Avenging Us (Rocker Series Book 3) (18 page)

BOOK: Avenging Us (Rocker Series Book 3)
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“Great, the more hands the better. I want to get better as quick as possible, so I can take care of my daughter. So, thank you,” Gia said thankfully.

I considered her offer and decided to be polite, to not ruin the moment. “Thank you,” I said, meeting my mother’s eyes. My father nodded behind her in a show of thanks. “I’m going to walk my parents out. I’ll be back.”

That day, with some news in my favor, I decided to try…

I woke up to Chance about to be reamed by Abel, but it quickly turned in my favor. His smile was wicked. Kissing me deeply and hungrily. I returned his kiss, the flames of desire licking my own soul.

It felt like I’ve been here for days…staring at the same damn walls. I took it upon myself and asked the doctor to discharge me. If I asked in front of Abel, and he said no…I knew he’d be disappointed and I wanted to surprise him. We needed to get back to our life, our home, and each other. Our daughter was the icing on the cake, and I was beyond thrilled to have her sleep in her nursery instead of an incubator. The hospital held some bad memories, despite my daughter being born healthy. Thank God. But the days dragged on. I went through the daily motions without feeling. I ate without tasting. I heard without listening. Nothing mattered but getting out of here. It was the only thing I looked forward to. And when I told the doctor…he agreed.

“So, Chance…you want to get married someday? I’m only asking because you’ve never spoke of it, and I guess I never considered.”

“Of course. Do you think you’re the only one who wants to love, be loved, and have security?” He gave me an exaggerated smile. “I don’t want to be defined by my role as personal assist for the rest of my life. I want romance…I want it all.”

I agreed and knew exactly what he meant. “Have anyone in mind? I’ve been consumed with all things baby…I haven’t noticed or even asked. I’m sorry for that,” I apologized. He was a dear friend, and I’m a fucking selfish one for not asking. I’d have to be mindful that there are others around me, and it’s not all about Abel twenty-four seven.

He placed Bella down, giving her the rubber pink pacifier, and pulled over a chair. “Well, I didn’t want to say anything. As it was too early and there wasn’t anything to tell. But…”

I pushed the button to raise my bed. I needed to be upright and at full attention. “But…what? Tell me. Don’t leave a bitch hanging.” I needed this little bit of normalcy, gossip.

“He has this arrogant confidence that drives me crazy. I’m definitely in the lust phase,” he said, losing all train of thought.

“Who? Can I get a name? Do I know him? Give me something!” I barked. Damn, all this going on and I hadn’t a clue. I was pissed. Chance was the guy who took care of everyone except himself. Don’t get me wrong…he worked out. His body should be worshiped—he worked damn hard at it. But when it came down to
taking care of someone, he always put others first…and I was high on that list.

His dimpled smile lit up the room. “Michael.”

I blinked. And blinked some more…searching for a face to accompany the name.
, I pondered. Nope, I had shit.

“Michael, as in
chef,” he answered dramatically, rolling his eyes in large circles.

Holy shit. “
, Michael?” I asked for a confirmation.

“Yes, Michael-Michael.” He shook his head. “If I didn’t know you were a born brunette, I’d say you’re having a blonde moment.”

“Hey, I just had a baby and my memory is shit. And, I almost died. So…”

His skin paled and his mouth dropped open. “I’m sorry. You’re right.”

I felt terrible for making light of my near death experience, but it helped me. If I laughed about it…it made the event less real. “I’m an insensitive bitch. I’m sorry. I was only kidding. Now, tell me everything.”

He didn’t look convinced, but knew me well enough to let it go. I was good at sweeping tragedy under the carpet. Hell, I could make a career of it…if there was a legitimate job title for it.

“The night you delivered, I was an emotional wreck.
We all were
. When I finally made it back to the house, Michael and Jessie were still there. They waited for word about you and the baby. He sent Jessie home and I sat outside, watching the ripples cross the pool. God knows how long I was out there for. Michael made something lite for me to eat and brought out two glasses of wine. At first, I was comfortable sharing the silence. Until he…” Chance’s hand gripped the bed-rail and he leaned in. “Until he took his clothes off and dove into the pool.”

“Well, fuck,” I said. That was presumptuous of him, and very risky on his part. But I respected how he took the opportunity with gusto.

“Exactly! Well, that snapped me out of my haze and into the present state of magnificence.”

“And you did…?” I probed, wanting the juicy details. I had to admit, two guys did something for me. Not two queens, but two totally hot guys…man, that’s a girl’s wet dream.

“I did what any male would do in that position. I held his stare until he walked out of the pool. When he finally did, he was fully erect. So I gave him a good cock-sucking,” he said and his face flushed. “I’ve already said too much,” he added.

I grabbed his retreating wrist hard. “No, you haven’t. I need to hear more.” I let out a frustrated growl. His eyes widened, and I decided I sounded a little too interested. I needed to tame it down. “Please.” I smiled sweetly and batted my lashes. But my inner male-male sex kitten was alive and wanted more kink.

“Just until the broody alpha comes back.”

“Deal.” I nearly clapped with joy.

“Fuck, he was long and thick. I could hardly get my mouth around his girth, but I did, of course. Because I’m a pro like that. His wet hair and those light caramel eyes…” He let out a dreamy sigh so I pinched his arm to continue, keeping an ear out for Abel. “He threaded his hand through my hair and fucked my mouth like a porn-star.”

“Just like that?” I struggled for breath with the images my mind conjured up.

“Just like that…” He smiled, raising his perfect blond eyebrow.

I inhaled deeply and blew out equally hard. “And…”

“And what? You want to know technique and how he got off? If so, I’m not sharing. I love you, but it’s way too much. You’ll probably copy it and take all the credit.” He huffed and grumbled.

I wouldn’t lie. Better to be honest, right? “Yes, all that goodness. Don’t leave a fucking thing out.” I released his arm and threaded my own fingers together, cracking my knuckles.

“You know how twisted you are, right?” He laughed. But I could tell he really wanted to share, and who am I to get in the way of girl-talk? “No, I’ll sound like a porn-star’s fuck doll, and you’ll continue to look at me like
. Hussy.”

“I know I’m a slut, and now a slutty mother. Have some sympathy for me…” I agreed pleadingly. No, begging greedily for more. When it came to shit like this…it was better than reading it. A first-hand account.

“Why are you a slut, my beauty?” Abel walked in the room, taking it in three strides.

“I was just telling Chance how I can’t wait to get you home and—”

“On that note, I’m leaving.” Chance said goodbye and kissed Bella before leaving.

“Hey, we’re supposed to wait six weeks. That’s what the doctor said.” His lip ring brushed across my hand.

“That’s for natural childbirth. I didn’t have natural. We just have to wait until my staples are removed, or be very careful.” The thought of having steel—or whatever it is holding my skin together—made me cringe. I felt like Frankenstein.

He played with the ring on his finger. My eyes dropped to it, remembering what he did to me with that ring and the pleasure it wrung out of me. The hard-on in his pants articulated that he remembered as well.

He squinted, and I licked my bottom lip slowly. “What did I tell you about
look, Beauty?”

“All kinds of things.” I winked. “Shall I recount all the ways you’ve pleasured me after that look?” I asked, watching his pants tent further.

“You’re a wicked woman, and I’ll remember this moment. One day, very soon, your sweet ass with be at the receiving end of my hand.” He leaned in, licking the shell of my ear. “And that sassy, dirty mouth will be filled with my come.”

I smirked, feeling incredibly horny.
Fucking Chance
. “Promise?”

“I promise to always keep my promises, my love,” he whispered, and the warmth of his breath sent a ripple straight to my core. “How about you give me those pretty lips for a while?”

I wanted him to sleep at home tonight, get a good night’s rest, and pick us up in the morning. But the female siren in me wouldn’t send him away with a painful hard-on. I wanted to be the one to relieve him, not his colorful hand. “I’ll let you feast on my lips if you draw the curtain a little and pump that gorgeous cock into my hand.”

His breath caught as I took in a deep inhale. His eyes captured mine and refused to let go. A war waged behind those dilated blue eyes. I won, because he drew the curtain in one angry motion. His fingers worked his belt and he unzipped his jeans, letting his colorful, tatted cock heft forward. He unlocked the side-rail and let it fall down with a clang. He sat beside me on the bed with his back to the door and grabbed my hand to grip his cock, squeezing until the rings bit into my palm.
He wanted pain.
And I wanted to get him off…give him want he wanted—needed. I squeezed and dug my nails into him. He moaned, throwing his head back, and I’d give anything to climb onto that colorful dick and enjoy every last one of those rings slowly. That reality wasn’t today, though.

“Kiss me…”

His eyes locked on mine and he cursed under his breath. He licked my bottom lip in one swipe, and then sucked it into his mouth refusing to release it. I closed my eyes, surrendering to his mouth, and started to move my hand. There was no gliding. It was dry, and only his loose skin rose and fell with my strokes. His hand was firm on my neck, but careful not to pull. He thrust his tongue into my mouth, and I continued to pump, squeezing until my hand was numb. Who needs a hand, right? Not when you have a cock that looked like that in it. Harder and harder I went until his knees started to shake…never releasing him. His tongue fought for the control I allowed, as he allowed me to control his cock. I hit a good stride, despite my arm feeling nearly dead. After another minute, he thrust his hips upward. Our kiss broke and he released a deep moan that went straight to my clit. All his pent-up emotions erupted into my hand, leaving his thick, creamy load behind.

“Fuck. There’s something dirty about a hospital hand-job.” He chuckled, handing me the tissue box and grabbing a few for himself. He then pulled out a bottle of hand sanitizer offering me some.

“Really? You’re worried about germs?” I laughed. “I never thought I’d see the day
dirty Dom was worried about being clean.”

“Not for myself, but for her,” he said, covering Bella with the blanket that lay beside her.

I worked the sanitizer through my hands and watched him fawn over her. There was still a rigidity to his posture, but less pronounced. I smiled, hoping some of it had to do with his father, and the rest by my own hand.

He yawned, his face looking worn and his eyes tired. He ran his fingers through his hair.

“Why don’t you go home and get a good night’s sleep.”

“No. I’m not leaving you.” He crossed his arms, ready to argue with me.

“All I meant was you look exhausted. Do you really want to sleep here again? When you can be home, getting things ready for us?”

“Everything’s ready. So there’s nothing to do. Besides, we have staff and Chance.”

That was true, and I know everything I needed to get done was done weeks ago. I needed another way to convince him. “Listen, I can’t sleep soundly with you here, knowing how uncomfortable you are. Do you know what would make me happy?”


“Having you come to pick up Bella and me completely refreshed, and smelling like my man…looking like my delicious rock star,” I said. “When was the last time you shaved, wolf-man? You know how much I love when you have a clean shave.” I gave him the pouty face he loved to indulge.

“I know what you’re doing and it was pretty rock-star getting a hand-job ten minutes ago. And there was no complaint uttered when I practically ate your face for dessert. So, fuck that. Deal with it.” He released a low grumble. “I’m going to ask the nurse if you can eat this food.” He held up the takeout bag and pushed the baby to the side of my bed before leaving the room.

I promised Cindy I’d touch base with her. They didn’t want to impose and were being respectful of our bonding time which I found to be incredibly sweet, mature, and suspicious as all hell. I suspected her and Woody might’ve rekindled their romance.

Me: Hey. I’ll be home tomorrow.

Cindy: Hey love. Best news I’ve heard all day.
Can I come by? I’d love to spend time.

Me: 100% I’ll hit you up in the am. Night xx

Cindy: X

I decided to text Chance and let him know the broody alpha wouldn’t be home tonight and we’d see him sometime mid-morning.

BOOK: Avenging Us (Rocker Series Book 3)
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