ARABELLA (16 page)

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Authors: Anonymous

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“Madame!” shrieked my cousin even as I, receiving a light pressure from Pearl's hand in the small of my back, allowed myself to be impelled forward. Our hostess would have no nonsense. Taking Elaine by the back of her hair, she gave my cousin no quarter. “I don't understand!” cried she, “oh, I shall disgrace myself—I cannot hold it!”

“But a second or two,” the lady abjured in a softer tone. The posts looked stout indeed, being set into the floor and with a small protrusion at the front of each, the purpose of which I was soon to learn.

“Oh, stop, please stop!”

The cry of course was Elaine's. I remained mute, though feeling all sorts of tinglings of apprehension course through me. Had Pearl misjudged? Were we to be put to torture? A gasp from myself and my cousin and our backs were put to the posts.

“Bend your knees a little, Arabella,” murmured Pearl, quite ignoring the beseeching looks of wonder that I gave her. I was soon to learn the purpose of the command, for as I did so, a broad strap affixed to the back of the post was passed around my body and fastened tightly under my armpits. Therewith another secured my waist. Thus did I hang a little in a most curious posture, my legs being forced to part in order that I could better support myself.

“No, no, no, please!” Elaine babbled, but we were set to the posts with such calm and determined efficiency that ere we knew it our gowns were upped and tucked so well in that the lewdness of our enforced postures was on full display. Therewith I discovered also the purpose of the slight bulge that protruded from the front of the post, for it aided in the support of my bottom, my knees being bent and my feet splayed. Then were we both gagged with broad strips of velvet cloth, naked from the waist down save for our gartered stockings and the lower edges of our tight little corsets beneath which our navels twinkled.

Well satisfied that we were secured, our hostess then clapped her hands, whereupon two gentlemen of middle years entered, naked save for white shirts and with their cocks standing well up.

“Are they not a delicious pair? They are about to pee,” laughed the lady, adding, “Maria—bring the bowls!”

I saw no one else, but then out from behind a screen scuttled a young maid who bore a white porcelain chamberpot in either hand which she placed one by one deftly between our feet and then disappeared. At that the lady smiled and, advancing upon us, tickled our bellies and cunnies together, for Elaine and I hung not two feet apart. I gasped within my gag and heard a splashing sound.

“Oh heavens, she has begun! Gentlemen, quickly!” exhorted our hostess, her place being quickly taken by the two males who stood one in front of each of us, rubbing their cocks as Elaine and I began to pee.

I could not help myself, in full sight of a male whose prick stemmed ready and whose balls hung with a heaviness that betokened the pleasure that must surely follow. I stared at him. My boldness perhaps surprised me. Our eyes burned into each other's. I was exposed. The lips of my quim ridged themselves slightly as a powerful jet splashed down from me to gurgle and hiss in the waiting bowl. His eyes lusted as I had never seen a man's do. He licked his lips and even stayed his hand upon his cock. The moment seemed to me one of wonderment.

My cheeks, deeply reddened, were already puffed. I wanted not the gag, yet understood it. In Elaine's case rather than my own it was a required precaution. A last, thinner jet wisped down from my cunt to be followed by a few golden drops. My eyes must have invited, for he then put himself to me. The purpose of my knees being bent became more obvious. He had but to flex his own and take my hips in order to impel his enflamed knob within me. I knew from the grunting sounds beside me that Elaine was being similarly accommodated, but I cared not of her in that moment. My own pleasure was rampant.

Well moistened as I was his thick, long shaft eased up within me as if oiled. Our bellies touched, his legs quivered violently. Tearing the gag from my mouth he applied his lips to mine. With that the last few inches of his pestle were squeezed desirously between the velvet walls of my sheathe. The sensation was divine. Our thighs trembled together. Groaning a little into my yearning mouth wherein our tongues twisted lewdly, he began to fuck me slowly. The sensation of being bound and helpless was one I found to my liking. The grip of his hands at my hips, though unnecessary, was masterful.

Naught was said. Standing to the rear of our stallions, Pearl and our hostess observed the spectacle with pleasure. I was nameless as was Elaine. His feet pressed against the chamberpot into which my offering had haplessly poured. It was a moment of obscenity and sweetness such as must be experienced to be known. Neither of our males was in any hurry about the matter, but pumped us steadily. Our breaths panted into each other's mouths. Perhaps more dazed than I, Elaine nevertheless received the urging shaft as greedily as I, else she would have whimpered and sobbed as I knew her sometimes to do.

The art of it was in the comparative silence, for the males were merged with us as surely as we were bound to the posts.

This I understood better later. For the nonce I yielded to the glory of the throbbing cock which I inundated several times before the pace quickened. My bottom bumped a little on the protrusion that helped to support it but I found no discomfort therein. Rather did the rubbing of its polished surface titillate me. Our lips and tongues worked the faster—then, gripping my hips more strongly, he expelled his sperm in long, leaping shoots that the inner squeezings of my cunny impelled. On and on the flow went until the last ecstatic shudders came upon us and we were done.

“It is good,” our hostess said. Moving forward, she passed her hands under the men's buttocks and held them into us for a moment, as though all four of us were subject to her will. Then his tool slipped from me and he retreated, as did his companion, to the divan which immediately faced the posts. The maid reappeared and offered them cigars. Through a blue haze of smoke they regarded us lazily while we were released.

“They are more docile now than you,” the lady laughed. I had expected petulance and cries from Elaine but she wisely desisted from any such silly displays. She knew not whether to laugh or cry, I think.

“They may bathe now?” Pearl asked. A gracious reply being received, we were escorted upstairs where we bathed at leisure and then returned down much more comforted, though this time to an ornate drawing room where cold meats, fish and salad were set out upon a low table around which we sat on cushions in the Oriental fashion. The two gentlemen were present, being attired in trousers again.

“A pleasant diversion, was it not?” Pearl asked Elaine and I. We were in company and there was to be no gaucheness. .

“Quite amusing,” I replied languidly while my cousin smiled over the rim of her glass. “But we have not been introduced,” I added.

Such formalities were rapidly effected. Our hostess, it seemed, was one Mary Grey who had lived in France for several years. She had been a governess at one time and had come into money through the favours of her last employer who apparently had much good reason for being pleased with her methods. I suspected that was not the entire story, but let discretion obtain. By degrees she revealed all. Her employer had been a certain Lord L— who in pursuit of pleasures had purchased and set her up in this house that she might further their mutual amusements. He required her only to be as inventive as possible in order that he and such guests as he sent from England, or who accompanied him, would be fully entertained.

As might be expected, I bristled rather at this, feeling that we had been used as common whores. Though I did not have time to express myself on the matter, I was well anticipated.

“It is not as you think, Arabella,” remarked Mary, “for only young ladies from the best families are themselves entertained here. It is a refuge for all sorts of games where one is perfectly free from interference or the knowledge of others. That you were a little roughly treated was part of your education.”

“Oh indeed, but perhaps we did not need it,” Elaine said tartly.

“Tut tut, my dear, we all do. Even an old dog may be taught new tricks. The gentlemen here expect to make no payment, nor the young ladies to receive any. Be not put out, for it was in fun. Have you not learned a little?”

At this, one of the gentlemen, who had so far taken no part in the conversation, leaned forward and spoke rapidly in French to our hostess who listened politely, nodded, and then regarded Elaine.

“The two gentlemen would like to enjoy you together, my dear. Are you willing?” she asked.

A quite comical expression passed over my cousin's face at that. She was clearly taken aback at this straightforward request. Being seated beside her, I passed my arm about her waist and drew her back upon the floor so suddenly that she had no time to resist.

“Yes, she will,” I laughed and thereupon smothered Elaine's mouth with my own, clasping her body tightly beneath her armpits. “You will, will you not?” I asked her softly.

“I don't want to with both of them!” she gasped.

“Yes you do, you silly—you may suck one and have the other in your pussy at the same time,” I said, observing out of the corner of my eye while kissing her that the two gentlemen had risen and were solemnly removing their slippers and trousers.

“No, no, no—you do it,” she babbled and attempted to twist about in my arms whereat Pearl came and stood right over her, straddling her figure, so that she pinned her down by her gown with her heels.

“An end to this coyness, girl. Rise, Arabella, and leave her. All is to be voluntary. Up with your dress, Elaine, and prepare to put yourself to them. NOW!”

So abrupt and seemingly cold were Pearl's words that Elaine obeyed her more quickly perhaps than she had done anything before. Her legs being so delightful in shape, her bottom so round, and her cunny seeming to pout for attention, none could help but admire her as she lay pettishly waiting for the attentions that were soon enough bestowed on her. Expressing themselves with many words of praise which I could distinguish well enough, one gently skewered her thighs apart and lay upon her—deftly inserting his rampant weapon, while the other knelt by her head and brought her mouth up to his knob.

“How strange that she is still hesitant,” I murmured to Pearl and Mary who stood with me watching.

“It is but her way. I believe she prefers it for it titillates her the more. We all have our little foibles and hers are not unattractive,” replied Mary who was as fascinated by we at the manner in which Elaine took to the sucking of one stiff penis while the other sported back and forth in her slit. Her cheeks were pink, her eyes closed. Little puffs and pants of satisfaction came from all three.

“I do believe she likes being put on exhibition,” I laughed, quite certain that in the rising miasmas of her pleasure Elaine would scarce hear a word. Coiling her stockinged legs up over the buttocks of the man who was fucking her, she began urging him on with her heels while drawing in her cheeks at the sucking of the other.

“There is a pride in it that a lusty young lady soon comes to know,” said Mary, caressing my bottom as she spoke. “Your horizons are ever being broadened, Arabella. Once complete freedom is obtained in putting yourself to the cock, happiness is certain. In the summer here we have meadow fucks and they are very pretty.”

“What then are they?” I asked.

“Picnics, my dear, with much wine and frivolity. Then two or three young ladies are fucked side by side in the warm grass. If there is not an extra prick to suck upon at the same time, one or other may draw upon the neck of a wine bottle and empty it even while she is receiving her other libation. Ah look, the devil is coming in her mouth!”

It was true. He who was receiving Elaine's oral attentions, withdrew his pulsing cock completely, twitched her nostrils between thumb and forefinger, and—thus forcing her mouth to remain open—expelled his long shoots of juice deep within, groaning much as he did so. This being apparently the signal for his companion—who waited until the last dribblings had been expelled—Elaine was then on her own under her stallion who wasted little time in pumping her cunny so well that she was completely inundated at both ends and lay in a seeming daze as his weapon in turn withdrew from between her lovelips.

Suffice to say that within the hour I was accorded the same dual salute and found enormous pleasure in sucking on a meaty shaft while the other was pestling me. The taste of sperm I found slightly salty but by no means obnoxious. It was the best possible thing for the complexion, I was told, and such surplus as remained upon both my pairs of lips was laughingly rubbed all about my face. After this, I required to bathe again, as Elaine did, whereupon—looking far more demure than we had upon arrival—we were kissed and complimented by all and took our departure.

At the hotel my uncle waited our return with obvious pleasure, though naught was said to him of. what had passed. One rarely discusses such things in distant aftermaths. What is done is done. Such pleasure as had been taken is but to be renewed. Only when it is may confidences be exchanged. Reminiscences are best exchanged or conveyed in the heat of the moment, unless it be in immediate converse—such as at the Comte's—after several lubricious bouts.

I spent the night alone. Carried to bed by her Papa, my cousin uttered not a squeak of protest. I had no doubt, however, that she would find cause to struggle prettily on less private occasions.

CHAPTER twelve

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