At Canaan's Edge (138 page)

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Authors: Taylor Branch

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“I am not interested in becoming American”: Cone,
p. 38.

knew it would leave Americans cold: Int. Alex Haley, Dec. 4, 1990; Tim Warren, “The Rocky Road to Publication of Book on Malcolm X,”
Baltimore Sun,
Nov. 16, 1992, p. D-3.

“Here one may read”:
New York Review of Books,
Nov. 11, 1965, p. 4.

“As much as I am persuaded”: Cone,
p. 153.

“strong black male”: “Malcolm X Project,”

“I became a bus boy”: Malcolm X,
p. 69.

“The white man is in no moral”: Ibid., p. 241.

“Yes, I will pull off”: Ibid., p. 271.

“I have never felt”: Ibid., p. 378.

“I don't care how nice”: Ibid., p. 27.

sports remained white: Fitzpatrick,
p. 64.

students were signing scholarships:
Jan. 6, 1966, p. 57.

died of a broken back: Fitzpatrick,
p. 142.

presold its 1966 tickets: NYT, June 8, 1965, p. 52; NYT, Dec. 23, 1965, p. 34.

Comedian Danny Thomas: NYT, Aug. 17, 1965, p. 26.

under J. Edgar Hoover's detailed supervision: Powers,
pp. 435–36; Branch,
p. 544; Brooks and Marsh,
p. 236.

Bill Cosby as the first actor: “‘I Spy' with Negro Is Widely Booked,” NYT, Sept. 10, 1965, p. 71; NYT, Sept. 16, 1965, p. 93; Dates and Barlow, eds.,
Split Image,
pp. 280–84; Brooks and Marsh,
p. 354. NBC outlets initially refused the show in Birmingham, Savannah, Daytona Beach, Albany (Georgia), and Alexandria, Louisiana.

“No other nation hates”:
New Republic,
TRB, “Cities in Straitjackets,”
New Republic,
Nov. 13, 1965, p. 6.

“The Proud Shapes”:
Special Double Issue, “The U.S. City: Its Greatness Is at Stake,” Vol. 59, No. 26, Dec. 24, 1965.

an abrupt end for media celebrations: Gans,
p. 48.

Califano sent the TRB column: Califano to McPherson, Nov. 15, 1965, WHCF, Ex LG, Box 1, LBJ; int. Harry McPherson, Oct. 10, 1991.

157th anniversary of Abyssinian Baptist Church: NYT, Nov. 9, 1965, p. 75.

Stanley Levison warned: Levison phone call with Dora McDonald, Nov. 24, 1965, FLNY-9-768a.

provoked James Phelan: Ibid.; MLK to James Phelan, Dec. 6, 1965, A/KP18f45. “While Congressman Powell has criticised me on numerous occasions, I have always followed my consistent philosophy of not retaliating with criticisms, but trying to do the job of brotherly reconciliation,” King wrote Phelan at Chase Manhattan Bank. His five-page apologia insisted that Powell was “not the incarnation of evil so much of the press has painted,” and placed him instead in a long tradition of flamboyant ethnic pioneers such as New York mayor James J. Walker: “When the Irish, Italian, Jewish and other minorities were struggling for equal access to American society, each produced leaders with conflicting and confusing tendencies.”

“would use it against me”: New York FBI report dated Feb. 9, 1966, FJ-89, p. 2A.

pleas from Wyatt Walker: Ibid.; Walker to MLK, Sept. 9, 1965, and Walker to MLK, Oct. 6, 1965, A/KP36f2. At Walker's request, to rehabilitate his job prospects, King wrote promotional letters recommending him for honorary degrees.

did hope to dispel malicious rumors: Ibid.; David Boyers to DeLoach, Sept. 29, 1965, FK-NR; SA [deleted] to SAC, New York, Oct. 6, 1965, FJNY-902.

“gesture of reconciliation”: NY LHM “Re: Martin Luther King, Jr./Security Matter,” dated Nov. 15, 1965, FK-[illegible].

“the greatest living American”: NYT, Nov. 15, 1965, p. 1.

“that we could present a united front”: Powell to MLK, Nov. 23, 1965, responding to MLK's letter of Nov. 16, 1965, A/KP18f45.

“Adam is going to hell”: Int. Wyatt Walker, Aug. 20, 1984.

“Power's Long Arm”: WP, Sept. 17, 1965, p. 21.

Fall memorialized in his book
Street Without Joy:
p. 43.

light at the end of the tunnel: Alsop, “The Brand-New War,” WP, Sept. 13, 1965, p. 21.

Colonel Moore landed: Langguth,
Our Vietnam,
pp. 395–96.

“search for and destroy the enemy”: Moore,
pp. 15, 24–25, 57.

“Every man in the lead squad was shot”: Ibid., p. 78.

charged after Vietnamese up a hill: Ibid., pp. 65–70.

“I had major fire support”: Ibid., p. 104.

“Even the men who
stand up: Appy,
pp. 128–35.

“If we're up against this”: Ibid., p. 135; Moore,
pp. 175–77.

on the third morning, November 16: Langguth,
Our Vietnam,
p. 401; Library of America Anthology,
Reporting Vietnam,
p. 208; Moore,
pp. 158–65.

his first twenty-five death tags: Int. Hank Thomas, March 14, 1991.

he led the first Freedom Riders: Branch,
pp. 412–18, 482–84; Branch,
pp. 36–37.

still nonviolent mentor for Stokely Carmichael: Int. Hank Thomas, Dec. 17, 2003; Carmichael,
pp. 150, 156–57, 165, 181–84, 195–98.

dropped two hundred tons of ordnance: Moore,
p. 215.

three battalions of North Vietnamese struck: Ibid., pp. 223–28, 234–35; Langguth,
Our Vietnam,
pp. 402–5.

“I don't know why”: Library of America Anthology,
Reporting Vietnam,
p. 215.

calling in napalm on their own positions: Moore,
pp. 258–59.

93 percent casualties: Library of America Anthology,
Reporting Vietnam,
p. 222.

Captain George Forrest: Moore,
pp. 207, 226–27, 297;
Baltimore Sun,
Nov. 11, 2003, p. 1.

brigade commander neglected: Moore,
p. 306.

a costly victory by the numbers: “U.S. Units Pull Out After Killing 637,” NYT, Nov. 17, 1965, p. 1.

three AP photographs: Neil Sheehan, “Battalion of G.I.'s Battered in Trap; Casualties High,” NYT, Nov. 19, 1965, p. 1.

praised military performance: Cf. McNamara to LBJ, Nov. 30, 1965, in FRUS, Vol. 3, p. 591ff; Moore,
pp. 46–51.

“heaven-storming” final push: Duiker,
pp. 548–52; Moore,
p. 12.

“They're the best I've ever seen”: CBS News, “The Battle of Ia Drang Valley,” Nov. 30, 1965, T79:0238, MOB; Moore,
p. 32.

General Westmoreland focused on attrition ratios: Langguth,
Our Vietnam,
p. 407; Moore,
p. 339.

“headlines about victory”: NYT, Nov. 25, 1965, pp. 1, 2.

“I welcome all of you”: LBJ remarks, Nov. 16, 1965, PPP, pp. 1113–15.

“the captains of peaceful armies”: Ibid., p. 1114; NYT, Nov. 17, 1965, p. 1.

“We're eating barbecue”: Harrington,
p. 128.

working constraints clamped down: WP, Nov. 19, 1965, p. 1;
Dec. 2, 1965, pp. 14–17;
Jan. 6, 1966, pp. 3–4.

class sizes in poor Northern schools: Al Raby statement at Chicago Board of Education budget hearing, Dec. 13, 1965, A/SC149f13, p. 3.

“People in the South”: NYT, Nov. 19, 1965, p. 1.

A. Philip Randolph ruled his friend's motion out of order: Rainwater and Yancey,
Moynihan Report,
pp. 254–56.

“critical or unjustifiable statements”: DeLoach to Mohr, “White House Meeting Entitled ‘To Fulfill These Rights,'” Nov. 10, 1965, FK-NR.

White House aides vigorously promoted: McPherson,
pp. 340–42; Rainwater and Yancey,
Moynihan Report,
pp. 246–51.

“We are not being deprived”: WS, Nov. 19, 1965, p. 2.

“I have been reliably informed”: Rainwater and Yancey,
Moynihan Report,
p. 248.

“a point of personal privilege”: Ibid., p. 253.

“is the fundamental source of weakness”: Office of Policy Planning and Research, United States Department of Labor,
The Negro Family: The Case for National Action,
March 1965, U.S. GPO No. 1965 O-794-628, p. 5.

“Moynihan Conspicuously Ignored”: WS, Nov. 19, 1965, p. 2.

publicity about Moynihan: LBJ's irritation with Moynihan was evident in phone conversations and notes, such as his comment scrawled on a January 1967
Chicago Daily News
story about an automobile insurance commission: “Ask [White House aide Douglass] Cater who the hell appointed Moynihan. I want to get him out now.” WHCF, Name File, Daniel Patrick Moynihan, LBJ.

“They come right in”: LBJ phone call with McGeorge Bundy, 9:31
., Dec. 3, 1965, Cit. 9306, Audiotape WH6512.01, LBJ.

The White House staff spread rumors: Harrington,
p. 128.

240 Americans killed: NYT, Nov. 25, 1965, pp. 1–2.

retracted its obituary for Toby Braveboy: Ibid., p. 3; Moore,
pp. 274–76.

“brilliant success”: “Asian Communists Sure Public Opinion in U.S. Will Force War's End,” NYT, Nov. 28, 1965, p. 1.

commended the draft of Coretta's address: Transcript of MLK interview by Arnold Michaelis, Dec. 9, 1965, p. 13, MS 2952, b7f5, AMC; King,
My Life,
p. 295.

“This is true in spite of the bombings”: Transcript, Arnold Michaelis filmed interview with MLK, Dec. 9, 1965, “Section on Vietnam,” p. 6, Arnold Michaelis Collection, MS2952, b7f5, AMC.

sought to project a moderate image: Dellinger,
From Yale,
pp. 204–8.

“more babies than beatniks”: “Thousands Walk in Capital to Protest War in Vietnam: Demonstrators Decorous,” NYT, Nov. 28, 1965, p. 1.

“I'd rather see America save her soul”: Ibid., p. 86.

Rally organizers vetoed speakers: Zaroulis and Sullivan,
Who Spoke Up?,
pp. 63–65.

infighting among the nascent antiwar groups: Halstead,
Out Now!,
pp. 93–112.

“What do you do when the whole country”: “A Talk with Bob Parris,”
Southern Patriot,
Oct. 1965, p. 3.

“violent, loud, offensive”: NYT, Oct. 12, 1965, p. 34; Branch,
pp. 492–523.

“What do you make of it?”: Carl Oglesby address, “Let Us Shape the Future,” Nov. 27, 1965,
Jan. 1966, pp. 11–14.

SDS president Carl Oglesby: Sale,
p. 195.

lifted his arm like a prizefighter's: Powers,
pp. 92–94; Halstead,
Out Now!,
p. 113.

birth moment for the “New Left” identity: Ibid.; Harrington,
p. 159; DeBenedetti,
pp. 132–34; Sale,
pp. 242–45.

“Sir, that completes my presentation”: Moore,
pp. 319, 339.

classified request for another 200,000 troops: McNamara to LBJ, Nov. 30, 1965, in FRUS, Vol. 3, pp. 591–94.

“shattering blow”: McNamara,
In Retrospect,
pp. 221–22.

“particularly the First Air Cavalry Division”: LBJ phone call with Robert McNamara, 9:09
., Nov. 30, 1965, Cit. 9200, Audiotape WH6511.09, LBJ.

“acute and rising anxiety”: Alsop, “Protesting or Being Practical,” WP, Nov. 29, 1965, p. 17.

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