Read A Tattered Love Online

Authors: Nickie Seidler

A Tattered Love (10 page)

BOOK: A Tattered Love
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“Hey, do you know where Riley is? I really need to talk to her.” I could feel sweat drops forming on my hairline.
Abby pushed the door open further with an annoyed expression on her face. My eyes immediately saw Riley lying on the couch. Oh my god! I rushed in and kneeled down next to her.
“Baby,” I touched her hand, and watched as her eyes opened slowly, then wide, shocked to see me. “I’m sorry. Please, Riley, believe me.”
Her eyes shut and tears sprung like a leaky faucet down her cheeks. “Baby, don’t cry, please. I’m sorry. I didn’t know she could do this. I didn’t know about it, I promise you.” I took my hand, brushing her cheek and wiping the tears that were still flowing rapidly.
“Dustin, how could you let this happen?” Abby snapped at me.
“Abby, seriously, I didn’t know. It’s not true.” I explained. She just shook her head at me and walked away.
“I’m going for a cigarette.” Riley sat up on the couch and searched for her smokes.
“I’ll come with you.” I squeezed her hand, trying to show her I was being sincere.
Riley got up off the couch, making her way to the balcony, and Abby tugged my arm to stop me.
“If you didn’t want this to happen then how does your mother know about her? Look, I don’t know about Riley’s past, but I can guarantee you she’s the best girl I know. She didn’t do anything to bring this on. If you like her, Dustin, make it right.” She sneered at me, almost in disgust.
I whispered to Abby, “Look, I’m trying to make it right. I do like her a lot, and I never wanted any of this to happen.”
She smiled as she let go of my arm.
I made my way outside, and Riley was sitting on the patio chair smoking. She opened her mouth, and the words started flowing.
“Dustin, I’m hurt. I’m painfully struck by a woman who knows nothing about me except what’s plastered on a piece of a paper. She doesn’t know me. I don’t know her. Hell, I barely know you, Dustin. I wanted to know you. I really liked you. I don’t know what’s best for us right now.” She inhaled her cigarette and I noticed her body shaking.
I walked over to her, taking her hand as I gently pulled her from the chair. I embraced her tightly in my arms. “Please, forgive me. I handled my mother. I told her I want nothing to do with my family right now. Please, understand that I’m deeply sorry for her stupidity, and her harsh words. I asked you to take a chance with me, remember? I didn’t ask for my mother’s permission. I don’t get along with my family, Riley. Haven’t in a while.” I held her tight knowing I loved having her in my arms.
She pulled me closer to her and dug her head in my shoulder and squeezed my back with her hands. She welcomed the hug, and her touch made my body tighten, and I was highly aroused.
I loved her touch. I decided to make a hopeful move to ease the tension. I hoped she would accept. I pulled slightly back and looked at her swollen red eyes as I closed mine and leaned in, pressing my lips to hers. She reciprocated the kiss with passion. Passion I hadn’t seen from her before now. I intensified the kiss, massaging my lips on hers.
She’s so sexy!
I can’t get enough of her. I slid my hands down her back gripping her shirt, and tugging on it. I unleashed my tongue in her mouth and swirled it around getting a full taste of her. The bulge in my pants was growing by the second. I wrapped my arms under her ass and lifted her up and she wrapped her arms around my neck kissing me wildly.
“My apartment.” She let out softly, panting for me.
I pushed her over my shoulder gripping her ass tight as I ran with her through the courtyard, up the stairs and to her apartment before I set her down. She looked at me with her sexy eyes and pounced at me taking my lips to meet hers. She took her hand, not looking at the door, and opened up kicking her foot back flinging it open wide. I lifted her back up and carried her into the apartment kicking the door shut. My first time being in her apartment, but I’m sure it was identical to Evan and Abby’s as I made my way to the only room I imagined being her bedroom. Laying her on the bed gently, I climbed over her and stared into her beautiful eyes.
“Are you ok with this?” I asked hesitantly.
“Just take me, I want you, I need you, Dustin.” She moaned slightly grabbing my shirt and pulling me down to her.
I slipped my hands under her shirt and pulled it up and over her head revealing her sexy black lace bra. I moved my hands gently to her breasts and squeezed. I trailed kisses down her neck, making my way in between her breasts and down her stomach as I looked up at her and grinned. The next thing I know I have a nice wet nose touching my leg—and then it licked me.
“What the?” I looked back and noticed the dog.
“Coop, go! Go lay down!” Riley yelled, noticing my distraction.
I looked at Riley and laughed. I couldn’t help it. I shimmied back up her body and back to her lips, kissing her passionately, moving a stray hair out of her face. I ripped my shirt off and tossed it on the floor, letting her see my impressive chest. She sat up and pressed her hands to my chest rubbing it as she locked her lips with mine. I took that moment to unclasp her bra, tossing it to the side. Her breasts released and pressed against my bare chest, and that sent me over the edge—I wanted her bad.
“I want you, Riley, I want all of you.” I moaned into her ear.
“Take me!” She moaned back.
I took the rest of my clothes off, kicking off my shoes and socks quickly. She undid her pants and flung them off faster than I could my own clothes. She lay there naked, every inch of her sexy body screaming my name. I gently moved her legs apart and glided a finger into her. She was so wet for me, and I enjoyed knowing she was ready. I slid my finger in and out slowly and then quickly as I added another finger. She let out a deep moan and gripped the sheets next to her. She dug into the sheets and arched her back moaning in pleasure. I knew then I was doing my job right. I dropped on my knees and pushed my head between her legs. She tasted so sweet, and I felt I had to have more of her. I swirled my tongue against her sex as I fingered her hard. The wetter she got the more aroused I became. I climbed on top of her and let my cock slide into her slowly making sure every inch penetrated her. I started to pump her and the faster and harder I went, the more she screamed my name. Her body twisted with my mine as she rolled on top of me. She pressed down allowing all of my erection in, reaching far and deep into her core. She rode me violently as my hands paraded her breasts gripping them as they bounced up and down. She leaned down and pressed her lips against mine as her bare breasts squeezed against my chest. She felt so smooth, and her touch and kiss drove me wild. She rode me harder until her body started to shake, and then she released sweetness all over me. A few more pumps and I released with her letting her have everything I’ve had.
She lay down next to me, and placed her head on my chest breathing heavily. Then we just lay there in silence. The next thing I heard was a door swing open and slammed hard, and a man appeared before us.
“Shit! Seth!” Riley screamed and immediately covered herself up with the comforter.
“Oh, shit. Sorry, Riley.” He backed off, and closed the bedroom door behind him.
She got out of bed, finding her bra as she put it on along with her shirt. I did the same as we quickly put our clothes on.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t know Seth would be coming back this early.” She pulled her hair up in a messy bun.
“It’s ok.” I grinned at her as I pulled my shirt over my head. I walked over to her and brought her into my arms and kissed her sweetly. “You’re beautiful.”
“Thank you.”
Her phone starting going off like crazy. It was Abby.
“Shit!” She answered her phone. “Hello?”
She talked to Abby quickly, explaining where we were. I hoped this would tell Riley how much she means to me. She’s so surreal, and I can’t believe I found such a good girl when all I’ve ever had were bad girls.
She introduced me to Seth, and we hit it off once I knew I didn’t have to worry about him stealing her away from me. He seemed like a decent guy. I was certain I would  be spending even more time with him, since he would be moving this way. As long as I had Riley, I wouldn’t complain.
Riley grabbed a smoke and headed out to the balcony as I followed her. My cell started vibrating. Carla. Boy, I needed to have a few words with her.
“What the fuck did you do?” I snapped as I answered the phone.
“Excuse me? Don’t talk to me like that!” she spat back.
“Carla, I know you told mom. Why the fuck did you do that?” I started to get angry as I leaned over the balcony hoping not to freak Riley out by my mood swing.
“I didn’t tell mom anything. She took the place cards and noticed her name, and she did everything on her own. She’s in tears, you know? What did you say to her?”
“She deserves to be in tears. Stay out of my personal business, and I told her to do the same. I’m not going to the gala.” I ran my hand through my hair, frustrated.
“Dude, you promised you’d go. I didn’t know mom would freak out about some girl you’re with, ok? I’m sure she’s just worried about you know who.”
“I got to go, Carla. Stay out of it.” I ended the call and slammed my fist at the wall.
I paced back and forth. I never thought I could be so frustrated with my damn family. I knew I needed to go to the gala because I was part of it. If I didn’t show up now, I wouldn’t be able to donate the money I had raised. I guess now would be a perfect time to ask Riley to go with me.
“Is everything ok?” Riley asked me with a soft smile on her face.
“Yeah, that was just my sister. She’s the only person that I told about you. Look the only reason why my sister knows I was dating you is because I told her I was going to take you to the gala that my parents hold. I want you to go with me.” I took her hand in mine hoping to get a positive answer.
“You just told you’re sister you weren’t going, and I was warned by your mother not to go.” She squeezed my hand.
“Forget about my mother. I can avoid her, we both can. I have to go because I raised money to donate. Please, I promise you, I don’t care what they think. I want you to go, Riley. It’s Saturday. We have a few days.” I smiled at her.
“Well, if there ever was a time for trust, I guess this is it since I know nothing about this gala, so if you promise me you’ll never let go of my hand, I’ll go with you” She smirked.“I promise.”








** CHAPTER 8 **


Maybe I should have asked myself
I agreed to go to this gala that I had been warned to reconsider my attendance. I didn’t know if it was the right choice, but if I was going to stay with Dustin, then I needed to support him. I needed to have Abby help me shop for something to wear since my clothes were far from “gala worthy.”
I watched Seth leave this morning and hugged him tight. I knew he’d be back within a month’s time. I was excited, and very happy for him that he had landed this internship. And I couldn’t wait to see him again.
Even though I had a long day at work ahead of me, Dustin insisted on taking me out on our first official date when I got off. I might have been completely fatigued, but I planned to make it worth it. After all, I would be attending a gala, and I really knew nothing about this man. Tonight would be the time for him to tell me everything about him.
Abby saw me walk into the restaurant and whistled at me. I knew she knew what had happened last night. Why else would we have disappeared to my apartment leaving all my stuff behind?
“So how was your evening of fun?” Abby’s grin grew wide and she laughed pretty loud.
“Shh, I don’t want the whole restaurant knowing my love life, especially with the boss’s son! Who I’ve been warned to stay away from!” I threw a glance at her and she knew right away to shut up.
“I’m sorry, Ry. I didn’t think of it that way. We can talk later, anyway.” She wrapped her apron around her, took out her pad and walked toward a table that had just been seated.
Putting my apron on, I couldn’t get Dustin out of my mind. I had two days until this stinking party, and I was more nervous than I had ever been. I didn’t come from money, and I certainly didn’t have money, and I would be surrounded by it on Saturday. I wondered what charity Dustin would be donating the money he had raised. Maybe that would be something I would find out tonight.
After waiting on a few tables, and realizing how extremely slow my day was going, I decided to plop a seat in a booth since we slowed down. Abby came and joined me, sitting next to me so we could talk quietly without anyone hearing.
“Oh, by the way, I need help with a dress for this gala I’m to attend with Dustin Saturday.” I nudged her in her side.
“Gala?!” She squealed. “No problem, I’m a great clothing consultant!” She got giddy and excited. “What about tonight? Can we go shopping tonight?”
BOOK: A Tattered Love
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