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True it is that the French language softens much. Little by little Elaine and I were to learn such terms and phrases in that delicate tongue as were needful to us. Frequently also, to our vast amusement, we were able to employ them in the company of the less informed who had no idea, for instance, that
means “prick” and
les fesses
the “bottom.” Numerous were the ladies of our acquaintance who had learned only “polite French” and little enough of that. We were to play many merry japes by virtue thereof, though afterwards pretending with affected coyness and even dismay that we had been mistaken completely as to the true meaning of the words.

From Pearl on this memorable night I learned, too, the value of discretion, for while the Comte regaled us with such wicked tales as would have allowed him to compile his own
Thousand and One Nights,
she remained charmingly evasive as to her own. Thus one is most subtly portrayed as having less experience than others which, in the eyes of many males—as also not a few females—renders one the more desirable. A whore is not sought after unless by those who pathetically jingle sovereigns in their pockets for a mean two minutes pleasure.

An hour passed before we returned to play the game which Rabelais rather crudely described as that of the “two-backed beast.” Elaine was to receive her Papa's accolade in her bottom, as had been promised, while I was to attend to both the Comte and Roald—the latter to put his penis to my lips while our host, having me kneeling before him, gave my cunny a fresh injection. Pearl, as she proclaimed, was to be the ring-mistress and to this end first made great play of drawing my cousin to the selfsame table over which she had been birched. No such punishment being due this time, however, Pearl placed a small blue velvet cushion upon the edge of it, upon which Elaine was to rest her tummy.

Her legs being well-spread and her bottom showing a perfect cleft orb, her Papa then toyed with her gently, bidding her be still and obedient in future as was his wish. To this Elaine gave no reply, affecting as ever some would-be shy confusion as first he eased his fingertips about her cuntlips, the better to moisten and excite her. I, being uncertain again as to whether in the final event she would endeavour to spring up again, held back my stallions until his rod had sought the tightness of her hole. Placing one hand in the small of her back and urging her gently to keep her bottom well poised, he oiled his fingers from a phial that waited accommodatingly for the purpose and caused her to wriggle much and to sigh and to moan as he then lubricated her puckered rosette.

“She has taken a young man's cock up there this very day and may now enjoy the paternal one,” said Pearl who much enjoyed ordering young ladies about. So saying, she clamped her hand firmly upon the back of Elaine's neck and—bidding my uncle step back a little—began to massage and finger her all about her bottom and beneath while whispering to her what I had no doubt were all sorts of erotic fancies.

Breathing softly and keeping her face hidden in the crook of her arms which were folded upon the surface of the table, Elaine commenced rotating her bottom lasciviously while her Papa waited with urgently strumming cock to take his prize.

He was not long about it, for being “finger-dipped”—as Pearl called it—which is to say that she began working her forefinger in and out of Elaine's rosehole, the maiden's cleft was soon taken by her father's prick which rammed slowly into her until her quivering shoulders and whimpering sounds told of her pleasure. Not until his penis had all but emerged and then had sheathed itself again did I resort to my pair. At one end I sucked greedily upon Roald's prick with my mouth while my lovelips pouted equally upon the Comte's stiff tool. Thus with many wracking cries—my own being entirely muffled—did we all glide down the hill of bliss.

Finishing his course first, my uncle withdrew his steaming weapon with an audible
which left Elaine's bottom as well-creamed as I have ever seen one. Being not long in following, I loosed Roald's cock from my mouth for just sufficient time to call upon both to lather me equally which they did with more vigour than even I had hoped.

Thus wearied of our games, all finally dispersed to bed. It being well and tactfully understood that the men would require their rest, I took to the sheets with Elaine who had been too well pleasured for her now to deny it.

“I told you that Papa had a big one,” she murmured triumphantly, as if all had come about by her own endeavours rather than by the urgings we had found it necessary to employ.

“As to that, you have neither seen nor felt the last of it,” I replied, though cuddling her to me warmly. Our fingers sought each other's dells, for to reminisce about such without accompanying titillation would be as to eating strawberries without cream.

“What then of yours, for you have not been so venturesome as I,” she declared as one might who has earlier lost much ground and will now recover it by whatever means possible.

“Papa?” I exclaimed in astonishment, for though it would not be entirely truthful to say that the idea had by now not crossed my mind, I had truly not given much account to it. “That is different, for I am younger than you,” I replied with a remarkable lack of logic that caused me to smile in the darkness.

“We shall see, for what I have received you must also, else I shall be cheated upon. Come, say that you will be as bold as I.”

I would not. I giggled and evaded her questions. Even so, the very thought of it made me part my thighs more eagerly to her caresses.


All was utter decorum the next morning when, in the discreet fashion of ladies and gentlemen who have partaken of mutual pleasures, we breakfasted and bid the Comte and Roald a fond adieu. This being conducted without any suggestive mannerisms or caresses pleased me. Being somewhat constrained as first with her Papa, Elaine soon fell into the ease of things when it came upon her that we were simply three ladies and a gentleman returning to their hotel and that not a whit of lewdness lay visibly about us.

I flattered myself not that the Comte had specially chosen us and had few doubts that the night would yet see others jousting in our place. No sense of jealousy or loss occurred to me. I was wise enough perhaps to apprehend that we had used one another, though not selfishly but in mutual accord. Elaine who had but long days before boasted to me of her knowledge of all things amourous, now betrayed a naivety that both amused and made one feel more fond towards her than ever.

“Have we not done all that could be done—I mean by way of being wicked?” she asked when, upon arriving, the three of us took by silent accord to Pearl's suite while my uncle absented himself. So saying, she then began to prattle on about what she had read in her Papa's books, hopeful perhaps that she might so impress Pearl.

“No, my dear,” Pearl replied at last by way of answer to Elaine's first question. “Not to put too fine a point upon it, you have entertained a cock in your cunny and also in your bottom, but you have yet to have one in each at the same time.”

My cousin's face was a picture and at the very thought she wriggled about upon her seat, pretending amazement that it might be possible.

“Indeed it is, and blissful it can be if the males are not too rough with one, though that is not a contingency I anticipate in our circles,” Pearl responded and went on, “You are still but at the beginning of your adventures and indeed your tuition, for you are brought here for the latter as much as the former. Just as a fiddler may draw many melodies from his violin, so may we with our bodies and our ingenuity. The mind above all is the most marvellous instrument and can excite ideas which at the moment may be beyond your ken. Had Arabella, for instance, fallen at your Papa's feet last night and begged him to desist from his attempts upon you, you might still remain among the unconverted. As it is, you have let yourself go and have been deeply enriched both in sensations and emotions. It is they you must utilise as much as your fine forms, for the one will lead to the fulfillment of the other.”

“You mean, to use our imaginations?” I asked, thereby coming to the rescue of Elaine who looked a little put out that she had not impressed Pearl as much as she had wished to do.

“Precisely, Arabella. No two things and no two events are ever quite the same. Both of you have now proven delightfully perverse and will I am sure remain so. Indeed, you will flourish, for it would be a poor outcome if either of you were to settle into marriage before having tasted all the fruits in the garden.”

“Elaine has already had the forbidden fruit,” I said mischievously, causing my cousin to squeal and shush me.

“It is as well she did. Such barriers put up by a hypocritical society are not for us. There are only two rules whereby we guide ourselves. The first is complete refusal to participate in the body's pleasures, for ultimately the proclaimed will of the individual must be respected. The second—as I need hardly say—is that the giving of pain must be avoided at all costs.”

“Oh, but Papa stung me with the birch!” interjected Elaine.

“Stuff and nonsense, girl—he but burnished your bottom. You had not a mark to show upon it afterwards and naught but pleasure in the outcome. For the most part, young women of your age receive such admonitions of the birch through their drawers and conceal thereby their ultimate modesty. Many a girl at boarding school receives the birch, the cane or the strap before her Papa lays hand in turn to her bottom. Such as are brought to so-called illicit delights in that way may count the birching a part of the bargain, for it persuades the girl to a submissive posture and a readiness to succumb. Finding that the cock spouts pleasurably in her and that she is frequently afterwards fondled and rewarded for her compliance, all is then well. Such is far better than that she may be taken to the marriage bed in ignorance. Come, Elaine, sit upon my lap and tell the truth. Did you not like it?”

My cousin, obeying, found her thighs and pussy immediately prey to Pearl's caresses and thus answered in heat more quickly than she might otherwise have done that she had found it indeed to her liking.

“And the birching? It did not really pain you? You were not in torture?”

“Oh no. It stung me and bit me, for some of those twigs had awful tips to them, but once I was made do it, the stinging became a lovely glow and I felt the better for it.”

“You were held and plugged, my pet—that is how it should be after your bottom has been well-warmed. A girl must be taken quickly if she is to succumb, else she may entertain all sorts of doubts and wriggle her way out of it. Once the cock has found its niche in her cunny or bottom and she is so held, then the outcome is certain. A gentleman is one who will then fuck her lovingly that she might partake of the delicious sensations and so be brought to the full sport of it. Shyness has a certain charm, however, and I wish you not to lose it. Come, Arabella, the minx is coming on heat. Attend to her bottom while I make her spill!”

Thus saying, Pearl drew up the back of Elaine's dress and raised it to her waist so that my cousin's bottom bulbed out over Pearl's thighs. This allowing me perfect access to her nether charms, I threw myself down beside them and worked my forefinger delicately up into her bottomhole while Pearl tickled her clitty.

“Oh, oh, what are you at?” gasped Elaine who jiggled this way and that but—being firmly held—could not escape.

“A little introduction, my pet, to what two cocks may feel like though I fear that our fingers are rather small for it.”

“HAAAAAR! I c...c...could not!” my cousin moaned, though seeming to like the intrusion of my finger she weighed down upon it and so forced my finger in past the first knuckle while Pearl equally inserted her own into her slit. Then instructing me briefly, Pearl told me to feel for the sheathing of her own finger, at which I was to withdraw mine to the tip. At the emerging of hers, I was then to allow mine in turn to act as the “poker.” Thus did I gain the art of it, and Elaine too, emitting an “OOOH-AH!” each time we deftly worked our digits alternately. Indeed, there were moments in my haste when I could feel the pressure of Pearl's finger through the membrane that divided the two orifices and from this I also learned the purpose of so pleasuring in this way.

Clutching at Pearl's shoulders, Elaine seemed unable to speak, though she several times attempted to. Her hips pumped and her breath literally whistled out.

“Ah! she is coming again!” cried Pearl whose fingers were already well lubricated while I sensed upon my own a filmy moisture such as in my own case had much improved my bout with Roald. This, Pearl said afterwards, was a secretion provided by Nature when sufficient titillation was provided, though in the case of male penises some warm sweet oil was always to be recommended, for then it afforded immediate pleasure to both parties.

After such enervating trials as she endured in the next few minutes, Elaine slipped from our grasp and lay quietly curled up upon the floor, Pearl nudging her playfully with her toes and winking at me.

“Her Papa shall not so have her bottom while another is in her cunny, for he would be too big. Young boys are the better for this sport, their penises being thinner and, besides, they may be trained to it. We females may be put often enough to our trials, but so must some men be, particularly when they are young and malleable.”

Relieved no doubt by what she had heard about herself and what might have been playfully termed her future prospects, Elaine thereupon sat up and listened, saying not unwisely that while she was thoroughly prepared to offer herself up to the sport, she feared the shadow of indiscretions.

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