ARABELLA (15 page)

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Authors: Anonymous

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“Wisely said, Elaine,” Pearl complimented her, “and hence two conditions obtain. The first is that one must beware of betraying oneself in indiscreet company. You may flirt, my kittens, as you wish, but that is an utterly different thing from showing that you are prepared to be pleasured. The gentleman who handles you rudely—that is to say one who fondles you upon early acquaintance as if you are his property—is to be spurned. He is surely one who will retail his exploits to others, in his Club or elsewhere.”

“What did you mean by compromise?” I asked.

“You seize well upon the point, Arabella. Another term for it is 'inducing.' Let us take the example of a young lady—fair . of figure and looks—who one suspects has within herself the seeds of mischief. She may be well chaperoned, or she may have been so ignorantly apprised by her Mama of all matters appertaining to sexual joys that she starts as might any nervous filly at the first touch of a hand. It may even be that she pretends to have moral scruples. In such a case it is as well for her to be seduced first by the ladies—-two such as you,” Pearl said with a twinkle. “That this might be easily accomplished we know from our experiences in boarding school where few of us have not got between the sheets eventually with another girl, or two. The skillfulness of the maiden's seducers is requisite, for she must be brought to a point of panting and frothing at which she will accept the cock of a male kept secretly in waiting. Her female companions, having viewed the bout with pleasure, now have her more at their command. However, she must be guided and not forced. Her own inclinations, stirred by what has happened to her, will bring her along in the end and so perhaps make her an accomplice in other desired matters. Thus is a chain initiated and all may be kept within a closed circle. Each relies upon the other, and secrecy is all.”

“As with our visit to Paris, for dear Mama does not dream of what we are at,” exclaimed Elaine.

“Precisely so, though I have known it to be the other way around, when the Mama has acted as the Messalina while her sons and daughters are kept in ignorance of the fact. It is never too late to induct even a lady of maturity, provided that her face and figure are of sufficient attraction. Sometimes this may come about without design and needs not the intervention of outsiders. Thus I have known of a high-placed Society lady who was inadvertently caught in the bathroom by her young son and his schoolfriends. Believing them to be safely playing in the garden, she had left the bathroom door ajar.

“When it fell upon her that they were watching her through the crack of the door, with much whispering and giggling, she felt exceedingly put out and called down her wrath upon them, saying that both were to be severely spanked. While clambering from the bath and quickly drying herself, she ordered them into her boudoir where, she said, they were to doff their trousers. Attired then only in a bathrobe, she entered to find the two penitents bent over with their ears thoroughly burning to think they had been so caught out.

“Making no bones about the matter, as she thought, the dear lady put their bottoms side by side—exposed as they were—and attended to the smacking of each, causing them to yelp and squirm. In the process, however, she could not help but note that their cocks had arisen, for not only were they stimulated by her spanking palm but also by the delicious perfumes that emanated from her. Saying then that she had never seen such a disgusting sight, she—ill-advisedly as might be thought by some—took hold of their stiff pintles in turn while continuing to spank them. At this of course they became thoroughly excited and knew not whether to sob or emit their natural sounds of pleasure.

“Perceiving this, as she was bound to, the lady felt well the throbbing of their slender tools, for they made perfect handles to hold, as it were. With each smack they moved their cocks more and more excitedly in her hand until she feared they would come. 'You naughty bad boys, I know not what to do with you,' she cried, whereat they were allowed to rise. Turning about and with their bottoms well smarting and their pricks lewdly displayed, they begged for her forgiveness. Casting himself against her, her son caused his penis to intrude between the folds of her robe and so press to her belly, saying that he felt most strange.

“At this a lewdness fell upon all three. Passing behind the good lady, the boy's chum raised her robe and impressed his cock in turn to the groove of her ample bottom. Thus all but transfixed, she knew not how to comport herself. The persuasive rubbing of their penises fore and aft soon quickened her senses, however. With much pretended remonstrance, she allowed herself to be tumbled upon the bed, there to receive her son's cock in her cunny while his friend pestled her bottom. In no time at all a throbbing course was run which put her into quite a delirium of pleasure, for both her orifices frothed to her entire satisfaction.”

“As well as theirs, no doubt,” I chuckled.

“Without doubt, Arabella, for she returned to the sport again and again thereafter, swearing both to secrecy while entertaining them in the same wise on her bed each afternoon. None knew of this, for she affected otherwise the airs of a saint.”

“How then did you know?” I enquired.

“As to that, my dear, it came about by accident. Being on a visit to the house, I was changing in a small room adjacent to her boudoir when the boys—not knowing of my immediate presence—rushed in and began to tumble her with much love and jollity, upping her skirts and I know not what and declaring that their cockles were longing to be milked, as they put it. Being horrified that I was a silent witness to this, she chased them out and then fell to crying when I appeared. For she believed me, too, you see to be a model of propriety. I however comforted her and assured her that if there was such sport to be had, she must not deny herself.”

“Oh, then, did you join in?” asked Elaine.

“No my dear, I did not, for I perceived that the lady required her pleasures to be taken alone. Such as are like that must be respected. Swearing myself to secrecy, I nevertheless gave her bottom a thorough whipping, saying that this would exculpate her from past and future sins. Truly she believed me and I have no doubt that she returned to the field of love as soon as I had left, for once such pleasures are begun they are hard to leave off.”

“How I would love to do that,” I said, as much to put myself ahead of Elaine as anything else.

“Why then you shall, for there are many fresh young cocks to be teased and put up to one, much as a young girl may herself be put up to an older male. A well-behaved couple of lads are required, for they must be taught discretion. They can be trained to be of service to ladies, rather as our young friend was at the dressmaker's. Another pretty device is to have a fervent prick in one's bottom while the cunny is being tongued by a pretty young lass. Ah yes, that is an extreme pleasure!” quivered Pearl whose eyes were positively reminiscent in their glowing.

“Tell us more,” begged Elaine, for having heard all that she had, she felt not so much wicked herself as more of a comparative innocent who has but dipped her toes in the waters of passion.

“In time you shall both learn all that I can teach you. You did well to read your Papa's naughty romances, my dear, but such for the most part are rather simple in their ways. You will devise your own games, for there is half the pleasure in so doing. Be lewd or be shy in your taking of the cock, but be not in-between, for that is dull. Speak not of your amourous encounters to others lest you trust them implicitly, or they may make a mischief of it.”

“What, though, if one is caught out? Have you never known such a contretemps?” I ventured.

“There are ever to be mishaps, Arabella. One must learn to deal with them. You might put on boldness, for instance, or you might fall to weeping and declaring that it was but your first slip—that is to say, as long as you are young enough to be able to aver that. Another course is to turn the tables if you can, which of course may be done by involving in one way or another—then or later—the very one who has thought fit to steal in on you.”

I was to remember those words and put them to good account later. Pearl, I was pleased to find, deemed me more mature in many aspects than my cousin, despite that I was junior in years to her. This I learned when Elaine excused herself from the room for a little while.

“There are different roles to be learned, which you will come to more naturally than Elaine, for I believe you to have a finer instinct for such things than she. I chide her not for her behaviour in being put to the birch, for it was her first time. She will come to enjoy being spurred on as time progresses. One must know when to yield and when to command. There are as many joys in submitting as in conquering. But I mystify you a little, Arabella. Promise to place yourself in my hands for we are going to have a little adventure this evening. I wish to see how you comport yourself.”

A quiver of excitement ran through me. Her eyes were both mischievous and kindly. Knowing that she would bring us to no harm, I acquiesced with a nod and a smile.

“What a delightful girl you are, Arabella. Come, be my little slave. Kneel down before me, burrow your pretty face between my thighs and lick me, for I am about to come at the very thought of what you are going to enjoy!”

CHAPTER eleven

Elaine was all of a flutter at the news of a mysterious visit we were to make. Thankfully, perhaps, I could tell her nothing of it. Had Pearl confided in me more I might have let her wheedle it out of me.

“Don't ask Pearl too much or she will be put out—she intends it to be a surprise for us,” I said.

“Oh, very well, but I like to know what is happening.”

“Sometimes it is best not to—surely there is much more fun in that,” I replied, and knew the truth of it even as I spoke. Until now I had been able in great part to anticipate events. Now it was as if I were about to open doors beyond which lay mysteries. The thought made my veins tingle. Adorning ourselves in white waist corsets and white silk stockings with rosetted garters—“For purity,” as Pearl said—we made ourselves ready. Neither chemises nor drawers were required. Our gowns being of velvet, we felt the soft comforting of them.

My uncle did not accompany us nor did he ask anything about our venture. Perhaps Pearl had primed him, perhaps not. He would enjoy himself, I had no doubt, with some
in our absence. A leather case containing two bottles of champagne accompanied us in our carriage. The corks were popped before we had reached the outskirts of Paris. Pearl insisted upon our quaffing all.

“Oh, I shall want to pee soon,” Elaine declared, for the jogging of carriages frequently made one want to do that in any event.

“Then you must hold it and wait until we arrive,” Pearl said. I wondered not a little at that, for it was ever easy enough to slip out of a carriage in the dark and relieve oneself within its shelter in the dark. Elaine wriggled exceedingly, for our supper had been a light one.

“Please, Pearl, I must!” she begged, but the lady was adamant and afforded me a sly smile in the dark. I, too, tingled and burned to pee and fancied not having to ask our unknown hostess for the means to do so the very minute we arrived. When we did it was with rather puffed faces and tightened bottoms.

“Ask as soon as we get in,” Elaine blathered, receiving the crisp reply that we would be seen to. I quivered and read some meaning in Pearl's reply, as well I might have done. Alighting from the carriage with our feet crunching upon the gravel, we viewed before us the dark shadow of a chateau no less large than that of the Comte. Endeavouring to walk daintily, I yet wriggled—as did Elaine—while we mounted the steps and entered a grand hall, there to be met by a lady of calm demeanour who immediately beckoned us forward along to what I imagined just to be a drawing room.

In that I was wrong, for it proved to be a large chamber of most curious aspect. The walls were covered in blue velvet all about. Chandeliers glittered upon cushioned divans much as those we had pleasured ourselves on at the Comte's. There, however, the resemblance ended, for in the centre of the floor were a number of posts and bars affixed and from these hung straps and chains, the sight of which sent chills of wonder through me. Indeed, I made to step back as did my cousin. I was all of a tremble, fearful that harm was about to befall us and that perhaps even Pearl had not foreseen this.

I was wrong, of course, and felt myself impelled forward by a gentle push in the back.

“Oh, Madame, I wish to...,”started Elaine, her voice quavering with more than a little apprehension showing in it.

“My dear, I know what you wish to do. Your tummy is all of a bubble with a surfeit of champagne, is it not, and dying to release it through your pretty cuntlips. Which is the daughter and which the niece?” our hostess asked. She was a lady of imposing stature, perhaps a year or two younger than Pearl. Her gown was black and artlessly simple in design, the front being ruched and forming revers. A broad band of black velvet with a single stone glittering at the front of it adorned her swanlike neck.

“This is the daughter,” Pearl replied, indicating Elaine who twisted her hands together in wonderment and squirmed her hips in dumb appeal.

“Good. She knows the throbbing of a cock, then, as well as the other. Let us not delay matters, however. They desire to relieve themselves and I have two gentlemen here who delight in such spectacles. If either of them wets herself as yet then she will be whipped the more soundly. Bring the niece to a post and I will deal with the daughter.”

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