After the Sky Fell Down (15 page)

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Authors: Megan Nugen Isbell

BOOK: After the Sky Fell Down
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Kathryn was crying now too as she listened to the words of her mother.  Their eyes met and she knew things were going to change.  She also knew her mother’s words were true.  She imagined her parents together during her mom’s pregnancy and she imagined what it would be like to have Ben by her side, which made her ache even more for him, silently begging him to come back.  She still often thought this was just some terrible nightmare she would eventually wake up from.  But, with each passing day, she knew it wasn’t a dream and he wasn’t coming back.  She was in this alone.  Her daughter would have one parent.  Ben would never hold his child.  It was a painful fact, but it was her reality and she understood her mother’s hesitation.

“I miss him so much,” she suddenly cried, the emotion of everything consuming her.  She fell into her mother’s arms, wrapping her arms around her and sobbing.  Her mother stroked her hair and comforted her like a child.

“I know you do,” she whispered to her daughter.

“How am I going to do this without him?” she choked out. 

“You will.  We will,” her mother said softly and Kathryn closed her eyes, trying to believe her.

Chapter 14


Kathryn stood at the Bradley’s doorstep, waiting for someone to answer.  She wished they’d hurry.  It was February and she was freezing.  Sharon was expecting her so she didn’t know what the holdup was.  She was tempted to just walk in, but instead opted to ring the doorbell once more.  A few seconds later, she heard scurrying towards the door and it swung open. 

“Kathryn, I hope you haven’t been waiting long.  I was in the basement changing over the laundry.  Come in, it’s freezing out there!” 

She stepped inside and took off her coat and hung it on the rack before following Sharon into the kitchen. 

“Can I get you something to drink?” Sharon asked.

“No, thanks.  I’m good,” Kathryn said looking around the kitchen, which seemed unusually quiet.  It never got any easier coming over.  She still found herself waiting for Ben to come walking through the door.  Her eyes would often wander around, looking for him, hoping no one saw her doing it, but wondering if they were all doing the same thing.

“How’ve you been feeling?” Sharon asked.

“I’m okay.  The nausea’s almost gone.  It really wasn’t even that bad.”

“Lucky you.  I was sick as a dog with both pregnancies, especially with the twins.  It was awful,” Sharon said with an eye roll and then placed her hand on Kathryn’s stomach. “You’re starting to show.”

“Yeah, a little,” she agreed looking down at her slightly swollen belly.

“You look adorable,”
Sharon said with a smile.             

“Are you sure you don’t mind that I’m doing this?” she asked Sharon.

“Not at all.  I think it’s a wonderful idea,” Sharon said referring to Kathryn’s idea of collecting some of Ben’s old t-shirts to make a quilt for the baby.

“Mind if I head upstairs then?”

“Not at all.  Take all the time you need.”

Kathryn smiled and then walked nervously towards the staircase.  She gripped the railing and walked slowly up the steps.  She stopped at the top and looked down the hallway to his be
droom.  She hadn’t been in his room at his parents’ house or his apartment since he died.  Sharon had asked her if she wanted to help pack up his room at the apartment, but she couldn’t bring herself to do it and hadn’t stepped foot anywhere near either room since. 

She walked slowly down the hall and froze and stared at the smooth, white door.  Her eyes found the gold doorknob and her hand carefully reached for it, shaking as she slowly tur
ned the handle, unsure if she could even go inside.  She turned it cautiously and then heard it click and then watched it swing open effortlessly.  The room was dark from the drawn curtains, but it sprang to life when she turned on the light.  It was exactly as she remembered it.  The double bed was pushed against the wall, the same white comforter covering it.  It was made neatly, and it looked as if it hadn’t been slept in since Ben had last laid there.  The small oak desk still sat on the opposite wall with his computer on top. A matching dresser was next to the bed and on top of the dresser was a framed picture of them.  She had given him the picture for his birthday a couple of years ago and Sharon must’ve taken it from his room in the apartment and placed it on the dresser.  She nervously stepped into the room and approached the picture.  She picked it up and traced the outline of their bodies, remembering that day at the beach as if it were yesterday.  His sandy hair was damp from swimming and his arms were wrapped around her.  She closed her eyes and for a moment she could feel his embrace again.  She held the picture to her chest and felt a painful lump forming in her throat.  She sat down on his bed, and as she sank into the mattress, the lump began to burn as she struggled to hold back tears.  The room felt hollow and empty without his physical body next to her, and her mind began to race through all the memories she shared with him so quickly they were almost a blur and then she felt him with her.  He was with her.  She knew he was always with her.

“Hey,” a voice said and she looked up to see Luke leaning against the door frame, his arms folded and staring across the room to where she sat, looking lost and broken.  “Are you alright?”

“I haven’t been in here since before he died,” she sniffled. “It’s kinda strange…being in here without him.”

“Yeah,” he said quietly making his way over to her. “I hardly ever come in here. Every time I do, all I think about is him and the fact that he’s not coming back.”

A moment later, Luke was beside her.  He put his arm around her and pulled her close to him and she leaned her head on his shoulder.

“I know it’s been
almost four months, but sometimes I feel like he’s just going to show up one day, like nothing happened.  I know it’s stupid,” she said standing up and setting the picture back on the dresser. 

“It’s not stupid,” Luke said standing beside her as they both stared at the picture. 

“You can try and tell me that, but I know for a fact, that it is stupid,” Kathryn said leaving the picture and walking over to the boxes stacked by the closet.  Ben’s clothes had been packed up and left in the room for what purpose, Kathryn didn’t know. 

She kneeled down and opened the first box and saw clothes folded neatly and packed to the brim.  She picked up a black
and gold Boston Bruin’s t-shirt which sat on top and ran her fingers over the material.  Then, she held it to her nose, wondering if it still smelled like him the way the white undershirt he’d left at her apartment did.  It didn’t though.  It merely smelled of detergent.

“This will be a good one
.  Ben loved the Bruins,” she said out loud to herself and set the hockey shirt down next to her.

“What are you doing?” Luk
e asked sitting down.

“I’m getting some of his shirts to make a quilt for the baby,” she said continuing to sift through the clothes. 

Luke nodded and opened another box and began looking through as well.

“I didn’t know you sewed,” he said taking out a U2 t-shirt and adding it to the pile.

“I don’t,” she said smiling over to him. “So, who knows how this quilt will turn out.  Poor baby.” 

She laughed and Luke joined her.

“So,” he began. “My mom tells me it’s a girl.”

“Yeah, it is,” she said smiling.

“That’s pretty cool.  Ben would’ve liked having a daughter.”

“Yeah, I think he would’ve,” she agreed and then turned to him with an idea. “Do you want to see the pictures from the ultrasound?”

“Sure,” he replied.

She stood up and
brought her wallet over.  She pulled the photos out and looked down at them before handing them to Luke.  He took them and she watched as he gazed down at the black and white pictures.

“There’s her head, and her spine, and her little arm,” Kathryn said tracing the image, but Luke didn’t say anything.  He just continued to stare. 

The room was completely quiet and Luke seemed unable to look away from the pictures.

“This is incredible,” he finally said, with an awe to his voice.  “I mean, this is part of my brother.  Half of him.”

“It is pretty amazing.  I still can’t believe it sometimes. It’s like a dream.”

“It’s not a dream,” he said looking up from the pictures and then glancing at her stomach before meeting her eyes again. “Are you scared?”

She listened to his words, knowing she didn’t need to think twice about her answer. 

“I’m terrified,” she said honestly, adding a green Celtics tee to the pile.

“It’s going to be okay,” he said reaching over and gently resting his hand on her arms.  She looked up into his warm, hazel eyes…the eyes that reminded her so much of Ben’s.  “I’m sorry I was distant at first.  You didn’t deserve that.”

“It’s okay Luke.  Don’t even worry about it,” she assured him.

“I want to be a part of this Kathryn.  I want to help you in any way I can.”

“I appreciate that, but you’ve got your own life to worry about.  You’re going to be graduating in a few months.  You’ve got other things to think about.”

“What’s more important than making sure my brother’s baby is okay?” he said with a sweet smile and Kathryn felt her eyes growing warm. “Life changed when Ben died.  None of that other stuff matters anymore and I want to help you.”

“Thanks,” she said quietly, overwhelmed by his change of heart. 

He put his arm around her and squeezed for a moment before they both turned their sights back to the boxes. 

Chapter 15

“Have you thought about names at all?” Luke asked as they drove, looking over to her from the driver’s side of Ben’s truck.  She still couldn’t get used to being in the truck with Luke as the driver and not Ben.  It was getting a little easier though, especially since the day in Ben’s bedroom when they’d collected shirts for the quilt.  Since then, she’d hung out with Luke nearly every day. 

“A little,” she replied, a smile spreading across her face as she flipped through the different ideas she’d come up with.

“Are you sharing?”

“With you…yeah, I might share.”

“Well, go ahead then,” he prodded.

“I was thinking maybe Samantha or Grace or Emily, something classic like that.  I don’t want her to have some funky name.  What do you think?”

“While those are all good choices, I think I have a better one.”

“Oh yeah?” she smirked. “What is it?”

“I think Lukretia has a nice ring to it or maybe Benita,” Luke said as she burst out laughing.

“Lukretia?  Benita?  You’ve got to be nuts,” she said still laughing.

“Yeah.  You can name the baby after me and my brother.  Perhaps one could be the first name and the other the middle name.”

“Yeah, I’ll give it some consideration, but don’t hold your breath,” she said giving him a playful shove as he pulled into the parking lot of Kathryn’s apartment complex. 

“But seriously,” he said turning off the engine and looking over to her while gently touching her arm. “Those are all great choices.  I think Ben would like them.”

“I think so too,” she said quietly.

They got out of the truck and Luke followed Kathryn into the apartment.  Lacey was sitting on the couch watching TV.  Her friend Carly was sitting on the opposite end, which caused Kathryn’s mouth to curl into a frown.  She’d never really liked Carly.  She was too fake, but she and Lacey had been friends since junior high so Kathryn had to occasionally put up with her.  She hadn’t seen Carly since Ben’s funeral, where Carly had been bawling like a baby, acting as if she and Ben had been best friends.  Kathryn just smirked to herself.  Ben had never liked Carly either and he’d be just as thrilled as Kathryn was to see her sitting here now.  She could just imagine him nudging her and rolling his eyes.

“Hey,” Lacey said, barely looking up from the TV.

“Kathryn!  Hey!” Carly said, her perfect black hair flying as she turned to look at her and Luke.  Kathryn smiled politely and then Carly practically leapt from the couch and embraced her. “It’s so good to see you.  It’s been forever.  I’ve been wanting to come by and see you, but I wasn’t sure if I should.  Ya know what I mean, right?  You’re not mad, are you?”  Her voice was raising to an almost intolerable pitch now.

“No, not all,” Kathryn replied, silently thanking her for not coming by to see her.

“Good, because I’d hate it if you were mad,” she said hugging her again and then pulling back and looking at her with a frown. “How’re you doing?”

“I’m fine, thanks,” she answered shortly.

“I heard the news about the baby.  That’s so exciting!” Carly said staring down at her stomach. “It’s like a miracle or something.  You’re so brave.  I don’t know how you’re going to do it.”

“I’ll be fine,” Kathryn said, beginning to lose her patience.

“Yeah, I know you will be,” she said and then looked behind Kathryn as if just noticing Luke.  “Omigosh,” she said staring at Luke. “You look just like Ben.  Doesn’t he look like Ben?” Carly asked turning to Lacey who nodded and Kathryn could tell Lacey was embarrassed by her friend’s rambling.

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