American Experiment (412 page)

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Authors: James MacGregor Burns

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Brandeis and Frankfurter in FDR Administration
pp. 380-87; Schlesinger,
pp. 219-25; Bruce A. Murphy,
The Brandeis/Frankfurter Connection
(Oxford University Press, 1982), chs. 4-5; Ellis W. Hawley,
The New Deal and the Problem of Monopoly
(Princeton University Press, 1966), part 3; Rexford G. Tugwell, “Roosevelt and Frankfurter: An Essay Review,”
Political Science Quarterly,
vol. 85, no. 1 (March 1970), pp. 99-114; Freedman,


s continued desire for


see Otis L. Graham, Jr.,
Toward a Planned Society: From Roosevelt to Nixon
(Oxford University Press, 1976), p. 32.


s imperative
]: Murphy, p. 159; see also FDR memorandum to legislative leaders, June 4, 1935, in
F.D.R.: His Personal Letters,
Elliott Roosevelt, ed. (Duell, Sloan and Pearce, 1947-50), vol. 3, p. 481; and memorandum for legislative conference of August 18, 1935, in
pp. 502-3.

Congressional progressives riding high
]: see Ronald A. Mulder, “The Progressive Insurgents in the United States Senate, 1935-1936: Was There a Second New Deal?,”
vol. 57, no. 2 (April 1975), pp. 106-25; Freedman, pp. 269-72.

]: Bernstein,
Turbulent Years,
ch. 7; Cletus E. Daniel,
The ACLU and the Wagner Act
(ILR/Cornell, 1980); R. W. Fleming, “The Significance of the Wagner Act,” in Derber and Young, pp. 121-55; Huthmacher,pp. 189-98;
Public Papers,
vol.4, quoted at p. 294.

Social Security
]: Roy Lubove,
The Struggle for Social Security, 1900-1935
(Harvard University Press, 1968); Schlesinger,
ch. 18; Martin,
Madam Secretary,
ch. 26; Perkins, ch. 23;
Public Papers,
vol. 4, quoted at p. 324.

Banking Act
]: Hawley, pp. 309-15; Marriner S. Eccles,
Beckoning Frontiers: Public and Personal Recollections,
Sidney Hyman, cd. (Knopf, 1951), part 4, chs. 1-4, [“
Knock-down and drag-out fight
”]: quoted in Eccles, p. 175.

An eraser instead
p. 229.

Public Utility Holding Company Act
]: Ralph F. de Bedts,
The New Deal

s SEC: The Formative Years
(Columbia University Press, 1964), ch. 5; Hawley, pp. 329-37; see also William O. Douglas Papers, esp. container 2, Library of Congress.

Revenue Act
]: Hawley, pp. 344-50; Schlesinger,
pp. 325-34; James T. Patterson,
Congressional Conservatism and the New Deal
(University of Kentucky Press, 1967), pp. 59-69; Message to the Congress on Tax Revision, June 19, 1935, in
Public Papers,
vol. 4, pp. 270-76, quoted at p. 272.

]: George McJimsey,
Harry Hopkins: Ally of the Poor and Defender of Democracy
(Harvard University Press, 1987), chs. 5-8; Kenneth S. Davis,
FDR: The New Deal Years, 1933-1937
(Random House, 1986), pp. 463-71, 567-71, 621-23.

Progressive senators and bureaucracies
]: Mulder, p. 124 and
Holding company bill as model
]: see Murphy, p. 165.

Mulder on Wheeler
]: Mulder, p. 124.

Excessive centralization
”]: quoted in

Regresiveness of Social Security insurance model
]: McElvaine, pp. 256-57; Mark H. Leff, “Taxing the ‘Forgotten Man’: The Politics of Social Security Finance in the New Deal,”
Journal of American History,
vol. 70, no. 2 (September 1983), pp. 359-81.

Leff on payroll tax
]: Leff, p. 379.

Social security and income redistribution
]: Lubove, ch. 8; James Leiby,
A History of Social Welfare and Social Work in the United States
(Columbia University Press, 1978), ch. 13.


s opposition to Social Security bill
]: Williams,
pp. 835-36.


s reaction to tax message
pp. 836-37; Schlesinger,
pp. 327-28.

Lay over, Huey
”]: quoted in Williams, p. 836.

Appeal to the People

1936 State of the Union address
]: January 3, 1936, in
Public Papers,
vol. 5, pp. 8-18, quoted at pp. 13-14, 10, 14, 17, respectively;
New York Times,
January 4, 1936, pp. 1, 8.

Condition of ideological left, early 1936
]: see Johnpoll, pp. 167-70; Brinkley, pp. 190-92; Bernstein,
Turbulent Years,
pp. 404-9; Holtzman, p. 171.

Democrats against FDR
]: Schlesinger,
ch. 28; Patterson, pp. 250-57.


s plans for 1936 and 1940
]: Williams,
pp. 843-47; Kane, pp. 124-25.

Long in 1931 poll]:
pp. 249-50, quoted at p. 250; Brinkley, pp. 207-8.

Long’s assassination
]: Williams, pp. 859-76; see also Robert Penn Warren,
All the King

s Men
(Harcourt, 1946), pp. 418-25.

Smith and Long

s legacy
]: see Bennett, ch. 9; see also Glen Jeansonne,
Gerald L. K. Smith, Minister of Hate
(Yale University Press, 1988).


s roll call
]: Annual Message, in
Public Papers,
vol. 5, pp. 15-16.


s instructions to Farley and political aides
]: see James A. Farley,
Jim Farley

s Story
(McGraw-Hill, 1948), p. 59; Lester G. Seligman and Elmer K. Cornwell, Jr., eds.,
New Deal Mosaic: Roosevelt Confers with His National Emergency Council, 1933-1936
(University of Oregon Books, 1965), pp. 481-501 (meeting of December 17, 1935).

FDR in polls and public esteem
]: see the results of a January 1936
poll, as given in Hadley Cantril and Mildred Strunk, eds.,
Public Opinion, 1931-1946
(Princeton University Press, 1951), pp. 754-55 (Item 1).

Economic conditions, 1936
Historical Statistics,
part 1, p. 126 (Series D 1-10) and p. 235 (Series F 163-85).

Poor people on the land and the New Deal
]: Mitchell, chs. 7-8; Raper, part 5; Saloutos,
American Farmer,
ch. 7; Paul E. Mertz,
New Deal Policy and Southern Rural Poverty
(Louisiana State University Press, 1978).

Southern blacks and the New Deal
]: Raymond Wolters,
Negroes and the Great Depression: The Problem of Economic Recovery
(Greenwood Publishing, 1970), part 1; Harvard Sitkoff,
A New Deal for Blacks
(Oxford University Press, 1978), esp. ch. 2.

Women and the New Deal
]: Susan Ware,
Holding Their Own: American Women in the 1930s
(Twayne, 1982), esp. ch. 2; Ware,
Beyond Suffrage: Women in the New Deal
(Harvard University Press, 1981); Philip S. Foner,
Women and the American Labor Movement: From World War I to the Present
(Free Press, 1980), chs. 14-17; Bernstein,
Caring Society,
pp. 290-92.

What I won

t stand for
”]: O’Connor, pp. 282-84, quoted at p. 283; William E. Leuchtenburg, “Election of 1936,” in Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr.,
History of American Presidential Elections, 1789-1968
(Chelsea House, 1971), vol. 3, p. 2826.


s opposition to FDR
]: see John K. Winkler,
William Randolph Hearst: A New Appraisal
(Hastings House, 1955), pp. 259-68.

You and your fellow Communists
”]: quoted in Graham J. White,
FDR and the Press
(University of Chicago Press, 1979), p. 95.

A Red New Deal
”]: quoted in Wolfskill and Hudson, p. 193.

AAA decision
United States
297 U.S. 1 (1936), Stone’s dissent quoted at 87; Alpheus T. Mason,
Harlan Fiske Stone: Pillar of the Law
(Viking, 1956), pp. 405-18.

Minimum-wage law decision
New York,
298 U.S. 587 (1936), Stone

s dissent quoted at 632; Mason, pp. 421-26.


s coalition building
]: Schlesinger,
ch. 32; Lash, pp. 439-42; Farley,
pp. 301-2; Dubofsky and Van Tine, pp. 248-52; FDR memorandum to Farley, July 6, 1935, in
Personal Letters,
vol. 3, p. 492; Eleanor Roosevelt memorandum to FDR and others, July 16, 1936, in
pp. 598-600; Bernstein,
Turbulent Years,
pp. 449-50.

One issue
”]: quoted in Raymond Moley,
After Seven Years
(Harper, 1939), p. 342.


s nomination
]: Donald R. McCoy,
Landon of Kansas
(University of Nebraska Press, 1966), chs. 9-10; Leuchtenburg, pp. 2812-16.


s hopes for nomination
]: Gary Dean Best,
Herbert Hoover: The Postpresidential Years, 1933-1964
(Hoover Institution Press, 1983), vol. 1, pp. 39-65; McCoy, p. 255.

]: McCoy; Burns,
p. 270.

1936 Democratic convention
]: Farley,
pp. 306-8; Schlesinger,
pp. 579-85.

Democratic platform
]: reprinted in Schlesinger,
vol. 3, pp. 2851-56; see also Samuel I. Rosenman,
Working with Roosevelt
(Harper, 1952), pp. 101-3.


s acceptance address
]: June 27, 1936, in
Public Papers,
vol. 5, pp. 230-36, quoted at pp. 234, 235, 236.

Coughlin-Townsend-Smith coalition
]: Bennett, Prologue and ch. 14.

part 2; Edward C. Blackorby,
Prairie Rebel: The Public Life of William Lemke
(University of Nebraska Press, 1963).

Lemke on FDR and Landon
]: quoted in Wolfskill and Hudson, p. 252.

Union party boast
]: see Bennett, p. 191.

Socialist convention and fractures
]: Swanberg, ch. 10; see, generally, Laslett and Lipsett, ch. 8.

Communist popular front strategy
]: Klehr, chs. 9-10; Howe and Coser, pp. 327-32; Kenneth Waltzer, “The Party and the Polling Place: American Communism and an American Labor Party in the 1930s,”
Radical History Review,
no. 23 (Spring 1980), pp. 104-29; Max Gordon, “The Communist Party of the Nineteen-Thirties and the New Left,”
Socialist Revolution,
vol. 6, no. 1 (January-March 1976), pp. 11-48; James Weinstein, “Response to Gordon,”
pp. 48-59; Gordon, “Reply,”
pp. 59-65.

Klehr on Socialist and Communist shifts
]: Klehr, p. 194.

”]: Howe and Coser, p. 333. [

s campaign
]: McCoy, chs. 11-13; Schlesinger,
ch. 33 and pp. 635-38; Leuchtenburg, pp. 2816-21;Oswald Garrison Villard, “Issues and Men,”
vol. 123, no. 10 (September 5, 1936), pp. 266-67.

Hoover in 1936 campaign
]: Best, vol. 1, pp. 65-73; Herbert Hoover,
Addresses upon the American Road, 1933-1938
(Scribner, 1938), pp. 159-227; McCoy, pp. 279-81, 309.

[Literary Digest
]: see
Literary Digest,
vol. 122,no. 18 (October 31, 1936), pp. 4-5, and no. 20 (November 14, 1936), pp. 7-8.

Union party campaign
]: Blackorby, pp. 222-31; Bennett, part 6; Tull, ch. 5.

”]: quoted in Bennett, p. 230.

Broken down Colossus

Church hierarchy rebuke of Coughlin
pp. 254-57; see also George Q. Flynn,
American Catholics & the Roosevelt Presidency, 1932-1936
(Universitv of Kentucky Press, 1968), ch. 9.

As I was instrumental
”]: quoted in Bennett, p. 228.

If I don

t deliver
”]: quoted in Tull, p. 141.

Coolness among Union party leaders
]: see Bennett, ch. 19; Schlesinger,
pp. 626-28.


s campaign
]: Farley,
pp. 308-27; Rosenman, pp. 107-39; Schlesinger,
ch. 32 and pp. 630-35.

Madison Square Garden address
]: October 31, 1936, in
Public Papers,
vol. 5, pp. 566-73, quoted at pp. 568-69, 571-72, as modified by comparison with a recording of the address;
New York Times,
November 1, 1936, pp. 1, 36.

3. The Crisis of Majority Rule

Press on FDR

s victory
]: see James MacGregor Burns,
Roosevelt: The Lion and the Fox
(Harcourt, 1956), p. 284.

Presidential election results, 1936
]: Robert A. Diamond, ed.,
Congressional (Quarterly

s Guide to U.S. Elections
(Congressional Quarterly, 1975), pp. 251, 290; see also Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr.,
The Politics of Upheaval
(Houghton Mifflin, 1960), p. 642.

Congressional results
]: Congressional Quarterly,
Guide to U.S. Elections,
2nd ed. (Congressional Quarterly, 1985), p. 1116.

Framers and majority rule
]: see Edwin Mims, Jr.,
The Majority of the People
(Modern Age Books, 1941), esp. ch. 2; Henry Steele Commager,
Majority Rule and Minority Rights
(Oxford University Press, 1958); James MacGregor Burns,
The Deadlock of Democracy: Four-Party Politics in America
(Prentice-Hall, 1963), ch. 1; Burns,
The Vineyard of Liberty
(Knopf, 1982), chs. 1-2.

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