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Authors: Linn Young

Attraction (21 page)

BOOK: Attraction
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Then, Heron stilled when his hand encountered the long black tale that was lodged
between her cheeks. He turned Riley so that her backside was to him and looked at the tail.
He put his mouth against her ear and growled, “So, you did what I told you to do. Good
He took the tail in his hand and lightly stroked it. Every time he touched the tail, no
matter how light his touch was, Riley could feel a pull on the stick inside her rectum, setting off
nerve endings to increase the sexual need in her loins. Each time he ran his hand down the tail,
she gasped and couldn’t help wriggling her buttocks at him, which elicited a low, growling laugh
from Heron.
He turned her again and pulled her tightly against him, and filled both of his hands with
her round buttocks and began to knead them.
“I guess you’ve convinced me how much your pussy is hungry for me, Riles,” he
But Riley barely heard his egotistically triumphant words. His large, strong hands
kneading at her buttocks was causing the stick to move inside her rectum, which she knew Heron
was deliberately causing, and the pull and drag sensations of the stick inside her was creating
havoc in her loins. She stood trapped against him, shuddering with pleasure. She couldn’t help
herself but turned her head to look back, and saw the depraved image of her two butt cheeks
being rotated by two very large male hands and the black tail moving sinuously between her
cheeks. She cried out and wriggled her buttocks when she felt her loins swell and tighten with
Afraid that she might orgasm right then and there, so prematurely in front of Heron and
amidst the heavy crowd, Riley pushed herself out of his arms. “Don’t!”
Heron dropped his hands, his eyes hooded. “I thought it was what you wanted,” he said
Riley stood there, her face tilted up to meet his eyes, her body shuddering from being
denied an orgasm. “Yes, but not here.” She put her hands on his chest, and lowered her lids
seductively. “Please, let’s go upstairs to my quarters. We’ll have much more privacy there.”
Heron gave a small enigmatic smile. “Later. Right now, I just want us to get
reacquainted. Let me get you a drink, first.”
Riley opened her mouth, then closed it, and watched him as he ordered their drinks. She
felt helpless, wanting him so much that she would let him do anything to her. She knew he was
delaying going upstairs because he wanted to play with her some more, toy with her body, and
her mind.
Heron retrieved their drinks, handed Riley hers, and pulled her between his legs again.
For several minutes, they sipped at their scotch, not saying anything. He used one hand to lightly
stroke her bare bottom, every once in awhile, lightly stroking the tail, gently, almost friendlylike, as if trying not to spook her again. When they finished their drinks, Heron ordered another
Riley began to feel the hot liquid of the scotch oozing through her insides, making her
eyes heavy and slumberous. Heron lifted her face to his and gave her long kiss. She snuggled
closer to him, her hands beginning to clasp at him. His hands became demanding as they
caressed her body, running slowly over her curves, fondling and squeezing her breasts. He
covered her buttocks with his two hands and began to knead them with hard, slow strokes. Riley,
feeling the tension build again in her loins, wriggled them in his hands, her own hands thrust in
his hair to pull his head down for another kiss.
“Please,” she begged against his lips. “Please, let’s go upstairs.”
Heron’s answer was to lift Riley by her waist and settle her on his lap so that her legs
straddled his thighs and bent at the knees. This spread her buttocks in his lap, the tail hanging
down. Heron’s hands gripped her ribs, lifting Riley so that he could press his mouth against the
voluptuous swell of her breast. She gasped at the touch of his hot mouth. With his mouth, he
easily brushed aside her unbuttoned sweater to expose her breast fully. He opened his mouth
wide and covered her exposed nipple. Riley shuddered and gasped at the onslaught of pleasure.
Then she cried out with alarm and sexual heat when she felt his teeth clamp over her breast, so
that her nipple was deep in his mouth, and he suckled hard on her.
As Heron continued to suckle on Riley, he lowered his hands to her spread out buttocks
and squeezed them gently. With one hand, he stroked her tail, pulling at it so that the stick
tugged at her rectum. Riley sobbed and arched her back as heat swelled into her loins again,
tightening them, pushing her breast further into Heron’s mouth. He stroked and tugged at her tail
again, sending her body into throes of erotic need, and did it again and again, making her
shudder over and over again, her hands curled into small fits hitting at his chest and shoulder
every time he tormented her body with her tail.
Heron released her nipple but only to take the other one in his mouth. With his hand
cradling her buttocks, he lowered one hand further under them until his fingers slipped between
her thick and heavily dewed labia. Riley jumped when she felt his fingers and tried to rise and
close her thighs. Heron spread his thighs further apart so that hers were forced apart as well,
keeping her trapped and open on his lap. As he suckled on her nipples, he let one finger lightly
run up and then down her flesh between her thighs, feeling her trembling against him.
Sufficiently satisfied that Riley’s body was more than ready to be taken and that she was
held immobile and helpless for him to take more liberties with her, Heron’s finger sought and
found the entrance to her vagina, partly opened by her spread thighs. At first he inserted his
finger into the opening and felt her jerk against her imprisonment then wriggle her hips, whether
to dislodge his fingers or to encourage further entrance. He pulled his finger out and began
lightly rub her opening in a circular pattern, manipulating the tiny nerve endings there.
Riley shuddered in response, moaning, then moaned again when Heron suckling motions
became longer and harder. In motion and time of his mouth on her breast, he continued to move
circularly his finger on her sensitive opening. That was causing the tension in her loins to build
up. She began to clench her teeth, and her body was now constantly trembling and shivering.
She couldn’t believe what she was letting Heron do to her. And in front of so many
people She couldn’t believe that she was letting him keep her thighs spread and letting him
finger her pussy flesh. Inside, Riley writhed in shame, closing her eyes, not wanting to see if
anyone was watching her. Then her hips began to rotate with his devious manipulation, then to
her horror, she felt herself arch her back and stick out her buttocks out further, as erotic tension
assailed her even more, forcing her to wriggle again her protruding cheeks.
Riley heard Heron laugh softly, and knew he was laughing at her, because she was
throwing her buttocks up and out, revealing to anyone who bothered to look what he was doing
to her, and they would have seen her entrance gaping partly open, glistening with her juices, her
vulva red swollen with rushing blood. With a wail, she hunched her back and tucked her buttocks
in, hoping to dislodge Heron’s finger. But he followed her movement and continued to pleasure
her on the rim of her vagina. The pleasure was coming faster and harder, so that Riley found
herself arching again, throwing her head back as she moaned, then rotating her hips in time with
what his finger was doing to her, eliciting another soft laugh from Heron, which caused her to
shiver at the malevolence of the laugh.
She was going to come, Riley realized. But she couldn’t come, not in her bar and in front
of so many patrons and her employees, where all could witness Heron’s stroking mouth full of
her breast, her thighs spread wide on his lap, and his hands between her butt cheeks, not
bothering to hide what he was doing to her. Surely, she thought wildly, Heron wasn’t going to
make her come like this. Not even he would do that to her, would he?
“Don’t,” she gasped, her hips dancing as she tried to avoid his touch. “Don’t make me
come, Heron. Not like this. Please, don’t make me do this.”
When Heron didn’t pay heed to her plead, Riley began to pound her fists at him. Heron
pulled his mouth from her breast and laughed with obvious male enjoyment, continuing to
manipulate her flesh with his finger. Incited to sensual anger, Riley increased her pummeling
with her fists. Heron pulled her arms behind her back and held them in an iron grip with one
hand, then continued to torment her vagina and suckle her breast. Held immobile so that she was
unable to defend herself, Riley closed her eyes in defeat and shame as she felt her hips arch up
and then wriggle as the tension built up inside her. She could feel her inner vagina beginning to
pulsate, her opening closing then opening, indicating that she was about to climax. Then her
shuddering became uncontrollable, as well as the wriggling and arching motion of her hips. She
clenched her teeth, her head shaking from side to side, willing the delicious torment to end, her
hips jerking and swaying in an effort to seek assuagement.
When Riley felt the tension in her loins about to break, she wailed, and tried to pull her
arms free because she needed to strike out at her tormentor because of what he was doing to her,
but Heron held her fast and easily. As she was reminded again of how helpless she was against
such superior male strength, the tension in Riley’s loins broke. She cried out sharply as she
reached orgasm, throwing her head back, her whole body bucking and shuddering. Riley could
feel her juices rushing out of her vagina and into Heron’s hands.
As he let Riley’s body come down from her climax, Heron rose to his feet, his arm
around her keeping her upright, her face hidden in his shirt as her breathing slowed. He lifted her
face up to his with his other hand and gave her a lingering kiss that was gentle, almost sweet, as
if he was soothing her, calming her trembling body, preparing her for a lovemaking.
“Let’s go upstairs, hmmm,” he murmured gently, even affectionately.
Riley opened her eyes and met his. What she saw in them almost frightened her. Heron’s
face was now a dark, hard mask of sexual intent, his eyes narrowed into glittering slits. Gone was
the patient but insistent man who had taken his time to thoroughly explore her body, to taste and
sample her, content to discover the many ways that he could arouse her, teasing her for the way
she so easily responded to his forbidden caresses. The man she was looking at was no longer
willing to wait and postpone the taking of her body for some heavy initial petting.
And, suddenly, Riley felt wary about being taken by Heron. He had been ruthless with
her in the way he brought her to climax with just his finger and mouth, making her climax only
when the erotic tension in her loins had been unbearable. What he would be like if he took her to
bed? How would he manipulate her body when he was deep inside her? Riley wasn’t so sure she
wanted to know.
But she had no choice as she was being pulled through the crowd by Heron, his hand
firmly gripping her wrist. When they reached the bottom of the stairs, Riley stood still,
hesitating, wanting to be taken by him but afraid, also.
Heron bent his head and murmured in a crooning voice, “Come on, Riley. Up the stairs,
we go. It’s time I take your hungry little pussy.” He emphasized his encouragement with a few
pats to her buttocks with his hand.
Riley shuddered at the way he was claiming her flesh with words, words that no man had
ever said to her.
“Don’t make me wait, Riley.” This time Heron gave her a sharp slap on her buttocks.
She cried out at the sting and rushed up the stairs on her high heels, not waiting for him to
catch up with her. Behind her, Heron watched her naked hips sway and the long black tail
gracefully swishing from side to side, like a real cat’s tail would. It was about the most arousing
sight Heron had ever seen. Unable to help himself, he reached out and pulled on the tail. Riley
felt the stick inside her tug and her loins tightened sharply. She cried out and wriggled her
buttocks as the pleasure rippled through her.
Being suddenly overtaken by pleasure, Riley stumbled on the stairs and one of her stiletto
pumps came off. Without thinking, her back faced to Heron, she bent to retrieve the shoes. While
she was bent, he reached out a hand and slipped under her buttocks and between her cheeks, and
slid a long middle finger into her vagina, finding her warm and very wet.
Riley’s body stilled, completed shocked at the sudden invasion. Then she cried out as her
loins clenched, causing her to bend forward again. Heron stroked her inner flesh, gently pumping
her. Clenching her teeth, her hands blindly reached out until one hand found the wall of the
stairwell and the other the railing. Holding tight, her body bent at the waist, she wailed as she
helplessly hitched up her bare buttocks at Heron, and shivered when she heard his soft laugh,
knowing that he was in full view of her pussy flesh, that he could see and feel in his hands her
juices oozing out of her. She couldn’t help it, and bit her lip as she humped on Heron’s finger,
desperately wanting that assuagement again.
Without warning, Heron took his hand away. He held her trembling body against him for
a moment, caressing her buttocks. “Good girl. Your pussy’s proving to be very promising.” Then
he gave her another pat to encourage her up the stairs again.
Her whole body trembling, Riley led him to her private quarters. It was locked with a
combination. As he waited behind her, she pushed in the numbers, slowly turned the knob, then
quickly stepped through the doorway and tried to shut the door before Heron could get in. Heron
must have sensed what she was about to do and was ready. He put a hand on the door just before
it closed on him and easily pushed it open. When he stepped into the room, he closed it firmly
behind him.
The room was a small cramped bedroom, long and narrow, with a large bed that took up
over half the room and chaise lounge that nearly took up the other half and was almost covered
pillows. A door off to the side led to the bathroom and tiny closet. This was where Riley slept
when she was too tired or too lazy to go home after she had closed the bar. The opposite wall of
the entrance was a long glass from middle level of the wall to the ceiling, overlooking the club

BOOK: Attraction
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