Alien Romance: Fall for a Cyborg (Sci-Fi Futuristic Alien Abduction Fantasy Space Warrior Romance) (Science Fiction Mystery Paranormal Urban Short Stories) (8 page)

BOOK: Alien Romance: Fall for a Cyborg (Sci-Fi Futuristic Alien Abduction Fantasy Space Warrior Romance) (Science Fiction Mystery Paranormal Urban Short Stories)
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On the point of orgasm he stopped and looked down at her, panting like a wild beast. Her eyes begged him to continue and he smiled; his own eyes predatory and greedy.

His muscular arms reached around her and with one move he had flipped her over until she was crouched on all fours. She could feel him positioning himself behind her, his cock angled for deep penetration. Raising her slightly with his hand he guided his cock inside her.

Anita moaned gently, this was going to be painful but she wanted it so badly. Grasping her by the shoulders James flexed his buttocks and thrust deep inside her wet hole with all his strength. Anita shuddered as the pressure built inside her ready to burst until she could hardly stand it. The world around her exploded into a million shattering lights that flashed and sparkled deep inside her cortex. She had never known an orgasm like it.

James continued to pump inside her, more urgent and more powerful with each stroke. She noticed a change in him, the hand at her back began to claw at her and his body once firm and slippery with perspiration was now soft as a thick fur brushed against her naked skin. A rough wet tongue licked at her neck as James let out a deep and throaty growl; he had turned into a tiger.

Anita’s body tingled with excitement; she didn’t know what to think about this half man, half tiger. All she knew was that it was extremely sexy, and the thought of James the tiger inside her made her come again.

His thrusts became more urgent and James let out a magnificent howl as he ejaculated, his giant cock twitching and exploding inside of her, the hot cum spilling out of her and dribbling down her leg.

Completely spent, James flopped on top of her, his body heavy against her. She could still feel him throbbing inside her and as his ardour subsided she could sense him slowly return to human form, his arms pulling her to him in a soft embrace.

Anita slept a deep and quiet sleep, the best she had known for a long time.

When she awoke she was in his bedroom, lying in a large bed with crisp white sheets. James was standing by the window wearing a blue dressing gown, his hair still wet from his recent shower.

“Hello you, how are you feeling?” James smiled and sat on the bed beside her. “Are you OK?”

Smiling sleepily Anita sat up. “I feel great,” she said. She blushed slightly under his gaze as she thought about their recent intimacies.

“About the whole tiger thing, I mean, how do you feel about that? Is it OK with you?”

Anita didn’t know what she felt, only that this man was the most incredible guy she had ever met.

Reaching toward her, James took her hand, tiny and dainty against his. She had never felt so safe with anyone in all of her life.

“I suppose I don’t really understand all of this, but I’m sure I can get used to this over time.”

“Well, I guess that means that you’re willing to give me a try at least,” James said, smiling. “I can tell you more about my inner tiger, but I think first we have some more pressing business, don’t we?”

Anita’s heart raced as he slid in between the sheets. She was definitely willing to give him a try.



Dragon & Goldland


I stepped out of the shower, dried off and wrapped a towel around myself as I walked out of the bathroom. I glanced at the motel room clock to see it was 4am.  I hated cases like this. I refused to look again at the material on the desk, and brushed out my long blond hair, putting it in a working ponytail. I then got dressed in my usual business pantsuit. I learned a long time ago not to wear a skirt. Guys, especially out in the sticks like I was, have a hard time paying attention to what I say when I wear a skirt. Always looking at my legs. I admit they are worth looking at, but when I am working I prefer to not have the added distraction.

It was gray suit; jacket and pants with a burgundy blouse. The jacket was not too tight and fell far enough down so that my figure was not too obvious. As hard as I worked at looking good, it could be another distraction with country boys. Good looking female cops were not taken too seriously. Most of the time it is the bad guys’ loss to underestimate me, but other times it could be a problem. Very light make up, horn-rimmed glasses, and I was ready. I sighed and went to the desk to go over the file one last time. Get it over with Crystal, get it over with.

I did not like this case and had complained when I was handed it. Some billionaire had a mansion in the boonies and the neighbors were complaining. The neighbors were millionaires who were saying that the billionaire had some sort of wild, reptilian creature that was causing havoc on their land. Fish and Wildlife had been out, the Forestry Service rangers had investigated and came up with almost nothing. The millionaires were not satisfied, and as far as I could tell knew a congressman pretty well, with whose help they got the FBI involved. I had been sent out to look into it on the grounds that
was going on. Why did they choose me? I picked up the one piece of evidence on the case.

It looked like a scale. It was completely smooth and oval, similar to a reptilian scale, except it was about two feet across and was unbreakable. By that I mean the forensic gals and guys could not mark it in any way. Scratching, corrosive liquid, fire; nothing could make any sort of difference to the scale. Yet it was extremely light weight and flexible.

Now like many FBI agents, I have a degree outside of law enforcement. The Bureau likes having agents with different specialties. Mine happened to be a Masters in geology. I knew a lot about metals and stones. In fact, that had led me to be involved in some pretty high-end jewel cases that would have looked good on my record, if I had not pissed off the lead agent on the last one. So now I was always given weird, low end cases. Like this one.

I was repulsed and fascinated by it at the same time. No one in the forensic teams could figure out what the material was, although they all seemed to think it was a metal of some kind. That was what fascinated me, and I would not have minded coming out as part of a team, but nope, they sent me out here by myself to solve this. The only thing I could figure is that the director thought it was a neighborly dispute that just needed settled. This was backed up by my section chief Jenny Albright giving me an apologetic look when she handed me the file. I put everything into my brief case and headed out.

It was a six-hour drive through the mountains to the valley that was owned by a Mr. Markus Goldland. His neighbors, the Ronglins, were the complainants, and were located in the little valley next to Goldland. My plan in leaving early was that I would get there, finish this thing, and leave in time to get back to my motel at a decent hour. Usually when the FBI has to go soothe some rich man’s ego, that is what would happen. But something about that “scale” bothered me.

I did not like not knowing what it was made of and it seemed unlikely that there was any reptile wandering around in the mountains with armor better than a military tank. I had consulted with a friend who suggested maybe the reptile story was a ruse. It could be a mineral dispute, say; perhaps both sides knew there was a rare, unknown mineral and wanted the patent for themselves. And Goldland
in the mining business. In any event I was still crossing my fingers for a quick resolution and a quicker trip home.

I settled into the drive as the sun was coming up. Far off on the horizon I thought I saw what looked like a big bird, but from that distance it was hard to tell. It might have been a plane because just as it disappeared there was golden flash of light off of a wing. I had been looking forward to seeing some wildlife this trip. I hoped that was not as close as I would get.


I pulled up to the front of the mansion ready for almost anything. Just before entering the valley there was a restaurant where I had been able to get a good breakfast, a lot of coffee and make a call to let my station chief know I was making my visit. I had already seen pictures of Goldland’s home so I was not as surprised as I might have been. Of course pictures do not always do the job.

It was a borderline castle. Fifty bedrooms, forty bathrooms, a full service kitchen, movie theater and bowling lanes were just a few of the attractions listed about the mansion. It was set at one end of the valley with a big, crystal-clear lake surrounded by green firs and pines. Behind the mansion was a steep and high cliff that looked like granite. As far as picturesque scenery goes this made the top of my gorgeous list. I followed the drive to the front of the building and after making sure my weapon was secure, I gathered my briefcase and got out.

By the time I made it to the top of the steps the doors were opened by a little man in a black suit and tie.

“Hello and greetings. You are here for My Goldland?” the man said. I nodded.

“Yes, I am FBI special agent Crystal Diamond, here to see Mr. Goldland, as you said.”

The little man continued to smile, and gestured me into the foyer.

“I am Reginald the butler, please follow me and I will take you to Mr. Goldland.” I followed him in and down a wide hall of luxury like I had never imagined. There were many paintings of mountain scenes and statues of mythical creatures, including a big one of a dragon decorating the middle of the thick-carpeted hall. There were carved oak doors along the way and two huge ones when we got to, what I guessed was, the back of the house. We had walked for at least two minutes to get there.

“So, Reginald, are you stationed at the door? It would be an awfully long walk every time the doorbell rings.” He chuckled at my remark.

“Not at all Agent Diamond. Security saw your car several miles back. I took my time and still beat you to the door,” he said. He grinned, and so did I. It was nice to see he had a sense of humor. It said something good about his boss, if his staff could joke with guests. He went into the room, announcing me.

“Please Reginald, let her in.” said a deep cultured voice as I walked into the room. Mr. Goldland was leaning against a large, heavy, wooden desk, accented with what looked like real gold leaf.

Goldland was dressed casually in a button down work shirt and jeans with boots on his feet. He was a striking man. Probably six foot three, muscular, with red hair, bordering on fiery, in a ponytail. He had a goatee the same color, and his eyes were an amazing light blue that was very startling and seemed to have a depth I could not fathom. According to my file he was fifty-five years of age, although to me he barely seemed forty. He walked forward holding out his hand with a broad and genuine smile on his tanned face. His grip was firm without being to grasping.

“Welcome, Agent Diamond. I hope you were not called all the way out here just to waste your time. I am still not sure what I am being accused of as I have no reptilian pets on my property.”

I nodded in response to his words, not sure what to say. His personality was a palpable thing that rattled me for a moment. I went over the complaint as casually as possible to get my bearings. This was a powerful man and I felt I needed to be careful, no matter how genuine he seemed. Anyone in law enforcement has a wary approach to wealthy individuals due to their ability to manipulate the system.

Goldland was polite and nodded, not asking questions, just absorbing what I told him. I walked around the room as I spoke, looking at display cases of different minerals, firmly keeping my attention on the task at hand and not the amazing samples his office was filled with.

“So essentially sir, Mr. Ronglin is stating that a reptile of some sort did damage to his property and that you are to blame. However strange it may sound, I am duty bound to investigate all aspects of the case to bring it to a satisfactory conclusion,” I told him. He nodded, moving over towards me.

“I understand Agent Diamond. You can, if you wish, call me Markus. ‘Sir’ is not necessary.”

I smiled. “I appreciate that sir, but I find it makes the job go smoother if I keep things professional. You can understand that.”

He smiled and nodded in return.

“What do you think of my samples,” he asked. “I try and collect a few from every place my mining company discovers minerals. This is one of my pride and joys.”

He gestured at a display that had a large mottled nugget with a golden sheen on one side. I could tell it was raw, un-produced gold. The piece was an amazing sample and I had to admit that.

“This is fantastic, sir. It says it is from a gold claim in Egypt?”

He grinned with an enthusiasm for the artifact that matched mine as he answered.

“Oh yes. It was a fantastic find. As much as I would like to take credit for it, I must say my team of geologists did most of the work. I just pointed them in the right direction. It was located on the side of a mountain under a fairly destitute village. Fortunately the gold was quite close to the surface, so my company did not have to spend much money mining it, and a lot of jobs went to the village. I made provisions in the contract to make sure the Egyptian government would not have easy access. That was several years ago and the village is doing wonderfully. The gold mine has brought them many benefits, and we also paid for many improvements there. An ending like that just makes the initial discovery that much more sweet!”

His enthusiasm was genuine and I could not help sharing it. My file on him had mentioned that he was not only interested in profits, but in building communities, and here was an example of that. There were many things that spoke to Goldland’s good character, yet those had to be put aside, despite how I may see the man. I was finding my usual wariness being tested.

Standing next to him as he pointed out other mineral and precious stone finds, I discovered his very presence gave off a strong maleness. It was almost overpowering, with his exuberance for his projects adding to the thrilling feeling it brought out in me. I forced myself to glance at my watch.

“Oh, I am sorry to interrupt sir, but your neighbor should be here soon to discuss the problem. Hopefully we can settle this matter amicably.”

He smiled like a kid caught playing when he was not supposed to be.

“Sorry Agent Diamond. I get over excited about these things. You are correct. It would be good to settle this matter. It is a ridiculous thing I would like to put to rest. Then perhaps if you have the time we could spend it on fun pursuits like these.”

He said that with a playfulness that also bordered on desire as he walked with me out of the office and down the hall. His eyes touched mine briefly, deeply and then away. I forced myself to focus on work. I was becoming annoyed with him and my own reaction. Jeez Crystal, I told myself, he is just a man. I remembered one theory about Ronglin’s complaint.

“Do you have any mineral deposits on your land here?” I asked, trying to be innocent about it. He laughed softly.

“None whatsoever. It would have been nice, but on the other hand it would have been sad to see the majesty of this valley and mountains torn up by modern mining equipment.”

I nodded, gazing at the dragon statue as we passed it. The statue was on its hind legs with a water pool at its feet, and cliffs carved behind it. At almost eight feet tall it definitely stood out. I noticed sparkling in the water and realized it had crystals in it for effect. Like the rest of this place I had seen so far, no expense had been spared. By the time we walked out the front door, I realized I had come to like Markus Goldland. But I had to build a quick wall around that fact. I refuse ever to let my feelings affect a case.

Going down the steps to the parking area I saw a small ATV. A man climbed off of the vehicle, and walked towards us. Mr. Ronglin I presumed.

“You are the FBI agent I am here to meet?” He asked bluntly. I smiled and stuck out my hand.

“I am Special Agent Crystal Diamond. You must be Mr. Ronglin. You were going to lead me to the site you say the disturbance happened?”

He nodded morosely. He also was a big man, strong with black and hair and a full beard. He was wearing work clothes and boots, but they were definitely high-end, unlike Mr. Goldland’s standard work clothes. The man glared at Goldland, who just smiled politely. The way he looked at Ronglin was like a scientist looking at a bug.

“When you see this you will understand, and I will not be treated like a crackpot by your section chief any longer!” I made a mental note to talk to the chief and let him know the man was upset. The FBI reputation took hits all the time and we had to curtail that when we could.

“I can assure you sir that
do not think you are a crackpot. I am here to investigate, so let us do that. Shall we?” He was surprised by my honesty and nodded.

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