All's Fair in Love and Lion (3 page)

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Authors: Bethany Averie

BOOK: All's Fair in Love and Lion
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Chapter 4: Sasha

It was incredibly vivid. The beach, the flowers, the sand, and
. Everything felt real
I never met anyone like Monroe. I sit up and bury my face in my knees.
Oh why can’t he be real? He’s straight out of a fairy-tale.
I wrap my arms around my legs, wanting to hang onto the last bit of sensations his kisses set off in me.
Why are all the Prince Charming types make-believe?

A groan escapes me and I flop against the pillows. Maybe over time, the dream will fade. I’ll go on with my life and he won’t appear in my thoughts again.

I peer at the clock. Four a.m.
Thank goodness today’s Saturday
. No way can I work in my present state. Or deal with all the Valentine’s Day cards and candy. A few more days and the most romantic twenty-four hours of the year will be gone. Then I can forget the emptiness in my life and how lucky Mel is she found Ted.

I’m happy for Mel. I’m glad she gets to go to Hawaii and a Caribbean Cruise for an entire month. Really. When she gets home I’ll be thrilled to hear all her adventures.
Yeah, sure.
If only it were me. I can picture myself on a ship with Monroe’s tall, tanned figure towering above me, his long, dirty-blond hair being blown by the wind.

Remembering I’m home and not on a boat, I drop my legs over the side of the bed and let out another groan. Dressed in a robe and slippers, I shuffle down the hallway to the kitchen. Soon the welcome sound of the coffeepot percolating breaks the silence.

Unfortunately, coffee and a blueberry muffin from the fridge don’t seem equal to a cruise, or the feel of Monroe’s strong arms around me. Deep inside, I can hear the sound of his persuasive voice, his tender lips against mine, the way he caresses me. He treats me like I’m his treasure. Someone he needs more than anyone else in the world. Cup in hand, I indulge in some daydreams.
If all men were like Monroe, I would date more often.
Carl’s face appears in my mind and I dismiss the image. He’s a nice man. Yet, I don’t get tingles from him that I do from Monroe.
But Carl is a real man, not something out of my subconscious.
I grit my teeth.
I don’t care. I’m not attracted to Carl. I want Monroe.

I want someone who I can share everything about myself. While Carl is a great colleague, I don’t get a sense of rightness with him. I haven’t felt drawn to him in the way I have when I dream of Monroe. I get the sense if Monroe were real he’d see into the deepest parts of me and love me for who I am. If he was real, he’d be the prince I’ve fantasized would be my true love.

“Precisely the problem,” I say, aloud. “Monroe isn’t real.”

“That’s what you think,” a familiar voice taunts.

It isn’t possible, is it?
Somehow I hear Monroe’s voice as if he’s standing next to me, instead of in my head.

My mug shatters as it hits the floor. “Who or what are you?”

“Sasha, I’m offended. You know who I am.”

My hands begin to shake. I look around the apartment. I’m the only one here. “Have I lost my mind?”

“Trust me, Sasha. I exist.”

“Yeah, right.”

“My dear, you’ve lived far too long in the First Realm. You Firstlings are . . . oh, what’s the word? Three-dimensional. There are so many more dimensions than you imagine.”

I press my back against the counter. “What do you want with me?”

In disbelief, I watch his shadowy figure take shape before me.

“It’s a pity,” he says. “Because of your lack of faith, I’m not able to appear fully to you. Do you believe me, now?”

“It’s impossible.”

“If it was impossible,” he says, a frustrated pitch in his voice, “I wouldn’t be here.”

“My worst nightmare’s happening.” I rummage in the pantry.
Where is it?
Finally, I find the aspirin bottle and struggle with the safety cap. “I’m one step away from a mental breakdown.”

“Oh for the love of the Third Realm! You aren’t a lunatic.”

I drop the aspirin. “Third Realm?” My voice comes out weak. What am I doing? He’s wrong. I
lost my mind.
Think. Come up with a plan. How do I get rid of him?

“The Third Realm is what you would call impossibilities and dreams. Things humans imagine, but don’t believe exist.” He approaches me. My pulse quickens as he continues, “Where do you suppose your Brothers Grimm got their fairy-tales? Or any authors get their ideas? You think your French writer was the first to come up with the story about a woman falling in love with a beast? Be sensible, Sasha. Those situations have been around far longer than you know.” His shoulders slump. “Some of us are lonely without a proper mate.”

“You’re lonely?” I slide to the floor beside the shards of broken earthenware. Is it possible a fantasy would understand how I feel?

He crouches beside me, still vague, yet I’m able to make out his face. The features are blurry, however, as in my dreams, I’m able to discern his strong chin, high cheekbones, and sharp lines. In his golden-hazel eyes there’s a gentle expression, which softens his appearance. “I’ve thought I was doomed to live without a companion.” A brief flicker of melancholy crosses his face. “I never imagined the Creator of all things would provide me with one.” He lowers his voice. “Then I saw you.”

“Maybe I’ve fallen back asleep or am hallucinating.” I want to believe, but how? He’s so much of a dream. There . . . yet, out of reach.

Monroe slams his fist against the kitchen tiles. The noise makes me jump. “When will you understand? This isn’t a dream and you’re perfectly sane!”

Anger boils in my veins. Lonely or not, he has no right to come into my home and shout at me. “Don’t yell at me. You’re the one intruding on my property.”

“You let me in,” he counters. “Why else would I be here?”

“I don’t have a clue!” I get to my feet and back away.

“I’m sorry,” he says, his tone barely above a whisper. “I didn’t mean to frighten you.”

“What’s happening?”

“You believed in me enough for me to enter the First Realm . . . your world.”

“I thought magic was made up.”

“You’d be surprised, Sasha. There’s a whole other world out there.”

I bite my lip. “If that’s true, than what do you want with me?” Especially when with his strong features, broad shoulders, height, and looks, he could have anyone.

“Didn’t I tell you already?”

Suddenly I feel exposed. What does he see in me?

“I plan on courting you,” he continues. “Or, if you’d prefer, you could pursue me.”

The room spins and I grip the counter with both hands. Did I hear him correctly? Court? No one has ever suggested such a thing to me, and here, a man I barely know plans a future . . . with unremarkable me. I don’t stand out. I don’t make a splash. Why does he want me?

Monroe wraps his arms around me. “Perhaps I was too direct.”

A masculine, outdoorsy fragrance fills my senses, the scent more heady than my dreams.
Oh well, if he’s an illusion, no reason I can’t enjoy myself.
Good grief, what am I thinking? I want him gone.
No. That’s a lie. I want him, period.
The thought catches me off guard. It’s so strong, I bet he knows.

He steadies me. Apprehensive, I sidestep him.

“Regardless, we’ll go with whatever you decide. I’ll leave you now.” He inclines his head, brushes past me, and disappears.

I turn off the coffeemaker and return to my room. Throwing myself across my blue and white comforter, I’m surrounded by a whirlwind of emotions. He can’t be real. But, I want him to be—with all my heart.

He could be the one. The man I could love who would love me. Someone of my very own. No more loneliness. No more hiding my childhood from Mel, who, despite years of friendship, I can’t tell everything about my life.

Is it possible with Monroe I wouldn’t feel so awkward and uncertain? Have I found my Prince Charming? He says he’s real, but how is that possible?

Clutching my blue and white pillow tightly, I send up a silent prayer.
Oh please, God, let him be real.

Chapter 5: Monroe

Riled up, I can’t stand still. Several weeks have passed since I last saw Sasha. The distance makes my heart ache, the very definition of my own personal hell. However, I want her to trust me. After her reaction to my appearance in her apartment, I know she needs time.

Through the rift, I can see her puttering around in her apartment. Her ankle-length skirt swishes enticingly. A pale pink sweater caresses her curves.
Oh, Creator Lord, you outdid yourself when you made Sasha.
Please let me win her.
I study the shimmering rift. Should I? The cold feeling returns. Someone stands in the way. I can’t see who, but their presence crackles in the air around me. Whatever waits, I sense disaster following the being.
Protect Sasha.
It’s been too long since I was with her . . . maybe now’s my chance. I could enter her mind and—

“Hey there, handsome.”

Whirling around, I catch sight of the last being I want near me.

A tall, slender woman materializes beside one of the leather chairs. She straightens her tiger print blouse and runs a hand over her black pant-clad thigh. Black hair frames an angular face. Bright green eyes zero in on me.

Bile rises in me. “Damn it all, Lily!”

In reply, her lips pucker into a smirk. “Did you miss me, lover?”

Anger overpowers me. “Since when are we lovers? If anything, you’re a thorn in my side.”

She taps long nails against the back of the chair. “Now that’s no way to talk to your future bride.”

“In what universe? You might’ve forgotten how you used your uncle’s power to put spells on me, however, I haven’t. The only break I’ve had from you was these past months while you were away. Why didn’t you stay with Alveron and leave me alone?”

She steps toward me. “You didn’t believe me or your parents when we said you and I were a perfect match. What would they say now if they heard you?”

“I don’t care. Somehow you got past Ayres. How, I don’t know. But, if you don’t go, I’ll be forced to make you leave.”

Excitement oozes from her. She lives for the chase. “It’s fascinating how you play coy.”

I fold my arms. “A predator isn’t supposed to be prey.”

She sighs loudly. “Not quite the homecoming I envisioned. I thought you’d welcome me back with open arms. Perhaps ask me how Uncle Alveron is doing. Why do you avoid me? I could please you.”

“Let me remind you of my reasons. I don’t appreciate the way you insinuated yourself into every part of my life. My blood boils when I remember how you smacked Minuet around merely because she and I are friends. One kind word when you were three years old and suddenly you thought you owned me.” My hand twitches while I struggle with the desire to hit her. “Of course, let’s not forget how you used that magic rope to kidnap me for days.” I slam my fist against the wall next to her. “Need any other reasons?”

“I don’t know why you deny your true feelings.”

I growl. The impulse to strike grows.
Curse the manners drilled into me.
She doesn’t deserve my forbearance.

“You obviously need a chance to consider that down deep you actually do want me. We’ll meet again, soon, darling.”

I lunge. Before I can make contact, she disappears.

Catching myself before I hit the wall, my chest heaves. I can’t believe she chose now to return. Breathing deeply, I concentrate on the task at hand. The important thing is Sasha. I can’t afford distractions.

I turn back toward the boundary lines. Disappointed, I realize she’s at the school. Because of Lily’s visit, I missed my chance to enter Sasha’s mind. Does she miss me? Would she welcome my presence in her mind? Maybe I—

“I say, Monroe!”

The door bursts open and I come face-to-face with a man-beast jackal in his human form. He’s a bit shorter than me, with sleek black hair, dark eyes, and lightly bronzed skin. Although a friend, he sometimes annoys me. Like now.

“For the love of the Third Realm, Bast, would you leave me alone? You jackals are a pain in the ass.”

Bast wears his trademark wide grin. “Should I ask your forgiveness? Not if you’re doing what I think you are. Let me remind you, stalking is only for one’s food.” He clasps his hands behind his back. His slight stature is deceptive. Unconsciously, I rub my jaw remembering the last time we boxed and he caught me with a powerful right hook.

“Mind your own business.” I pick up a decanter of port.

His mirth permeates the room. “I didn’t believe you at first when you told me you about Sasha. I never thought a human would preoccupy you so much. Don’t any female Thirdlings move you?”

I contemplate my glass of wine. “Ever since I dreamt of her the feeling she was the one I’ve waited for grew. Now I have the chance to win her. Why would I look elsewhere?”

He claps me on the shoulder. “You know I’m your faithful supporter and friend. I want what’s best for you.”

I set the glass down. “Do you think what’s best for me is some mindless being?”

“Must you insult everyone in the Third Realm?” He bares his teeth.

What have I done?
“I didn’t mean your Alexia. Besides, she’s yours. I can’t claim her.” I hand him a glass.

His mouth twitches into a smirk. “Correct.”

“Furthermore, we can’t all be lucky enough to find one such as her.”

Predictably, he puffs out his chest. “Indeed, she’s one of a kind.”

“So, you see my quandary?”

He settles himself into one of the black leather chairs. “Indeed. Does she please you as Alexia does me?”

I sit across from him. “She hasn’t accepted my proposal quite yet.”


I give a shrug. “It’s a matter of the hunt.”

He chuckles. “Poor human.”


“She doesn’t know how determined you are. She might never survive your advances. After all, you’ve got the worst temper in the Third Realm.”

I frown. “Not funny.”

“I haven’t been so amused since that idiot monkey-man, Delton, fell out of the tree after disturbing my hunt.”

“Delton is more of a fool than you. I wish someone would devour him.”

Bast rolls his eyes. “Right. Ingest Delton and face grave consequences from the Creator for going after unapproved prey. Inspired idea, Monroe.”

“I didn’t say it should be done. Simply wish it would. I agree, he’s not worth the trouble it would cause.” I wave a hand. “We must put up with Delton, no matter how stupid he is.”

“You’re in a foul mood today. No one is up to your standards.”

“I’ve been keeping my distance from Sasha in an effort to give her the opportunity to think over my offer. My patience is strained.”

“What patience?” At the rumbling in my chest, he stands. “I’ll not push you anymore today.”

“Brilliant idea.”

He heads for the door.

“It’s not fair,” I mutter when Bast disappears around the corner. “I finally find my mate and she doesn’t even believe in my existence.” Tossing back the last bit of wine, I smash the glass against the wall.

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