Always with You (WIth You Trilogy) (12 page)

BOOK: Always with You (WIth You Trilogy)
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Chapter 16

Saturday, 3rd August 2013

Despite Xander’s continued presence and the lurking threat that was always taunting me from the shadows,
I didn’t think I’d ever been this excited. This would be the first time Jason and I had celebrated his birthday together.
My man’s getting old
. I smiled at the thought. The age difference between Jason and I never really bothered me. I’d honestly never given it much thought. He was six years older and I knew my Aunt Megan had her reservations about the difference. Maybe it didn’t bother me because I’d always been so close to Craig and he and Jason were the same age.

I wanted to do something awesome for Jason’s twenty-fifth but
I honestly had no idea what to do. The decision was taken out of my hands somewhat when I happened to mention it to Craig when we were catching up on the phone. I could see the mischievous expression on his face all the way from Leeds.

Ben was eager to join in on the celebrations and he and Hannah were coming down to Leeds for the
day. I’d let Xander know well in advance and he hadn’t put up any protest. He’d even seemed more relaxed when I said some of my brothers would be there. It may have been Xander’s job to protect me, but my brothers had been doing it much longer. Xander did his job well but he was right in that he was pretty much on his own most of the time. I figured he’d appreciate the extra eyes.

I crept out of bed that morning, careful not to wake
Jason, so I could go and prepare breakfast in bed for him. Blueberry pancakes and freshly squeezed orange juice were on the menu. It’d been almost impossible to get a surprise present for Jason because we didn’t spend much time apart. I’d had to enlist Alex’ help whilst he’d been up visiting Rab. I’d never been more grateful I had a gay best friend. Not only could I trust him with the task, but I knew he had exquisite taste.

Once breakfast was ready
, I snuck into the bathroom the guys used and changed into the outfit Alex had bought me, wrapping my bathrobe around me to hide it.

, birthday boy,” I smiled, placing the tray on the bedside table and whispering gently to wake Jason up.

He rolled over, his eyes still heavily lidded and half asleep. “Morning beautiful,” he
greeted sleepily.

“Breakfast in bed,” I
beamed. “Not every day you’re half way to fifty.”

He grinned back. “How’s it fee
l to be in love with an old man?”

“As wonderful as ever,” I returned. “In fact, you seem to get a bit more loveable everyday.”

“So you’ll still love me when I’m old and wrinkly?” He pouted adorably and nestled his face against my palm as I stroked his cheek.

My heart fluttered
happily in my chest with the knowledge that Jason saw me in his future just as I saw him in mine.

“Most definitely,” I smiled. “Want to unwrap your present before or after breakfast?” I grinned,
aware I was blushing and knowing that Jason would notice.

He looked at me for a second, his eyes turning dark. They flicked around the room quickly as though double-checking that there
weren’t any presents hidden somewhere.

“I’m thinking before,” he grinned.

My smile matched his as I stood up and pushed away from the bed. I closed my eyes briefly, drawing up my confidence. I knew Jason would love what I was wearing. I loved that I knew he would. He’d given me such confidence in myself through the way he looked at me. He treated me with such wonder and reverence and I would never be able to thank him enough for it.

The robe fell away fro
m my body and pooled at my feet. I opened my eyes to watch Jason taking me in. Alex’ orders had been sophisticated sexy and he’d nailed it. I didn’t want anything overly sultry or something that screamed “sex” because I knew that wasn’t me. I wanted something that would show Jason that I appreciated the confidence he’d given me in my body without seeming tacky.

I was dressed in a pearl basque with panels of intricate lace and simple, flattering cups. The satin and mesh was soft against my oversensitive skin
, my nipples already pebbled against the thin fabric. The suspender straps were attached to matching stockings with a thick lace edging. They made my legs look impossibly long and I felt truly sexy.

This feeling came more from the way Jason was drinking me in than from the outfit itself. When his eyes rested on the ridiculously high-heeled shoes I’d gotten (whilst ignoring the imaginary disapproving looks my brothers would give me), I thought they might pop out. His jaw was literally hanging open.

“Happy Birthday,” I smiled eventually, twirling around slowly so he could see me more clearly.

Jason remained silent a while longer before his eyes finally met mine and a slow, lazy smile spread across his face. “Best fucking birthday present ever!”

I grinned happily, delighted that he liked it. “Aren’t you going to unwrap me?” I teased, taking a few steps closer when he beckoned me over.

“First I’m going to enjoy you all wrapped up,” he grinned. “It’s so fucking hot that you’re not wearing knickers.”

“I figured you’d only take them off,” I smirked, resting my hands on his shoulders whilst he sat up in bed with me stood between his legs, his hands exploring the curves of my body.

When he was done, making sure that his fingers had traced over every inch, he stood up. His glorious, naked heat pressed against me
as he encircled my waist with one arm, pulling me into him.

His lips pressed to mine, his tongue coaxing my lips, his taste exquisite as usual. I moaned into his mouth as he deepened the kiss and my fingers travelled into Jason’s soft hair
of their own accord.

“You are so beautiful, Jamie,” Jason breathed against my ear. “I love you.”

“I love you too,” I simpered.

This was meant to be
present so I pulled away slightly and began pressing open-mouthed kisses along his collarbones, down across his chest, and circling around his nipple. Tasting the slight salt of his skin, my tongue traced the grooves between his abs. I loved the way his muscles tensed and released at my touch and rippled under his skin.

I lowered myself to my knees, my ey
es never leaving his. I held his length in my hand, keeping him flat against his stomach so my tongue could trace a line from his sack to his tip and then I watched as he closed his eyes and let out a slow breath.

I took his tip in my mouth and let my hands travel round his strong, muscular thighs to his taught behind, holding on tightly so that he’d understand that I wanted to do this, wanted to give him pleasure.

“Fuck, Jamie,” Jason breathed through clenched teeth as I took him deep into the back of my throat. “You drive me crazy.”

I hummed in appreciation and Jason bucked against me as the sound vibrated down his
cock. I brought one hand round to the front again to gently massage his balls as I drew him in and out of the hot heat of my mouth.

“Enough,” he groaned. “Jesus, baby.”

I smiled with my lips parted around his length and let him take back control. He very rarely relinquished it and I knew he was more comfortable in the position of power and I was only too happy to let him take the lead.

“Elbows on the desk,” he ordered, taking my hand gently to help me up from the floor.
The gesture was tender despite the growl of dominance in his voice.

I did as he said, resting my hands and
forearms on the desk with my back to Jason, my legs parted slightly and my back arched in silent invitation.

I heard the click of Jason’s phone behind me as he snapped a picture. I turned my head to look at him and he grinned back, looking quite proud of himself. It wasn’t the first picture Jason had taken of me in similar situations. I trusted him one hundred percent. I’d taken a little convincing but he assured me his phone was password protected and he’d have to kill any other man that saw the pictures so I let him take them.

“You look amazing, little squirrel,” Jason whispered, his heat close behind me. He gently stroked my behind, pulling my cheeks gently apart, exposing me to him.

“Thank you,” I managed, knowing he’d expect an answer sooner or later. The words came with difficulty with Jason’s fingers gently coaxing my

“Always so wet for me, baby,” Jason cooed in appreciation. “Are you ready, Jamie?”

His voice was thick with lust but I appreciated his consideration. On this occasion, I suspected it was unnecessary. I’d been ready since the moment I saw the fires of lust burning in his eyes. I wanted him so badly I was trembling in anticipation.

“Please, Jason,” I breathed, wiggling my hips slightly to encourage him closer.

“Please what?” Jason asked with a smile in his voice.

“I need you,” I responded huskily.

“I need you too,” he replied gruffly. And with that, he thrust inside of me, his warm length filling me completely, stretching me to my very limits.

I cried out as the familiar fullness buzzed through me, vibrating every nerve ending. True to form, Jason stilled and snaked his hand around my waist to gently massage my clit until my body adapted to his size.

When my hips began grinding against him, Jason took his cue to begin stroking me gently with his undeniably solid cock. A few shallow thrusts had me desperate with need, a need that increased threefold when his thrusts deepened.

“This is
going to be quick, baby. You feel so perfect,” Jason groaned.

I tensed around him, his words coaxing the torturous bundle of pressure centred around my core.

“Jason, please,” I begged, my climax deliciously close.

His thrusting lost all semblance of control and became wild and animalistic, his fingers digging into my hips. I suspected I might bruise, but I’d wear those bruises with pride as a reminder of the amazing morning we were having together.

Jason hated when he bruised me but, as I’d told him many times, I really did bruise easily and he’d never truly hurt me and I never feared that he would.

“Let go for me, Jamie,” he growled, his fingers working furiously against my clit once more.

I did. I let go with everything I had, my muscles shaking in protest as they tightened and released against him in great waves of pleasure. Jason wasn’t far behind, his own body vibrating with mine as he held my hips against him.

Don’t move,” he demanded as he slowly withdrew from me.

I complied and listened as he disappeared from behind me and padded into the bathroom. He returned with a warm, wet flannel and proceeded to clean between my legs lovingly
, and with great care and attention.

“Thank you, Jamie,” Jason grinned, pulling me up to wrap me in his arms. “Seriously, best present ever.”

Jason had been adamant that he didn’t want me to buy him anything. He repeated over and over again that he would be really mad if I spent money on him. I’d been pretty proud of myself when I figured out that I could spoil him by spending money on myself instead.

“I’m glad you liked it,” I
beamed, blushing by compulsion.

“I do, very much,” he smiled, his eyes still burning. “So much so that I think I’ll unwrap it now.”

I grinned back, my thighs already clenching together in anticipation.
Will I ever get enough of this man?
I already knew the answer was no. My life really was better in every way with him in it.

“I think these can stay on though,” he
winked cheekily, laying me down on my back and stroking his hands from my calves to my shoes. “Sexiest shoes ever. I can’t wait to have them wrapped around me.”

I giggled and let him guide my feet
to around his waist as he lowered himself over me. I was vaguely aware of the fact that his pancakes were getting cold as he began kissing my neck, but when his warm tongue washed over me, all thoughts of breakfast disappeared from my mind.

Chapter 17

Saturday, 3rd August 2013

“Thank you for breakfast,” Jason smiled once we were downstairs and dressed
in clothes that were a little more suitable for public viewing.

“Sorry it was cold,” I laughed

“I wasn’t talking about the pancakes,” he winked back, pressing a kiss to my cheek as he slipped past me to the coffee machine. “Although they were excellent as usual.”

“Pancakes?” Xander asked, coming in from the lounge.

“I saved some for you guys,” I nodded my head towards them on the counter top. “They should be okay to microwave.

Xander nodded and even showed me a rare smile. I wondered if he was happy my brothers would be arriving soon.
Yeah, I really ought to tell Jason

“Um, so… was there anything you wanted to do today?” I asked, sidling up to him so I could rest my head on his chest as I hugged him.

He was wearing only an old pair of jeans, the white band of his boxers visible above the top. He was barefoot
. Mmm, barefoot
. There was something inexplicably hot about men in jeans and nothing else. Actually, on second thoughts, it was just Jason. He was hot no matter what.

“Nope,” he shook his head with a gentle smile. “I’d be happy just to spend the day with you.”

“Yeah… About that,” I winced guiltily, unsure how he would react.

Xander chuckled
to himself as he tucked into his pancakes.

“So, my brothers know it’s your birthday-”

“Oh God,” Jason groaned. “They’re not going to tie me to something or put me on a bus to France are they?”

“No,” I laughed. “Or at least I don’t think so. The fact that you don’t drink probably helps a bit.”

“Thank God,” Jason mumbled.

“But you’re part of the family now,” I continued. “And they wanted to come celebrate it.”

“So they’re coming here?” He raised his eyebrow at me.

I nodded anxiously.

“Awesome,” Jason smiled after a beat. “Pretty solid of them.”

“Yeah,” I
agreed, relaxing somewhat. I was actually really pleased my brothers had wanted to come. It was sweet of them, provided they didn’t have an ulterior motive. “I think you’re growing on them.”

“You think?” Jason laughed, pouring a cup of tea for me.

I nodded and gladly accepted, settling down at the table with Jason and Xander.

I didn’t hear the cars pull up but I hard the gabble of voices and the heavy footsteps
that could only belong to my family. Xander was the one to open the door regardless, never one to take a chance. My brothers all greeted him amicably before joining us in the lounge with Alex trailing behind.

By the time I’d hugged them all, the third car had arrived and the street’s potential for parking had been exhausted. Ben and Hannah had rented a car and
were kind enough to give Jake a lift. I gave them all hugs before rushing back to find Elise.

“Can I hold her, please?” I asked, bouncing up and down excitedly and smiling at Grace.

“Of course,” Elise smiled at the same time as Karl shook his head emphatically.

Elise gave Karl a look and he frowned. “She can barely hold still.”

“Would you mind sitting down first so your brother doesn’t burst a blood vessel?” She winked at me.

I grinned and obl
iged. I knew Karl would be overprotective of his daughter, it was just nice that Elise was keeping her head straight.

“You’re one to talk,” Danny grinned at Karl. “You dropped Jelly on her head when she was four.”

I looked up from the beautiful bundle of happy noises to cock my head at Karl. “You dropped me?” I accused.

Karl smacked Danny on the back of the head and he grinned and moved away to the safety of his twin. “

You were fine,” he dismissed my complaints. “You got right up again.”

“You toddled away and refused to let anyone see you were crying,” Rick added.

“Jake tried to coax you out of hiding by offering you his ice-cream lolly,” Danny continued.

“Jake shared food?” I
raised my eyebrow in disbelief. This definitely wasn’t something that I thought any of them would do.

“Not for very long. H
e took it back and you started crying again,” Danny smirked.

“The thought that counts,” I mumbled, fake-scowling at Jake who winked back. “I’d share my food with you, wouldn’t I beautiful?” I smiled
, kissing Grace gently on the forehead.

“Support her neck,” Karl frowned.

“She’s doing fine,” Elise smacked him on the arm and smiled reassuringly at me.

I grinned as Grace made cute gurgling noises and grabbed onto my finger with her tiny hand.

“Well,” Craig announced. “Now that we’re all here.” He grinned and shifted in his seat to look at Jason.

My brothers were all
smirking and I winced as I realised what Craig was hinting at.
Birthday bumps
. He knew all about my brothers’ evil birthday rituals. Jason twigged as well and groaned in anticipation. Matt did a quick head count whilst Jake explained to Ben.

“Six if we include Ben. Seven with Jelly,” he smirked.

“Count me out,” I frowned and Jason laughed.

“Me too,” Ben shook his head with a frown.

Jason gave Ben a look that said he didn’t really mind but Ben shook his head adamantly. Ben was strictly a pacifist which was pretty understandable considering his past. Jason had spent his childhood shielding Ben from it so I expected he appreciated Ben’s reluctance.

“Alright, five then. That makes the maths a bit simpler.”

Jason, all credit to him, stood up and offered up his arm without protest. I chalked it up to some sort of alpha male ritual and rolled my eyes at him. He just winked back.

I shifted in my seat so that poor little Gracie didn’t have to watch my boyfriend getting a dead arm. In his defence, Jason took it
like a man, much to my brothers’ frustration. He winced a little extra when Karl took his five blows but he managed to maintain his composure for the most part.

“Son of a-” he started once Karl finished the twenty-fifth blow. He cut himself off once he remembered I was holding a baby in my arms.

“Right, now that’s over and done with,” Karl grinned. “Where’s my cuppa?”

I reluctantly handed Grace back to Karl, unsure whether he actually wanted some tea, or whether he just wanted Grace back in his arms. I suspected it was the latter and it made me smile. Karl was back at work and probably didn’t get to see Grace as much as he would have liked. He was at least grateful that he was based in the UK at the minute, training others. Had he been on active deployment
, he might not have gotten to see her birth.

My brothers had organised for some MMA fun in honour of Jason’s birthday. W
hen we arrived at the hall where the MMA club trained, most people were already there. Thanks to Craig’s contact with Simon, and mine with Alex and Rab, we’d managed to get all Jason’s friends together and get everything organised without Jason finding out.

Alex was definitely in his element as everyone started getting their kit
s off in front of him, although admittedly his attention was mostly on Rab. Karl chucked a bag at me and I caught it just before it hit me in the face.

“Didn’t think you’d be getting off ligh
tly did you?” He grinned as I looked into the bag to see some workout clothes. “Get changed in the bathroom,” he added, eyes scanning the sea of semi-naked men around me.

No arguments from me
. I had no doubts that Jason would go catatonic on every guy in the room if I tried to get changed in front of them like everyone else was doing. He’d have help from my brothers though.

be fair to him, the workout clothes Karl had gotten me weren’t that bad. I had a pair of compression shorts, a sports bra (which I prayed Elise had bought me), and a long sleeved, tight fitting top.

“I didn’t realise it’d be that tight,” Karl scowled, looking at Elise.

“You look great, Jelly,” Elise grinned mischievously.

I suspected she had a pretty good idea how tight the outfit would be. I wished I was as comfortable as she was winding my brothers
up but it just wasn’t worth it. Besides, they got worked up without me even trying most of the time.

“Thank you for the clothes,” I smiled. “Does this mean I’ll be getting my ass kicked?” I teased, looking round at the rest of the group.

“Nah, just thought you might want to spar with us and watch Jason get his ass kicked,” he winked, wrapping his arm around me.

Most of the guys there had already met Craig once or twice so he was doing the rounds
, bumping fists and grinning happily. It wasn’t his lopsided grin though and I suspected he wasn’t quite as relaxed as he was letting on. Probably because of the prospect of fighting with Karl, with Matt spurring him on, and no Ian to keep tabs on them.

“You ok?” I asked Craig quietly.

“’Course,” he winked, putting his arm round my shoulder and pulling me back to the circle that was now forming as Karl presented a table showing how the rounds would be structured. Everybody who wanted to take part had to pay £10 and the winner took all. Each fight would be a single round lasting five minutes.

Jason grinned happily as Karl went through the rules. I don’t think he really cared about the money but he did seem happy about the idea of fighting with my brothers in a controlled environment again.

“What are you so happy about?” I whispered to him as everybody broke off to warm up.

“Can you keep a secret?” H
e grinned.

“From my brothers?” I eyed him suspiciously and he nodded. I thought carefully. “For you I could.”

“I’m gonna wipe the floor with your brothers,” he grinned.

I laughed, I couldn’t help myself. Jason was good. I’d been around my brothers enough to know that he was naturally gifted. He had good rhythm – which clearly extended to the bedroom – and he moved gracefully, but I thought he was being a little cocky.

“Jason, you’ve seen them fighting. I’ll admit you might be able to take Craig on a good day, but there’s no way you’d win against Karl.”

“So little faith, my little squirrel,” Jason
laughed. “I didn’t have my secret weapon with me before.”

My suspicions levels skyrocketed. “What are you hiding from me, Mr Reed?” I grinned.

“Hiding in plain sight,” he answered cryptically, leaning down to kiss me.

“Jelly!” Craig shouted, beckoning me over.

I leant up for another kiss, enjoying the opportunity to press my hands against his warm, bare chest.

’s up?” I smiled happily as I reached Craig.

“Warm up with me,” he grinned.

“Me?” I frowned. “Wouldn’t you be better off with one of the guys?”

“There all too riled up, one of them’ll probably try and off me while we’re warming up,” he
said with only a small amount of humour in his voice.

I wasn’t entirely sure how much to believe him. I suspected he was more serious than he was letting on. Regardless, I knew he would be fun to spar with so I took position on one of the mats and sparred away,
enjoying a playful banter whilst we got a sweat on.

“Reckon Karl set this up to make a bit of money?” I grinned as I ducked away from Craig.

“Doubt it,” he laughed, aiming a light kick to my thigh which I wasn’t quite quick enough to dodge. “I doubt he needs the cash.”

“He just wanted a chance to try and kick Jason’s ass then,” I grinned, flaunting the rules and throwing myself onto Craig’s back with my arms around his neck for a

“He’ll have to get in line,” Craig laughed, pu
lling my arm so that I flew off his back and landed on the nice soft mat in a sweaty giggle fit.

“So you’re all here to kick his ass on his birthday?” I asked once I’d stopped laughing and pulled myself up.

“He can handle himself,” Craig smiled reassuringly. “It’s just for fun, Jellybean.”

I nodded, knowing he was telling the truth
, and squared up to go again but Craig looked away to see where the sudden shouting was coming from.

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