Alien Romance: Fall for a Cyborg (Sci-Fi Futuristic Alien Abduction Fantasy Space Warrior Romance) (Science Fiction Mystery Paranormal Urban Short Stories) (12 page)

BOOK: Alien Romance: Fall for a Cyborg (Sci-Fi Futuristic Alien Abduction Fantasy Space Warrior Romance) (Science Fiction Mystery Paranormal Urban Short Stories)
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“I can call my office and let them know trouble is brewing,” I added.

Reginald surprised me, saying, “It is already done. Both agencies are aware he is on his way.”

“Damn you are good Reginald. I hope you are compensated enough,” I told him. He had a twinkle in his eye.

“No one ever is, Crystal dear,” he responded. I smiled at his words.

“Let us go greet Jeremy. He really is not that brave and he knows what I am. I can’t believe he is planning to do anything more than threaten me,” Goldland said, moving off down the hall.  Reginald and I hurried to catch up.

“I have seen some pretty effective threatening, Goldland,” I commented as I moved to catch up. He nodded as we walked and I noticed he slowed his longer legs to allow my shorter ones to catch up. It was an unconscious gesture for my convenience and I felt a warm feeling for him that I had to suppress. We went down a long and plush-carpeted stairway with cherry wood handrails to the ground floor. When we hit the landing I glanced both ways, like crossing a street, and noticed the statue down the hall. I stopped with a sudden thought. Goldland did not notice but Reginald did and stopped with me.

“Problem?” he asked me as I stared at the statue.

“He has a statue of himself in his hallway,” I said pointing to the dragon statue. It had only just occurred to me, it was him! Reginald sighed.

“You have not seen the whole house yet, just wait,” was Reginald’s answer. We turned to follow Goldland out onto the front porch.

Standing on the top step we watched the vehicles approaching in silence for a moment. They were still a little ways away. I took out my gun and checked it out of habit.

“Where is my security? I pay them enough,” Goldland said in a dangerously quiet voice. I was beginning to feel the anger coming off of him, building. I tried to picture the dragon from yesterday on a rampage and shuddered briefly at the possible damages he could cause.

“They are on their way,” said Reginald. “Unfortunately they were patrolling your border and it does not look like they will get here in time.”

From years of listening to people’s tones to discover hidden meanings, I detected Reginald stressing the ‘they’, as in,
will not get here on time. I wonder what plans he had made for this possibility and whether there was someone else on the way. He certainly did not look too worried. Hm.

Maybe if we stall for a while it could work in our favor. I mean, I had a gun, but there were a lot of people heading toward us. I could tell because the black SUV’s were almost here and they looked crowded. I glanced over the area. If need be we could dive over the railing. It would put us in the cover of shrubs and trees. From there we could possibly get to the cover of the forest. Looking at Goldland next to me convinced me he was not going to run. He was a dragon; why should he? I wanted to forestall any confrontation that would end in injury. Particularly ours. As a dragon I was sure he was pretty safe. As a human however? Maybe not, and too late to find out right then.

We watched Ronglin and his men pull up their vehicles facing us on the porch as we stood, outwardly calm. There were four vehicles and five men in each. Twenty men, and they all looked armed. As did Ronglin when he stepped forward with a .44 Magnum out and cocked.

“This is your last chance Markus. Agree and we can go inside and take care of it. All will be good. If not, well, I will inherit your place then, won’t I?” Jeremy sounded triumphant.

Before Goldland could responded I raised a hand. “Hey Jeremy. Remember me? I am the one with a badge... and a gun,” I reminded him. I whipped out my Glock faster than he expected and pointed it at him as well as moving a few steps to the left. His men had not expected my move, although they pointed their weapons at me. Ronglin looked around at his men and smiled.

“Do you want to die that badly Agent Diamond? This is none of your concern. I decided Markus had charmed you onto his side, but you do not know what is going on here and it would be best if you back off. Or do you really want to die?” he repeated.

Goldland and Reginald made growling noises and I felt a strange calm. All of my training was ready and my hand was not shaking at all.

“First off Jeremy, killing an FBI agent would bring the whole agency in here in droves. It does not matter who you bribe and manipulate; when an agent dies everyone gets a little upset. Secondly, dumb ass, as things stand right now, you will die too. I am certain my training is better than your boys there.”

We stared at one another as he contemplated my words. Probably wondering if I meant them, or if I was bluffing.

“Alder was wrong about you. I should have known. The bitter little turd,” he said. I laughed at his words while inwardly holding down my rage. Adler had set me up!

“Here I thought it was Assistant Director Albright that you had bribed,” I told him. My gun was still pointing at him.

“No, she I manipulated through others. It was ridiculously easy you know. She was trying to guard your back and instead sent you where I wanted you. I know you think highly of Agent Diamond, Markus. Are you willing to see her hurt?” he asked.

I did not take my eyes off of Jeremy but heard a low growl from Markus.

“So you did all this for an inheritance Jeremy?” Reginald asked. “That must mean you plan on killing me too. You know I am certainly not going to hand everything over to you and that I am the heir of your father’s estate. Speaking of which, as of yesterday an eviction notice was sent in for you. You cannot go home without trespassing. That means if you start killing people, you will have no place to go. You never were very bright, Jeremy. I am sure father would be displeased with you,” Reginald finished. Jeremy flushed at his words and his free hand began to raise in a signal, then I reacted. I really mean reacted, because everything that happened in the next few seconds was pure instinct.

My body moved lower into a crouch as my gun shifted hands. I turned at the same time and launched myself at Goldland and Reginald while firing shots in Jeremy’s direction as a distraction. I hit the two men full force at an upward angle taking us all over the railing as my shoulder exploded in pain and I screamed with the sounds of massive gunfire. The drop was further than I thought and when I hit the ground I screamed again as the pain roared through my shoulder. I heard a shouted ‘no!’ Opening my eyes I saw Markus lean over me. His skin was changing to a fiery red and I gasped reaching out.

“No!” I cried to him at the same time.

Reginald leaned in and said, “It is not necessary Markus.” Then we heard the sound of sudden sirens and a distant sound of helicopters. Someone on a megaphone was announcing the FBI was here and lay down your weapons.

“Take care of Crystal, I will get a medic down here as soon as I can,” Reginald told Goldland. Looking over Markus’s shoulder I saw Reginald move through the brush away from us. I looked back at the beautiful man who feared for me. I managed a smile through the pain.

“I guess I made my decision, Markus dear,” I whispered. It was obvious to me, I had followed my instincts. He was surprised to say the least.

“You... you did?” he said. I groaned and grimaced in pain after he spoke.

“I took a bullet for you without thinking. Don’t imagine I won’t make you pay me back,” I told him as I became foggier. He closed his eyes and when they opened they were whirling with his love and passion. His hand touched my injured shoulder and the pain faded.

“I hate to tell you this, but even as a man, a bullet does not do me much damage Crystal,” he said softly. I felt darkness closing in on me and heard myself mutter.

“Thanks asshole.”


“The Butler did it! I am never getting over that,” I said out loud as I topped the last hill before Markus Goldland’s valley. I could see his house, small in the distance. I planned on giving Reginald a big hug when I got there. I also had a specialty coffee mug made for him saying “World’s Best Butler!” I thought his sense of humor would appreciate that.

It was true though. He had seen what was coming and used his own contacts in the FBI, in a good way, to coordinate against Jeremy. The whole thing had been watched from the Director’s office, waiting for Jeremy to make his move. Reginald had not mentioned it to Markus because, according to Markus, Reginald had not wanted to bother his boss. Now that is a butler!

Adler had wanted me discredited or killed. Jeremy had found out about that, as well as about Markus’s interest in me. He had set up a ridiculous claim to get me sent out here. If using me as leverage worked, I would have been discredited, if not, I would have been killed. He had intentionally set me up so that staying at Goldland’s mansion was a reasonable choice. Unfortunately for him, Reginald was an excellent witness and he proclaimed Goldland and I never had any sort of improper relationship. He could tell we were interested in each other, but acted only in the most professional manner due to circumstances. I was, according to him, a fine example of what an FBI agent should be.

At that point Adler was admitting everything he had ever done to try and lessen his sentence. It did not work for him, but it did remove the black mark from my record. I thought maybe I should have got Reginald two mugs. Then again, speaking to Markus on Skype, Reginald was being insufferable so maybe not. All I knew was I was back in good graces, all of the bad guys in the Bureau were rounded up. At least those associated with this case. That included Jenny Albright who really had been trying to protect me. Her problem was that even though her intentions were good. She never once reached out to higher-ups to let them know what was going on. I felt a little bad, but then again she never even let me know what was going on so I tried to not let it get to me. The local section chief had known nothing about it.

As I drove closer to the big place my excitement rose. I had not seen Markus since the shootout at Goldland driveway other than Skype. I had done my recuperating in D.C. while testifying as well as just being handy for the trial and prosecution. Now four months later I finally was going to be able to see him in person. I was using my accumulative leave to come out and get to know the man/dragon I had fell in love with.

We had no idea what was going to happen or how it was going to go. We only knew we were in love and willing to take a shot at it. During a long conversation he admitted that as a human he could not have children. I soothed him saying it had never occurred to me to have any, so he shouldn’t worry. As I pulled up I saw him on the porch with a big smile on his face. A sudden thought made me laugh out loud. If children ever became an issue, he had said I would make a good dragon.



Billionaires’ Charm


“Here is your cappuccino sir, and your mocha will be coming right up.” I smiled at the well dressed patron as I handed him the small cup. My friend and employee Donna was finishing the mocha for the other man sitting at the table.

“Thank you Vicky. Is that short for Victoria?” He asked after reading my name tag. His piercing blue eyes returned to meet mine. I had to give him credit, it was the only time he had looked at my chest. His eyes were amazing though.

“Yes it is, you can just call me Vicky, everyone does.” He smiled a devastatingly handsome smile, which with his blue eyes could entrance a woman if she were not careful. His black hair was swept back and fit his chiseled features. Out of my reach though, I thought to myself. By the cut of his gray suit he had some serious money; that was also shown by his ring and cufflinks.

The other man at the table got up and came over as Donna walked down with the mocha.

“Here you are sir,” she said with her own cute smile. He too was a handsome man. Short, red hair with rugged features and a ready smile. He wore a suit without a tie and it looked a little mussed, if clean. Both men looked like they were in good shape by the way their clothes hung on them.

“Thank you, Miss. How much do I owe you?”

“That will be eight dollars and forty five cents.” The redhead pulled out a money clip and peeled off a ten and told me to keep it. I thanked him.

“So, do you ladies like working here?”

“I do, it is a fun job,” I answered.

“Yeah, it is a good job,” said Donna. “Vicky is a great boss though and that makes a difference.” The man’s eyebrows went up and he looked a little embarrassed.

“Oh sorry, you are the manager.”

“I am also the owner,” I told him. He grinned.

“I must remind myself to avoid making assumptions. My name is Max, and my friend here is Axel. You have a lovely shop Vicky and equally lovely employees.” He was pretty charming. I could see his interest in me contained in his gaze and polite smile. Axel seemed to be giving me a subtle once over as well.

“Thank you Max. It is always nice to hear it, I am proud of the place. I opened in the winter and we are still doing well even with the better spring weather.” Axel was interested in the pastries and Donna went with him to the other end of the counter where the display was, to help him decide. She was always a little flirty. It was good for business and fun to watch. Although something about Max kept my attention.

“I have seen you in here before, Max, so tell me, what brings you back? Is it the atmosphere, or the location? I like feedback and I would appreciate any critique you can give me.” I heard myself saying. Great Vic, I told myself silently, now you are flirting too.

“Both I think. I work nearby and I am addicted to your cappuccinos.” He turned and looked over the place. He pointed at some of the paintings, mostly water colors that adorned the walls.

“It is a calm place without being boring. The jazz is a good choice by the way. No lyrics to distract, but not so downbeat it chases away customers.” He finished his critique. I had to admit I was pleased with his response.

“Thank you again. That was actually why I chose it. I worked as a barista going through college and when I decided to open a shop I knew what worked and what didn’t.” Donna came back down after finding the donuts Axel wanted, and he paid with another ten.

“Well ladies we will not keep you longer. We are holding up the line. I will spread the word about This Little Coffee Shop,” he said, mentioning the name of my shop. I was surprised that I had not noticed the two customers behind him. I managed to keep from blushing with my embarrassment as Max and Axel went over to a window table. I helped the new customers who also took tables, making the shop about half-filled. The other nice thing Max had not mentioned about the music is that it was piped into the customer area but not behind the counter. The sound around the customers kept them from over hearing what was said behind the counter. I had seen many, otherwise good baristas, fired due to overheard comments.

“Wow!” Donna said as we straitened up the counters. “That was cool. Those guys are hot, don't you think Vicky?” I glanced over to where they were sitting. They were looking out the window and chatting.

“I guess. A little out of our league though. At least Max is. Did you see his cuff links?” Donna laughed.

“You don't know who he is?” she said. I shook my head. Just then the two gentlemen got up and waved before leaving. It looked like Axel winked at me.

“No, should I?” I asked as we waved back.

“Have a great day!” I called out. I try to say that to every customer, but I caught a different tone to this time, more personal. Whoever they were, they had got to me.

“Should I know him?” I asked. Donna sighed and shook her head.

“You need to read the paper more girlfriend. Come on.” She grabbed my hand and dragged me out from behind the counter and to the front door. The two men were a block down and crossing the street. Donna pointed the other way.

“See that tower. The one with the trees on top?” I looked where she was pointing and recognized the building.

“It is the all green building. Almost completely self-sufficient, I did read about that,” I said a little defensively.

“Max Steele is the owner, I read a small article on him. He likes to stay under the radar but he has fifteen completely self sufficient business towers in the United Sates. Four in the U.K. Not to mention several in Asia and the Middle East. Axel I don't know, but he obviously works with Max” As ditzy as Donna could be she certainly was surprising about what attracts her attention. My theory is she likes the dumb blond tag so she can surprise people. I turned back looking into my shop. No one was at the counter waiting and everyone looked occupied. Due to the angle of the spring sunlight I was able to see our refection. Donna was very curvy and a little shorter than I. She called herself fat but she was not, as far as I was concerned. She wore her apron snug around her waist and her blouse showed of her medium-sized breasts to good effect. With her heart-shaped face and cheery smile she was a great Barista. We had become fast friends shortly after I hired her. I was hoping to make her a manager one day.

I wore the same white blouse and black skirt with a black apron. I had my auburn hair up in a functional ponytail. I was recently taken to wearing snug sports bras so my larger chest was not quite the distraction to my male customers. I was proud though, of being able to keep my waist trim although my hips made sure I was considered voluptuous too. I learned long ago to accept what you are. And I did, mostly.

“Say hey babies, what’s your name babies, what’s your name!” came a rude call from a couple of passing young men. We turned as they passed, leering at us and looking our bodies up and down.

“Wanna go out on a date babies. We could show ya a good time ya know!” “You guys couldn't handle us. Move along, there is nothing to see here!” Donna said back to them, waving them away. I laughed. Donna was good at making me laugh. That did not please the young punks.

“What's your problem bitch you think you are all that! You ain’t nothing, you thinking we are nothing?” They were now stalking towards us menacingly. Over their shoulders I saw Axel and Max starting back down the street. They had seen the punks trying to intimidate us. It was working too. They looked mean and the demon tattoos I noticed on the skinny one gave off an ominous feeling. Just before they reached us, as we backed up to the window, a policeman called out.

“Hey, what are you two doing?!” He came rushing down the street.

“Get out of here and leave these ladies alone. I have warned you and I will haul your ass in. Go on, scram!” He was a big man and the punks backed off glaring at us, but speaking to the cop.

“We didn't mean anything by it, we just playing.” They turned and went off down the street glancing back now and then. My heart rate started going down.

“Thank you officer,” Donna said and I joined her.

“Yes thank you very much,” I said. I noticed a few of my patrons had come out too. It was nice to know they like me enough to take an interest. Glancing back across the street I saw Max and Axel getting into a town car, watching what was going on.

“No worries ladies, it’s my job. If they bother you again give me a call. Those kids are a pain in my ass.” I offered him a coffee and Donna led him into This Little Coffee Shop. I watched and waved as Max and Axel drove by.

“No problem!” I called out to reassure them. Then I went back to work where our regulars wanted to know what had happened. I kept thinking back to Max Steele and Axel looking as though they were going to charge across the street to my aid. This was immediately followed by the thought, no chance Vic, you know nothing about that kind of life. It did not work though. I kept thinking about them, off and on all day. But I knew I had no chance with him. After only speaking with the men for a few minutes there was no reason that should make me sad. It did though.


I finished the dishes and put them on the drying rack. I wished my little apartment had an actual dishwasher. Someday, I told myself, someday I won't be living above my shop either. I could not complain though. It was a nice little apartment and it was convenient to live here. Not to mention it came with the rent on my shop, which made the apartment a tax write-off. Donna came out of the bathroom and down the little hall.

“Thanks for dinner Vicky, I wish you would let me clean up one of these days.” I grinned at her.

“Not until you let me clean up at your place next time.” We invited each other to dinner at our respective homes once a week after work. It was a fun routine that we both cherished. Relaxing with a friend every now and then was a great break for me from running the shop.

“I think I changed my mind about this place.” Donna said while putting on her little Levi's jacket. I was surprised. She had never liked the idea of living above your place of work.

“What brought that about?” I asked quite surprised and handed her a plate of wrapped, leftover vegetarian lasagna.

“I don't know. I think it is because you do keep downstairs separate from up here. I never see invoices or receipts lying around in the apartment. For a workaholic like you that must be hard. I am proud of you.” She gave me a hug and I returned it warmly.

“That is your fault honey. You have taught me to not mix work with pleasure. I appreciate your support.” Donna smiled a natural, warm smile, which not everybody got to see. I always felt honored by it.

“Not a problem. I will always do what I can. Before you ask, yes I am taking a taxi home.” I laughed. She was right, I had been about to ask. I did not like her walking home after dark. Spring was not that far along yet so it was still getting dark earlier. Not that the neighborhood was that bad, it was just you never knew in this city. We said our goodbyes and she left. I went into the living room and watched out the window to see her wave a cab over. Just as it pulled up she turned and waved at me with an obvious laugh. Caught, I thought with a smile. I went and got a last glass of wine. It was not like she did not know I was a worrier.

I channel surfed the television until news came on. There was not much new. Donna complained I never kept up with the news, but I found it depressing. The cast of characters may change, the basic news never did, and it was usually bad. There had been a questionable flight out of JFK and they showed a shot of it circling to land. The shot of the city was beautiful and standing out to me was the tower with trees on the roof. Max Steele's building.

Now that I was alone and relaxing I allowed myself to ponder the billionaire a little more. He was handsome sure enough. From the way his clothes hung on him I could tell he was muscular and fit. It was confusing why a guy like him would show interest in a small business owner like me. A man like that had his pick of any beautiful woman in the world. Then again Axel might be more my fit. He did not seem so upper crust. After pondering it and sipping my wine I came to the conclusion they were just nice upstanding members of the community. Otherwise it made no sense, particularly Max. Part of me wished it did make sense though. There was something in his eyes that had made my stomach flutter and my heart miss a beat. Then again, Axel was the sort of man who got that sort of reaction from me too. It had been a long time since I had felt that. Even then it had not been so strong.

“Forget about it Victoria,” I told myself firmly. “Ultimately they have better things to do and so do you!” I finished my wine and decided it was time to go to bed. I shut off the lights and went into my bedroom. I took my clothes off and as I went to put them in the hamper I remembered something Donna had said about my tendencies to be OCD.

“Once a day do something to sabotage yourself. Nothing big, but in little ways. Shake yourself up.” I giggled to myself and tossed the clothes in the corner. Away from the hamper. Take that neat freak. I laughed softly as I put on my white tank top and shorts, then crawled into bed. It did not take long before I was asleep.

I had a dream I was in Central Park along the pond. I was sitting on a white blanket and was startled I was in a white teddy with net stockings and a garter. It was very revealing and for some reason it did not seem strange. Nor did it seem strange that Max Steele and his friend Axel were on the blanket with me. They was wearing silk boxers and nothing else. Their muscular chests were, to me, breathtaking. Axel was a little leaner but no less enticing. Max offered a crystal flute of champagne and Axel fed me a designer chocolate. As I swallowed the marvelous confection Axel touched my cheek, staring into my eyes. Such a powerful man with so much tenderness caused a warmth deep inside that made me flush. His hand moved down my neck to my shoulder and began slipping the shoulder strap of my top down. Then there was an alarm that made me jerk and suddenly I was sitting up in bed. The warmth inside me remained until I looked at my clock and realized the alarm was fifteen minutes early. It was not my alarm. It was the alarm for my shop!

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