A Tattered Love

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Authors: Nickie Seidler

BOOK: A Tattered Love
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A Tattered Love

By Nickie Seidler










Recommended for 17+ due to mature themes and sexual content

No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any form by any means electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or any other information storage and revival systems without prior consent from the author. Characters, places, events, that are portrayed in this book are all fictitious. I understand that if I share the author’s works I will be in violation of the copyright and can be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.


Contact Author:
[email protected]




Cover Artist: Dawn

Dark Dawn Creations




Photographer: K Keeton Designs




Editor: Rogena Mitchell-Jones

Rogena Mitchell-Jones Manuscript Services





Copyright © 2013 Nickie Seidler

All rights reserved.

ISBN: 1492799602

ISBN-13: 978-1492799603




My release date was set to October 3, 2013 to honor my Dad who is no longer with us. It’s his birthday, and I am hoping he brings me love and luck on publishing day because I know how proud he would be of me. I’m pursuing and living my dreams.


I’d really like to dedicate this book to all my readers. It’s because of your awesome feedback from
A Lucky Second Chance
that I made this book happen. I appreciate each one of you and hope you follow me throughout my writing career.


My husband, without him pushing me to pursue my dream as a writer, I probably would have given up. He has let me make this my career choice and is nothing but supportive. Thank you, babe, I truly love you for helping me make this dream possible.    My mother, because once again, I wouldn’t be anywhere without her. Her love and support are always there, and I love her dearly for it. Grandma, even though it's awkward, she still reads my books, too! Always supportive even if it's not her genre!


Now, I need to thank Sophie Monroe. As much as I haven’t had time to talk with her, and she hasn’t had much time to talk with me, we are both pushing books out like mad women, I still love her and appreciate her very much. She will always be my indie manual! 


Brittany, words don’t even express how much I value our new friendship. Seriously, I wish we lived closer. Even though you’ve been through hell and back with your book, I’m so proud that you have decided to keep on trucking and publish. Two authors, and one lifelong friendship, I see right here!


Melissa, you never cease to amaze me on how much you think of me. We have each other’s backs, and I’m so grateful that we started talking. I can’t wait to meet your silly crazy self in North Carolina in less than a year! You have no idea how excited I am. I heart you, and I know I’ve gained a true friend here. 


Kellie, oh, Kellie. What in the world would I do without you and your help? Seriously, you rock and I’m so happy I get to meet you in July, too! I’m lost without you, and you are the nicest, most helpful person I’ve come across. You do things without questions and do things sometimes without even being asked and you are amazing. Your hard work, and the dedication that you put forth just for the fun of helping authors, are both admirable.

To all my BETA readers! Caiti, Holly, Pam, Jennifer, Myra, Kim, Sao, and Glenna, I heart you all! Seriously, thank you all. Your feedback really helps me, and I couldn’t have done this without all of you. Ashley and Holly you two inspire me and make it so easy for me because you connect to my vision! Your with me to the end of time! HAHA! I heart you ladies and can’t wait for you to read more of my work! If I forgot any of you, I deeply apologize!


Brandy, Brandy, Brandy. Girl, you truly are amazing. Not only do I love the fact that we can talk about anything, but I also can count on you for just about anything! I cherish our talks and I APPRECIATE all your help, and I mean ALL YOUR HELP with A Tattered Love! I don’t know what I’d do without you. Thank you, thank you, thank you!


To my lovely street team who has helped promote me and my work, Manda(both), Steph, Ashley (both), Jamie, Jennifer, Jenna, Heather, Anitra, to the three Tiffany’s, Chrissy, and Holly ! THANK YOU! Especially to my admins, Jess and Megaen!


              To everyone else, you rock and I’m so happy to know and associate with such wonderful people in the INDIE community. We as authors stand together and pour our hearts into these books in hopes that at least a handful like them. Never give up.












































** CHAPTER 1 **




Being late was never in my vocabulary, but this particular day I had overslept. It was rare that I ever over slept, plus go through three alarms, not hearing one of them go off. I must have been dreaming about something good. I quickly pinned my unruly hair into a mop on top of my head. Then I slapped on some black eyeliner as I tried to make myself somewhat presentable. I tugged on a pair of my skinny jeans, grabbed a white tank top from my closet, and tossed it over my head. This was the day of my ninety-day review at Eddie’s Seaside Pub, and this was not how I had pictured my day starting. I flew in the door with only a minute to spare.

              “Girl, you were about to be in some deep trouble if you didn’t just fly through that door. What were you thinking?” Abby looked at me as she threw me an apron because apparently, I forgot to bring mine.

“Thanks.” I rolled my eyes and swiped the time clock.

“Riley Miller, my office, please.” The voice was overbearing and frantic. I almost wanted to cover my ears, duck under a table, and disappear somewhere far away. I prayed Robert didn’t fire me for this. I couldn’t afford to be without a job. I could barely pay my rent now.
Shit that was due yesterday!

I turned on my heel and darted into his overly bright office.

“Glad you can make it to work. With only a minute to spare, too.” He said ferociously.

“I’m so sorry, sir. It won’t happen again. It’s rare I do not hear three alarms, but next time I’ll set ten. I promise.” I stood there fidgeting.

“Sit.” Robert demanded as he continued to stare at the paper in front of him.

I sat down in the black leather chair that faced his old crooked desk. I sat up straight without slouching, as I wanted to portray myself as professional as possible.

“Miss Miller, here is your review.” He handed me three pieces of paper as he looked at me closely before beginning to lecture me. “I gave you a remarkable review. I believe you’re a hard worker and a great asset to Eddie’s Seaside Pub. You make relationships with our customers, and that makes them want to come back. Seeing your passion and drive impresses me.” He sighed. “You see, there are three things that I find important about running a business. First, that the food and the drinks are excellent and top notch. Second, the service is outstanding and personable. Third, is cleanliness, keeping this place spic and span. You contribute to each of these extremely well, and then some, Miss Miller.”

“Well, thank you, Mr. Young. I’ll make sure I don’t disappoint you.”

“Now be sure you don’t make a habit of flying in the door at the last minute. You know its mandatory for our servers to be here fifteen minutes before their shift. You understand that, Miss Miller, correct?”

“Yes, sir. Please, call me Riley.”

“Well, Riley, you’re officially off your probationary period here at Eddie’s Seaside Pub. Now get back to work. The afternoon rush is about to start.”

“Great! Thanks, Mr. Young!” I got up from the chair and headed quickly out of his office and back to the dining room. Abby was waiting on somebody, so I decided to cool it for a second. They’re strict here at Eddie’s because it’s a rich town, and rich people don’t like poor service. Three times, you’re late and you’re fired. I had been on probation so he could fire me for being late once! Especially, being late on my review day.

Abby started walking toward the kitchen to where I was standing. I was certain she was going to ream my ass because it would be her ass on the line if I screwed up. Abby was my new best friend. We were alike in so many ways, but mainly I knew I could trust her. She was adorable, funny, and very down to earth. She lived in the same complex as I, and that’s how we met. We were walking our dogs and ran into each other when Cooper got away from me and decided to go sniff her dog’s rear end. We then began talking, and just connected. Abby was probably the best thing in my life. She helped me get everything situated and showed me around town. Cape Cod was a new place for me to start over, and it had been great. One thing I knew for sure is that I didn’t miss home.

“So, you still got a job, or were you standing here waiting for me to hug you goodbye?”

“Yes, I still have my job. He didn’t write me up, either.”

“Good. I was worried he might fire you for pulling a stunt like that on your review day.” Abby rolled her hazel eyes as she looked back to the computer screen, quickly tapping away, entering in a new order for her table.

“I overslept. Bad timing, I guess.” I looked around the restaurant and then focused on the outside. It was then that I noticed a bunch of people walking toward the door.

“Here comes the rush. Kate called in sick, by the way, so we’re hosting and serving today.” Abby rushed away to her table.

“Freaking awesome.” I pretended to jump for joy, and then strolled over to the door to begin seating people. Not only was there the usual rush, but a sightseeing tour bus came to a stop just outside of the pub, and filled all of our tables. The day couldn’t get any better.

After the crowds headed out, and the restaurant finally settled down, Abby came up behind me, tapping me on the shoulder. I turned around, and she had her apron off.

“Where are you going?” I asked.

“Take a look at the clock. It’s closing time, girl.”

I hadn’t had time to pay attention to the time, but I realized she was right. It was past closing time. “Wow, today flew by.”

“Pizza tonight at our place, Evan’s buying. You coming by?”

“Oh, I don’t know, I’m pretty exhausted.”

“Riley, come on, its Friday! Come by, it’ll be fun. Evan’s having some of his friends come, too.” Abby begged.

“Fine, see you in a few. I just need to shower and then I’ll be over.”

“Fantastic!” Abby yelled, and she walked out of the restaurant right into Evan’s arms as he had been waiting for her.

If it weren’t for Abby and making me feel comfortable, I probably would have moved back home. Living with Granny would be the worst-case scenario, even as much as I loved my Granny.

I walked home, and Cooper was waiting for me by the door, as usual. He was a brown lab with the most beautiful brown eyes I’d ever seen on a dog. He was my life, and he knew it. I spent most of my nights, if not at Abby’s, then at home with Cooper.

“Hey, Coop. Glad to see you too, my boo,” I said to the dog as he wagged his tail in pure excitement. Cooper just turned one last week. He’s such a restless dog with so much energy that he didn’t know what to do with it.

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