Alexander, Kortny - Surrendering to Summer [Whispering Mountain 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (11 page)

BOOK: Alexander, Kortny - Surrendering to Summer [Whispering Mountain 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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“I see you are finally learning.” She smiled and gave Denver a quick peck on the cheek. “I will be ready.”

Chapter 14

“Where’s Summer?” Dalton asked as he stalked into the office and closed the door. Both of his brothers were stretched out in the leather chairs that faced the matching leather sofa.

“She’s taking a nap,” Dillon answered.

“Okay, good.” Dalton took a seat on the leather sofa so he could see both of his brothers. “I have news about that fucking red Camaro.” He noticed how both Dillon and Denver gave him their full attention after making that statement. “The sheriff found out it was stolen out of Boulder.”

There was a long silence while the information sunk in.

“Hold up.” Dalton sat up taller in his chair. “Summer just moved from Boulder.”

“I know what you’re thinking. The same thought crossed my mind,” Dalton added, nodding in agreement.

“Well, can someone connect the damned dots for me? That damn car has been following us, so who gives a shit if the car is from Boulder?” Dillon sarcastically asked.

Dalton and Denver both made dramatically loud sighs.

“It means that this could possibly be about Summer.” Dalton raked his fingers through his hair before continuing. “Nothing is for certain yet, but from everything that has been going on, we can all agree that we have only seen this red Camaro when we were with Summer. We hadn’t seen it before she moved to town. I honestly believe this person has set his sights on her. It’s possible this psycho followed her here from Boulder.”

“Sounds logical.” Denver nodded. “As messed up as that is, it definitely sounds logical. Considering she had never seen the car up until the moment it tried to run her off the road, she could have missed every sign that someone was stalking her back in Boulder. This shit is escalating fast.”

“Shit!” Dillon and Denver growled out at the same time.

“Dammit,” Dalton added.

They were all in agreement. Someone was stalking Summer.

“So how do you want to do this, Dalton? We have a ranch to run, but there’s no way I want her leaving the property alone. Not anymore.” Dillon was the most reserved but he wouldn’t put Summer’s life at risk no more than his brothers would.

“No matter how long it takes to capture this man, we never let her out of our sights. We are going to have to tell her what’s been going on. If we don’t she will definitely put up a fight.” Dalton knew Summer would never go for any of this if they were not honest with her. She would want to know why they insisted on going everywhere with her again.

“I’m not in the mood to fight with her. We’re going out dancing tonight, and I don’t want Summer nervous or frightened. We will tell her about this tomorrow.”

“Agreed,” Dalton and Dillon said simultaneously.

Dalton tried to keep his facial expression neutral. He had no idea Denver and Summer had made plans. He should put a stop to this before it turned into a disaster. That thought quickly disappeared when he saw the way Denver eyed him. His brother was ready for an argument and Dalton had a feeling he would lose this one. It wasn’t a can of worms Dalton was willing to open.

When he cut his eyes to Dillon, he was unreadable. It looked as if Dillon was deep in thought or upset. Dalton wasn’t sure. Dillon wasn’t big on talking. If he wanted to get something off his chest, eventually he would. Until then, he kept everything bottled up.

The house was filled with emotional stress. Keeping Summer safe was their main priority. Dalton had already spoken with his parents and also brought Bo up to date on what was going on. The more family members that knew what was going on, the better chance they would have of capturing this guy before he could do more damage.

Chapter 15

“Come on, cowboy, I’m ready to go,” Summer sang as she walked into the living room only to stop when she saw Dillon and Dalton staring at her, mouths open. They looked as if they had never seen her dressed up before.

Summer knew the dance club they were going to was owned by a few of their cousins and that they also had a dress code. She wanted to look her best. Their relatives always made her feel welcomed no matter where she was. Summer had decided to wear an orange cotton dress that tied around the neck and cinched high on one thigh, loose just below the butt cheek and landing mid-thigh on the other. She knew the dress was sexy as hell and would turn heads. But the only heads she was interested in turning were the men living in the house with her.

If Dillon and Dalton stared at her with their mouths open, she could not wait until Denver saw her.

“You two should shut your mouths before something flies in there.” She couldn’t help but tease them—they would not stop staring at her. She felt like a piece of Godiva chocolate on display. She watched Dalton swallow hard, but didn’t speak. He actually looked pissed. What else was new? Dillon on the other hand looked at her as a sneaky grin slid across his lips. He was dressed as if he was going out as well.
Was he going with them?
She certainly hoped so.

Dillon walked around the sofa to stand in front of Summer, grabbing a whiff of her apple-scented lotion. “You look absolutely gorgeous, Summer.” He clenched his hands at his sides as if fighting not to touch her.

“Thanks, Dillon.” She wished he would have touched her. Damn she craved it. “Do you have plans to go out?”

Summer turned when she heard Denver making his way towards them. Her stomach did flips as she watched him approach. He wore a dark grey polo shirt that made his eyes stand out and black jeans that cradled every inch of his thick thighs. He donned black boots and held his black hat in his hand.

She turned back to Dillon and smiled. “Denver and I are going to Whisper’s if you decide to join us later.” She turned back to Denver. “Do you mind that I invited Dillon?”

* * * *

Denver grinned wide and shook his head. He and Dillon had had a talk earlier in the day. They cleared a few things between them. Denver had explained to Dillon that although he would not discuss what had gone on between he and Summer out by the creek, he would make it known that he wanted her. Dillon had told Denver he felt the same way about her. It was not a shocking revelation. But why had his brother seemed to back away from her? He’d told Dillon that if he wanted to be with Summer, then he needed to make her aware of it.

He couldn’t go around kissing on her, touching her in the most intimate ways, and bringing her to orgasm only to ignore her afterward. Acting as if nothing had ever happened. Denver didn’t want Dillon treating Summer like crap as Dalton had.

They had shared a woman or two in the past, but it had stopped. Denver had made it clear that he would not stand in Dillon’s way if Summer welcomed his advances, but before that he would need to express his interest in her. Dillon told his brother that when the time was right he would let Summer know how he felt. That time was soon coming.

“Nope. Not at all. We are going dancing and you might wear me out, wildfire. I wouldn’t mind another partner. We may have to beat the men off with a stick. You look hot as fire, woman.” He gave Dillon a slap on the shoulder. He knew Summer was ready to cut loose. Hell, he might need the backup, especially with that damned dress she was wearing.

“I will see you there. I was stopping by to talk with the dads for a little while, then I will catch up with the two of you.” All three turned to look at Dalton who had stood quietly watching the interaction.

“What about you, Dalton? You coming?” Denver asked.

Dalton looked at his two brothers and then at Summer. “Thanks, but I don’t think I would be good company tonight. Make sure she puts on a damn jacket.” Dalton stormed past the trio, down the hall, and into the office.

Once the office door shut Denver spoke first. “What the hell is going on with him?”

“I don’t know and really don’t want to get into it tonight,” Dillon said.

Summer looked back and forth between Dillon and Denver and smirked. “I’m ready to go, gentlemen.” She strolled off before either could stop her.

They’d worry about Dalton another day. Tonight was a night to indulge in dancing and having a great time. They left Dalton to sulk in his office.

* * * *

was packed full of people. Summer gyrated and smiled as Denver guided her to the bar where his cousin Jackson was working. She knew that they sometimes helped out. Jackson worked in marketing, and yet he was flirting and grinning behind the bar, making drinks for women and grabbing beers for men. He was tall like the rest of the men in the Durden family. Jackson was a flirt and perfect for the job. The women fell over themselves when those ocean blue eyes landed on them.

“Well, well, look at you, Ms. Summer Showers. Don’t you look delicious tonight,” Jackson said as he nodded at his cousin Denver.

Summer felt the burn of her cheeks. When Jackson complimented her, two men beside her turned to stare and nodded approvingly. “Thanks, Jackson but don’t get Denver riled up.” She laughed as Denver wrapped an arm possessively around her waist and pulled her in front of him so that she was pressed between the bar and the front of Denver’s body.

“Sorry, cousin. Hey, where are Dillon and Dalton?” he asked.

“Dillon will be here shortly. And Dalton…” Denver shrugged. “Mr. Moody Ass is back at the house.”

Jackson flashed a knowing grin. “Ahhh, fighting it the whole way, huh?”

Like the rest of the family, they knew Dalton was crazy about Summer and that he fought his feelings for her.

“You know it.” Denver shook his head at that knowledge.

“What are you two drinking?” Jackson asked with a laugh.

Summer turned to Denver and smiled. She planned on having a great time tonight. She turned back to Jackson. “Two tequila bombers.” Jackson nodded and walked away.

“You sure you can handle that, baby?” Denver asked as he kissed her neck.

Summer closed her eyes and nodded. She could probably drink him under the table, but she would never let Denver know that. After they drank their drinks, Summer grabbed Denver by the hand and led the way to the dance floor. She had waited all day to get up close to Denver again.

They danced impossibly close to each other even though the songs were upbeat. Summer pressed her back against Denver’s chest and wrapped her hands around the hands that were holding her waist. She laid her head against his chest and closed her eyes as they swayed to the music. She loved the way he smelled. The scent of his soap wrapped around her senses and refused to let go.

Denver leaned over and licked her ear before he spoke. “Do you know how jealous every man in here is? Baby, you look so damn gorgeous.” Denver squeezed her hips before turning her to face him just as a slow song began.

Summer caressed her hand on his cheek. She stood on tiptoe and brushed her lips across Denver’s lips. “I’ve seen the women eyeing you, Denver. I’m not letting you out of my sight.”

Denver stroked her hair, loving the fact that she left it down. Her hair had a slight curl, and he played with one before he brushed it behind her ear. “Whether you realize it or not, you’ve already got me, Summer. I won’t stray.”

That little revelation surprised Summer, but she didn’t comment. Instead, she looked away and blushed at the thought that one of the brothers had proclaimed how he felt for her.

The pair decided to take a break from dancing. Summer and Denver went back to the bar and each had another tequila bomber and quickly returned to the dance floor. Summer was completely enamored by Denver on the dance floor. Denver bent down until they were nose to nose and whispered in her ear.

“Someone else wants your attention, baby.” She had completely forgotten about Dillon until Denver turned her around so that her back was once again pressed against his chest.

She could not suppress the happiness that shined through. Dillon looked just as sexy as Denver. He had changed shirts. He had on all black and a black hat to match. Every woman he passed tried to get him to dance with them, but he ignored them all. He smiled at Summer and she smiled back. His focus was solely on her.

Denver held firm to her hips as he pressed his hard cock against her back and spoke in her ear again. “Do you want him to join us, baby, or do you want him to walk away?”

Summer could tell there was no jealousy in Denver’s question. She wanted them both. The only way to find out if Denver would be bothered by the request was to ask. “Can I have you both, Denver?” She heard the deep groan in his throat. Her question had left them endless possibilities.

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