A Tattered Love (6 page)

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Authors: Nickie Seidler

BOOK: A Tattered Love
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“Sure.” She said sharply. I helped her off the ground as we started to walk away.
Abby winked at me and smiled. “Ok, you guys, see you in a bit.”
I took Riley’s hand, which felt so smooth to the touch, and we walked away from the others.
“So do you think we can start over? I mean, not start over, but I just really want to talk to you. I’m actually surprised you came.” I lifted her hand to my mouth and gently planted a sweet, soft kiss.
She looked at me and tried to smile, but I could tell something was on her mind. “Converse with me, Riley.”
We reached a spot where I was able to finally pull her aside and talk to her privately. I focused all my attention on her.
“Dustin, I don’t sleep around,” She reminded me. “In fact, you’re only the second person I’ve been with.”
“I know that. I never thought you were like that.” I chimed in.
“Let me talk, please?” She demanded.
“Go ahead.” I raised my hand in a circular motion to signal for her to keep going.
Gosh, she looks so beautiful. She’s standing in front of me in this adorable, sexy bikini. I can’t help but keep my eyes on her.
She looked directly at me and began to talk. “The only thing I can make sense of is that I want to get to know you. What I didn’t know is that your Dad owns Eddie’s Seaside Pub. You have been on my mind a lot Dustin; I’ve just been embarrassed. I left for two reasons—I felt awkward, and I had to get home to walk my dog.” Riley sighed. “I just am not sure what I want in my life right now. I don’t know if I have time for a guy as I much as I want to see if this works.”
I was flabbergasted. I wasn’t sure I knew how to respond. All I knew is that her touch drove me wild. I wanted nothing more than to get to know her. I wanted to just nestle myself up to her and do everything in my power to make her want to be with me. I knew I needed to say all the right things.
“I’m sorry that I didn’t tell you about my father, I really am. I don’t like discussing my father’s business. It’s a long story, but we haven’t gotten along in a few years. I want you to feel comfortable with me. I haven’t felt so strongly for someone I barely knew before in my life. No girl has ever made me feel like I feel when I’m around you. Please, we’ll make time. Just give me one chance, that’s all I ask.”
I spoke the honest truth. I just want her to give me one chance.
“How do we do this? Do we start backwards since we’ve already slept together?”
“How about this,” I took both of her hands squeezing them in mine, “Would you like to go on an official date with me, Riley?”
“Only if it’s official,” She had a very sarcastic tone.
I snickered. “I’m making it official. When is your free night?” I asked.
“I’m off Wednesday this week.”
“I work until three. I can pick you up at five for dinner, and possibly a movie if you’re up for it?”
“Sounds like a plan. Maybe we should get back to the others?”
I leaned down and placed my lips on hers. I slid my hands through her soft, silky, wind tossed hair. She wrapped her arms around me as I intensified the kiss. I pushed my tongue through and twirled it around her mouth. She let out a soft moan and shoved her tongue further down my throat. Then she pulled back.
“Come on, or they might send search and rescue for us.” She grinned and licked her lips.
“I agree!”
I held her hand, and we walked through the dry sand back to the courts.
Maybe she really does dig me. I can’t wait to take her out on an official date. Riley is just amazing. She’s gorgeous, and her ass has a perfectly round shape with just enough plump to it.
Abby saw us walking back up and just had to say it. “I was about to send a search party if you were gone much longer!” Abby winked at us.
“We’re fine, Abby. So, what’s the plan? We should get some grub.” Riley suggested.
“Yeah, after this game. I’m actually starving, and it’s almost dinner time.” I added.
“I’m in. Let’s go to Crazy Locks. They have any kind of food you want there, that way there’s a variety,” Evan said shaking the sand off his towel.
“Sounds good.” I said. “Riley, you want to ride with me?” I asked as I nudged my arm into hers playfully.
Abby shot her a look, and Evan looked out over the ocean. “Yeah, that’s fine I’ll ride with you.” Riley took my hand.
“So, you guys like a thing now or something?” Abby grinned.
“Let’s get out of here.” I gripped Riley’s hand and started heading to the cars. Abby, Evan and the guys followed us.


Once we arrived at the parking lot, I noticed something bizarre and I immediately pulled on Dustin’s arm interrupting his conversation with Evan. “Is that your Mustang?” I got his attention.
“What the hell!” Dustin cursed loudly as he ran over to the car. Once he saw the back window and his headlights bashed in, he  was livid. He looked around in all directions to see if he could see anybody. Nobody in sight. Whoever did the damage was gone.
“Damn, dude, who did you piss off?” Evan peered down at the car shaking his head at the damage.
“I know the exact prick that did this. Guy tried to get fresh with my sister, and I paid him a visit warning him to stay away.” Dustin shook his head. “I thought he would know better than to mess with me.”
“Let’s call the cops. Maybe they’ll fingerprint.” I suggested.
“No, I’m not calling the police. I’m dealing with this on my own,” Dustin said as he kicked over the garbage can in the parking lot.
“Do you really think that’s a good idea?” Abby asked gripping Evan’s arm.
“Yeah, it’s my idea, and I’m sticking to it. Let’s get the hell out of here.”
Not only did it feel awkward after finding the Mustang like that, I didn’t know what to say to Dustin to make him feel better. I can’t believe he had threatened some guy! Maybe I don’t know him after all.
Who was I kidding? I didn’t know him at all!
What I did know is that he tempts me; he makes me crazy and does things I’ve only dreamed of. He challenges my mind, he fuels my desires, and from the quick peek I’ve had with him, he succeeds at satisfying my needs. He’s everything I want.
We climbed into the Mustang and he sped off toward Crazy Locks. It was awkward and quiet in the car the ride there. I had no clue what to say to him. I know he was pissed off, and maybe the best thing for me to do was to keep quiet. At least keep quiet until spoken to...
We arrived at Crazy Locks, and I thought I needed to ease the tension. I leaned over in my seat and grabbed Dustin swiftly pulling him in toward me. I pushed my lips against his and kissed him sweetly, letting him get a taste. He abruptly pulled back and pushed me away as it made me jerk toward the door.
“Now is not the time, Riley.” He snapped and got out of the car.
I got out of the car quicker than a bolt of lightning, and slammed the door shut so hard so to make sure I had his attention.
“You listen here, Dustin. If you want to dare to push me away from you, so be it. Remember, you wanted to see me. Remember,
wanted me to take a chance with you. Well, you just may have blown that out the window. I try to ease the tension in the air over something I had no control of, and this is the respect I get? You jerked away from a kiss? FINE! I don’t need men in my life that are going to push me to the side because they are pissed off about cosmetic damage that, like I said, I had
control over.” I yelled at him good. In fact, I think he was drooling from keeping his mouth open so long.
I swung my purse over my shoulder and then darted off in the opposite direction of him. I knew one thing, and one thing only, this evening was over for me. I was going home. Being a strong woman, I did not let any man walk all over me, or think they can treat me like that. No way in hell that I would let that happen. Here I was, all by myself in the middle of a state where I knew nobody, I knew I had to be strong for my own well-being. I couldn’t get caught up in a man who wouldn’t accept a simple kiss because he was so angry over something that had happened to his vehicle. Nope, that was not going to happen!
“Sweetie, wait for me!” Abby yelled heading in my direction, shooting Dustin a nasty look. I knew damn well that Abby, Evan, and the guys heard me have my little spat at Dustin. Right then, I didn’t care one bit.
“I’m going home, Abby. I’m sorry. It was a mistake I came.” I kept walking.
“Riley, slow down, talk to me.”
“The best thing you can do for me right now is take me home.”
I can hear another voice yelling. It was Dustin. “Riley, wait up, please!” Dustin yelled from a distance.
“I suggest you tell Dustin to back the fuck off right now, Abby. I’m not dealing with it. Take me home, or I’m walking home.”
I watched as Abby backed away from me, heading toward Dustin. “Dustin, just leave her alone right now. I’m taking her home.”
Dustin flew his hands up in the air in frustration, putting his hands over his face as he shook his head. Then he and Evan walked into the diner.
Abby pulled up alongside me in the Durango and hollered, “Ry, get in the car. I’ll take you home. What happened girl?” Abby asked with concern sketched in her voice.
“I went to kiss him, and he jerked me away. Then he said it’s not a good time.”
“Ouch.” She said softly.
“Look, there is nothing to talk about. I have zero tolerance for assholes, and I’m not about to let somebody treat me like that. I’m the one who tried to ease the tension, and I’m the one who is disrespected. So I want to go home and be alone. Besides, I have work in the morning. I open.”
“I open, too, Hun. I’m sure Dustin is sorry. He’s just upset about his car, I’m sure.” She tried to sympathize with him.
“Abby, there is no excuse in my book—you want me in your life you show it and prove it to me. You don’t disrespect me—especially, when I barely know you.”
“Ok, ok girl, don’t bite my head off, I hear you.” Abby continued to drive.
Shortly, we arrived in the complex, and she stopped closest to my entrance. “Thank you for the ride.” I said.
“I’ll see you tomorrow, sweetie. Don’t hesitate to call if you need to talk.” Abby grinned and leaned her hand over and squeezed mine for support.
“See you tomorrow.” I jumped out of the Durango and ran to the building sprinting up the stairs in a hurry to get inside my door and see Cooper’s face. Cooper always made me smile no matter what the circumstances.
I unlocked my apartment door and slammed it shut. Running over to Cooper, I collapsed on the carpeted floor just as a tear fell down my cheek. Cooper licked my face and my wet tears trying to make me feel better. I knew that I was brash, and probably over reacted, but I wasn’t going to let my guard down. It was unacceptable, and I can’t let a man walk all over me. I reached in my purse as I felt the vibration of my phone, and it had been going off continually for a while. I looked at the caller display, and it was Dustin, so I just ignored the call. I had fifteen missed calls from him and six unread messages. This was going to be a long night. This whole trying to act strong thing wasn’t that easy.
Dustin: ‘Please call me back Riley, I’m sorry.’
Dustin: ‘Riley Please’
Abby: ‘Dustin wants to talk, he’s upset over here, Hun, he’s really sorry. Call me.’
Dustin: ‘Sweetheart, give me another chance.’
Evan: ‘Riley smiley, Dustin’s pretty upset, I’m here, too, if you want to talk.’
Seth: ‘Hey gorgeous, I miss you. I’m actually desperate to come up for a visit. You interested? I could leave tomorrow. Got some news to tell you but would rather tell you in person.’
I definitely didn’t expect to read that last message from Seth. Truth is I really missed Seth, too. What better timing would it be for him to visit? I need him. I need our talks. I need comfortable company. I texted Seth back immediately.
‘Seth, come out here, leave now! LOL I miss you too honey! Of course, you can stay at my place.’
Dustin could choke on it for now. I didn’t want to talk to him. I didn’t even want to talk to Abby or Evan because they’re only going to try to convince me forgive him. They don’t know what I’ve been through. They don’t know why I feel it’s unacceptable to be spoken to and treated like that. My phone vibrated again. One unread message.
Seth: ‘I’ll leave tonight then. I’ll call you once I’m close.’
I wrote back,
‘No, Seth, leave tomorrow as you planned. I have to work in the morning and by the time I get home, you should be out this way. Don’t rush and drive safe.’
Seth: ‘Ok, see you tomorrow Riley!’

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