ARABELLA (17 page)

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Authors: Anonymous

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A few more days having passed in divers sports, we returned to England, having learned more than pride would oftimes allow us to confess. That mattered not to Pearl who was wise enough to know that consent lies often in silence. Our general air of wellbeing was obvious to all. Having actually visited the Louvre, the Tuileries and other places of notable interest over several afternoons, we were able to talk about them and thus allay any doubts as to the official reason for our visit.

But a week after our return, when life began to seem unconscionably dull again and not a penis had pulsed its longing before my eyes, Pearl brought news that she said would please me. I was invited to a wedding.

Socially interesting as the prospect appeared to be, it hardly filled me with the sense of excitement that I needed. I was too polite, of course, to say so. Imbued with mischief and meaning to tease me, Pearl allowed me at first to think that that was all there was to it. Soon enough, however, she divulged such further news of the event as made my eyes sparkle.

The bridegroom was to be one Ewart Maudsley, an honourable gentleman of the realm, who had reached the prime of his life at the age of forty-two. His bride-to-be was a widow, Catherine, who counted her years four less than he, and had two charming daughters and a son.

After the ceremony, which by necessity would be a non-ecclesiastical one, since Mr. Maudsley was divorced, there would be a private reception, said Pearl who could well see that I was bubbling for her to get to the point.

“Well, then, I shall tell you, for I have teased you with mundane facts for too long, Arabella. There is a certain tradition in the lady's family which decrees that upon marriage or remarriage the bride is to be anointed.”

“Oh, Pearl, you tease still! What does that mean and how does it interest me?”

“It will interest you muchly when I say that anointment is understood to be by means of a spouting penis well lodged in one or other of the bride's orifices! More than one, in fact, for it is decreed that the bride shall be mounted by all the male guests present and that the bridesmaids and others may follow suit.”

“Good heavens, do you really mean that this is a family tradition!”

“In this case yes, my pet, rare as the custom may be. The bride's mother herself was so saluted many years ago, and two of her sisters have been. It is said to be a ceremony akin to those that take place along the lower orders at harvest time when the field women are stripped and take part in lewd pagan ceremonies. Have you not heard of such?”

“Indeed no. But wait! I do recall now that on the last harvest I wished to view the celebrations of the farmworkers, but that Papa forbade me to go. He said it would not be seemly for me to attend.”

“Indeed, Arabella, for while the menfolk would not have dared draw you into the proceedings, you would have seen many a bottom or cunny tupped over the hayricks. Such comes from ancient times, I am told, when it was believed that with the harvest all should be fertilised again.”

“Really, I cannot wait after what you have told me! Dear Pearl, you have always been my mentor, and indeed Elaine's. You have guided us along the paths of naughtiness to excellent effect. Tell me then how it will be and how it is that I am invited.”

“You are invited by dint of my mentioning your divine talents most confidentially to Catherine. You may think it strange that she does not otherwise indulge in lewdnesses, but believes it her duty to follow in the tradition. It will not be a rumbustious affair for the guest list is very much handpicked and will be held in her future home which is being furnished now for the occasion. Catherine will not be the only one to be laid on the altar of love, as I have indicated. There will be two bridesmaids and they, of course, are already apprised of their fate.”

“But surely this will break the circle of discretion and secrecy!”

“By no means, my pet, for the bridesmaids are her daughters. The older one, Grace, is eighteen and a proud young thing. She may not be easily put over. The younger, Susan, is but fifteen and as pretty a cherub as you could see. She has a mite more mischief in her, though is only to have her bottom breached so that her virginity as such may be conserved for a few years.”

“Oh my goodness—and this is to happen in the sight of all?”

“How else? Otherwise the daughters would not be able to attend, and that would be quite unthinkable. As to our own role, you will be a Mistress of Ceremonies, if you wish, for Catherine is quite content to leave all such things in the hands of others. There is by tradition a curious formality about the affair, as you will see. The bride is not required to speak and must certainly not invite. Having herself chosen the due hour for her anointment—though I feel that the term were better expressed in the plural—she enters and offers herself quietly upon the altar which will be either a divan or a table, as her desire dictates.”

“What a strange and wonderful affair! Yet will there not be an uncomfortable hiatus in it all, Pearl, for once the gentlemen have loosed their anointing sperm in her, the daughters may be restive in awaiting their own fate.”

“Such also was foreseen in the beginning. It is said that the tradition in Catherine's family runs for many hundreds of years. The males attending will number no more than six, as also will the females. Each is to receive the prick in succession, but only the last one to mount is permitted to come. Any gentlemen who do so inadvertently or by becoming over-excited must quit the arena. The way is thus left free for any further enjoyment.”

“Mr. Maudsley then—or perhaps I should begin to call him Ewart—will have a delightful harem of three after the event!” I exclaimed.

“As to that, Catherine opines that having been inducted, as it were, the girls are not to be further brought to pleasure by him thereafter, but I fear she is behind the times and may have to be content with a third of his offerings in the future. However, that is not for us to say. Catherine means to carry herself in a proud manner and not to indulge, as she says, in an orgy. What quaint ideas she has, for she has already been through it once when her Papa and her brothers anointed her dell. She had no passion for them, she says, though took their cocks dutifully. Being men of honour and in full knowledge of the rules of the affair, they did not attempt her thereafter.”

“I can scarce believe what I am hearing, Pearl! Do you then believe her?”

“Only in part. Catherine is, I believe, a secret worshipper at the altar of Priapus, though she may well have persuaded herself of her goodness. There have been hints of anniversaries. I believe her drawers were taken down for them, though she denies it. It is said, in the tradition, that two 'strangers' must attend to see that all is done and done well, and we are they. Thus are we privileged! She is of an age, of course, at which she might want to break out a little and hence our presence could well provide the excuse for it.”

“Indeed, that is doubtless why she is leaving any persuasions to us,” I declared.

“Of course, Arabella, for then she herself may be seen to be guiltless. There is a fine element of farce about it, naturally. I have no doubt that she has hinted to Ewart that we are there to protect her daughters.”

“Well, we shall then—against hypocrisy,” I laughed and fell to dreaming much about the strange affair, as may be imagined. I said naught to Elaine and neither did Pearl. My cousin's occasional gaucheness—whether put on or not—would have proved an irritant much as it frets me to say so. I apprised her later of the event and she was very put out at not attending, though persuaded it was not possible.

Within two days I had met our hostess-to-be. Catherine proved to be a superbly-figured woman with slumbrous eyes, a jutting bosom and a fine derriere. Of the daughters, Grace was a little over medium height, brown haired and with a slight coldness of mien which the heat of Priapus soon must melt. Susan was perfectly delicious. Such a rosebud mouth, such promise in her already-swelling titties, and such a tight, round bottom as would have bewitched the hand or the tongue.

Sensing that Catherine wished to be led rather than questioned, I made my own pleasure in the intended ceremony plain to her, though in the most delicate of words. Upon asking her what Grace knew, I was told that she understood that certain freedoms would obtain and that she should display not overmuch primness or the occasion would be ruined. To this she had replied a trifle sullenly, as I understood, that she would have preferred to keep herself to herself, but did not wish to spoil her Mama's day.

This conversation between us taking place in Catherine's private drawing room which led off from her boudoir, Pearl declared it was time that we cleared the air a little better.

“Do you doubt, my dear, that Grace will be mounted in the after-fray, even as you?” she asked our hostess who placed her hands in her lap, flushed a little and twiddled with her rings.

“I am a little jealous as to that, Pearl,” she confessed, “for Ewart produces an erection whenever we speak of her.”

“I have no doubt that you have nursed it well, as a result, and caused him to spout quite deliciously,” smiled Pearl. “Sweet Catherine, the primitive nature of your ceremony cannot be dimmed. Your skirts are to be upped—and utterly divine you will look, too, with your wedding dress floating up around your hips—and you are to be put to the cocks of the males in tribute. A fine ceremony indeed and one that should be broadened in Society. Either I or Arabella will bring the males to you. None shall exceed more than a dozen strokes in your quim lest they froth too soon. It will then be the turn of the ladies present to satisfy the lecherous pricks more fully. You may be sure that Arabella and I will not be backwards in our duties in this respect. There can be no respite for your daughters. Their drawers must come down and they must be put under. There—you see you find in me naught but frankness, which I do suspect is what you seek.”

“Oh dear, I cannot bring myself to think of it!” exclaimed Catherine.

“Then you must,” I made bold to say, though softly and in tones which appealed rather than dominated. “I have heard that such ceremonies—rare and indeed precious— are many centuries old and must remain unbroken in the family line or bad fortune will befall. It is a time of fruition, of pleasure and of renewal of the bodily spirits, is it not?”

I had rehearsed my little piece well. Catherine gazed at me in a manner that indicated both her surprise and pleasure that I should be so well schooled.

“I have not had the courage to explain it so to Grace and Susan,” she said with a somewhat doleful air.

“Why—there is no need,” Pearl interjected, “A rehearsal of a sort is requisite for Grace at least. Dear, sweet Susan will lend herself more easily to the occasion and by my judgement and Arabella's will squeal little when being pistoned by her first cock. Even so, it would be as well for her to be broken in a little. Of this you need know nothing,” she added slyly. “After all, we are but anticipating by perhaps less than a year in both their cases what they will otherwise be brought surreptitiously to enjoy by such seducing males as they encounter.”

Catherine grew flushed at this, but nodded. There was evident relief in her at what Pearl had said last.

“Yes, it is true. I feel guiltless when I do consider that, Pearl—and, as you say, I shall know nothing of what might occur—in the next day or two?” The question in her voice being put so slyly was amusing, yet Pearl as I treated the matter gravely, as befitted the occasion in Catherine's eyes. I truly believe that she thought of it as a natural extension to the more formal one of the marriage service, for she said she had been schooled to believe by her mother and sisters and her mother's mother that it was in the true nature of things for such a ceremony to be indulged in.

“You will not be harsh?” asked Catherine after we had risen from a discussion of more mundane matters—as women are wont to—such as clothes, food and wine.

At this Pearl raised her eyebrows. “There are times, Catherine, when a girl must be put over. Indeed, it happens to some mature ladies, too. Have we not all known it?”

“Yes, it is true,” Catherine acceded and bestowed on each of us a kiss wherein a seeming purity mingled prettily with a fine tang of voluptuousness. I perceived then how fiery she would become when unleashed and had no doubt as to the future happiness of Mr. Maudsley who was plainly setting himself up a cosy little harem.

“Have no doubt, Arabella, that she will become a perfect queen of desire once the merry-go-round is in motion,” Pearl said upon our exit, thus echoing my own thoughts. “Now we must set ourselves to the seduction of Grace and Susan. There is no need to delay the matter. Either or both may run to their Mama afterwards, but Catherine—being now prepared—will know how to turn their complaints and will feel the better for it that it is brought out into the open.”

“What machinations are here!” I jollied her, “what are your thoughts about it and how do we begin?”

“No, my pet, I shall not let you take such an easy course in instruction,” she smiled, “for I prefer to hear your plans. I am quite sure that your busy little mind has been most active during our conversation with Catherine.”

Being much pleased at this deferment to me, I had no hesitation in answering her and said that we should deal with Susan first, for she was likely to prove the least intractable of {he pair. I then went on to divulge my plan which Pearl listened to with many a pleased smile and finally nodded, saying that she could have thought of none better herself.

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