A Second Chance at love The Rocker Girls Series (24 page)

Read A Second Chance at love The Rocker Girls Series Online

Authors: Jennifer Byars

Tags: #romance, #womens fiction, #contemporary, #music, #romance fiction, #romance erotic, #rocker

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Lynn jumped up from the table. “The
reason we left, dipshit, was because Jimmy wouldn’t stop hurting
Addison! What the fuck is your…”

Lynn! She has the right to
feel that way,” Addison said loudly. Lynn shook her head in
disgust, plopping herself back down at the table.

Mindy, honey, if you want
to go, then please go. No one will be mad at you if you leave,” she
told her, only to have Lynn and Margie mumble things and laugh
under their breath, pissed.

…will not be mad. And you can always come home, wherever that
might be,” she said quietly.

Lynn kicked her feet up on the chair
that Mindy had just vacated. “So are we staying or

Ad gave Lynn a look, and they shut up.
“Tia, go see if Andy would want to be a part of our crazy family,
okay. Then we’ll let you know what’s going on.”

She nodded and got up from the table,
not looking at any of them, and headed off to her room. Addison
looked over at Lynn. “I guess you need to find out how Andy feels
about all this, and if we did leave, if he’d want to come with us,”
Ad told her.

Tia was about to head out the door when
she stopped. “If we do leave, let’s go to Tennessee. That’s the one
place we’ve all wanted to live…might be nice.” She looked at the
girls, and they all smiled at her, letting her know Andy would be
accepted into the fold.

When Tia shut the door the three of
them looked at each other, huddling over the table. “Stay or run?”
Addison asked, looking over to Marge now.

Rex didn’t even come by to
let me know he’s back.” They heard her voice quiver. “I’m done with
someone who doesn’t want me, or love me as much as I love him,” she
said sadly. And Lynn and Addison knew one other man was thrown into
that statement.

Her eyes met theirs. “If we need to
run, then I say run. I think what Tia said sounds good. Why not
move to Nashville? That’s the one place that we all agreed on.
Maybe it’s time to make our dream our home…permanently,” Marge told
them confidently.

Lynn clapped her hands
together. “Okay then, Addison, what do you think of moving to the
place we’ve always talked about. The thing is, our music will be on
our Friday night, girls’ night. With just pizza and beer. Men
on that
night,” she chuckled.

You know what, ladies,
that sounds really good to me too,” Ad smiled.




When Win walked into his apartment it
was like World War Three was happening. Rex was so pissed that Win
and Andy left the recording company in the middle of the signing,
he couldn’t even speak. He just kept shouting “What the fuck!” at

South on the other hand was the
opposite; he sat on the couch with a beer in his hand and growled
any time Andy tried to talk to him.

When Win came in, Andy was telling Rex
and South that this wasn’t the life he wanted anymore. What Tia
talked about sounded good to him.

So what the fuck are you
going to do, Andy? Get married, and work at some fucking store,
covered in tattoos, and knock out a couple brats!” Rex screamed at

Andy visibly lost his cool at that
statement. “And if that’s what I fucking want, so what! What are
you going to do about it anyway, asshole!” he screamed right

Rex threw his hands into his hair.
“This is what we wanted, this is what we all wanted! Up until those
fucking chicks showed up, screwing everything up for us!” he yelled
in frustration.

Andy’s hands became fists. “You son of
a bitch!” he seethed, jumping over the table and starting to beat
the hell out of Rex. Rex pushed him off, getting a couple good
punches to the gut and one to the face. Win ran over to pull Andy
off Rex, and South went to Rex.

You don’t ever call her
some fucking chick, do you hear me!” Andy snarled at the two in
front of him. “I know now I don’t need some skanky pussy every
night to be happy! I just need Tia… I love her!” he declared to

South was about to say something when a
soft knock caught their attention. Win rushed to the door, thinking
it was Addison coming to stay the night with him. As he went to
open the door he heard Rex call him pussy whipped, and shook his

Tia’s small thin frame stood in the
door when he opened it, her hands twisting together nervously. “I’m
sorry to come over so late,” she said politely. Her anxiety was
amping up from the testosterone in the apartment. “But I was
wondering if Andy could talk for a minute,” she said to Win, and
only Win.

Win could see she had heard the fight
and she was frightened of upsetting them further. “No problem,
sweetheart,” Win said easily, looking back at Andy.

Just fucking great! We
need to talk and he goes out the fucking door at her beck and
call,” Rex hissed, and Win could see Andy stop and his shoulders
tensing, possibly to beat the shit out of him again. But Tia also
heard what Rex said, and Win saw her lip quiver.

Andy grabbed the doorknob, slamming the
door shut without looking back. South pushed Rex as soon as the
door slammed. “That was fucking wrong and you know it!”

What? Damn you too!” Rex

This is pointless,” Win
told them. “Me and Andy made our decisions. We’re staying here,
that’s it. End of story. In fact if you want to find new band
members, then that’s fine. I plan on Ad and I going to get a place
together, so there’ll be an extra room for whoever you

South’s arms were crossed over his
chest as he stared at his best friend. “This is what you want? Are
you sure—tell me now if you have any doubts?”

Win’s hand ran through his hair; he
looked at South and then to the door. “If there was one woman in
the world who was worth it, it’s Addison. You and I both know
that…don’t we.”

South stood staring at him, then
nodded, not saying another word. He turned and headed to his room
and away from his friends. Rex threw up his hands. “What the fuck!”
he called to South, then pulled the door open to leave and clear
his mind, when he stumbled into Addison.

She looked up at him, and he was about
to make a nasty remark but stopped himself, knowing Win would
really beat his ass for saying anything mean to her at all. Win
wouldn’t only get a couple punches in like Andy did, so instead he
just pushed past her.

She looked through the door at Win,
looking like she wasn’t sure she was welcome to come in now. But
Win came over, taking her duffle off her arm, bringing his hand to
her back and guiding her into his place. He wondered how one small
female made his whole damn day seem that much better.

I think maybe I should go,
Win,” she told him softly. “You guys seem to need to have a really
big discussion about what happened in L.A.” She looked at South’s
door, and the loud banging that was coming from it.

Ad, honey, we just did
have the discussion. And a couple people didn’t like the way it
went. One particular person blew a gasket when Andy and I told him
what we wanted for our lives.” He chuckled, trying to pull her to
his room.

Can I ask you a

He stopped trying to get her to come
with him and looked down at her. “What, angel?” he said, a little
worried she was going to leave. “Does Rex love Margie, you think?”
she asked softly, her big violet eyes staring up at him.

Shit, he didn’t want to do this right
now. He knew Rex had slept with one of those girls they met in
Hollywood. There was no fucking way he was making Addison upset
tonight. If he told her what really happened then she’d leave to go
talk to her friend.

He wanted her with him, in his bed, in
his arms. The rest they could deal with later. “I couldn’t tell you
what Rex is thinking right now. But if you want me to be honest
with you.” She nodded. “Then I would tell her to stay away from
him, because right now, I think she’ll just get hurt,” he told her,
running his hand over her back for comfort.

He started to lead her down the hall
but she stopped once more. “One more question,” she whispered, not
looking up at him.

Okay. What?” he said

Should I stay away from
you too?”

He tensed as she asked him that.
Instead of answering her, he led her down the hall, making her
follow him into his room. Once the door was shut and she was
securely where he wanted her to be, he pulled her into his

Angel, why would you ask
me that?”

I guess because I have a
lot of baggage that comes with me. I don’t want you hating me,

He pulled back from her, taking her
chin in his fingers. “Never, baby, never am I going to hate you.”
He still saw the uncertainty in her eyes. “Remember what I said
before I left?” She didn’t answer him and he sighed.

I told you that I wanted
you and me to find a place together.” He pulled away from her,
slipping his hands under her tank top and taking it off to throw it
on the floor. “I think we better work on the sleeping arrangements,
though. Why don’t we start tonight, then since I know you have
tomorrow off, we go find our own little piece of heaven, together,”
he told her, now unbuttoning her jeans.

Tia…” she

Don’t worry about her,
angel. I can tell you Andy will soon be your brother-in-law.” He
chuckled. “But I want our lives to be one. Then we’ll work on that
ex-husband of yours to sign those divorce papers so I can marry
you,” he told her softly.

He was surprised that she didn’t have a
smile on her face. Most women would, especially when their man
tells them that he wants to be 100% committed. Hell, he proposed to

Win, I need to tell you
something,” she said with a frown. But he didn’t want anything to
ruin their night together. He took off his shirt and her eyes fell
on his new piercing. “Oh, that is so not fair,” she whispered,
looking at his naked chest. “Not only did you strip, now you’ve got
another piercing, and I’ve got to tell you… I really like it,” she
said softly in that rusty voice, starting to smile, and he
instantly went hard.

I knew my angel liked all
the naughty things,” he grinned, stripping off his

She walked to him, unsnapping her bra
and letting it fall to the ground. “You said you wanted to marry
me,” she whispered in her deep bedroom voice.

Yeah, I did.” He smiled as
her naked tits touched his chest, and his already hard cock became
painful needing to be in her.

But I want to tell you
what I want, then I want to know if you can live with that, if
that’s something you want as well?” she whispered, kissing his new
piercing, making his body shudder.

Tell me then,” he groaned,
needing this conversation to be over sooner rather than

She laid her head on his chest, petting
his stomach and the trail of red hair under his belly button. “I
want to be a doctor. I want to have my own practice. I want a
basset hound named Tennessee.”

You know what you want,
angel,” he chuckled and wrapped his arms around her

There’s one other thing I
want, well, possibly three…”

He laughed now when she didn’t
continue. “Don’t leave a man hanging, Ad.”

I want a baby, and I want
one soon.”

He looked down at her and he could tell
she was serious in what she was saying. “A baby? What about being a

It will be hard, I’m not
saying it won’t. And if I have to change my choice in the medical
field, then that’s what I have to do, and I will. But I’m thirty
now, and I want to be a mother. My mother was taken from me, and I
would like to have a daughter of my own while I’m still young
enough to enjoy her.” She looked up at him. “I never thought I
would fall in love again, so I put aside any hope for having a

She looked back down, shaking her head,
and started to pull away from him. “It’s stupid. I shouldn’t have
said anything. I just didn’t want to keep anything a secret from
you. This is what I want, and if this changes your mind on your
career choice, I’ll accept that, Winston,” she told him lovingly,
and he could tell she wouldn’t force the issue. She just wanted to
be honest with him.

He snatched her back into his arms. “I
didn’t say it changed my mind, just caught me off guard is all.” He
let her go, going down on his knees and slipping her panties off
her, then he kissed her smooth flat stomach. “Hell, we didn’t use
anything tonight, angel. You could already be carrying my

She ran her fingers through his hair.
“There’s more I need to tell you, Win, but right now I need you to
make love to me,” she whispered.

That, angel, is something
I can most definitely do for you,” he growled, and he picked her up
in his arms and carried her to bed.


Chapter 14

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