Beloved (35 page)

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Authors: Corinne Michaels

Tags: #Beloved

BOOK: Beloved
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Piper steps back with each step I take in her direction. “He came on to me. How does it feel to have two men you’ve slept with want me instead of you?”

For a half-second I
believe her. It would be so easy to think it’s true. She’s trying to use her words like knives, but this time they’re not cutting. She’s desperate and it shows. I don’t think Jackson would purposely hurt me that way. He told me I was it for him.

“If I believed you, that might’ve actually hurt. But since I don’t and I can see you’re grasping at straws, I don’t feel a damn thing but pity.” I give a cynical laugh.

“Fuck you and your pity,” she yells back.

“Oh Piper, you poor, poor girl. It must suck to have nothing. Your workload just got a whole lot lighter and you’re dating a cheating asshole that can’t fight. And here I am with my dream job, an extremely sexy boyfriend,”—I lean in and whisper with a huge grin—“who’s a hundred times better than Neil in
possible way, if you know what I mean.” I wink and move closer to the door.

God, it feels good to say this to her. I’m completely calm, enjoying Piper’s unease. She’s got nothing and for once I have it all. She doesn’t know Jackson and I aren’t speaking, but
fired her. No matter what his reason is, it feels good to see karma finally making the rounds to someone other than me.

Piper sneers but recovers quickly. “You don’t have to believe me. The truth will show itself in time. But don’t say I didn’t warn you.” She smiles, walking toward the door. “You could’ve avoided all this.” Piper shrugs, patting my arm. “Just remember, all you had to do was get me a client.”

I grab the door handle, opening the door as Taylor looks up. “Tay, could you please take out the trash?”

“Sure thing.” She smiles and turns to Piper. “Right this way, Ms. Carlson.” She extends her arm, showing Piper where to go.

Piper stops, turning back toward me. “It’s only a matter of time and you’ll be alone. Again.”

I step toward her, trying to make sure I don’t cause a scene in my office. “I’d rather be alone than be with a man who cheats, steals, and assaults women.” I take a step back with a plastic smile. “Have a great day, Piper.”

I make it back into my office feeling strong. Jackson fired her. There could be hundreds of reasons, but I want to believe it’s because he learned the truth. He saw who she was and was protecting me in some small way. Or it could be because she really screwed up. Whatever the reason, it’s one more way she’s gone and out of my life. I have too much to get done to sit and ponder over Jackson’s decisions. I stop the recording and check to make sure it worked. I hear some of it and shut it off. I didn’t want to hear what she had to say the first time and I certainly don’t want to hear it again.

I take a few minutes to refocus. There are papers all over, I’ve got to return about a hundred emails, and I still need to get my notes done. Time to kick a little ass. I immerse myself in my project, putting everything else in the back of my mind.

Time goes by, but I have no idea how long it’s been when Taylor buzzes through on the intercom. “Hey, Cat, it’s almost seven. Did you still need me to stay?”

Wow. I didn’t notice it was so late. I pick up the receiver. “I don’t think so. I’m going to head home to finish this. Ashton is staying in the city again this week, so it’ll be quiet. I can probably get a lot of this done there,” I reply.

“Okay, I’ll see you tomorrow,” Taylor says sweetly.

“Have a great night.” I smile and hang up.

Sighing, I gather all my papers to take home, prepared to get this done.


With a large box filled with everything I needed, I made it home before the rain started. My table is now covered in papers and diagrams while the storm rages outside. I’ve got my music going, comfy clothes on, and copious amounts of coffee in a gigantic cup. I never should’ve called out on Monday. This meeting will be a disaster because I’m not prepared. Looks like an all-nighter is in my future. My phone keeps ringing. It’s the fifth time in the last hour, but I don’t have time to deal with it.

Finally, after the tenth missed call, I grab it and see Jackson’s name across the screen. My heart starts pounding and my throat goes dry. With shaking fingers, I swipe across the screen.

“Hi,” I say softly.

“Hello, Catherine. Sorry to call so late but I just got out of a meeting.” His tone is all business.

Hearing him is a shock to my system. I’ve missed the sound of his voice. The way he says my name—it’s like home. However, he doesn’t sound like he returns the sentiment.

I straighten my back, hoping to grab on to my professionalism. This is business. He’s not calling because he missed me or wants to talk. “Not a problem. What did you need?” My voice sounds weak, even to me.

He takes a deep breath before answering. “I know we planned to finalize everything tomorrow, but I need it tonight.”

“Tonight?” I look around at all the incomplete papers. I can’t have it ready tonight! I already needed to work well past midnight to get it done.

“I’m in New Jersey. I’m assuming you’re home since you didn’t answer your office phone.”

“Yes, I’m home but I don’t have everything with me. Some things are still in the office. But I can get it to you tomorrow. Besides, it’s storming,” I say, trying to stall him. Shit!

“I’m going out of town tomorrow and I’m not sure when I’ll be back. I won’t have time. It has to be tonight,” he says, clipped and almost angry.

“You’re leaving?” I ask, confused. He was going to leave and not tell me. I know we’re not in the best place, but it still hurts to hear it.

“I need to go to Virginia. I would’ve called earlier but, like I said, I’ve been tied up. I’ll be at your house in twenty.”

I look at the clock and then at what I have done. While most would be satisfied, I’m not. It’s not my best work and the idea of giving it to Jackson unfinished makes me nauseous. There’s no way he’s going to be impressed. I’m shaking my head and trying to find another excuse when I hear him clear his throat.

“Jackson,” I sigh. His name rolls off my tongue while tearing a hole in my chest. “I can meet you tomorrow morning, before your trip. I have some stuff in the office that would complete the press release and the other items for the launch. I don’t want to give it to you incomplete.” I close my eyes. He feels so close, almost like I could touch him through the phone.

“I won’t have time tomorrow. I’ll take what you have and you can have the rest sent.”

If he wants to treat me like a business associate, then he should know showing up at people’s apartments at night isn’t exactly professional.

“I’m not happy about this. It’s late and I—”

“If I could help it, I would. I have to leave early in the morning, and I need this set in motion before I get back. So you can either have me come get it now, or you can bring it to me in New York tonight.” He takes a long pause. “I was trying to make it easier for you since I’m in New Jersey.”

“Fine, but just know you don’t have everything.”

“See you in a few,” he says and disconnects the call.

I throw down the phone and blast into action. I quickly put a bra on, pick up some dishes and other things lying around, and try to make some kind of sense of the paperwork. I only have about ten minutes until he’s here and I’m starting to panic. I snatch the phone and call Ashton.

She answers on the second ring. “Hey.”

“He’s coming here,” I say quickly.

“You called him? Finally!” Ashton sounds ecstatic.

I huff, pressing the phone to my shoulder so I can keep cleaning. “No, he called me. He needs his project early because he has to leave for Virginia tomorrow. I don’t know, Ashton. Why am I freaking out?”

“Because you love him and you know you fucked up? Just a hunch.”

“No, I—” I stop unable to complete the sentence.

Do I love him? No, it’s too soon. Isn’t it? We’ve only begun getting to know each other, but he makes perfect sense. He’s everything I want, everything I need.

Ashton breaks through the silence as I stand shell-shocked. “You just had your epiphany, didn’t you?”

I hear a knock at the door. “I gotta go,” I say and disconnect the phone. I don’t have time for a damn epiphany.

After a few deep breaths, I walk to the door. He’s right there on the other side. He said he wouldn’t come back through this door if I didn’t tell him I wanted him here. And I do want him here. All I want is Jackson. But that fear of losing him is always looming, making its way into my head, causing me to second-guess everything. I’m out of time and now Ashton’s made me even more nervous.

Another knock.

I press my hand on the door and rest my head against the cool wood grain, trying to settle my pulse. I’m brave enough for this. Maybe.

Enough stalling.

Time to be strong.

I open the door and freeze when our eyes lock. Jackson’s even more devastatingly handsome than I remember in his black pants and light blue shirt with the top two buttons undone. His hair is disheveled, but all I see is perfection. The stubble on his jaw is much thicker, making him look darker, more mysterious and dangerous. He looks tired, but I see the underlying emotions as his gaze travels my face. Despite the dark circles forming beneath his eyes, he still looks flawless.

When he gives me a small smile, everything in my world shifts. That grin and the perfectly placed dimple cause an explosion around my guarded heart. It hits me. I love him. It’s a different love than what I had with Neil. It doesn’t feel forced. It’s strong and hopeful. He doesn’t want to take from me—he gives. My weaknesses don’t scare or bother him and he doesn’t want to exploit them. No, he wants to make me stronger. And when I can’t be, he’ll be strong enough for the both of us.

I take a step forward, but before I can speak, he grabs me and pulls me against him. My eyes widen and a second later his lips crash against mine in an angry, hot kiss. Jackson’s arms wrap around me, holding me close. It’s almost crushing, but I couldn’t care less. My fingers tangle in his hair, pulling him closer even though we couldn’t get any more attached than we already are. I breathe in his scent—all male and pure sex. I try to pull him into the apartment, but he won’t budge. He breaks the kiss, but hovers over my mouth. I whimper at the loss of his lips.

“Do you want to let me in?” His deep voice goes straight to my core.

I nod yes, but he doesn’t move. Every cell in my body is awakened. I need his touch. I want him to fill me up and make me whole again. But I know that’s not what he’s asking.

“I told you when I walked out of here the last time—”

I cut him off, leaning up and pressing my lips against his. It’s pure survival. His lips are breathing life into me. Our time apart has me desperate for him. I want to ingrain this moment in my mind in case things don’t go the way I’m hoping.

Jackson grips the side of my face and pulls back.
He has the height advantage. He smiles when my lip juts out in a pout. Looking into his eyes, I know I can’t walk away from him. The last few days were hell, but now that the truth of my feelings is clear, I know the pain of really losing him would cripple me. I will fight all my fears for him.

His gaze doesn’t break, but his voice does. “You need to make a choice.”

The words tumble out of my mouth effortlessly. “Find me.”

With his hands cupping my face, his lips press against mine as he crosses the threshold. When the door slams closed, the energy changes—three days of anger, longing, and doubt rip through us. Jackson’s hands hold my face tight as he pours himself into the kiss, giving me every emotion through his mouth.

The growl emanating from his chest travels straight to my core. Every part of me is alive and desperate for him. I grab at his shirt, unbuttoning it as we move into the house. I want to feel his skin, need to feel the warmth and heat of his body against mine. But he has other ideas. Jackson twists his fingers in my hair and tugs, causing a loud moan to escape. He doesn’t hesitate as his tongue enters my mouth roughly, each stroke edging my need up and out of control. He’s pushing me back as I’m pulling him closer. I grab onto his shoulders. I’ve missed his touch.

Jackson slams me back against the wall. He breaks the kiss, ripping off my shirt and drinking me in as his tongue slides across my lips. My hands reach out to grab him, but he grips my wrists and holds them above my head. Jackson crushes his body against mine. The ache to have him grows with each second.

“Did you miss me like I missed you? Do you know how hard it was every fucking day fighting the urge to see you? How many times I had to stop myself from coming here and breaking down your goddamn door?” he asks against my ear, causing goose bumps to form everywhere.

Before I can respond, his lips are pressed against me, tongue probing for the answers I wasn’t able to give. He has me pinned, completely at his mercy, and there’s nowhere else I’d rather be. It baffles me how I could’ve turned this man away.

Jackson moves his knee between my legs, further restricting my movements. Warm lips descend to my neck as he nips and kisses. I hear his phone ring but neither of us stops or cares. All I’m thinking about is him touching me. I rub against his leg, trying to create some friction to relieve the pulsing between my thighs.

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