Alien Romance: Fall for a Cyborg (Sci-Fi Futuristic Alien Abduction Fantasy Space Warrior Romance) (Science Fiction Mystery Paranormal Urban Short Stories) (7 page)

BOOK: Alien Romance: Fall for a Cyborg (Sci-Fi Futuristic Alien Abduction Fantasy Space Warrior Romance) (Science Fiction Mystery Paranormal Urban Short Stories)
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“Ouch, what did you do that for?”

Coming to her senses at the last moment Anita had punched him on the arm. The afternoon may be beautiful but she hadn’t forgotten last night, she couldn’t be won over that easily.

James seemed to be in real pain. For a strong, powerful man, not only did he seem to be a coward, but also a wimp at that. Yes she could pack a punch but it couldn’t have hurt him that much.

Holding his arm she tried to remove his jacket to see what was causing the pain. At first he resisted, then looking deep into her eyes he relaxed, allowing her to remove the white linen jacket. The upper arm was heavily bandaged, and spots of blood had started to appear on the white cotton.

She pressed the bandaged area gently and James winced.

“What on earth have you done to yourself?”

James smiled through the pain. “It’s only a flesh wound.”

“But how, when? I mean you seemed OK last night.”

“That’s what I need to explain, about last night.”

Anita shuddered as she thought about the events of the previous night. No-one had been harmed, only the gun man. The other guests had been shocked but apart from that, perfectly OK. James hadn’t even been present. To her knowledge there had only been a couple of gunshots and the only casualty had been that poor tiger, shot in the front leg. She shivered, a cold sensation running along her spine. Something strange was going on and she felt uncomfortable.

Releasing his arm, Anita stood back a little suddenly, afraid of his gaze.

“What’s going on James?”

“That’s what I need to explain, come back with me and I will tell you everything.”

Her eyes narrowed as she looked back up at him. “OK, just tell me one thing, is that a bullet wound?”

James’s eyes were steady and bright as he looked at her. “Yes, it’s a bullet wound.”

They walked in silence back to his apartment. Anita walked with her arms crossed in front of her; a shrink would no doubt call it a defensive pose. She was tired and couldn’t think straight; maybe she needed that drink after all.

His apartment was fresh and cool. The interior was modern and sparse with a few home comforts and she sat on the white leather sofa letting herself sink easily into the soft folds. James poured two large bourbons, and handing her one he sat in the armchair facing her.

“Here’s mud in your eye.”

The liquor was strong and hot on the back of her throat but it felt good. She felt her shoulders start to relax.

“Another,” she said. James fetched the bottle and refilling her glass set it on the small coffee table between them.

He was trying to get her drunk! She wasn’t stupid, and although her head started to feel heavy she had come up here for answers.

“What happened last night James, how did you get shot?”

“You saw me, I was in the Ballroom. I was shot on the dance floor.”

Anita raised an eyebrow; he definitely had not been in the Ballroom during the attack. Did he think she was stupid?

“James, you ran away during the raid, you left me to fend for myself with those disgusting men. They held a gun to my head. Don’t bullshit me. There were only two shots fired and the only things that got shot were that chandelier and the tiger.”

“So you did see me,” said James. His eyes had narrowed into cat like slits, he almost purred at her across the room.

Anita laughed; the alcohol was distorting her perception. “So what are you saying, that you are a tiger?”

His eyes were almost burning now, slits of amber and yellow forming in his eyes, blazing across at her.

“Yes, that’s exactly right.”

The room was silent except the tick tick of a large clock mounted on the wall. Taking another sip of the golden liquid, Anita set her glass firmly down on the table in front of her and smiled across at James.

“I don’t know what game you’re playing Mr, but I ain't no fool. You either really tell me what happened last night or I walk out of here and never want to see you again.”

James sighed, he understood that actions were louder than words but knew that he would have to prepare her first.

Standing up he moved to the windows and started to close all of the blinds. Anita stood up starting to protest; slightly worried for her safety. Taking her by the arm, James sat her firmly down again.

“I’m going to tell you everything Anita but you must trust me. Trust that I won’t hurt you. What I am about to tell you will be hard to believe, but I will prove to you that what I am saying is true, if you will trust me and promise not to be afraid.”

Anita did feel a little afraid, he was acting weird and the whole thing was becoming too strange for her liking. On the other hand the booze was kicking and a warm glow gave her a newfound sense of bravado.

“OK James, do your worse, tell me your secrets.”

James stood in front of her, his face now serious.

“I’ve been a Navy SEAL for 10 years. I work on a lot of undercover projects, top secret missions, things you would never hear about in the press or on the news. I was brought in to help at last night’s event after we discovered a terrorist threat had been made.”

Anita poured herself another drink and raised her glass. “A Navy SEAL, I am impressed!” that would really amaze the girls back home.

“But that’s not it, Anita. That’s not my real secret,” said James. He paused to pour himself another large glass of bourbon as Anita watched transfixed, her mouth open in expectation.

“You see, I’m not normal, well, not a normal human being that is. I’m a shape shifter; part of me is a Tiger.”

Anita almost choked on her drink. What was the man saying? “Come on James, it’s not Halloween, tell me your secret.”

James sighed, he knew it would come down to this eventually, there was no other way to make her believe him, believe the truth about him.

“OK then, I’ll show you but promise me whatever happens you won’t be afraid and that you won’t scream. I promise that I won’t hurt you.”

Sitting upright Anita nodded and readied herself for the show. Whatever was going to happen she had the best seat in the house.

He started by removing his shirt. He had the most amazing body and this was going to be fun. His abs were perfect, a bulging six pack to be proud of. She started clapping slowly, it reminded her of seeing the Chippendales with her girlfriends years ago, only this time she had a better view. As he started to remove his trousers she had to stop herself from chanting, “Off, off!”

He was perfect in every way, firm muscular thighs and tight buns. He was a magnificent specimen.

Then something began to happen. His body started to twist and shake; she could see the muscles starting to ripple under his skin. Stretching his arms upwards towards the ceiling, his body seemed to elongate, his head rolling from side to side. At first she thought he might be having a fit or maybe blood poisoning from his wound. He dropped to the floor, a deep growling sound emitting from his throat.

Anita stood up in alarm as she raced to his side. He looked up at her as if in agony, his eyes now glowing brilliant amber. His face was changing too as if a dark shadow were crossing over it, soft hairs appearing all over his face and body. She reached for his hand, shocked to find huge claws extending from what used to be his fingers, now huge paws. Anita dropped her glass in shock. Before her very eyes, James was turning into a tiger. Her heart pounding, she backed away, looking for a large heavy implement, just in case she needed it. She spied a set of golf clubs in the corner of the room. They would have to do. Arming herself, she started to head back to the front door.

A large Bengal Tiger padded from behind the sofa and stood between Anita and the door. Opening its mouth she could see the pointed fangs. She raised a golf club in readiness. On seeing her, the tiger yawned and sat down to lick the wound on its forearm.

What was she thinking? This was James; at least she thought it was James. No, she had really seen it happen; she had seen him change before her very eyes. Anita didn’t know what to think, and sat back down on the sofa, tiger or no tiger. She rubbed her eyes but it was still there, purring away on the carpet like a huge overgrown housecat. Strangely she didn’t feel afraid or even unsafe as the cat stood and padded over to the sofa and placed its head on her lap. The situation was so surreal.

As she stroked the soft head an old poem from her schooldays ran through her mind:

Tiger, tiger, burning bright

In the forests of the night

What immortal hand or eye

Could frame thy fearful symmetry?

She closed her eyes; the whisky now hitting her bloodstream made her feel tired, and the soft, warm head in her lap coupled with the hypnotic purring sound lulled her into a deep sleep.

When she awoke the light outside was dimming and James was asleep, his head resting in her lap like a small boy. Stroking the short dark hair her heart missed a beat – whatever the truth about this man she was falling under his spell.

He started to stir under her touch and he shifted his head to look up at her. He looked drained, almost hungry and wild, the remains of the animal still lingering in his features. The desire inside her rose. She had never felt this way before about any man. Talk about animal magnetism! His dark chocolate eyes held her entranced for a moment before she lowered her lips to his and kissed him gently. She could smell his sex, a deep earthy mixture of musk and longing, and it made her want him all the more. He returned her kisses; gentle at first, the soft full lips caressing her own. Then his tongue flicked lightly over her lips before exploring the soft wet recesses of her mouth. She could feel the desire burning between her legs, hot and pulsating.

Flipping her over with his strong arms, he was suddenly on top of her and she felt deliciously helpless pinned to the floor by his muscular body. His hand was on her blouse, unfastening the buttons with alarming expertise and she lifted her back to allow him to remove it, whilst unclipping her bra at the same time. Her ample breasts thrust forward into his large and capable hands as he delicately kneaded the soft flesh, rolling her hard nipples between his fingers and watching her pupils dilate with pleasure.

“You like that?” James purred in her ear.

Anita nodded, a soft moan coming from her lips.

“What else do you like? Do you like this?”

Anita felt his hand slip under her skirt, skimming the skin of her inner thighs as his fingertips sought out her most intimate parts.

“God you’re wet”

She groaned and arched her back as his fingers slipped under the flimsy material of her G-string and probed into her soft flesh. Her clitoris was pulsating and ached to be touched. He caressed her lightly, brushing the swollen bud with the end of his fingers, a whisper of a touch, barely there. Her body thrashed under him. She could hardly stand it, and she wanted more.

“Please,” she whispered, almost begging him.

“What do you want me to do next? Do you want me to lick you, lick your tight little pussy?”

Anita gasped at the thought and as James moved down her body, she opened her legs slightly to allow him easy access.

The first touch of his tongue sent her wild with delight. Just one long slow lick and she was in ecstasy. His long tongue probed deeper inside her.

“You taste so good,” he said.

She could feel the length of him hardening against her and she gasped at the size of him, imagining him penetrating her, pushing deep inside her.

James sat up and looked at her. His eyes were wild with desire; a wild, mad intensity that she had never seen before. It must be the tiger within him. Standing, he removed his tight boxer shorts releasing his thick, hard cock. Anita’s eyes widened at the sight of him, unable to take her eyes off his magnificent manhood, and James smiled sexily.

“You like what you see?”

Anita nodded and sat up as he walked over to her; she knew exactly what he wanted.

His cock glistened with pre-cum and she licked deftly at the end tasting the salty stickiness. James began to thrust gently at her, eager to be enveloped by the soft warm mouth. Opening her lips he entered her and she gently sucked and licked at his throbbing erection.

James moaned with pleasure. “God that is so good.”

He grabbed at her face and hair, eager to be fully inside and began pumping her mouth, his strong thigh muscles tensing with each eager thrust.

She felt utterly helpless and totally in his power. He was so strong. He could do whatever he liked to her and she wouldn’t have been able to stop him. But she trusted this man, trusted that he wouldn’t push her too far.

His thick glans worked in and out of her mouth, and he held her head steady so he could delve deeper. When she felt herself start to gag he pulled away, his cock still twitching with anticipation.

Without words he pushed her back onto the floor, opening her legs wider to gain access. His fingers worked between her legs, finger fucking her with his long capable digits. Anita squirmed beneath his touch aching for his thick cock to penetrate her. She didn’t have to wait long. Soon he positioned himself between her legs, the tip of his cock poised at her entrance. With one thrust he was inside her and she cried out in a mixture of pain and pleasure, pinned to the floor by his huge weapon. Any softness in his eyes had fled to be replaced by pure lust and her desire for him increased. His muscular body rippled with pure pleasure as he humped her, his substantial cock pumping her, each thrust harder and more powerful with increased vigour.

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