Avenging Us (Rocker Series Book 3) (21 page)

BOOK: Avenging Us (Rocker Series Book 3)
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Twenty minutes later, we pulled up to the gates of
Castle Gunner.
“Is this you or did someone tip them off?” I asked Dave, ready to lose my shit.

His hand came out defensively. “Not me. I’d say someone ratted from the hospital. You know what pictures of the baby are going for?”

“No clue and I don’t fucking care. Fuck that shit.” I lied because I didn’t want to get into it in front of Gia. It was nothing she needed to worry about. It was bright and early and already these motherfuckers were circling us like shark bait. At least fifty of them crushed toward us like a tidal wave. Cameras flashed and microphones flew next to the window, hoping it would open. Reporters shouted questions in the hopes of gaining answers.
Fucking morons
. “Open the fucking gate already,” I roared, coming out of my seat. Bella started to cry. Fuck, I scared the shit out of her, and for that, I wanted blood. “Let me out of the car.”

Gia reached over Bella. “No, don’t leave this fucking car or I swear to god. I’m not bailing you out of jail today or any other day.” She shoved my shoulder.

I wanted to smirk or laugh, but I didn’t. Odds were, I’d end up assaulting someone. It’s not like it hadn’t happened before. I nodded, but moved to sit near the window, my fingers digging into the leather padding on the door. Fuck, I wanted to hurt someone in the worst way.

The gate opened painfully slow, and I made a note to look into a faster moving gate. “
Abel, give us a picture. The world wants to see you, Bella
.” They continued to bang on the side of the car until we were on my property and the gate closed behind us.

“I’ll take those paps over tits shoved on the window any day.” Gia gave me a sour face along with her infamous glare.

I laughed, making a hopeless attempt at redemption. “I don’t ask to see their titties, so don’t give me your evil eye. You know the madness that comes along with me.” I had to wonder why anyone in their right mind would sign up for this drama. I wouldn’t if I didn’t have to. It was one big head-trip and did nothing but cause problems. Having a jealous fiancée just made it worse.

Dave opened the limo door and jumped out. Gia unlocked the baby’s carrier and handed Bella to me. Her eyes were wide open, staring up at me. “Let’s welcome home our daughter, caveman. And get that brooding look off your face. Bella’s probably like, ‘look how mean he looks.’” She cackled, bunching up her sundress to scoot out of the car.

“That’s not funny at all, and don’t let Chance hear you say that or you’ll get it.” Last thing I needed was his gayness fucking with me about my broodiness with Bella.

Dave kissed Gia on the cheek as I held Bella. “My car’s over there, so I’m going to take off. The boys were planning on stopping by. But we can do it another day…being that this is your first day home with Bella.”

I shook his hand. “Nah, it’s cool. I’ll call them myself. I have to talk to Jake anyway.”

“Cool,” he tossed out, walking over to his car.

“Thanks, Dave,” Gia yelled. He waved and pulled down the driveway.

“I’ll have the bags brought in. I’m dying to just relax,” I said as I opened the door. Gia followed closely behind. I heard the sound of rumbling laughter and saw something that blew my mind. I stopped short just before the entrance of the kitchen.

“What…?” Gia whispered.

What the fuck?
Gia poked her head around my arm to see. Michael and Chance were lip-locked in the kitchen. “Jesus Christ…really?”

“Stop it with your big homophobic mouth. Maybe we can see something good.” She looked on with delight. My delightful little freak was into male-male.

“My my my, aren’t we full of surprises,” I said, turning to face Gia and caught her smirk. “We’ll talk later, my kinky beauty.” Then I turned my attention to the pride parade going on in my kitchen. And here I thought Michael was just concerned last night. Meanwhile, he was fishing for information for his own gain.

Gia pinched me on the arm. “Don’t use up all your brain power and stop being an idiot. He’s our friend. Be fucking happy, you ogre.” She snarled and then walked into the kitchen. “We’re home!” Gia shouted, and then went on to pretend that we didn’t see a thing.

Chance’s face blanched, and Michael moved quickly to the stove. I chuckled and Chance immediately squinted at me. I raised an eyebrow, daring him to say something snarky, but he didn’t. “Now, my day is made.” He ran over to Gia, folding her into his arms while I placed Bella on the top of the kitchen island.

Jessie came around the island to fawn over Bella. “She’s so beautiful. You’re both very blessed.”

Gia smiled happily. “Awe, that’s really sweet. Thank you, Jessie. I feel blessed.”

Jessie regarded the baby for a few seconds more while Gia washed her hands thoroughly.

“May I?” Michael asked before approaching.

“Sure,” I responded, but still felt distracted by what I witnessed. I had a quick look around…looking for any evidence of an orgy. My eyes wandered beyond the open patio doors to the pool area, scanning the outdoor furniture…it looked intact. There wasn’t anything noticeable like pillows thrown anywhere, no shorts laying on the ground poolside. My eyes then landed on Chance, who was already staring at me. I smiled at him slowly as he gave me the finger.
“Michael, I’d like us to sit down over the next few days to plan a menu.”

“Absolutely, what is it for?” he answered while Bella held his finger in her tiny hand.

Gia poured some iced-tea and came around to sit in front of Bella.

“Our wedding.”

“Wedding?” Chance yelled.

I don’t know why it pissed me off, but it did. “We’re engaged. Makes sense there’d be a wedding.”

“Well, yes…but I just thought it was going to be around the holidays.” Chance back-peddled, looking at Gia with wide eyes and a panic-stricken expression. Gia looked at me and rolled her eyes. She was the one person that called me out on my shit. She knew I was a fucked-up mess inside, and needed a way to make it right. For me, for her. For us.

It was Michael who interrupted Chance’s impending hissy fit. “What time frame are you looking at?”

“I just need enough time to shed some of this baby weight I hope,” she said calmly. She knew I’d give her some time. It didn’t have to be today, but it wasn’t going to months away, either.

“Six weeks. That’ll give everyone more than enough time to plan. I think it’s more than responsible.” I sounded like a pompous ass even to my own ears. However, this was Gia we were talking about. Six weeks was being fair. If I had it my way, I would have married her bedside. But my father and Gia made valid arguments, so I rethought my position. After all, weddings were what girls dreamt of, not guys. In fact, I had never imagined getting married—or having a baby. But here I was… And all I could think of was making her my wife, making the three of us a real family. It wasn’t the wedding part that I cared about…it was the woman that’d be walking down the aisle to me.

Gia put on a brave face and accepted the challenge. “You’re on, caveman. But I’m counter-offering with five weeks.” Her snarky smile set off fireworks in my heart.
. She walked to me, and I wrapped her in my arms, squeezing her hard enough to become one. “My inked-up cavemen. Did you think you were the only one in this relationship that sought to become whole?”

We were both broken, that’s how the light got in. We all have our own demons, our own secrets, and our own cracks. We are broken in one way or another. It’s what makes us unique and beautiful. And that’s part of the reason she’s my beauty. It all comes down to disappointment. We have both been hit with it. Some of it in a hard blow, and others in sweeping hits. Some hit us so hard it knocked the wind out of us, changing us forever, and creating cracks that are slow to heal. At the end of the day, we are there for each other through it all. All the pain, drama, and heartache. She is the ink in my skin, the song in my head, and the lyric on my tongue.

I checked on the baby before meeting Gia in the shower. Our eyes battled before I stepped into her space. I knew she had to have been feeling self-conscience about her post-baby body, and I was here to dispel her worries. “What? You said
needed a shower. I’m conserving water.”

She turned her body, facing away from me.
Damn it to fucking hell
. “You do, but this is my shower, and I’m washing this disgusting wound. I can’t do that with you watching. It’s gross. Just leave.” Her tone was succinct and it shot through me, deadening my insides.

Oh, she has to be kidding me
. “I want you,” I said, using my finger to draw a line from her neck to her shoulder. She didn’t move, but I could hear her tiny breaths escape past the running water. She was affected. Maybe as affected as I was. “What’s changed, my beauty?” I spun her around to face me, taking the soapy sponge out of her hand. “I still want to possess this body.” I washed her full tits. “And fuck your pussy until I’ve had my fill. Until you can’t walk.” I washed her stomach lightly, taking note of her tender flesh. She winched, and it nearly broke me.

“Didn’t you hear the doctor? No vaginal sex until I’m cleared…unless you want Irish twins…” Her voice was barely a whisper, but I heard her loud and clear. I knew that of course. The fucker got my attention with that rule. But that’s going out the fucking window. No way was I not coming in that sweet pussy for god knows how long. Fuck anyone who plays god with my life.
Not happening.

“I haven’t forgotten his boner-crushing memo. But I never agreed to it. So, technically, I’m not breaking any rules.” My eyes dropped to her tongue that peeked out past her pouty lips. I knew her tits were aching from being engorged with milk, and I’m not selfish enough to take my daughter’s substance. But I knew they were aching for my hand. Or was my hand aching to play with them? Her breath kicked up, causing them to sway beneath the stream of water.

“You’re going to be a fucking caveman and not listen to the doctor, aren’t you?” Her hands went to her hips as her eyes scrutinized mine.

“Would you really want me any other way?”

She didn’t deny it. However, her lack of emotion concerned me.

I pressed her with determination. “How about I seduce you with my hand?” I paused. “Unless you’d prefer these wicked fingers.” I waved them in the air, teasing her. Taunting her libido. I knew my beauty better than anyone. I knew she couldn’t resist me.

She bit the inside of her cheek, holding back a laugh. “So we’re talking seduction?”

Now there was a word that comforted me.
. It was a start. “I know you’re being a catty little bitch. But I will accept the challenge, and guarantee your enjoyment.” My mind was tortured enough the last few days. Last fucking thing I needed was her shutting me out.

“Ha. I asked you a question. Who threw the challenge gauntlet?” She paused. “Not me…” She turned, grabbing the shampoo.

My fingers found their way into her hair, massaging the shampoo into her scalp. She was right, but I remained persistent. I battled with wants and needs, and lost both. “You can’t deny how your body responds to me. Let me take care of you…like you take care of me, Beauty.” My hands moved to her shoulders and she rolled them, seeking my touch. I’ve tried sweet, and that wasn’t working. It was fucking torture being so close to her body. “Don’t ever hide your body from me. How long have I told you that you’re mine?” She might’ve thought to argue, but her body never lied. I spun her around to face me. My perverted dick poking her square in the cunt.

She took a gulping breath before she spoke. “This isn’t easy for me, you know.”

“It was last night.”

“That was different.” She paused and gave me the chance to take in her curvy body, appreciating her new figure.

My eyes centered on her rosy nipples. Shampoo bubbles slid down her face to her neck, and down to where my eyes were centered…her gorgeous tits. I wasn’t beyond begging. “How?” I asked, and it was perfectly logical. How was it okay to get me off in a hospital, but seeing her naked was practically a sin.

“You didn’t have to look at this. I was covered up…”

My eyes worshiped her. Fuck,
worshiped her, and it pained me to see just how insecure she was about her body. After everything we’ve been through, I needed to show her that she’s the only one that can quench my hunger. It didn’t have to be a sexual thing, either. Did I want to fuck her tits?
. Did I want to use her pussy?
. Did I want to own her ass?

“I love your body, every curve, every dimple, the dip in your neck, the way your spine arches just above your ass… Woman, I could go on and on for fucking days just worshiping everything about you. Let me love you. Is that so hard?” I moved closer. “Touch me…kiss me…” I begged.

She moved forward the slightest bit, her lips parting…her sweet nipples pressed against my chest. It nearly broke me. The contact made me delirious. I had to harness the maniac in me from throwing her over my shoulder and keeping her in bed the rest of her natural life.
Reel it the fuck in
, I thought.

This kiss would be on her terms—or so she thought. Her breath came out in shallow little pants. She moved her lips closer to my own. I could feel her breath on my tongue. The urge to sink into her pussy made my balls constrict. Her hands went to both sides of my face, pulling me down closer—deeper into her mouth. It started out nice and gentle as she peppered kisses across my lips. However, when she opened up, I flicked my ring out and slid it across the front of her teeth until she gasped. The next of Beauty’s kisses weren’t about nice and gentle. It was about hunger and ownership.

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