Read All of You Online

Authors: Gina Sorelle

Tags: #Fiction

All of You (30 page)

BOOK: All of You
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She looked up into his eyes, a massive shiver wracking her entire body at the lust and affection she saw there.

“That’s still too far away, Kat,” he said, voice deep and husky. Another shiver shot down her spine when his gaze dropped and latched onto her lips. “
Come closer

Kat slowly closed the gap until they were only about a foot apart. She instinctively inhaled deeply, catching a hint of cologne mixed with his distinctive scent…

Damn pheromones.

Kat inhaled deeply again, surprised and amazed at the physiological responses just the scent of him elicited. Her nipples hardened and tingled and blood rushed to the lower half of her body as a flush spread across the top half. Her palms dampened, her mind simultaneously blanked and raced, and her lips parted…

She shifted her weight, nearly moaning at the friction and dampness of her panties against her swollen labia.

“Kat?” When she opened her eyes (not having realized she’d shut them), Kat found Danny smiling down at her. “You okay?”

Kat nodded slowly and flexed her hands, aching to touch any part of him. When she licked at her bottom lip, Danny’s smiled faded and his eyes once again dropped to her mouth.

“What do you want, Kat?” He searched her face, tilting his head to eye the curve of her neck and then righting it to drag his gaze over her collarbone and chin before returning to her lips. “Tell me what you want and I’ll show you how to take it.”

Kat eyed the open collar of his button-down shirt. “I want to touch you. Under your shirt.”

Danny smiled. “Well, you’d better take it off, then.”

Kat raised her hands to the second button of his shirt. She tried unbuttoning it, but her hands were shaking too badly to do much more than fumble around. She tried once again, but, once again, the button slipped between her shaking fingers.

With a frustrated huff, Kat dropped her hands and stepped back. She took a deep breath and tried to focus.

Calm. Down.

Kat stepped forward again, grabbed the button, and – once again – watched it slip out of her grip.

Beyond impatient and frustrated, Kat fisted her hands into the already opened top of his shirt and yanked as hard as she could.

A loud ripping noise cut through the silence and buttons went flying everywhere – pinging against counters, the fridge, and God-knew-what-else. Kat noted, with much satisfaction, that she had managed to literally rip Danny’s shirt right open.

Her gaze lifted to find Danny’s eyes wide, his brows up, and that the smoldering had turned into full-on flames.

He liked that.

Good job, Kat.

With a whole lot of satisfaction, Kat turned her attention back to getting her hands and mouth on Danny’s skin. Two hard yanks later, the buttons on both cuffs went flying, too. She pulled the sleeves off each arm and tossed the mangled shirt over her shoulder.

Now all that stood between her and Danny’s naked torso now was a white cotton tee shirt.

Kat cast an appreciative glance over his broad chest, across to the bulging bicep muscles straining the sleeves of the tee shirt, and down to his thick forearms.

She lowered her hand to his right forearm. Kat heard Danny’s sharp intake of breath as she slowly began dragging her fingertips along ridges of muscle and skin. She grasped his wrist and lifted his arm, eyeing with complete fascination, the bulging veins, dusting of dark-blonde hair, and incredible muscle definition.

Kat turned his arm over and, without any forethought, pressed her lips to his inner wrist and inhaled deeply. She nuzzled it gently, loving the concentration of his warm, masculine scent there.

…” Danny breathed out, his other hand finding the nape of her neck and burying itself in her hair.

She dragged his inner wrist over to her cheek, shocked and aroused to find his muscles trembling as hard as hers were. Kat pulled his arm away and held his left hand in both of hers.

She ran the pads of her thumbs along each of his long, thick fingers – marveling, yet again, at the incredible sexiness of the strength and rough beauty of him. Kat turned his hand over and cradled it while lightly running a fingertip along the lines on his palm with her other hand.

“Kat?” Danny half-groaned, half-moaned.

When Kat looked up, Danny’s head was hanging low, his lids were hooded, and his lips parted as he watched her.

“Yes, Danny?”

“If you don’t stop that, this show’s about to be over.” He swallowed again. “Because you’ve got me right at that edge, sweetheart, and I-”

Danny made a guttural noise when Kat lowered her lips to his palm and then groaned loudly when her tongue darted out to lick at it.

“I can’t wait anymore, Kat…I need you…” Danny fisted both hands in her hair and yanked her mouth up to meet his.

Chapter Twenty-One

anny had tried
to keep his shit together.

He really had.

Because he was the experienced one, the one who was supposed to be in control of this situation.

But from the moment she’d uttered the words “I want you,” Danny’s insides had gone completely haywire. He was overwhelmed by things he was feeling, blown away by her soft, simple touches, and spiraling into an abyss of raw emotion he couldn’t hide from or contain.

Kat broke away, Danny panting hard against the top of her head as she struggled to get his shirt up.

She stilled, exhaling a soft laugh against his pecs. “Gonna need some help with this, Danny. I’m not the Hulk – can’t rip this one off.”

“Oh, yeah, sorry.” Danny stepped back, grabbed the hem of his tee shirt, and pulled it over his head, tossing it aside as he met Kat’s gaze.

Or tried to. As it turned out, Kat’s eyes were busy at the moment…staring at his body, his ink, or both.

Some chicks liked tattoos, some chicks didn’t, and some were ambivalent. Most of the women Danny had slept with seemed to be into them, but Kat was nothing like those women. And he had zero idea what her thoughts were going to be.

The weird look on her face didn’t bode well.

“Not a fan of tattoos, I take it?” he asked.

Kat shook her head. “No, I, uh…” She studied it, tilting her head both ways to get a better look. “I love tattoos, actually.” She glanced up, brow quirked. “Can I touch it?”

“This is all about taking what you want, remember?” When Kat nodded, he said, “So, if you want to touch, then touch.”





Danny’s eyelids squeezed shut as Kat engaged in hardcore sexual warfare by slowly tracing the outline of the scrolled banner tattoo spanning most of his pectorals.

“‘In the fell clutch of circumstance…I have not winced nor cried aloud.’” Kat read, dragging her fingertip over the text. “‘Under the bludgeonings of chance…My head is bloody, but unbowed.’”

Danny opened his eyes to find Kat looking up at him.

“That’s from the William Ernest Henley poem, ‘Invictus,’” she said.

Why Danny was surprised, he hadn’t a clue. Of course Kat was as well-versed in Victorian poetry as she was in everything else.

“Yep. Got it the day I turned eighteen.”

Something in her eyes reflected an understanding – not of the details, obviously, but of the general principle.

Thankfully she didn’t ask and Danny wasn’t about to offer.

“Well, it’s beautiful work,” she murmured, the rest of her fingertips joining the first to run along the ridges of his pectoral muscles. She came very close to, but didn’t quite touch, his nipples – which only made Danny’s heart beat faster, his breathing harder, and his dick…

Yeah, well, that particular appendage had gone rogue, jerking and jumping all over the place…desperate to get at Kat…straining against the fly of jeans so hard it hurt.

Kat’s reign of sensual terror continued as she dragged her fingertips down the ridges of his left abdominal muscles, then up the right. She flipped her hand over and skated the backs of her fingers around his navel. “So much hair,” she murmured, half-smiling, continuing to rub the area with apparent fascination.

,” Danny choked out, utilizing every last reserve of self-control not to grab her hand and shove it down his pants. Instead, he gripped a kitchen chair for support and cleared his throat. “I…I…”

Kat curled her fingers into his sides and lifted her lips to his left pec, pressing her lips against his skin.

…” He fisted both hands into the hair at the base of her skull and held on gently as she continued kissing, licking, and nuzzling his chest. “
Kat, please…

” she murmured against his skin, answering his nearly incoherent plea. Kat lifted her eyes to his. “What, Danny?”

The words echoed in his head as he stared deep into her eyes.

I want to be inside of you.

I want to own you.

I want you to own me.


But, for once in his life, the words would not come out.

After a pause, and with the tiniest of smiles, Kat pressed her mouth to his body again. When her lips found his nipple, Danny’s arousal shot way past painful to downright torturous. And when, without warning, Kat licked his nipple – then gently bit the skin beneath it – all tenuous threads on Danny’s self-control snapped.

He pulled her head up and lowered his until their mouths melded. Kat’s hands gripped his biceps for support as they did their desperate, grinding of tongues, teeth, and lips. Danny backed her up and turned her until her ass hit the edge of his kitchen table.

In one smooth movement, he slipped his hands under her ass, lifted her, and set her on the table. Their mouths still fused, Danny slowly pressed her back until Kat was lying on the table, legs hanging off the side.

Danny unbuttoned her jeans, pulled the zipper down, and slipped two fingers inside, over the front of her panties.

Kat moaned into his mouth, tightening her grip on his neck. She flung her right leg around his waist and Danny held the left one snug against his side as his other hand pushed her panties aside.

The moment he felt her warm, wet flesh against his fingertips, Danny groaned into her mouth. He rubbed at her gently and Kat began undulating against his hand with the rhythm of Danny’s strokes.

A few seconds later, she pulled away, wide-eyed and panting. Kat propped herself up on her elbows and met his eyes, hers promptly rolling into the back of her head when Danny slipped a fingertip inside of her. Her lips parted, her head dropped back, and she moaned loudly when Danny began gently moving the fingertip in and out.

” she panted out. Kat’s hands dropped to his shoulders and her fingertips dug into his flesh. “

“That’s right, sweetheart,” he said softly. “Say my name.”

Because you are

Danny watched her facial expressions and incredible body movements with rapt fascination as he continued moving his finger against her and into her.


The soft, sexy, little noises she started making drove Danny wild. He gently lowered her left leg and used that hand to push her shirt up over her bra and then shove her bra cups up…

His breath caught, because, god
, if she didn’t have the sweetest, most perfect tits Danny had ever seen…and one fit into the palm of his hand perfectly.

Just like he’d known it would.

He stroked both of them before squeezing the right one, his mouth watering when her dark pink nipple hardened against his palm. Danny tried lowering his mouth to her, but the awkward positioning of his hand wouldn’t allow it.

By the way Kat was moaning, panting, and lifting her pelvis up to meet his fingers, Danny was pretty sure she didn’t want him moving that hand any time soon, anyway.

” she panted out, still moving her body to match his rhythm. Kat lifted her head and met his eyes, hers glazed over and hooded.

“Yeah, sweetheart?”

“You need…to stop.” She gasped, then moaned, when he flicked her clit gently. She grasped his wrist. “Please, Danny…

His hand stilled against her slick, swollen flesh. “Why?”

“Because…if you don’t…” Kat panted a few times. “I’m going to have an orgasm on your kitchen table.”

Danny laughed and began moving against her again. “That’s the point.” His smiled faded when her slickness coated his fingers again. “I want you to. I need you to. I can’t wait to feel you come against my fingers.”

Kat moaned. “But…I want to…” Her head dropped back and her pelvis began rising up to meet his movements again. “I really want to…”

Danny grunted as he slipped his fingertip back inside her tight, wet warmth. “What do you want, Kat?”

“To have…oh,
…” She grasped his hand again, stilling it, and met his gaze. “You have to stop because I want to have sex!”

BOOK: All of You
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