveled down her
chest, kissing, licking and taking tiny bites, until he was in
between her breasts. His hand caressed the skin of her side,
reaching up, grabbing the mound of her breast and squeezing it with
his fingers. He groaned, moving over to take her nipple in his

Jimmy, baby, I need to use
the restroom before we start,” she whispered before he made it
there, anything to give her time to think. She caressed his head
between her breasts, getting him to stop.

Addison, you can go
after,” he growled.

You know I can’t get into
it, if I have to go,” she told him, knowing he’d remember if she
hinted at it.

His lips were right above her nipple,
like he was thinking whether he should just take it now, or let her
up. He stopped, getting up on his arms and looking down on her. He
looked her over, then nodded, but didn’t let her up quite yet. “I
want you to hurry up, baby girl. I want our baby’s name under yours
on my heart. I’ve waited long enough, we should have had him two
years ago and should be working on number two by now.”

She looked at his chest, remembering
when he got her name tattooed there, leaving room for the three
children they were going to have together.

Nodding her head, but not answering,
she rolled out from under him and went to the bathroom, looking
back at him as he watched her go. She went into the small room and
locked the door behind her.

Addison leaned against the door, taking
a breath, knowing this only bought her a couple of minutes. She
went over to the mirror and took the first look at her face. Her
bottom lip was so swollen, and the split was not only on her lip
but heading down her chin.

Her left eye was almost swollen shut,
with a deep gash going underneath it. But she could see that the
white of her eye was red around the iris where he had broken the
veins once again. She was worried that one time he was just going
to blind her; then her career as a doctor would be over.

Bruising covered her arms from where he
had grabbed her. If one thing was to be said, at least he left his
marks in the same places. She should be used to covering this up by
now. She laughed at herself in the mirror.

But that was short-lived, knowing she
was afraid what she might have to do to get away. If she slept with
Jimmy, gave him what he wanted from her, she knew he’d finally go
to sleep. But would he go to sleep right away or would he need to
be with her again until the drugs wore off? Then she could make her
way to the front desk and call for help.

Her fingers gripped onto the
countertop; she wanted to scream out in anger and frustration. She
dug in, holding back the scream that wanted to rip from her chest,
until she couldn’t take the pain anymore. She bent over, placing
her head between her arms and taking deep cleansing breaths to get
her nerves under control.

Addison, hurry up!” Jimmy
hollered at her.

Tears squeezed out as she tried to hide
the sob that accidentally escaped. She breathed a couple more
times, not sure if she was ready to do what she had to do to get
away from him. At that thought, she placed her hand over her mouth
and smothered another sob that broke free, but then sucked in her
breath and straightened her shoulders.

Addison,” his booming
voice called out.

She cleared her throat, trying to sound
like everything was fine. “I’m coming, Jimmy. I just wanted to
splash some water on my face,” she lied.

She turned on the water now, splashing
some cold water on her face and rinsing off the crusted blood on
her lip. When she picked up the towel that was on the counter, a
small pill bottle fell out from it.

She picked up the bottle, knowing what
she’d found. Jimmy, being so screwed up, forgot to hide his pills
from her. She quickly opened the bottle, looking at all the pills
Jimmy had in there. If she could only find something in there to
knock him out… “Addison. If you don’t get your ass out here right
now, I’m coming in to fucking get you,” he growled once more, and
she knew this was her final warning.

Pouring the pills into her hand she
found one that could work. She could believe that he had pills to
stay awake, and heavy-duty pills to put him asleep. She took one of
the sleeping pills in her hand, knowing about how long it would
take a normal person to fall asleep with it, but someone on

He had stripped off his pants and
boxers, and was sitting naked on the end of the bed with his elbows
at his knees, waiting for her. When he saw her step out into the
room and walk to him, he jumped off the bed, coming to her in three
big steps, taking her in his arms and kissing her hungrily. She
tried to pull back from him, but his hand went to her head keeping
her in place while the other lifted her up, keeping her glued to
his body.

He took her to the bed and placed her
on top of it, starting to strip her of her panties. “Jimmy, I
really need something to drink. My eye is really hurting right
now,” she whispered, again trying to stall and thinking of a way to
get the pill in him.

She saw him tense at the mention of the
damage he’d inflicted on her, but he got up to pour her a drink.
“No, baby, let me do it.” She gave him a slight chuckle. “I know
how much I need to help the pain. If you give me too much you’ll
have me pass out on you.”

She took the glass he was drinking
from, pouring herself just a bit to help fool him. Then she gulped
it down. She looked up at him, giving him the look he liked with
her eyes, pouring just a little more in the cup, trying to be
smooth about dropping the pill in the liquor.

I poured you a little. You
know how I love the taste of whiskey on your tongue when we kiss,”
she told him seductively, handing over the glass. He took it from
her hand, never even bothering to look at the substance in the cup,
throwing it back. He dropped it to the ground and pulled on her
arm, making her fall into bed.

He placed her under him, his naked body
in between her thighs, as his hunger to have her was growing out of
control. “I missed you, baby girl,” he moaned, kissing the side of
her neck, slipping his fingers between her thighs and feeling her
center through the thin fabric of her panties.

She gasped when he pushed the fabric
out of the way, feeling him sink his fingers into her. The panic
was rising and she needed to slow this down to let the drugs take
effect on him. “Jimmy, take it slowly, baby. I haven’t felt you in
so long, let’s just take our time with one another,” she tried to
persuade him.

I need you baby, I need
you so damn bad!” he moaned as he worked his fingers in her. “We
can take our time later, I just need to be in you now!” he said,
but with a slur to it.

He started making his way down her neck
to her chest, latching onto her nipple, and she bit her lip not to
scream out. She grabbed into the sheets, not knowing what to
expect, feeling his frenzy. He let go of her nipple and came down
upon her mouth, and she could feel his erection rubbing against her
entrance, starting to push up into her.

But as quickly as his frenzy was at its
height, the drugs kicked in and he was unaware that he was drifting
off to sleep. He just lay there on top of her, and she could feel
the rise and fall of his chest on her stomach. Reaching down she
slowly took his hands from between her thighs.

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