Across The Hall (49 page)

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Authors: NM Facile

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thumbs over them before moaning and letting go. She grabbed my hair again and pul ed my mouth to her breasts.

I traced my tongue over the lace from one to the other and back again. Sylvia kept her back arched and her hands in my hair not letting me up. I

brought my hands up to her breasts and pushed them together, sucking on the exposed skin that pushed out the top. She let go of my hair and

reached down to pul my t-shirt off. I briefly broke contact with her soft, warm skin as she pul ed it over my head. Once it was removed, I went back to

the delight in my hands. I pul ed on the bit of lace and satin with my teeth, scraping her tender skin along the way. She shivered and I smirked,

knowing she liked it.

Her hand slipped between us and the heat from her body momentarily disappeared. It was replaced with her hand rubbing roughly over my

denim-clad hardness. I pushed up against her hand and she pul ed it away. I whimpered and she brought it back, stroking up from the base to the

top of the waistband. She unbuttoned and unzipped it and slipped her hand in and down around me. She teased me by gently sliding her hand over

me, barely touching me. I was stil massaging her breasts and licking over her nipples, but my mind was on the feeling of her hand over my cock. I

just wanted to thrust up against her and get the friction I craved.

Sylvia shifted to the side and slightly off me and I wanted to pul her back until I realized she was just moving to tug my jeans down. I raised my

hips and she pul ed them to my knees and resumed her position before tangling her fingers in my hair. She rubbed against me again and I could

feel the silk of her panties slide over my dick causing it to twitch in anticipation.

“God, Quinn. You’re so hard and it feels so good.” She yanked me by my hair up to meet her hungry mouth. There was nothing sweet or innocent

about the kiss we shared. It was ful of fire and power. Sylvia in charge blew my mind. She was like I had never seen her before, and I’d seen her

many different ways. She rubbed herself on me harder with each rotation. I could feel her getting wetter and wetter and her legs started to tense

around me.

I slipped my hand down between us and pushed the little patch of material covering my heaven aside. I just wanted Sylvia, no matter what. Her

little moans and whimpers against my mouth were driving me crazy. God, she was wet. I easily slid my middle finger along her, probing into her

heat. I circled my thumb up to her clit, circling it but not touching it.

“What do you want, Sylvia? Tel me. I want to give you what you want, but you need to tel me.” I growled it in her ear before I brought my mouth

down to her sweet spot just below her ear.

“I want you to make me come. Please, Quinn. Please make me come.” Her words were low and breathy as she begged me.

I hooked my finger, rubbing where I knew she wanted it and pushed against her pearl with my thumb, alternating the pressure between them. It

wasn’t long before I felt her entire body go rigid and she drew her breath in, holding it, keeping herself from crying out.

I slowed my movements, waiting for her to calm down. It wasn’t long before her body relaxed around me and she pushed my hand away. She

grabbed my aching cock and brought it to her, rubbing the head along her wetness, teasing us both. As she positioned me where she wanted me, I

brought my fingers up to my lips and licked her off them. I loved the taste of her sweetness and, as far as I was concerned, this was just an


Her eyes were wild as she sank down. Her warmth enclosed around me, squeezing me as she slid down. She arched back again giving me

access to her beautiful breasts as she shifted her hips up and around on me. The sight of her with hungry eyes and her hair cascading down her

back with nothing on but a lacy pink bra and a pearl necklace was an image I never wanted to forget. I kept one hand on her hip, massaging it, and

brought the other to her stil -covered chest. I slipped her breasts out of the cups and took a nipple into my mouth. She cried out and rocked harder

onto me. Her nipple puckered tighter as I swirled my tongue over it. I clamped my lips hard around the little bud and grazed it with my teeth.

Sylvia ran her hands up my arms and shoulder sending sparks, deep into the muscles as she passed over them on her way to the back of my

neck. She pul ed me to her breasts tighter, urging me on with carnal sounds. My hips thrust up to her, matching her movements. She was not slow or

tender as she rode me. She took what she needed and it was so very erotic.

I dropped my other hand to hold on to her waist so I could hold her as I thrust up into her. After I let go of her breasts she returned her hands to

them, cupping them in an offering to me. I moved to the other one, giving it the attention I had given the first. I was faintly aware of her fingers on her

other hand tweaking the other nipple. It was more than I could take, and I raised my mouth to her once again.

It wasn’t long before her cries became louder and incoherent. When she tightened around me I didn’t even think I could move. She held me in

place as her inner muscles massaged my cock, begging for me to come with her. I felt the tightness and pressure rising from my center and I was

gone, lost in her as she pul ed me over the edge with her into a bliss that I can’t even begin to describe.

Sylvia col apsed against my shoulder and we stayed like that for a few minutes as we came out of the fevered haze. I placed soft kisses on her

head and took a big breath, drawing her essence in. There was nothing on earth that smel ed as wonderful as a recently fucked Sylvia.

Final y, she slid up off me and sat next to me on the couch, where she snuggled up against me.

“God, I needed that after the week I had,” She sighed.

I leaned down and kissed her slowly. “I did too.” For now I was content, but I was already looking forward to later.

It was an unusual y warm day for the end of May. I thought about seeing if everyone was up for going to the park or just doing something outside

later. I didn’t know what they al had going on since, I had been in class al day. The rest were done for the semester. Mine just went longer, the

disadvantage of being in med school. I cut across the street towards the parking lot, gazing at the building ahead of me. When I’d moved in just

months ago, I’d never expected my life to change as much as it had. I never would have guessed that this building held everything I’d ever wanted.

Once again, my mother knew what was best. Even if I didn’t.

I thought back over the time since I’d moved in. How worried I had been waiting for Sylvia to know I was there. How disappointed I was when I

found out she was dating Beau, and then how concerned I was once I saw him for who he was. I pushed thoughts of him and that time from my mind.

He wasn’t worth the seconds my brain wasted on him. Sylvia was happy now, and she was mine and that was al that real y mattered.

As I got closer to the door I saw a person sitting on the front steps of our building. I smiled when I realized it was Sylvia. She had been sick quite a

bit lately, and I had started to real y worry about her. Every time I brought it up she insisted she was fine, that it was just nerves about finals or that

she had just eaten something that didn’t agree with her. After the episode this morning, I’d been ready to cal my dad and have him come talk to her.

I figured if she stil wasn’t feeling wel that night I would suggest they come over.

My smile faltered as I approached. Sylvia looked real y upset. My first thought was to get her to smile. I did a sil y little dance as I walked up and

hoped that would help. When her expression didn’t even waver, I began to worry. Something was obviously wrong. My first thought was that Beau

was out. I knew that was irrational. There was no way he was getting out of a federal drug trafficking charge, and added to that was the gun they

found in his pickup the day he came to the apartment plus some other little charges. He was facing over 30 years. There was something else

wrong. My thoughts raced: my parents, one of our friends. I realized it could be about anything.

“Sylvia, what’s wrong, love?”

She didn’t answer me, just stood up and took my hand and pul ed me towards the door. I fol owed her, but I continued to question her. She never

said a word al the way up the steps just kept gripping my hand tighter. We got to the door to my apartment and she opened it, leading me inside.

She stil didn’t say anything as she led me down the hal to the bathroom. I was extremely puzzled. The light was left on in there, and Sylvia walked

over to the counter and picked something up. I didn’t see what it was until she handed it to me. I looked down in confusion at the little white plastic

stick in my hand.

Then it hit me. I was holding a pregnancy test. I didn’t even need to know what the two pink lines meant. That was obvious from Sylvia’s reaction.

She was having a baby. No, we were having a baby. My first reaction was fear. My eyes widened and I looked at Sylvia as if to confirm it.

“Are it...” I couldn’t even get the question out. Sylvia nodded in confirmation.

I dropped the stick and opened my arms and Sylvia fel into them. She clung to me there in the middle of the bathroom as I held her and rocked

her slowly side to side. I didn’t know what to say. I had so many emotions coursing through me. I was terrified and yet some part of me was thril ed. I

was worried about Sylvia and her health, and then questioned why I hadn’t thought of pregnancy as a possibility for her symptoms lately. She was

on the pil and this shouldn’t have been a problem.

Sylvia sniffled in my shoulder and I realized she was crying. I leaned back and pushed the hair covering her face behind her ear. I swiped my

thumb over her cheek to wipe away the tears.

“Sylvia, it’s okay. Please don’t cry. We can get through this together. It wil al turn out.” I tried to soothe her.

“But we haven’t finished school and we aren’t married and we don’t have a job and...” She was almost incoherent with her sobs.

“Sylvia, I love you and it’s going to be fine. We wil work it out. We’re together and we can handle this. Come on, let’s get you some water and we

can talk about it.”

I led her back to the couch and went to get her some ice water. I was stil in a state of shock, but had to hide that. I needed to be solid for Sylvia

right now. She’d had so many life altering things happen to her in such a short time, I didn’t want her to hit a breaking point. As much as I was

nervous about it, we could do it.

We spent the rest of the afternoon and evening talking about it and making plans for the future. We decided to wait to tel anyone. I’m sure Kai

soon enough, if she didn’t already. Both of us were mental y and physical y drained as we lay in bed that night. I smiled as I thought of us

and how last year at this time I was alone and now I had Sylvia and we were having a child together. I had my arms wrapped around Sylvia and I

knew as long as I had her here next to me everything was alright. She had been quiet for awhile, but I knew she wasn’t asleep yet.

“What are you thinking about, love?” I asked her as I snuggled closer to her.

“Just wondering if it’s a boy or a girl, and then what to name it.” I felt her shoulders move in a shrug. “It’s just a huge responsibility, and I want to do

it right.” I kissed the top of her head and rested my head on hers.

I held her and listened to her heart beat just thinking over her words. “I think Kel y is a nice name.”

Epilogue - Sylvia

I fought my heavy eyes as the gentle rocking motion and stil ness of the room threatened to pul me under. I looked down at the peaceful y

sleeping Spencer. Only ten months old, and he looked so much like Quinn. His soft little tufts of brown hair stuck up at odd angles. His delicate

eyelids were closed, hiding the clear curious eyes that were so dark. His long lashes brushed his sweet chubby cheeks. Tiny cherub lips sucked on

an invisible nipple in a self-comforting manner.

I hated to get up and put him in his crib, but my arms were getting stiff and I real y needed to stretch my back and move around before I too fel

asleep. I held him a little tighter with my left arm as I pushed myself up from the rocking chair with my right hand. The little guy had been gaining

weight wel . He was starting to get heavy when held with just one arm. Once I was up I snuggled him closer with both arms. I prayed with each step

that he wouldn’t wake up. I kissed his forehead -- loving the feel of the soft skin there -- before laying him down gently. I bundled the cozy, butter-

colored fleece blanket around him. I gazed at him for a few seconds longer, just to make sure he was wel and truly asleep before I walked away

from the crib.

I yawned and stretched as I left the room. I leaned first to the left then the right as I worked to remove the kinks from my low back.
This is why

people have kids when they’re young.
I wondered what Quinn and Anne were up to as I walked through the house. I heard a high pitched giggle

come from the direction of the living room and headed that way. I smiled as I rounded the corner and came to a stop. I stood there at the edge of the

room and happily watched my husband and the cutest little princess in the world. They were snuggled close together on the couch giggling. Across

their laps was the huge photo album I kept on the shelf near the fireplace.

Anne’s curly light red pigtail kept brushing along the underside of Quinn’s jaw as he leaned over the little girl to peer at the book with her. He

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