Avenging Us (Rocker Series Book 3) (20 page)

BOOK: Avenging Us (Rocker Series Book 3)
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“So fucking ripped,” he said, and my cock bobbed, begging for his touch. His tongue poked out to wet his bottom lip.
. “I’m going to suck this thick cock.” He squeezed. “Then I’m going to fuck you.”

I found his arrogance sexy, but… “I need to see what kind of skill you have before I consider being stretched by that…” I pointed to his cock. His teeth seemed impossibly white in the moon’s beam. Good fucking god, he was glorious to look at. On his knees, his hand fisted my cock tightly, his chest had just the right amount of hair, and he had a face any gay man would love to come all over.

This was a nice way to wrap up the day. I could use a good cock-sucking, and after sucking him off last night, I couldn’t deny I wanted to be filled by him. I wasn’t the least bit concerned with
. It was more about
. However, I’d keep that to myself.

I was dying to thread my fingers through his thick, dark hair and got my chance a few minutes later. He gripped both side of my hips and nuzzled the sweet spot between my groin. His tongue ran the length of my cock. Then enclosed over my head. He sucked, only taking the tip of my cock as he pumped.

“Fuck, Michael.” I moaned, watching his grin widen around my cock. My hips shoved forward, wanting more. I needed him to take me deeper.
Stop toying with me
. I nearly growled. I’m pretty fucking sure he wouldn’t be able to swallow one of my loads, but would love to see him try.

My fingers flexed along his scalp as his lips slid down my length.
Just a little further. Open a little wider
. I fought the need to push forward. His hands moved to the backs of my thighs to steady himself before picking up the pace.
Fuck, his mouth feels good
. His lips and mouth stretched wide on the way down, and formed a nice suction on the way up. “That’s it…ahh.” I would lose it in a few more strokes.

I looked down at the man who had my cock in his mouth, and thought how odd life was. Never would I have regarded him as a potential lover. Who would think I’d fine romance under Abel Gunner’s roof?

Michael started to hum as he pulled me deeper into his mouth, and I watched, struggling to stay vertical. My orgasm came barreling down. “Keep sucking me just like that,” I choked out, unable to focus on anything but his hot mouth and the hungry, sucking sounds he made.

My cock started to thicken, and I knew it was coming.
My fingers tightened, my hips now pumping, and I ground out my orgasm against his face. He choked down three creamy spurts, and I jerked the last one on his handsome face.
Now, that’s a facial

“Thank you, I needed that,” I whispered into the night air. My body was still humming.

I didn’t realize he was on his feet. He pulled out his wallet from his discarded pants next to the pool, producing a condom. “My turn,” he said as he tore it open with his teeth.

“Yes, it is.” I smiled and walked to the table. “My legs still have tremors.” I drained the last bit of chardonnay from my glass, and then his. “Not here. Let’s head to my room.” I pointed to the guest house. It sat on the western part of the property, which held some seclusion and a breathtaking view of the city below.

I was already awake and cleaned up, waiting for the doctor to discharge Gia and the baby. Nurse Jill dropped off Bella, and promised to be back shortly with some paperwork. Bella was swaddled in her blanket, and fast asleep as I rolled her across the room while the nurse helped Gia in the bathroom. Gia had an outfit on the bed for the baby that Chance had bought. I wheeled her over and lifted her, placing her on the bed. Her blue eyes cracked opened for a second and closed.
How hard could it be to put clothes on a baby
, I thought. Anything in an effort to speed up getting the fuck out of here.

I unwrapped her from her baby-burrito. She was in a diaper and a side-snap T-shirt. I unsnapped her carefully and removed one arm at a time until she was free. Her little legs fell to the sides reminding me of a frogs’ legs. Except hers were way cuter
. Dragonfly, will be her nickname,
I decided
The onesie Chance bought was white and said
“born to rock”
in pink rhinestones. It was cute for sure, but there was no way the opening was big enough for her head. I stretched it with my hands until I heard the material rip.
. I took a deep breath and gently pulled until it was over her head. Now, her eyes were open and she stared up at me. I smiled at my little Bella and hoped like hell she wasn’t going to have a fit crying for the next twenty minutes. She was curiously quiet, but I’d take it over crying. One arm at a time, and three final snaps to secure the bottom. Done.

“Well. Well. Well. Any clue how sexy and adorable it is to see you dressing our daughter?”

I shrugged. “I’m not adorable.”

“Pfft, you have no freakin’ clue, do you? If I were to upload a picture of you with Bella anywhere, it would get millions of views. Any pictures of me, and I get hate posts.” Gia’s smile lit me up like no other. There was no use in arguing her point. The fans were out of their minds and fuck crazy.

“Here we go.” Nurse Jill waved the discharge papers in the air. Gia clapped and followed Jill to the tray-table. “I need your signature here, here, here, and here.” She pointed to the Xs on three pages. “You’re to follow up with the doctor in a week, and she will need to see her pediatrician in two days.” Gia signed, and I made a note on my phone to make an appointment with the pediatrician.

“It’s earlier than I expected, but I’m not going to complain. I anticipated being held captive at least until noon,” I said, mainly to Jill.

“We know how eager parents are to start their journey and get into a routine. Gia and the baby are perfectly healthy, so there’s no reason to keep you longer than necessary. The doctor was in very early this morning. However, he didn’t want to disturb you, as you were both sleeping,” she explained while signing her own name where needed.

Another nurse wheeled in a wheelchair. “It’s policy,” she said before we even asked. “Is your car curbside?”

“It will be if you give me a minute,” I answered and typed a quick text. I walked to the window, lifting the blinds. “Fucking media. This should be fun.” My chest had started to constrict.

Gia wrapped her arm around my waist, comforting me. “We have to deal with it at some point. Unless you aren’t ready to leave?” She lifted her brow in question.

“I was ready to take you both home days ago. It feels like we’ve been here for years. I want to get home already.” I knew I was complaining, but my skin crawled just waiting to leave.

“I know. Me too.” She leaned in, squeezing me. “Let’s get out of here.”

I grabbed the few bags and her leather satchel while Jill parked the chair behind Gia. She handed Gia the baby and we were officially off to start our new life.

The elevator descent was at a crawl, and I found myself playing with my lip ring nervously.

“You’ll be fine,” Jill said with a warm, motherly smile.

I nodded, but she hadn’t a clue what we were up against with the media. She’ll have a front seat to it in two minutes.

We went through the main lobby, and as usual, people’s interest in my colorful skin garnered the most attention. Their eyes volleyed between me, Gia, and Bella. That’s when the whispers started.
That’s him…he’s with her…supposedly, it’s his baby, or so she says. My god, who would do that to themselves? He’s a walking billboard for immorality.

My hands fisted, opening and closing as we walked. The urge to lose it began to rise with every second that passed, and I felt ready to erupt. I couldn’t give a fuck, but my two girls were at my side being judged as well.

“Don’t even think about,” Gia murmured under her breath. She held a smile, despite the looks and stares. She was a proud woman—
woman. And she refused to let the ugliness taint this moment.

We approached the door and I decided to place the packages in the car before my love. “Give me a second.” I walked out the front door, happy to see hospital security around the limo.

I was surprised to see Dave with the driver. “Did you honestly think I would let you deal with this bullshit alone? It’s my job.” Dave had a relationship with the media, and they respected that relationship. He gave them special access to events. In turn, they’d pull back if he asked. I guess he asked. One gangly photog stood waiting with his camera. “Well, it’s either this”—he pointed to the photog—”or that.” He looked toward the sea of reporters beyond the gate. “We control it this way.”

I nodded, throwing the bags in the back of the limo and addressed the photog. “Stay the fuck where you are,
, and ask no questions.” He didn’t say a word, but kept his eye on the hospital door.
Slimy fuck.

I walked back, opening the hospital for Nurse Jill to wheel Gia out. She had a wide, happy smile with Bella secured against her chest, Gia shielding her eyes from the bright sun.

“I have to check the car-carrier,” Jill said, peeking into the limo. I had that secured for the last few days. “You guys ready?” she asked, helping Gia out of the chair.

“I’ve got it from here, and thank you for all your care. I appreciate you taking care of my girls,” I said, threading my arm around Gia’s waist.

“My pleasure. Good luck to you and your family,” she answered before leaving to go back to work. I made a mental note to send her a gift.

The rapid clicks of the camera’s shutter grabbed my attention. He moved. He was too close. I turned, looking for the slimy bastard and found him leaning across the car for a better angle. “Mother fucker, are you deaf?”

“Abel, please. Let him get the shot so we can leave. One picture.” Her back pressed against my chest as she cradled Bella and leaned in closer. The sway of fabric from her dress brushed across the front of my pants. I inhaled sharply, and she pushed her ass into my groin. She giggled sweetly, but she was a crafty bitch. She was using that sweet ass to distract my attention. And it worked.

“Do you know how lucky you are that we’re in public and our daughter’s in your arms?” I nipped her ear, letting my breath heat her up.

“It has nothing to do with being in public, caveman, and everything to do with your daughter. Please,” she said handing me the baby, “hold her while I get in.” I couldn’t help but smile, and grabbed my dragonfly. Once Gia was inside, I handed her Bella. Click click click. Nightcrawler shot the last of his load. I gave the fucker my finger and closed the door behind me.

“She’s so sweet and beautiful. God bless,” Dave said, leaning to look at Bella in her infant seat. Gia sat beside her, and I was on the other side, forming a human shield.

“Thank you.” Gia grinned, popping the pacifier into Bella’s waiting mouth. I was proud and protective over them. I pushed the thought of anything happening to ruin this out of my mind. Images of Bella’s birth were still ever present, despite my father’s words. However, I would take his sound advice and call my sponsor when I had a moment. Maybe it would be helpful and I’d try anything to get rid of those heart-wrenching images.

“You get my text about Giselle?” Dave asked. Always fucking business. Did he ever give it a rest? This wasn’t the time to discuss it.

“What message?” Gia asked. She looked from Dave to me until I answered. Dave knew he made a mistake bringing up business at this time.

“Giselle wants to interview me for
Rolling Stone
magazine,” I said, pulling my lip ring into my mouth. I knew Gia didn’t like her, and I couldn’t blame her. She flaunted her beauty, but more than that, she was a nosy bitch. Gia was jealous, and knowing that she’s been around for years sent her into overdrive. Giselle’s nature was to slant our friendship, implying something it wasn’t. However, I wasn’t the only one on her radar…Jake and Woody had to deal with her immaturity. So making Gia jealous was a bonus and her new mission. I needed to get ahead of this. No fucking way was I going to cause any abrasion in our relationship.

“Wow, that’s great. So what’s the problem?” She directed the question to me.

“No problem. But I’m not the only member of this band. Why should this fall on me when I have three other band mates?” I asked, scratching the scruff on my neck.
Fuck, I needed a shave.

Gia’s eyes met mine, scrutinizing me. “But she wants you?”


“Yes,” Dave responded, cutting off my denial.

“Which is it? Yes or no?” she asked, looking to Dave for answers now.

He shrugged, throwing his hands up in the air with exhaustion. “She wants the lead singer of the band.”

“Doesn’t everyone.” She sat back staring straight ahead.

Fuck, this is bullshit.
I looked at Dave, shaking my head. He paled and went back to playing with his phone.

“Did I answer your text Dave?”

“No,” he said, looking up from his phone and meeting my eyes.

“Why do you think that is?”

“No clue. With everything going on with the girls, I assumed you didn’t have time.”

“Wrong answer. I’m not doing her interview for
Rolling Stone
. But I planned to tell you in person. And not today.” I narrowed my eyes at him to make my point clear. “Jake will do the interview,” I said flatly. “It’s not about what
fucking wants. It’s about what
fucking want. Just to be clear.” I turned back to face the window before he had a chance to respond. “
It’s not me she wants
,” I muttered under my breath.

BOOK: Avenging Us (Rocker Series Book 3)
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