All About Love: Anatomy of an Unruly Emotion (59 page)

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abandonment, fear of


of mother

celibacy and chastity

abstinence movements

abuse, child

Adams, Abigail

Adams, John

addiction, sex


father-daughter relationship

friendship in

sexuality in


the Bible and

Christian Church and

in cinema

Code Napoléon and

death and

discovery and

as help for relationship

in literature


in mythology

punishment for

reasons for

secrecy and

transgressive nature of

truth and lies

Victorian hypocrisy over

websites for

advertising industry

advice industry



age, physical

cross-generational unions

see also
older people



Albee, Edward,
Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf

Allen, Woody

Alliott, Catherine,
Rosie Meadows Regrets

Amis, Martin

Anderson, Hephzibah,
Chastened: No More Sex in the City




of choice

motherhood and


Aphrodite (Venus)


Appignanesi, Lisa

brother of

childhood of

children of

father of

Mad, Bad and Sad

mother of

Ariès, Phillipe,
Centuries of Childhood


Arnim, Bettina von

Arnim, Elizabeth von

arranged marriages

Arthurian legend

attachment theory

‘attention deficit hyperactivity disorder’

Atwood, Margaret,
Cat’s Eye

Augustine, Saint,

Austen, Jane


Love and Friendship

Mansfield Park

Pride and Prejudice




see also

baby-boomer generation

Bacon, Francis (philosopher)

Badinter, Élisabeth

Balint, Enid

Balzac, Honoré de

Physiology of Marriage

Bancroft, Anne

Baron-Cohen, Simon,
The Essential Difference

Barthes, Roland,
A Lover’s Discourse

Bauman, Zygmunt

the Beatles

beauty and look

Beck, Ulrich

Beck-Gernsheim, Elisabeth

Berger, John

Bergman, Ingmar,
Scenes from a Marriage

Berliet, Melanie

Bernardin de Saint-Pierre

Paul et Virginie

Bethlem (asylum)


in literature

see also

the Bible

New Testament


Birkenhead, Earl of

birth rates

1880-1920 period


Blackstone, Sir William

Blake, William

Bloomsbury circle

Bohemian lifestyles

Boots (chemist)

Boucicault, Dion,
London Assurance

Bowie, Malcolm

Bowlby, John

breast feeding

Bridget Jones’s Diary
(Helen Fielding)

Brief Encounter

Brontë, Charlotte

Jane Eyre

Brontë, Emily,
Wuthering Heights

brotherly love

Browning, Elizabeth Barrett

Browning, Robert

Burke, Edmund

‘Butterfly Lovers’ (Chinese legend)

Byatt, Antonia,
The Children’s Book

Byron, Lord



Caird, Mona

Canadian Institute of Advanced Research

Capellanus, Andreas,
The Art of Courtly Love

Capello, Fabio


Carlile, Richard

Carpenter, Edward

Carrington, Dora


castration, fear of

Catholic Church

contraception and

in France

marriage and

Cave, Nick

Cavell, Stanley

Cities of Words

Cavendish, Lucy

celebrity culture

celibacy and chastity

Christianity and

as transgressive

Chaucer, Geoffrey,
Canterbury Tales

Cheever, John

‘chick lit’


death in


adult sexuality and

boarding schools


child abuse

children as vehicles of parental hopes

corporal punishment


divorce and

friendship in

imaginary friends

play therapy


romantic tradition of

sexual knowledge


shaping trajectory of

specialness of child

symbiotic love for mother

in twentieth-century

welfare provision



Chivers, Meredith


anxiety of

marriage and

shaping of in infancy


celibacy and chastity and

contemporary puritanism

family nucleus and

friendship and

marriage and

sensuality and

‘to know’ verb in Bible

see also
Catholic Church


Cinderella story


civil partnerships

Civil War, English

Clean Air Act (1956)

Clinton, Bill

Close, Glenn

cognitive science


in pre-eighteenth-century England

settling down/finding partner

Cohen, Leonard

Coleridge, Samuel Taylor

Colette, Sidonie-Gabrielle


Comstock Act (USA, 1875)


Condorcet, Nicolas de

confessional culture



the pill

corporal punishment

coup de foudre

couples therapy

courtly love


Criminal Law Amendment Act (1885)



The Divine Comedy

Darwin, Charles

dating agencies


David, Jacques-Louis

Davis, Katherine B.

Day, Doris

de Beauvoir, Simone

Memoirs of a Dutiful Daughter

The Second Sex

de Bérulle, Pierre

de Clérambault, Gaëtan Gatian

de Gouges, Olympe

de Grouchy, Sophie

de Lafayette, Madame,
La Princesse de Clèves

Other books

Ecotopia by Ernest Callenbach
Crane Fly Crash by Ali Sparkes
A Proper Scandal by Charis Michaels
Till Abandon by Avril Ashton
Stubborn Love by Wendy Owens
Delivering the Truth by Edith Maxwell
The Executive Consultant by Mali Longwell