Avenging Us (Rocker Series Book 3) (19 page)

BOOK: Avenging Us (Rocker Series Book 3)
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I put my phone back into the drawer and decided to focus on the family in front of me.

My phone buzzed with a message from Gia.

The broody alpha refuses to leave. So, the house is yours. See you sometime mid-morning. Xx

I pulled past the media circus out front, only to see Ender’s car in the driveway. It didn’t take a genius to figure out why he was here. Which, set up a real nice possibility for a reenactment of last night’s fun. My heart leapt at the prospect and so did my dick. I smiled, exited the car, and prayed like hell Michael hadn’t left for the evening, leaving me with these two life-like Barbie dolls. I walked in, setting my keys on the hallway table, and followed my nose to the kitchen. I was more than thrilled to see Michael and Jessie working on different sides of the kitchen stove.

“What’s up, man?” Ender got up from his chair to shake my hand. “How are they?”

“Believe it or not…stronger by the minute,” I answered while watching Michael cook. He hasn’t acknowledged my presence yet. Not even a nod. Nothing. “They say blood is thicker than water. That doesn’t apply with those two. I wouldn’t at all be surprised if someone resurrected a monument of the two of them.”

We laughed and Jessie smiled. Not one to add to a conversation before now. “I hope to find what
have some day. I’ve read about that kind of all-consuming love, but I’ve never seen it or experienced it.” She glanced at Ender quickly, and then continued to sauté vegetables.

I raised an eyebrow, interested at Ender’s reaction.
, I thought.

“Are you staying for dinner, Ender?” I asked, being polite, but more because I’m a selfish prick who wanted him gone. I poured some iced-tea and waited for the response I knew was coming.

“Nah, but thanks, bro. I’m taking the lady out for dinner,” he said, checking his watch. All I focused on was out. However, I did find one thing curious.

“Where’s Jake?” I asked, taking a sip of my cold tea. My eyes shifted from Jessie to Ender, who were playing eye-tennis. Then, of course, to Michael, whose back still remained to me.

Ender answered smoothly. “We’re meeting up with him.”

I call bullshit

“It’s a shame you can’t stay. Look at this gorgeous feast Michael and Jessie prepared.” I lied. No fucking way were they staying. Ender had no interest in food—it was Jessie he wanted to devour.

She removed the skillet from the flame and plated it in a bone colored tureen. Then she carried it to the outside table. I leaned forward, curious at who’d be sitting at the alpha’s table. It was set for two. However, the linen was changed from pale blue to white.
. Could the chef be bold enough to plan a private dinner for two? Most men were put off by the fact that I was Abel’s assistant. Most rockers were known to be bisexual. Of course, Abel wasn’t. In fact, he was a bit homophobic if anything. However, it didn’t matter. Men were as jealous as women when it came to relationships.

Jessie removed her apron and threw it in the laundry basket. “See you tomorrow, Michael,” she said and then turned to me. “Enjoy your dinner.”

Michael turned away from whatever the fuck he was preparing. Finally. “Abel, Gia, and the baby will be home tomorrow. Expect to stay a little later…” He wiped his hands on his apron.

Abel already called him

“Sure thing,” she replied, grabbing her bag. Ender’s hand immediately found her waist.

I waited for the slam of the door before addressing Michael. “Are we back to acting like strangers?”

He turned, frowning at me. “I’m working, and last time I checked, strangers don’t

So, we’re
. He had a set of balls. “And if Abel walked in when
were dining?” I asked, waiting for his response.

He smiled and it made my blood pump faster. “I already asked. I’d never just assume. He said it was fine.” He raised his hands toward the meal on the stove. “As you can plainly see by the food I cooked.”

My breath caught, and it was the first time I was actually speechless.
He asked Abel. Jesus fuck, that’s ballsy…or maybe he’s crazy. Now, there’s a possibility I didn’t even consider.

“I’m sorry…was last night a one-time thing? If it is, that’s cool, but I’d like to know.” He threw his apron on the counter as he stalked toward me. The corners of his lips turned up into a sexy smile. “Hey, why the serious face?”

I chewed my cheek, wondering the same thing, but decided to table that thought. “Just figuring out some things. I don’t know what
is, as it was just a few hours ago that it became a ‘this’ type of thing.” I needed to change the subject. I’d begun to flub big-time, and sounded like a fucking pansy. “Let’s eat. It smells delicious.”

We ate our stuffed veal chops and vegetable medley while overlooking the pool. The night air felt hot and thick on my skin, and it didn’t help that my cock was hard all through the meal. I watched carefully as his lips closed around the fork, his throat swallowing the food, and the sigh that followed. I’m surprised I was able to concentrate on a simple conversation.

“So, any family?” It was a nosy question, but I was a nosy motherfucker. I had to be.

He took a long sip of his chardonnay before answering. “Some family back in New York, but we don’t speak,” he said, wiping the sweat from his brow, and I desperately wanted to do that for him. Thoughts of wiping random things from his body using my tongue entered my mind, and I had to shake them loose in order to keep up with the conversation.

“That’s too bad. I don’t have any real family except for what you see around here. But I’m thankful for what I have,” I stated, even though he didn’t ask. There was some discomfort to his answer, and I wanted to steer the conversation into more mellow waters. “So, how did you become a chef to the stars?” I asked curiously. I mean, who didn’t love a hot man who could cook. Sign me up for some of that goodness.

He took a sip of wine before answering. “My mother enjoyed cooking. I guess she loved just being around the kitchen. I started helping, asking questions, tasting new recipes…and it helps I love food. I find joy in it. To me, nothing says love more than preparing a nice meal for someone you care for. The caveat is the smile of appreciation on their face. It’s…golden. As a kid, my best memories were of rounding the corner to the smell of my mother’s cooking.”

Holy shit. All that,
he has a heart. Can it be? Could anyone be this lucky?
“Well, someone needs to thank her. You’re exceptional…”

“I should clean up. It’s getting late,” he said, standing from the table abruptly.

Not happening. I wasn’t about to let him leave.

“No…no…no. You cooked. The least I could do is clean up,” I said, grabbing his plate.
Yeah, fucking right
When in this lifetime have I ever cleaned up?
Then again, when was the last time I had a cock like that in my mouth? Life was all about timing. I preached this shit to the girls endlessly, and never listened to my own words. I would seize this moment and freeze it for as long as possible…keeping him in a state of sexual bliss. He’d have no other alternative but to seek me out. Simply, people loved to get off, and if they found someone who was proficient at it—game over. This night would not end anytime soon if I had anything to do with it. If I had to be Cinder-fucking-ella, then so be it.

I took the decanter and placed it on the table closest to the pool’s entrance. “I’ll only be a few minutes. Sit and relax.”

He nodded, leaving his napkin behind and walking to the far table next to the pool. I watched his legs eat up the pool deck in long, powerful strides. He had a handsome face with defined features. Dark hair with a spattering of silver gave him a mature look, but still fuck-hot. By the tone of his skin and features, I suspected Greek. However, I wasn’t going to busy up the evening with any more probing questions. I scraped the plates into the garbage disposal and them left them in the sink. I’d come back to that at some point…or not.

I peeked out the slider and noticed his shoes were off.
. He made himself comfortable. I hoped his clothes would follow, maybe even convince him to sleep over.

When I returned, I’d hoped he would be naked. No such luck. He looked deep in thought, and I couldn’t help but think bringing up his family and taking it to such a personal place wasn’t the best idea. I needed something to salvage this night. I sat in the chair next to him, pouring myself some more wine with a smile. I couldn’t remember being so attracted to someone—ever. “What would you like to do now?”

His finger steepled and a spark flashed in his eyes. “What are you comfortable with?”

I held his gaze. Now wasn’t the time to be unsure. Either I was going to continue
, or snuff it out. “Everything.” I lied. Yeah, I’d done the usual, but hardly anything that would be considered kinky. Especially with the crowd around here. They wore their kink like a fucking badge of honor.

“How about a swim?” he suggested, his hands already at his waistband.

“Sure.” I wasn’t going to refuse seeing that lean, muscled body.
Had to be about my height—six-two
. I stood and walked to the edge of the pool. He leaned in, lowering his lips against my ear, circling the outer-shell with his tongue. “Tonight’s your turn,” he said, grabbing my cock through my pants and giving it a quick pump.

His caramel eyes held me in place. I could only respond with my words. “Yes,” I breathlessly answered. I was the first to remove my shirt and kick off my pants. I walked to the deeper water, and dove in expertly.

When I came to the surface, I heard his deep chuckle, and it made my balls tighten. It was a beautiful, starry night—the moon high in the sky. I was thankful to have the house all to myself for once. I felt at ease instead of lonely. My arousal was high, and I was ready for the games to begin. I continued to tread water and waited for his entrance. Tonight, there was no dive. Instead, he chose to wade in slowly, his cock springing to life with every anticipated step. My hand firmly held my own. It was poetic the way the water broke over his thighs as he neared.

He swam the rest of the way to me and held his hand out for mine. I took hold, letting him pull me into his arms. One arm secured me against his chest and his lips started working mine with skill. God,
, I wanted this, and I wanted to scream it. I wanted all of LA to know my excitement, but I kept it down as his lips dotted heated kisses along my neck, nipping as he went along. The shadow of bristled hair along his jaw scratched my face, and left behind a burning sensation I felt clear to my balls.

“Do you have any idea how long I’ve wanted to kiss you?” he murmured, swallowing my next question:
How long?

I shivered from his heat, the way his mouth worked against my own, and the way he not so subtly ground his hard cock against my thigh. I hadn’t been kissed like that in so long. I almost forgot how much I enjoyed the foreplay. I was usually already on my knees by this point, so, kissing wasn’t even an option. My tongue met his again with a fiery passion I hadn’t experienced in a long time.
. The water hindered our movement, as erotic as it was. I needed to touch, to feel, to explore him thoroughly. His kisses were hungrier now, and I wanted more. More of him. More of everything. A familiar stir settled in my balls, and I groaned as he sucked my tongue into his mouth. What I wouldn’t give to have that mouth on me—

We needed to move and quick. “We have to move to shallow water or I’ll drown. The last thing I want to concentrate on is staying alive.”

He dipped below the surface and kicked off the wall swimming the length of the pool underwater. I met him at the end where the slope was a gradual incline, the water just above our knees.

“Last night
took care of me. Tonight,
want to do the same for you,” he said, stroking my cock a few times. The heat from his body was paralyzing, the look in his eyes captivating, and I wanted to overdose on both.

The thought of his mouth on my cock got my attention. “If you keep stroking my cock like that, I’m going to explode. So if you’re offering…”

He lowered himself to his knees and stroked his own cock a few times. I quickly looked around for prying eyes. I knew no one was home, but the thought of Abel and his homophobia made my stomach flip. I had no idea what he would do…never been in this position before. I usually walked in on them in various primal poses.

By his expression, I could surmise he didn’t expect the size or width of my cock. “Fuck, this is a nice surprise.”

I had one word. “Grower.” Did he think he was the only one with a big dick? Fuck, I needed to see how he planned on sucking me off. I hoped his jaw was nice and loose. His hands roamed, touching, squeezing, and kneading the fuck out of my skin. My orgasm simmered below the surface as he continued a slow and steady build. My skin was on fire, electricity ran through my veins, waking the dormant parts of my body and lighting a smoldering fire in my soul.

BOOK: Avenging Us (Rocker Series Book 3)
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