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Authors: Linn Young

Attraction (24 page)

BOOK: Attraction
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Already, her hips were twitching in an automatic attempt for relief, her loins heavy and
swollen. She needed to come, but she knew Heron was going to make her wait, and build up the
pleasure in her body even higher with his slow, tortuous caresses and kisses, ignoring the
writhing of her body and her small cries of pleading and her imploring hands. He would give her
sensual assuagement from the erotic tension only when he was ready to give it to her. Or when
he himself could no longer hold out from the pleasure.
Riley moaned when she felt one large hand touch her thick, black bush between her
thighs, lightly combing through the short tight curls with his long fingers. All the while, Heron
trailed his lips lightly over her cheeks and jaw, his other hand sweeping her long curls to one side
to expose her neck. She felt his lips on her neck, his tongue lightly tasting her even as his leg
pulled hers further out so that he could slip his fingers into her pussy flesh. Riley’s body jumped
in her captivity and trembled. She closed her eyes and bit her lip, holding her breath as she felt
Heron’s finger delve between her thick labia, testing her silky texture. The male fingers fluttered
over her hard clitoris and slipped further, seeking out the juncture of where her vagina bent,
which was stretched vulgarly by him. Heron pressed into the juncture with his finger, pressing
against that small bundle of nerves that were already stretched by his penis inside her vagina.
Riley sobbed as her body writhed at the sharp torment his touch caused. She closed her
knees and brought them up to her chest, shaking her head at the intensity of the pleasure. The
sudden defensive motion of his captive and her wailing cry galvanized Heron, his penis suddenly
surging with sharp pleasure. He gripped her hips and brought her buttocks up to him and began
to fuck her hard, the tight heat an agony in his heavy loins. Riley’s own flesh clenched, and she
kicked her head back and cried out between gritted teeth, her butt wriggling. She arched her back
then bent it trying to dislodge her captor in an desperate attempt to stop the encroachment of
further torment inside her. But Heron tightened his grip on her hips and held her fast as he
pumped her furiously, his own teeth gritted, sounds of harsh groans coming from his throat.
Then, Heron managed to regain his control before he had both himself and Riley reach
climax. He stopped his deep plunges into her flesh, and held her tightly against him with his
arms around her, and stilled his body, willing the fire in his loins to cool for a moment, his penis
pulsing in her tight glove, which was also pulsating. Riley’s head laid on its side on the bed, her
damp hair partly covering her face as she softly sobbed into the sheet.
Heron pressed his face into her hair. “Shhhh. Shhhh. Shhhh,” he whispered.
He continued to hold Riley in his arms, murmuring comforting words in her hair, until
the violent trembling of her body begin to subside and his own body cooled to a dull throbbing.
He shifted her until they were lying as before, front to back, he deeply imbedded inside her, his
legs controlling hers, his arms around her holding her tightly to him, his hands lightly caressing
her curves.
Then he lifted her top leg and draped it over his arm and delved his hands between her
thighs. His fingers found the juncture again. Riley whimpered and tried to wriggle free of his
imprisoning arms, desperately trying to close her legs to him. But Heron kept her top leg trapped
over his arm, keeping her open for him, his other hand holding her close.
“Shhhh, Little Pussy,” he murmured in her hair. “I know it’s going to be rough, but I’ll
take it slow, hmmmm?” He punctuated his gentling words with small, comforting kisses.
This time when he touched the juncture, his fingers were light, gentler, but the intensity
was still there, and Riley bucked against him, turning her face away to sob softly. Heron touched
her again, setting off another wild writhing from the small female in his arms, and he did it again
and again. And he began to laugh softly every time she sobbed and shuddered, letting her know
that he enjoyed tormenting her with such sensual pleasure while he held her helpless. And then
he began to pump into her gently as his finger moved slowly in circular motion over the bundle
of nerves at the juncture. Blinding pleasure exploded in Riley’s loins and her hips bucked within
their imprisonment, as she sobbed and wailed her heart out, tears gushing from her eyes.
Heron’s own head lolled back when he felt the swollen heat spreading and intensifying in
his loins, deep, male growls beginning to rise out of his throat, his own eyes closing as they grew
heavier and heavier.
He continued to fuck her gently, his finger maintaining the gentle strokes over the bundle
of nerves, her small, writhing body completely subdued by his much larger body, her sobs and
his own cries and groans wringing in their ears, until she gave a scream and she exploded, and
his orgasm seconds after hers.
If Riley thought that Heron would let her go once the sun had risen high in the sky, she
was mistaken. Heron awoke again around noon, and she with him. He got out of bed, needing to
get to San Francisco to his office. Had it been any other man, Riley would have been left alone to
sleep her exhaustion off. But it seemed, Heron needed to have his shower with her in it. When he
turned on the water, he walked back into the bedroom and lifted the still sleeping Riley into his
arms and carried her into the shower. When he set her down, he closed his mouth over hers and
pulled her into a hard kiss as his hands began to explore her body again.
The shower turned out to be very long as well as passionate as Heron took Riley over and
over, their cries of pleasure ringing in the small enclosure, until she was left exhausted all over
again. When he felt himself sated for the time being, Heron wrapped a towel around Riley’s wet
hair, and carried her back to the bed. He left her there to sleep while he dressed himself. An hour
later, he let himself out of the door and out of the bar.
Heron had used Riley’s body so hard, so savagely, and for so many hours, that she slept
throughout the next day and early evening. When she awoke, at first, she felt confused and
disoriented, looking around the room for Heron, then realized he was gone. She felt a moment of
panic, something she had never felt when she awoke alone after sex. I belong to him, she thought
with despair. I need to be with him.
She shook her head, shaking the unbidden thoughts from her mind, telling herself that it
wasn’t like her to be dramatic, especially over a man.
The heavy musky scent of sex and sweat that hung forcefully in the small cramped room
assailed her nose. She could still smell him, his darkly intimidating male musk that all his own,
and as she inhaled the lingering scent, flashes of last night entered her mind, of her on her back
on the bed, her legs draped over Heron’s thighs, her snatch full of his great penis that he rutted in
and out of her, and she clinging to him with her arms wrapped around tightly to him, her voice
hoarse and shuddering as she spoke words to him of sensual pleasure and pleas, her lips pressed
against his sweat-slick shoulders, her tongue tasting the saltiness of him, drawing deeply into her
lungs his musk, which had been intensely pungent during sex as sweat beaded and slicked his
And then she had felt her whole body clench and she was forced to take her hungry
mouth away from Heron’s body as she threw her head back on the pillow and gave a long,
tortured wail as the tension reached apex deep in her loans and broke into a rush of warm
pleasure, reducing her body to violent shudders, while her lover was straining over her, plunging
into her repeatedly as he reached his own orgasm. She remembered with some shame feeling her
juices flood out of her even as Heron was plundering her flesh and spilling his own warm fluid
into her
As their bodies settled, Heron had lifted her thighs and parted them and proceeded to
gently lick her pussy flesh clean, taking his time to be thorough, his fingers delicately pulling
back the puffy protective petals that were still red and swollen from his repeated use so that he
could cleanse every nook and cranny of her silken flesh, disturbing in his efforts hidden nerve
endings. Oddly, as he licked her clean, Riley felt cosseted and adored.
He rose over her, and she thought he had meant fall asleep, which would have provided
her much needed respite. Before she realized what was happening, Heron parted her thighs and
thrust his penis into her channel. Riley cried out as her loins clenched sharply with heat and
sudden tension, and as he plunged repeatedly inside her, she could feel herself milking him all
over again with her juices and feel the juices flowing out of her and bathing her pussy flesh, the
flesh that he had just cleaned. And his dark musk filled her nostrils all over again as he fucked
Remembering, Riley felt the desire hard and fiery between her flesh that she had to lie
back down on the bed. She touched a finger to her pussy and stroked it, imagining it was Heron’s
long fingers that were touching her, readying her for his possession.
Realizing that she was about to masturbate while fantasizing about her sex with Heron,
she sat up again, and covered her face with her hands.
“Dear God, what have I done?” she whispered.
She couldn’t help but feel a little horrified over last night. Although the sex between she
and Heron had been explosive, it had been all for the wrong reason, and so many reasons why
last night had been wrong, the most damaging reason being that more than likely Heron had used
her sexually as revenge for what he felt was her breaking up his engagement with her sister. And
she had let him use her. Even worse, had encouraged him. And he was her brother-in-law.
Riley gave a painful laugh as she remembered what her sister had said about sex with
Heron. What had she said? That he had been so gentle, considerate, patient in bed with her,
making sure that she was comfortable with what he was doing, concerned more about her
pleasure than his own. A complete gentlemen.
The Heron who had taken Roberta’s sister to bed had been no gentlemen. And he had not
been patient, or gentle, or considerate. The man who had been caring when having sex with
Roberta had been ruthless, demanding, and hungry when laying his hands on her sister. He had
especially been hungry. He had been unheeding of her cries or her pleas when she had been in
the most violent throes of erotic pleasure at his hands, her whole body straining for relief. He had
been far from considerate as he took her over and over, not letting her rest and recover from the
last orgasm before fucking her all over again.
Riley’s method of handling something that she didn’t know what to make of was not to
think about it. And that was how she handled her night with Heron. She did not think anything
more about the wild sex that they had throughout the night and into the late morning. She did not
think about what that night meant, to her or to Heron. She decided to consider that night as she
would a freak accident, something that happened out of the blue, and something that will never
happen again, or be rarely visited in memory. Never mind that it was she who had chased him.
She especially did not want to remember the torrent of sharp, almost painful pleasure that
had racked her body over and over as Heron held her fast to him while plunging that long, thick
penis inside her repeatedly, making her cry and scratch, and scream and sob until her body
exploded and the awful tension inside her dissolved into a warm flood. Nor did she want to
remember how her breath hitched and her heart beat faster and harder with just one touch from
him, and that she could so completely lose all sense of her surrounding, sense of decency, self
respect when he looked at her with that hard sexual heat in his dark eyes. And how she loved it
when she felt those large, strong hands of his cradling her naked buttocks, roughly fondling
them, even when in front of a crowd. She didn’t want to remember any of that.
After she awoke that morning, finding herself alone and Heron gone, she continued her
life as she had before that night, running her bar and overseeing the sexual liaisons between her
club members, and visiting and having dinner with her friends and family as she always had.
She did not speak a word of the sex she had had with Heron to anyone, including her
sister. And no one asked her about it, including her employees, who, afterwards, gave no
indication that they had witnessed her sensual embraces with Heron.
She briefly wondered, at first, when she next saw Heron at a family function, if there
would be any awkwardness between them. But she decided that that probably would not be the
case. As wild and untamed as that night been, it had been simply a one night stand for both of
them. She knew Heron, as a man as attractive and sexual as he was, was more than familiar with
one night stands. And she herself had a few of them. Both were experienced in sex to be able to
handle a meeting in social setting. They would both be adult when greeting one another, she
imagined, both very polite, a little cool, perhaps, but that was to be expected between them. Now
that they had spent all that tension that had existed between them with a night of sex, maybe
things could even be more friendly when they next met. Perhaps they might even carry on a
small conversation, perhaps about politics, or his practice. Maybe even the weather.
So, Riley was shocked when she received a phone call one night at her bar. It was close
to eight o’clock, the time when the dinner crowd was thinning, and patrons were starting to come
in for the night scene. She was in her office, doing paper work, when the intercom on her phone
“Yes,” Riley answered to the speaker phone.
“Line one’s for you,” Joe said. He paused. “It’s Heron Wait.”
Riley froze in her seat, staring at the phone. For a moment, she had no idea what she
should do. She knew she had to pick up the phone but it seemed very dangerous to do so when it
was Heron on the line.
“Riles, are you there?” Joe asked. “Do you want me to tell him you’re not available?”

BOOK: Attraction
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