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Authors: Linn Young

Attraction (23 page)

BOOK: Attraction
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Suddenly, Riley gave a prolonged sob when she felt the pleasure swell long and hard,
then clenched her teeth and shuddered again when Heron plunged deeply inside her, piercing
right into the erotic tension of loins, causing her to cry out again. As he continued to move in and
out of her depths, the pleasure swelled over and over again, harder and tighter as he quickened
his plunges, his own body tightening in preparation for its absolution. The tension inside Riley
broke and dissolved, and she cried out as her body shook in the throes of her orgasm. Heron’s
body followed soon after, his low, animal cries torn from his throat, his buttocks reared up and
then plunged deep again, even as he spilled his semen into Riley’s swollen depths, his hands
clutching at her thighs in desperate, bruising grips, imprisoning them so that he could be cradled
by them as he surrendered his whole being to pleasure, and gave her his maleness.
When their bodies calmed from their orgasms, both were left very exhausted, the two
instantly went to sleep, Riley still lying on her back where Heron had left her, and he beside her
lying face down.
A few hours later, Riley was stirred awake by the unfamiliar feeling of something heavy
laying against her back and legs. Her body started when she realized that it was Heron who was
pressing against her, his arms across her waist anchoring her to him and his legs threaded
through hers. His face was pressed against her nape so that she could feel his warm even breath
on her neck.
Normally, Riley didn’t mind waking up in a man’s arms after a night of sex. But this was
Heron Wait, her brother-in-law, a man with whom she had an antagonistic relationship while he
had been engaged to her sister.
It was only a few weeks ago that she realized that there was an intense sexual attraction
between them. Last night, they had both mindlessly acted upon that attraction. And it had been a
very disturbing experience for Riley. Never had she been so completely overwhelmed by a man
in bed as she had been by Heron, so much so that she had lost all sense of propriety and
boundaries, letting her passion for him rule her completely, letting him rule her body completely.
And it had been frightening. She suddenly didn’t know who she was.
She had never behaved the way she had with Heron. Never had she displayed her body so
blatantly the way she had for him, dressing herself to flaunt and shake her large breasts and
buttocks under his eyes, and in front of so many of her guests and employees. And she had let
him fondle her body openly, letting him squeeze her naked buttocks with his hands in a crowded
bar, and never protesting but just the opposite by shaking her buttocks to let him know how
pleasurable his touch was. And she had worn a butt plug for him with a black tail protruding
from between her cheeks, letting everyone know what was inside her rectum. And then she had
let Heron suckle on her tits while masturbating her in the bar, bringing her to climax so that she
could spill her juices in his hands.
Riley remembered the time Heron had called her a whore, and that was exactly how she
had acted with him. A whore. But not for money, but for his touch, his kiss, his body, his long,
fat dick. Him. She had whored herself for him, for anything he would give her.
Shaken in light of this part of her that she never knew existed, Riley felt the need to put
some distance between she and Heron. With some effort, she pulled her legs free of his long ones
and slipped out of his arms and rose from the bed. From the dim light outside, she could tell that
the night was approaching dawn.
As she walked around the room, hunting for some clothes to cover, Riley saw the black
snaky tail on the floor, and realized that sometime in the night, Heron had taken her tail out of
her anus. Quickly, she began to gather up a top, pants, and undergarments. She was hunting for
panties when she heard a low voice behind her.
“What are you doing?”
Riley froze, then slowly turned, clutching her clothes to her chest. Heron was propped on
one elbow, his eyes heavy with sleep, his black hair tousled. His naked torso was bare, the
blankets covering him from the waist down.
“I…I…I’m leaving,” Riley began. She cursed herself then said more firmly, “I have to go
Heron lifted his hand to push his thick hair from his eyes, and he did so, she could see the
hard muscles in his arms and chest flexing, and it made her remember how easily he had held
her, even as she was writhing in his hands, while plunging his penis into her over and over. And
she could feel the heat begin to ooze in her loins.
“Hmmmm. Why?” Heron inquired.
Riley was lost for a moment for the answer. “It’s almost morning. And I need to get
home,” she ended lamely. “I wasn’t going to just leave you here, without saying goodbye.”
“You weren’t?”
“No. I was going to…leave you a note.” She winced even as she heard herself.
“Well, I want you to stay.”
Riley shook her head adamantly. “No. I can’t stay.”
Heron tilted his head. “Where is it that you need to be at five o’clock in the morning?”
She lied baldly, “I need to get ready for tomorrow. There are a lot of things to do when
opening up a bar everyday. Besides, I think it’s best that I do go.”
Heron looked at her through half-closed eyes. “I don’t want you to go. I want you to stay
with me.”
Riley’s heartbeat began to speed up, because she was seeing the hard sexual heat
beginning to ignite in his dark eyes. She began to back away, towards the door. She knew that if
she did not get away soon, she would be trapped, and taken again. And she did not know if she
would be able to withstand again the erotic havoc that Heron caused to her body.
He pushed the bed covers and stood up, completely naked, a patient, almost indulgent
expression on his face. “I’m not ready to let you go quite just yet, Riley. I want your little pussy
again, and I mean to have it.”
Riley’s eyes widened with shock as he stood before her, clutching her clothes tighter to
her breasts. In the low, morning light, he was so much taller and larger than last night, and much
more muscled than she had realized. His arms and chest bulged with them, his shoulders very
broad and thick. His legs were so long, the thighs thick and densely muscled, which had allowed
him to easily hold her legs apart while he rutted between them. Then her eyes rested on his penis
and she shivered when they took in the immense size of it. She knew it was the biggest one she
had ever had inside her. It must be at least eight inches, probably nine, and very thick in
circumference. And it was hard and aroused at the moment, standing up angrily out of the black
nestle of pubic hair. Riley stared at the engorged penis then shuddered again as she remembered
how it had plunged deep inside her over and over. When she lifted her eyes up to Heron, there
was a small feral smile on his lips, and there was a dull flush to his face that was set into a hard
sexual mask.
Heron reached out his hand. “Come here, Little Pussy.”
“Stop calling me that,” she said shakily, taking another step back. Such nicknames were
meant to be affectionate, but when he called her that, she knew affection was the last of Heron’s
“I’m sorry, but don’t you like being called that? It’s because your pussy is so ripe and
giving that I can’t help but call you Little Pussy. It’s a perfect name for a woman like you,
He took a step forward and she took one back. The small smile on his face thinned and
hardened. “I said come here, Little Pussy. Now, don’t make me come and get you. You know
that will only make things worse for you.”
Riley shivered at his threat, but she knew she had no choice. She would not be able to
move fast enough to make her escape, and if she tried, and he caught her, he would make her
suffer such erotic torment one from which she might never recover.
Bracing herself, her body shuddering a little in anticipation of she was to come, she
dropped her arms, letting the clothes fall to the floor.
“Good girl,” Heron murmured with male satisfaction at her obedience. “Now, come here
to me, Little Pussy.”
Holding her head high, she slowly walked up to him until her nipples were in contact
with his ribs. Her head didn’t even reach his shoulders but only to his chest. She had her head
bent all the way on her neck in order to meet his eyes. The look in his eyes told her that he was
pleased at her obedience, but that he was also quite hungry. She jumped a little when she felt
Heron’s large hands cup her buttocks and lightly caress them. Then she moaned when he gave
them a hard squeeze, lifting and rotating the rounded cheeks, roughly fondling them. Riley
leaned against the sold wall of Heron’s body, feeling her loins heat and tighten again.
“You’re such a tiny thing, aren’t you,” he murmured.
Riley could hear his low voice rumbling against her face.
“My hands span your waist.” He wrapped her waist with his two hands to demonstrate,
heightening the awareness in her the vast difference between their body size and strength. “Your
back is slender, and delicate.” He trailed a hand up her back. “And, yet, your breasts were made
quite large, weren’t they? And your ass, too, were made too big for your body.” His hands swept
down back to cup her buttocks. “You’re all tits and ass, aren’t you, Little Pussy?” He bent his
head and gave another low, rumbling laugh close to her ear. “You know, I’ve never really went
for a woman who was all tits and ass. I always liked my women tall and slender with more subtle
curves. So, why do you think, Riley, that your body is doing things to me that no woman’s body
has ever done to me? Do you think it’s because you drive me out of my mind with all the other
things about you? Like you tight little pussy. Your strange hazel eyes, that are really gray but
then have these little flecks of green and yellow in them? And every time they look at me, they
always seem to me as if you’re making fun of me, that you find something amusing about me at
my expense? Do you think it’s because of your mouth that says things to me that no other
woman has ever said to me, daring to tell me that I’m not good enough for your sister,
questioning my intentions, making remarks that tells me that you’re laughing at me?”
Dumbly, her eyes glazed with passion but were a little troubled, Riley shook her head.
“But I’m not laughing at you. I don’t mean to make fun of you. I tried to be nice to you
whenever we met. I tried hard, for the sake of my sister.”
Heron nodded his head, his eyes studying her mouth. “But your mouth always got away
from you, didn’t it?” He lightly traced her lips that were parted and trembling. “Such pretty lips,
too, full, sensuous, made to take a man deep into your mouth. Their only purpose should be to
satisfy a man’s appetite for your body, Little Pussy.”
Heron’s hands moved from her back to cup her breasts. “See how your tits don’t even fit
in my hands, they are so round and full.”
Riley unwillingly looked down to see her breasts being gently manipulated by his hands,
and she saw how their large size caused them to spill out of the male hands. And Heron’s hands
were bigger than normal with long slender fingers. They were unable to contain even her nipples
in their fondling, so that the large dark reddish tips protruded out between his thumbs and index
fingers. Seeing her breasts being manhandled in those male hands and her nipples sticking out of
them was so arousing that she felt them getting painfully hard. Helplessly, Riley thrust her
breasts up to him, her hands reaching up to try to bring his head down to them.
Heron gave a growling laugh and let her pull his head down to her breast. When he could
reach it, he licked her nipple with his tongue, and did it again. Riley gave a small cry and arched
up to him, trying to thrust the nipple into his tormenting mouth.
Heron lifted his eyes to hers. “Yes, with such a body as yours, you were made to be a
man’s whore, weren’t you? You were made for this, Riley, to spread your thighs to your man, to
give your body wholly to him so that he may enjoy you thoroughly.”
He suddenly lifted Riley into his arms and laid her on the bed. His hand encircled her
breast and raised the nipple to his mouth. When she felt his hot mouth closing over the swollen
nipple, Riley gasped with relief as the blood rushed to the tip under his hard mouth, causing her
loins to tighten with sexual heat. The she dissolved into shudders, her hands thrust into his hair to
hold him fast to her. When he had satisfied his lust on that nipple, he turned his attention to her
other neglected one and suckled it just as deeply.
Heron then turned Riley so that her back was pressed to his front side, lifted her thigh and
thrust heavily into her flesh, finding her tight and dripping with her juices. She gave a cry, her
body arching, then shuddered when he plunged another few inches of himself inside her, holding
her thigh up, massaging them, his fingers flicking over her exposed flesh. As he moved inside
Riley, she felt her loins tighten with each drag and pull, and she was wriggling her buttocks in an
unwitting effort to alleviate the erotic tension. And she was rewarded with another plunge to her
tight glove. She tried to lower her thighs in an instinctive gesture of feminine defense, but Heron
lifted the thigh to his mouth and began to bite at her flesh while thrusting into her. Riley
shuddered at the small punishment while being ravished.
Then she felt his entire length completely gloved in her channel, and felt herself stretched
by him, her one leg being held by a male hand. She felt herself being obscenely held by him so
that she remained open and accessible for him. Heron shifted so that his leg was inserted
between hers, and her top one was draped over one long, heavily muscled thigh, keeping her
flesh open. With his free hands, he began slow, a gentle exploration of her small, curvaceous
body that he was impaling.
The male hands traveled up her flat stomach, drifted over her ribcage to cup her breasts,
and gave them a slow, hard squeeze until her nipples protruded out further, making them tighten
with sensual need again. Then Heron leisurely fondled them, squeezing and rotating them.
He was going to enjoy her, Riley realized with sensual despair. And he was going to take
his time, this time, in his enjoyment of her body while taking her again. He was going to explore
every inch of her body with his hands and mouth, all the while he was inside her, holding her
prisoner while he tested the taste and texture of her.

BOOK: Attraction
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