Alphy's Challenge (14 page)

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Authors: Tigertalez

BOOK: Alphy's Challenge
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“Oh good, you can talk to him. For some
reason he doesn’t like me.” Ryker gave him a knowing look, and Alphy nearly
lost his composure to outright laugh. He knew Ryker liked to antagonize bigots
a little bit, and no doubt he’d let the alpha know right away that he was a gay
man, or at least over emphasized his tones to let that speak it for him.

Alphy took the phone. “This is Alpha Ralph of

You certainly took your sweet time.”

Knowing the alpha’s ears would easily pick up
even a quiet sigh, Alphy kept his breath calm and steady. “I came as soon as I
was told. I am not to blame for your impatience, nor am I at your beck and
call. Now who is this, and why have you called?”

The other alpha sputtered in, no doubt,
outrage. “I am Alpha David Falk, and you should speak to me with respect. I’ve
called to tell you I have a complaint sent in to the council about you. It will
no doubt bring you all sorts of trouble and get you removed as alpha. Now, if
you just return the Elkin family to me, I will consider dropping the complaint.”

Alphy almost couldn’t stop the laugh that
escaped. “So with false accusations, you went and tattled on me like a first
grader would to a teacher? I thought you were an alpha. You’re just a bully who
hides behind the equally cowardly thugs you call enforcers. There is nothing
for me to be afraid of.”

Alphy heard the frustration in the other
alpha’s voice. “I
an alpha, and
you are only some backwater hick piss-ant
-be.” David
spat into the phone. “I’ll have you removed, and I
have that family back here.”

“If you want me removed, then come challenge
me. That is the only way you will get them. They asked for sanctuary, and I
have given it to them. The council won’t do shit. They’ll tell you to either
challenge me or get over it.”

“Other alphas won’t stand for it, so you
won’t just be fighting me. You’ll be fighting every alpha.”

“Please go ahead and underestimate me. It’s
interesting to me that you don’t deny the accusations.” Alphy would bet that
Rye was recording this call, not that the council or any other alpha worried
him, but it would make things easier if he could have this guy hang himself. So
he continued, “I will very much enjoy watching what those who supported you
will do when they find out that you were in the wrong, or if they knew, what
they do when they end up going down when you do. Now, either come here and
me, or you can go fuck yourself.”

Alphy hit end, and the sounds of the
sputtering and cursing alpha cut off. He handed the phone back to Ryker. “Was
that recorded?”

of course.
I’ve got a
So what next?”

“Look into the complaint with the council. I
want to know if they run any differently up here. Let me know what they think
they are going to do about it, if anything. The council is really more based
for when a sleuth or pack or whatever, is suddenly left without an alpha or if
there is a public threat or endangerment from humans. It’s not really all that
worried about some squabble.”

“But you want to make sure it is the same up
here as in the States?” asked Enzo.

Alphy nodded. “I don’t want any surprises. Make
sure no one goes to town alone, and that includes any of us. I want teams,
always, until I deem this threat has passed. Expect that he’ll play dirty.”

said. “Uh,
alpha, got a minute?”
looked unusually serious,
so Alphy sighed and signaled for him to follow him out. They walked into the
kitchen, and Alphy retrieved a glass and filled it with water. After he took a
mouthful, he leaned back against the sink and looked at his friend. “All right,

had sat down at the breakfast bar. “I have a
small construction team.
five of us. I wanted
your permission to offer them a chance to move up here and help me build.”

Alphy grunted. “Yeah, the Sea-man certainly
got a bit carried away.”

snorted. “I had the misfortune of being the
first to arrive at the airport. He had me help load all that equipment and
supplies, and he didn’t help so much as direct.”

“I can hear you, you know.” Seamus emerged
from the hallway that led to Paul’s room. Alphy laughed. Seamus had a food
tray, and he walked over and placed it on a counter. “You are just sore that
you couldn’t hit on that flight attendant.”

well yeah!
You couldn’t
at least wait until I swept her off her feet and got a little something on the

Alphy laughed again. “Yeah, Sea, it would
have only taken twenty-five seconds, forty-five if he tried to pinch his balls

griped. Alphy
continued to laugh, and Sea guffawed.

Then Sea leaned against the counter and
sighed. “Seriously though, I’ve
been wanting
to start
a paranormal medical facility. Alphy, you had mentioned in the meeting how
there was a need out there for paranormals.” Alphy nodded, and Sea continued. “I’ve
seen it, too, only I’ve focused on the medical side of it. Many paranormals
don’t have access to decent medical care. Some don’t even have a doctor, and
many medicines don’t even work on paranormals because of our metabolism and
unique physiology. I’ve been
to start a lab to
create medicines, offices to see patients, hospital beds, surgical rooms,
everything. I’ve been saving up and had a feeling this would be a good
opportunity to start buying a few things and find a place to set up. Are you
opposed to my hospital?”

Alphy shook his head. “No, Seamus, I love the
idea, and you’re right, there is a need. I was just teasing

gave an apologetic look. “Sorry, Sea, I
wasn’t trying to offend.”

Sea nodded. “I know you weren’t. I wasn’t
trying to sound so defensive. So, what was it you were talking about?”

perked up. “I was trying to convince Alphy
to let me invite my team and spread the word for paranormal workers.”

Alphy nodded. “And I think it’s a good idea.
I want everyone, with no exceptions, to be investigated. I want to know
everyone’s history. That will help with finding problems that may follow anyone
here that we could prepare for, and I don’t want anyone complaining about

looked relieved. “Thank you, Alphy.”

“When will you be able to start building?”
Alphy asked.

“I’ll have to do measurements and plan out
things, but not long. Betty said the barn has a ton of building supplies. I haven’t
checked it out yet, but from the sounds of it, it’s everything I need to start
several houses.” He turned to Sea. “I want to get special building supplies for
your hospital, and since the houses come first, I’m sorry, Sea, but it will
take longer, depending on how many workers we can get.”

Seamus shrugged and nodded his understanding.

Alphy leaned backed and smiled. “I’ve been
wondering what’s in that old barn, but every time I get a chance to
investigate, I get interrupted.”

“Yeah, speaking of which, I’ll make that call
now while I head out there to take a look myself. I’ll let you know the details
stood up and headed out of the kitchen,
and Seamus walked back down the hall.

Alphy took the class of water up the stairs
with him to his mate. She was going to need it because he was going to make
amends to her by causing her to repeatedly scream his name.

Chapter Ten


Gale felt utterly happy as she, her mother,
sister, Havana, headed into town. Alphy
made her feel cherished and desirable. She just knew she was in love with the potent
shifter, and he was very powerful. They had talked a bit after they caught
their breath from hours of lovemaking, or as he called it, her reparation for
being left wanting.
I will never complain
again if we are interrupted if that’s how he makes it up to me.

She sat quiet, musing over her good fortune
as they bumped their way down the dirt road. Most of the men had left to return
the U-Haul but hadn’t asked if there was anything they needed, and the ladies
needed some things. It was best to get these in person anyway, as they were not
something to be left to a man. It was quite the sight to walk in and see the
toddlers had stuck an entire pack of pads on the floor and used them as a
racecar track, or was it a train track? The tots had had cars driving over them
but made
sounds. So, as her mother’s time had
started and Gale’s supply was pretty low, they had teamed up with Havana, as they’d
been ordered by the alpha not to leave alone, and left the kids with
brother, Reese. Gale let her mother drive her car
so she could enjoy the view.

Havana interrupted her thoughts. “What are
you thinking about that’s got you so excited?”

“Huh?” Gale looked at her with a confused

Havana snorted and pointed to her nose. “Bear
shifters have pretty good noses. Well, ok, most shifters do. Anyways, you
are smelling
quite pleased with yourself. What did you do,
and can I get in on it?”

Gale blushed. “Uh, no, I was just thinking
about Alphy, your brother.”

, stop right
there. You’re
I don’t want anything to do with
that. I can just imagine … no … wait, I don’t
to imagine, dang it! I need mind-bleach now! Sorry I asked. I
was hoping you had some shenanigan scheme. I could use some mischief
entertainment. I swear I’ll end up growing moss on my paws if I don’t get
something for entertainment.”

This was one thing that Gale disagreed
entirely with Havana. “I love it up here. Ryker promised to set up a computer
with internet for me. I’m going to finish my classes online.”

“Yeah, I’m
online courses, too. As much as I want a more social life, I just don’t have
the will to separate from my brothers just yet. Losing Mom and Dad hit me a bit
hard.” The spirited girl suddenly looked sad and defeated.

Gale felt the need to perk her up. “Then
we’ll have to plan a lot of shenanigans. We don’t want your brothers getting

Havana looked up and grinned. “We shall be
called the Shenanigan

The girls laughed together. They entered town
and pulled up into the supermarket’s parking lot. Stepping out of the car, Gale
looked around and remembered coming here when she first met Alphy. Just like
that, her heart ached for him, which was silly because they were just in town
and were going back in a little bit. It wasn’t like she would never see him

Havana got out and stood next to her. “Hey
girl, what’s got you down?”

Gale had been around shifters for about four years
When will I get used to their keen
sense of smell?
thought. “Nothing, I just miss
Alphy, is all. It’s like I suddenly feel like I won’t get to see him again.”

Havana put her arm around her as they now
walked behind Connie. The three entered the store and browsed around, making
made their way up and down each aisle, talking about different kinds of foods
and brands. They bought more than just pads. They ended up leaving with a hefty
cartload. Gale wasn’t much of a cook, but she and her mom did like to make some
big meals together, and Havana seemed to like the idea of helping. They planned
a really big meal to celebrate the mating and went hog wild buying everything
they would need or want, even.

They made their way up to the check-out
counter and unloaded the cart. Grocery bags piled in the cart and in hand, they
made their way back out to the car with her mother at the wheel again.

As they pulled out, Gale noticed a dark van
pull out behind them. They traveled for a little bit, but the van continued to
follow them. Gale began to get a bad feeling about it but didn’t say anything.
They drove casually until they reached an empty stretch of road with a little
bit of a shoulder on it. Then the van shot forward and pulled in front of them,
forcing them off the road. They were blocked in at an angle so they couldn’t
drive out.

Two muscular behemoths lumbered out of the
side of the van and approached them. They were tall, and looked like they
stuffed throw-pillows under their skin in their arms, legs and chest. Gale
noticed they had bigger
than she did boobs. A
chill hit her lower gut, and it twisted in fear.

The men smiled, only it wasn’t a warm
friendly sort of smile. It was the kind that said they had really bad ideas
planned. “Hi ladies, you’ll need to come with us.”

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