Alexander, Kortny - Surrendering to Summer [Whispering Mountain 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (13 page)

BOOK: Alexander, Kortny - Surrendering to Summer [Whispering Mountain 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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Summer’s entire body was on fire as her orgasm took her over. She whispered Denver’s name over and over as she came. She felt Denver grasp her waist tighter as he took four more powerful thrusts and came as well. He yelled her name and kissed her roughly as they both began to come down. She felt a small trickle of sweat flow down her back as she laid her head on Denver’s shoulders.

It wasn’t until that moment that Summer realized how quiet the cab of the truck was. There was no movement to indicate they were traveling, no hum of an engine, no music, no nothing.
Summer looked to her right and saw every drop of lust in Dillon’s eyes. She could not deny him even if she tried.

“It’s my turn, baby,” Dillon said as he reached for Summer. Denver and Dillon shifted to their right so Dillon was no longer limited by the steering wheel. Once free, he pulled Summer to his naked lap. He had already pulled his jeans down, stripped away his shirt, and had sheathed his cock. Dillon was ready and waiting for his Summer.

As Summer sat with Dillon’s cock pressed between their stomachs she couldn’t help but realize she didn’t know where they were. She figured they must have made it back to the house, but the surroundings were too dark.

“Where are we?” she asked as she watched Denver get out of the truck only to walk around and get in on the driver’s side.

“We are on the private access road that leads to the house,” Dillon answered as he brushed her hair back from her face. “I need your kisses, Summer.”

She could only grin as she moved forward to kiss Dillon. He was always a touch gentler than his two brothers. He had needs just like any other man, but he was also romantic and tender. Tonight, Summer didn’t think he would be so tender. She knew she wasn’t going to be.

Summer licked his lips and Dillon instantly parted them. Neither was in the mood to take it slow. Summer slid her tongue past his lips and Dillon sucked on her tongue. He sucked just hard enough to make her groan and rub her already soaking pussy against his thighs. She gripped his shoulders and pressed her naked breasts to his bare chest. Feeling the sparse hair on his chest caused her to fall against Dillon with a groan.

Dillon lifted her body completely off of his and guided her down onto his cock, slow and steady. He would not stop until he was fully seated inside of her. He had to move once her greedy pussy began squeezing him.

“Oh, damn, Summer. Baby, you’re killing me. I’m not going to last if you keep squeezing me with that sweet pussy of yours.”

“I can’t help it, Dillon.” She moaned as she began moving up and down on his cock. “You feel so good.” Summer moved faster as Dillon grabbed a handful of her hair and tugged.

He wanted to control the movements even if he would not last. Dillon held her firm with one hand around her waist and lowered his head to suck a nipple firmly into his mouth. He fucked Summer harder, pistoned in and out of her when he heard her moans turn into cries of delight.

“I want you to come for me, Summer.” Dillon slid his fingers down until they reached her clit. “You feel that, baby? Come for me, Summer, while I fuck your pussy.”

Summer jerked forcefully when she felt the flames flow through her from head to toe. “Dillon,” she whispered. Their orgasms hit them simultaneously.

When Dillon felt their bodies calm from the orgasms, he couldn’t control what slipped past his lips. “You belong to me now, Summer. You’re mine, baby.”

It wasn’t a selfish declaration, just the truth.

Before she could speak, Denver leaned over and stroked her cheek. “You’re mine, too, Summer.” He started the engine as Dillon helped her get herself back in order.

“You belong to both of us,” Dillon added as he helped her with the ties of her dress.

Summer smiled at their admissions. Then a thought occurred to her. “Do you both belong to me?” She was afraid of their answer. She wouldn’t be able to handle their rejection, too.

“Yes,” Dillon answered without hesitation.

Denver turned her to face him and kissed her on the lips. “I’m yours. We are both yours, Summer. You never need to ask again.”

Summer couldn’t control the warmth and joy that flowed through her body. Not only had two of the most sexy men in town proclaimed themselves hers, she had just had some of the most delicious sex she’d had in years. She had just fucked Dillon and Denver back to back. The logistics of wanting three men had been difficult to wrap her head around.

She was with two of the three men she wanted and not once had she mapped out how she would have sex with them. The next time they did this, she would have to be more creative. If there was a next time.

What would Dalton do when he found out about this? She knew it was useless to wonder about the ifs. Dalton would definitely find out. Summer couldn’t decide whether to avoid him or let the brothers handle it. As much as she wished Dalton had been a part of this, he had made it abundantly clear that he didn’t want her. There was no point in walking around like a wounded puppy. She had less than four days left at their house, and she would enjoy her time with Dillon and Denver.

Once she moved into her new home, they would be able to continue their relationship without worrying about sourpuss Dalton. Maybe he would find someone to grab his attention. Since it was clear that he had no interest in Summer.

Summer became more nervous as the headlights on the truck flashed on the house. The lights were all out. Dalton was probably asleep. Summer was grateful. She didn’t want him to see her with the just-got-fucked look on her face. Maybe tomorrow he would be in a better mood.

Chapter 17

Day 5

Dalton slammed the truck door with such a powerful thrust that he didn’t realize the windows shook. He could not believe what he had found in the back seat of Denver’s truck. What in the hell was wrong with his brother? It wasn’t as if he had gone looking for trouble. He had left a file folder in the back seat of the vehicle. Dalton did not expect any surprises when he retrieved the folder. They had agreed to stay away from her. He should have known that his brothers would not be able to stay away from the beautiful brown goddess that was living under their roof.

Shit, he would be lying to himself if he didn’t admit he had heard Summer and Denver damn near banging the headboard to pieces the other night. It had been the middle of the night, but her cries of passion woke him up, and then the banging soon followed. They all knew Dillon slept like the dead, but Dalton did not. He’d heard every bit of it.

Dalton had lain in bed stroking his aching cock as he listened to the creaking of Denver’s bed and the sweet sounds of Summer crying out for more. He didn’t witness the rough lovemaking, but he knew she was definitely a wildfire. He wanted her. He wanted to spread her thighs and lick at her folds until her cream slid down and touched his tongue. He could only imagine how sweet she would taste.

Did she taste just like heaven? Or damn near close to it? He wanted her more than his next breath. But he could not have her because he would only hurt her. He had nothing left inside of him to give. He saw in Summer’s eyes the future that he couldn’t possibly hand her. He was a miserable bastard, and yet somewhere under all of that miserable shit, Dalton burned for Summer. The anger and jealousy burning deep inside of him boiled to the surface. He wasn’t jealous of his brothers, he was jealous of what they had with Summer, what he wished he was a part of.

Something finally occurred to him. Dillon did not drive last night, which meant…
Oh, hell yeah!
He was ready to beat the shit out of them even more now. Slamming the front door shut, he made a haughty beeline for the kitchen where he knew his brothers were gathered. Nothing else mattered, just the confrontation he was itching to have before the sun had even come up.

Dalton stomped into the kitchen and eyed his brothers. He couldn’t believe the gall they had, acting like nothing had happened. Hell, he would not have been able to pry himself from her bed. The thought of being cuddled up close to her sensuous naked body had his mind reeling.

Did they sleep with her in her bed? he thought.

“You wanna explain this, you little fuckers?” Dalton tossed the lace panties onto the counter where Denver and Dillon were seated on the barstools.

Dillon immediately slammed his glass of orange juice on the counter and shoved his chair back. The stunned look on his face said it all. It had been a while since he had been in a fight, but he was ready.

Denver did not even acknowledge Dalton. He took another sip of his coffee and gently sat the mug back on the counter. Slowly, he raised his head until his eyes met Dalton’s and spoke.

“The moment you returned home from Vegas, she was all you could talk about. You were absolutely fascinated by her. You complained at how she annoyed you and in that same breath you went on and on about her beauty, brains, and independence.” Denver paused for a moment before continuing on. “Once we realized her sister Spring was married to our cousin, you were nonchalant about the fact that she would be around the ranch more often. Neither Dillon nor I were stupid enough not to notice the attraction.” Denver shook his head and stood up. “I’m not doing this.”

“You’re not doing what?” Dalton huffed out. “Fucking her? You fucked her in your truck last night.” Dalton raked his fingers through his hair several times before he spoke, pinning him with his glare. “What the hell is wrong with you, Denver?”

Dillon spoke up then. “Shouldn’t you be bitching at both of us, Dalton?”

Dalton’s gaze snapped to Dillon. He knew his younger brother regretted opening his mouth. The look on Dillon’s face was apologetic but it didn’t slow Dalton’s rage. “I know you both did. I’m not stupid. What I want to know is why? What happened to our agreement?” Dalton walked further into the kitchen, closer to the wall near the back door, placing him in between his brothers but out of reach. He could almost feel the possessive vibe flowing from both of his brothers.

Dillon grabbed his coffee mug and took a sip. It was the strongest thing he could have this early in the morning. “She is
Stacey,” he mumbled.

“Crap.” Denver hissed as realization finally hit him.

Dalton wanted to snarl he was so pissed off. “It’s not about Stacey.”

Denver whirled around, knocking over his chair. “The hell it’s not!” He took two steps in Dalton’s direction. “What? We’re supposed to be miserable because you fell for that scheming bitch and we didn’t?”

Totally ignoring his brother’s statement, Dalton continued on. “I just can’t believe you two had sex with her in your truck. You guys didn’t have the decency to wait until you got her home and into the bed?” Dalton wanted to fight, but he was trying his best to keep his distance. He would not be able to take on both of his brothers at the same time. And he sure as shit didn’t want to fight in their kitchen.

“You treat her like shit! You don’t want her, so why is this any of your business?” Dillon yelled as he tossed a coffee cup filled with steaming hot coffee at Dalton. “I’m tired of pussyfooting around you! If you want to be miserable, then you can do it by your damn lonesome. Hell, we finally find a woman we are all attracted to. She’s smart, beautiful and independent. She’s everything I want. I know she’s everything Denver wants. But you, you want to turn tail and run. Fuck. You. Dalton! Dalton ducked just in time as the coffee cup crashed into the wall behind him. He couldn’t believe what his brothers had done. They had agreed to stay away from Summer. “That’s not the point, Dillon. We made an agreement.”

“Fuck you and your stupid-ass agreements, Dalton. You wanna sit in this house and act like a monk, then you go right ahead and do that.” Denver took a deep breath before speaking again.
“Dalton, you overstepped the boundaries big time. Why the hell were you snooping around in my truck anyway?”

“I was not snooping, Denver. I couldn’t find one of my vendor folders. The last place I had it was in your truck. We’d had lunch together and I had sat in the back. I placed the folder in the pocket on the back of the passenger seat. How the hell was I supposed to know that you had sex with Summer in the truck last night? Both of you.” He shut his eyes and shook his head almost violently before stopping. “The least you could have done was picked up her panties.”

Dillon and Denver flanked Dalton on either side as Dillon spoke. “Don’t make what we did sound cheap. You know how I feel about Summer.”

“And I haven’t made my feelings for her a secret. She knows,” Denver replied. “We both told her last night.”

“Look, we all agreed to never go down this road again.” Dalton tried to get them to see reason.

“There is no
here, Dalton. You’ve made it abundantly clear to Summer that you don’t like her. You don’t want a relationship with her. As much as you damn near swooned over her after meeting her, look how you treat her now that she’s under our roof. This was your damned idea in the first place. You suggested she stay with us.” Dillon shook his head at Dalton, but stood his ground. “I won’t let you come between us. If you want to be bitter and alone, that’s your choice. I may be the youngest but you don’t make decisions for me when it comes to who I love.” Dillon was silent for a few moments. His head lowered before he jerked it back up and cut his eyes over to Dalton. “You are afraid. You’re afraid, and now you’re pushing her away as hard and as fast as you can.”

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