Alexander, Kortny - Surrendering to Summer [Whispering Mountain 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (5 page)

BOOK: Alexander, Kortny - Surrendering to Summer [Whispering Mountain 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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“No, the guys don’t know I’m gone. Didn’t think I needed to get permission to leave the house.” Summer was beginning to get agitated when the sound of the diner’s phone ringing cut off her thoughts.

Summer watched as Sonny answered the phone. Although she tried to strain to hear over the bustling noise of the diner, she couldn’t tell what was said. She wasn’t sure why she was concerned about the phone call. She just was.

She watched as Sonny nodded his head and looked in her direction, smiling. Grace’s voice cut into her thoughts.

“Hmmm, seems like they finally caught up with you.” Grace teased as she looked back and forth from Sonny to Summer. “I’m surprised they didn’t burst into the diner, causing a scene.”

Almost instantly, Summer’s head swung around in the direction of the entrance as if in anticipation. She had completely ignored Sonny and Grace exchanging words.

Grace relayed the message that was given to Sonny. “Summer, that was Dalton on the phone. He said you need to turn on your cell phone, or the next time you leave the house without leaving a note, he is going to cause a big scene, no matter where you are.”

Summer slowly shook her head. Those men constantly confused her. They wanted to keep tabs on her, treat her like she was important to them, but she knew she wasn’t.

The intimate scene that had occurred the night before between her, Dillon and Denver was a mistake. She shouldn’t have let her guard down. It was like being intoxicated. Whenever she was around any or all of them, her willpower simply dissipated. She had to get a better grasp on her brain and her body. The emotional rollercoaster was never ending. It made it difficult to control her own feelings, so she did what she had always done. She suppressed them.

Instead of commenting on Dalton’s message, Summer changed the topic as she stood to leave. “I’m going to do a little shopping before I head back to the house.”

Grace nodded, respecting the subject change. “Sweetheart, do you have any close friends besides your sisters? A woman should always be in the company of a good friend when she’s shopping.”

That statement caused Summer to squirm. Only recently Summer had learned that having friends could be a very dangerous thing.

She had her reasons for accepting the new job in Whispering Mountain. A new start in a new place plus the obscene pay increase were bonuses she couldn’t pass up. Living closer to her happily pregnant sister was another added bonus. Finally, it was the perfect reason for cutting all ties with ex-friends.

“Nah, I’m pretty solitary.” It was the best answer she could muster without telling a direct lie.

Grace nodded but she looked like she was not completely sold on Summer’s story. She knew when a woman was keeping her secrets close. Grace mentally dismissed the topic. She hoped that the young woman would find someone to confide in. She watched as Summer waved her good-byes and paid her check.

“Summer, don’t forget to turn on your cell phone. This town doesn’t need three crazy, bull-headed men ripping our town apart looking for you.”

Summer smirked but took her cell phone out of her purse. She might be just as stubborn as Dalton, Denver, and Dillon, but she wasn’t stupid. They’d do it. They would come searching for her, and she knew it would not be a pretty sight. She was so deep in thought as she left the diner, Summer was absolutely oblivious to the occupied red Camaro parked at the end of the street.

* * * *

Dillon stood on the porch watching as Summer went through the ritual of parking her car and shutting off the engine. He smiled to himself as he replayed the events of the night before. Touching her, kissing her, tasting her. It wasn’t enough for him.

When the time was right, he would sit her down and make it clear that he wanted more than that from her. Last night was a warm-up. He wanted more. He wanted something real with her. He longed for a relationship and until he’d met her, he had given up on finding the woman perfect for him.

She had on casual clothing and yet he’d never seen a woman look sexier. He felt his cock stir and he could not control the groan that erupted deep in his chest. When she finally noticed he was standing on the porch and staring at her, she smiled at him.

“Hey beautiful. Do you need help?” he asked as he walked towards her.

Summer didn’t have a chance to respond. She was pulled into Dillon’s arms and his mouth quickly covered hers. His kiss was tender and sweet. Her knees buckled as she gave in to his invading tongue.

“Damn, woman,” Dillon said as he held on to her waist to steady her. “I was just going to give you a peck on the lips. I have no control around you.”

Summer could only grin as she tried to form a coherent sentence.

Dillon took her bags and locked her car. “Come on, wildfire, my brothers are waiting for us.” It was sudden, but Dillon saw her hesitate at his words. He placed his hand reassuringly on her lower back. “Don’t worry, you are not in trouble.”

Summer stopped dead in her tracks and turned on Dillon. “What the hell do you mean I’m not in trouble?” She put her hands on her hips, ready for a fight. “I’m a grown woman and I can do what I want.”

Dillon stood, smiling down at her. He knew she was feisty and didn’t like being bossed around, but things were happening around them. They wanted, no needed to keep her safe.

“Summer, you need to quit jumping to conclusions and get in the house.” He hugged her to himself once more. “Stop being so haughty and let us take care of you a little. We just want you safe, sweetie. And if you look over your shoulder, you will see two more people eager to keep you safe.”

When Summer turned around, she saw both men standing a few yards away on the porch. Thankfully, neither Dalton nor Denver looked angry. They looked calm.

She mumbled a “sorry,” then allowed Dillon to guide her towards the porch. Once they were settled inside the living room, Dalton spoke up first.

* * * *

“Summer, I’ve activated the GPS system on your car. From now on, we will always know where you are.”

Somehow Summer had managed to react differently than from the way Dalton had expected. He could see how astonished she was but she remained calm. He knew that that was a bad sign.

“Would you like to tell me how you were able to do that to
car and why?” she asked through gritted teeth.

Dalton knew they were pushing her limits when it came to her patience. Nevertheless, he wasn’t backing down. It needed to be done. “It was necessary and an added precaution.” He continued before she could jump in. “Someone has been quietly following us around town.” He indicated to his brothers. “We don’t know who it is but we will find out soon enough. We just want to know you are safe when you sneak off.”

Oh, yeah, he added that little piece just for her. He sure as shit didn’t like her wandering off without telling anyone where she was going. One of them should have been with her. Hell, she hadn’t even turned on her cell phone.

“Tuck that lip back in, Summer,” Denver teased. “Come into the kitchen. We have dinner waiting for you.”

The men filed in behind her. No one would apologize for being overprotective when it came to her. The night couldn’t get any worse.

Chapter 7

Summer woke up sweating. She had placed several blankets on her bed before she had turned in for the night and now she was covered in sweat. She loved the weight of having several blankets on her but she didn’t expect this. Luckily for her she had slept naked. Summer grinned to herself and slipped from her bed in search of clean, dry linens in her closet.

She hated to admit that she had an ulterior motive for sleeping naked. She’d hoped that either Denver or Dillon would have made his way to her bedroom. It was a trashy thought, but she couldn’t control her thoughts. It was wishful thinking on her part. She was almost certain one of them would have because she knew for damn certain Dalton would not.

Still bothered by their take-charge attitude towards her safety, she was grateful that the rest of that night’s dinner was devoid of any real action. Dalton tossed funky looks at his brothers most of the night but he never said anything about it. He barely spoke two words to her the rest of the night. His actions had hurt Summer’s feelings but what could she do about it? As usual, Dalton ran hot and cold with her. She couldn’t help but wonder if he really knew what they were doing behind the tree the night before.

It wasn’t as if Dalton was exceptionally sweet to her when they had met in Las Vegas, but his hot and cold treatment under his roof wasn’t a welcoming feeling.

Summer tried to help with the clean up after dinner, but they would not allow her to clean anything. So Summer decided to take a long, hot bath before going to bed. Now she was wide awake, sweaty and thirsty.

After changing the sheets she took a quick, cool shower and slipped on a thin peach-colored camisole and matching boy shorts. It was two o’clock in the morning, and the house was completely quiet. Summer left her robe on the bed and tiptoed down the long hallway and into the kitchen for a glass of water.

With only the glow of the moonlight, she stood staring out into the darkness of the backyard drinking from her water bottle when she caught the faint scent of him. Almost instantly her body began preparing itself in anticipation of his touch. Summer thought it odd that he had not made one sound and yet she could smell him.
scent was just as distinguishable as the other two men in the house. And every time one of their scents crept up on her, her body exploded. It craved with the need to be touched, caressed, and possessed by them.

Summer continued to drink from her water bottle as if she did not know he was in the kitchen with her. The silence was killing her. His scent was clouding her senses. She didn’t know exactly where he was in the kitchen and she did not want to ruin the moment by turning around and seeking him out. After what seemed like the longest of moments, Summer felt his strong hands and arms encircle her waist pulling her body into his.

Holy hell, her senses were in overdrive. She exhaled long and hard as she closed her eyes and laid her head against his chest. How many moments would she be able to have like this? She knew it was selfish to want all three men, and yet she did not give a damn. Being in Whispering Mountain, witnessing how all relationships were welcomed gave her confidence. She only had a week with these men. Who was she to ignore their attentions when they threw them her way?

“Why are you up so late, sweetheart?” He took her water bottle out of her hand and placed it behind him on the nearest counter. While he waited for her to answer, he dipped his head and began placing soft kisses along her ear, jaw, and slowly down her neck.

“Too many blankets on the bed.” She was breathless. How was she supposed to think straight when he kissed her like that? He was naked except for the cotton boxers she felt against her skin. The heat from his body engulfed hers. He squeezed her tight to him and she could feel how hard and excited he was to be pressed against her. She placed her hands on his, waiting for him to lead the way to whatever he had in mind.

“Is that what inspired this thin scrap of material?” he teased as he stroked his big hands up and down her arms. “Turn around. I need that sweet mouth of yours, Summer.”

Without hesitation, Summer turned around and faced Denver.

* * * *

He tipped her chin up so he could see her eyes glowing in the moonlight. He was drawn to this woman. There was nothing he could do that would keep him away from her. He had heard her when she turned on her shower and the thoughts of her wet flesh caused him to masturbate. After taking care of the need to come, he was still rock hard. Apparently his cock was smarter than he was tonight. He wanted her, needed to be buried deep inside of her. She was the only woman who could satisfy his need.

It was almost a waiting game to see how long he could stay in his bedroom until she left the kitchen. The battle to stay away from her after masturbating was a no-win situation. Denver could wait no longer. He slid his boxer shorts back on and went in search of her. He found her instantly. The moonlight outlined her body. Damn if he couldn’t see straight through her scraps of thin peach cloths.

Denver lowered his head kissed her parted lips slowly. Savoring this moment with her was important and he would not be rushed. The scent of her apple bodywash pushed his cock to grow harder. He groaned into her mouth when she slipped her tongue past his lips. Denver held her body flush against his, standing to his full height. He knew her feet were no longer touching the floor. She was a tiny little thing compared to him, and he loved that feeling. He liked the idea of keeping her safe in his arms. Holding her, lifting her with just a kiss was the hottest thing he had ever felt. And through it all she never refused him.

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