Better Than Me (14 page)

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Authors: Emme Burton

BOOK: Better Than Me
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Turning back to me, he whispers, “Hi.”

“Hi, back, Baby.” I say.

“Baby.”  Davis grow
ls.  He puts his hands on my hips by my panties and in a swift move, glides them quickly down my legs.  I step out and push my completely naked body against him.  The fabric of his black boxer briefs rubs deliciously against the bundle of nerves firing out of control between my legs.

“No Stewie boxers?”

“Not tonight, Baby, and no Stewie imitations either.”

Davis scoops me up and lies me on my elevated bed.  Then crawls up my body from the bottom of the bed.

“I want you, Biz, so much.”  I reach up and feel his erection through his boxer briefs.  I stroke it firmly upward with one hand and pull him down to me with the other.  Putting my hand in the back of his boxers, I assist him in removing them.  When I look at him, naked, over me, I shiver.  He is beautiful, long and powerful.  And I made him that way.  I’ve never felt powerful with a man before.  It makes me unbelievably hot.

Reaching between my legs, Davis circles his thumb at the apex.  I close my eyes
and absorb the build up.  I am close already.  Keeping his thumb on my clit and pushing a finger into me and circling, Davis groans, “You are SO ready.”  When I open my eyes, his eyes are burning into me.  He is still touching me down there, but I notice he has a condom on.

did you?”  I question.

“I have hidden talents
,” he looks down at himself, “…and not so hidden talents.” 

I can’t stand it any longer.  I push up on one elbow and pull him onto me.  I pump my pelvis over his erection.  He slides over my
cleft and with a thrust is inside.  Filling me.  Hot and pulsing.

my god, Lizard, Baby. You feel so amazing.”

“Please move, Mavis.  Baby, please.”

“Just a second…okay, okay.”

He rocks into me deeply.  Holding me by the nape of my neck
with one hand, he places his thumb over my clit and circles while pushing down slightly, every now and then lowering his lips to soulfully take my mouth.  We move in a deep, driving rhythm.  I feel myself clenching down on him.  Slowly, steadily tensing.  I am so close.  The sensation is overwhelming.   As I fall violently into the crushing orgasm, all I can do is mouth almost voicelessly, “Oh, Oh, Ohhhhhh.”  Davis is not far behind me, I feel his whole body stiffen and shudder, as he calls my name. 

My real name.






Chapter 18: NOW
-Hiding out




I wake up again to the sunlight streaming in my window and stare at the wall.  But this time, I know it’s my wall.  And I know it’s Davis’ arms I am lying in naked, my back to his chest.  I am completely relaxed and content.  Sighing, I replay our evening in my head. 

I feel his warm breath on my neck.  I shift to move and he pulls me back toward him and kisses my shoulder.

“I thought you were still asleep.”

“No, I’ve been awake for a little while.  Just holding you, thinking of the best way to wake you up.”

“What did you decide?” 

“I’ve been going back and forth between a few thi
ngs. At first, I was thinking coffee, but now I think, maybe…”

He slips down under the duvet and kisses
down my back.  I feel him slide his hand to my waist and then lower it to my knee.  Flipping me toward him, he pushes my knee to the side.  I feel his mouth on the inner part of my lower thigh.  He begins to deliver a series of slow, soft kisses and a few licks all the way up until he gets to the apex of my legs.

”  I hear him say under the covers. 

I push the duvet back so I can see him.  As I do, I see his head dip down to lic
k my already achy clit.  It takes no time at all for him to arouse me. Just kissing down my back.  Or maybe, I was already ready when I awoke.

Davis licks with light delic
ate strokes and then circles the tip of his tongue over the top, under the hood.  It completely unhinges me.  My fingers are in his hair and my pelvis is rotating, begging silently for more.  A few deep suckles and a some quick flicking of his talented tongue and I come hard, saying “Davis, god.”  Wave after wave of clenching spasms. 

He kneels back quickly onto his heels and reaches in
to his jeans lying across the bed post behind him, pulling a condom packet from his jeans.  Aaah, that’s where it came from last night.  I wonder how many he has?  He hands it to me and I tear it open with my teeth and roll it onto his readiness.  Davis yanks me up hard, so I am straddling his upright kneeling body and positions me over his rigid penis.

“Take me, Lizard.  I love you, take me.”

I slide my already throbbing self down onto him with a groan.  I want him.  I want to show him I love him.  I ride him hard, sliding up and then pushing down.  I rock hard to get him as far inside me as possible.  My clit is rubbing against where our bodies meet and the intensity builds quickly.  He is grabbing my hips, directing the motion and depth.  Suddenly he wraps his arms around my body, pulling me close as he releases into me with a long, powerful moan.  With that, I go over the edge again.

We are still naked
and wrapped around each other in bed an hour later.  My stomach complains loudly.

Davis chuckles and
, putting his hand flat on my belly says, “I think we need to feed you.”

“I don’t want to leave this
room.  I just want to stay with you all day, like this.”

“Exactly like this?”
he asks.  I nod in the affirmative.

“We are going to have to get up eventually, but for now, how about I throw on my clothes and go get us some coffee and something to eat.  You stay here.”  He is so sweet.  Coffee in bed.


When Davis returns, I am sitting up in bed against the headboard.  I have put on a black tank top and retrieved some panties from my drawer.  I am grinning like an idiot when
the door opens and beautiful, sexy Davis is standing there with two coffees and a bag of something that smells incredible. 

“Delivery boy!”  He jokes.

“You certainly are,” I joke back, and wave both hands toward myself frantically to indicate I would like my coffee… and him…to be delivered to me immediately.

Davis takes off his jeans and
shirt and returns to bed.  “Now we can stay here all day.”

Sitting in bed, next to each other sipping our coffee and eat
ing our chocolate croissants,  (
Good call, Mavis)
I describe to him the decisions I made on winter break.  First, the decision to confront Jake and offer him the chance to try again or just be friends.  Davis tells me I was being over-generous.  I agree, but know I will always choose to trust.  We concur that it doesn’t matter. Not now.  Jake is history.  I proceed to tell Davis how I was prepared to give him up, too. 

“Really, you were just going to walk away?”

“It was a hard decision.  I was dreading talking to you.  But I would have done it, to do the right thing.  You are my friend.  My best friend.  It would have hurt for a long, long time.  But I knew I couldn’t be just friends. I trust you more than anyone. I couldn’t be with you if you belonged to someone else.  I would never do that to another person.  Because I love you.”  Tears are building up at the back of my eyes.  “I love you so much.”

“I’ve been waiting for you to say that.
Wondering if you would.  It sounds better than I imagined,” he says, his voice full of emotion.

We kiss. Not the frenzied passionate kisses of last night and this morning.  Sweet, loving kisses.

In between kisses, he tells me in a low voice, “Not only do I love you, Biz, I happen to like you.  I was not going to get into any of this with you with any guilt.  I was not about to make you the ‘other woman,’ and you deserve better than a cheater.”

“That’s exactly how I felt,” I reply.

“I’m so glad you didn’t have to make that decision.  I’m yours, Lizard.  Just you.  And you’re mine.  I’m the one who stays.”

We do just what we planned and stay in the room all day.  In bed, talking and cuddling and making love.  Slow, gentle love.
  Many times.  When I next look at the clock it’s 6 pm.  All I’ve had on all day, at the most, are a tank top and panties.  As I ponder how it will feel to walk out into the world as Davis’ girl, a knock comes to the door.

“Biz, we know you are in there, so just open up.  Come on.  You haven’t been answering your texts.” It’s Jules
.  I can tell by the voice.  I giggle and look at Davis’ naked body in my bed and wink at him.

She’s not going to go away.  You’d better cover up,” I tell him.  I grab his jeans off the end of my bed and throw them at him.

Facing the door and pulling on my panties and Davis’ black shirt, I yell, “Coming.”

This only makes Davis chuckle loudly.  I go to the door
, take a deep breath and open it a crack. It’s Jules, but she’s not alone.

“Hi, Jules… Charlie.”

“Everything okay?  Last I saw you, you were blazing out of the cafeteria with Jake behind you and then Davis came in and ran after both of you.  I thought I would have heard from you by now.”  Jules says with concern.

“It’s all good…really good.”  I am pretty sure I am smirking and blushing.  I rub one of my feet against my leg.

“So, everything straightened out with Jake?” she whispers.

“We broke up…I guess…since I don’t know if we ever really were anything.”

Jules is standing in my doorway looking very confused.  She looks up at Charlie, who shrugs his shoulders and then points into my room. “So, who?” 

I feel Davis’ arm slip around my waist and Jules’ eyes go to it.  Then I feel his naked chest against my back, his pelvis pushed into my bottom. He peeks his head over my shoulder and with his free hand opens the door wider to reveal us both in our half-dressed, mussed up hair state to Jules and Charlie.

Davis says, “She’s with me.”
  The way he says it is full of meaning.  Simultaneously announcing that he is with me now, but also claiming me for the future, publicly to my friends.  It feels incredible.  I turn my head to kiss him right on the mouth.

I confirm right before I kiss him,
“Mmmm, I am.”

Jules is momentarily speechless, opening and closing her mouth a few times
like a goldfish and then stating, “Well, Thank god….. I told you, you’d make a hot couple.”

Davis smiles and asks me, “She did?”


“And what did you say?”

“At the time, I blew it off because you were taken.”

“What do you say

“Yes,” I giggle. “We are a hot couple.”

“Damn right we are.”

Davis begins kissing behind my ear and down my neck, while closing the door on Jules and Charlie.  Charlie brings his ha
nd out to stop the closure, warning Davis, “Dude, you better not hurt her.  I am serious.”

Davis stops kissing me, looks me right in the eyes, then turns his face to Charlie and tells him with full sincerity, “That’s the last thing I have in mind for this little Lizard
.  Bye, Charlie.” Charlie removes his hand with a smile and winks at us both.

…” Jules chirps.

The door
is now closed.  Davis says a little louder, never taking his eyes from mine, “Bye, Jules.”





Chapter 19: NOW-Still in Hiding




We haven’t really left the room since Friday night.  Davis ran out to get the c
offee yesterday.  The pizza guy brought dinner last night.  In between, we have been living off whatever is in my room for food.  At one point, Davis went to the vending machine to get me a Diet Coke.  I think he may have side-tripped to Charlie’s room, because he hasn’t run out of condoms and I hate to think he arrived with as many as we’ve used.  The thought makes me giggle, but also brings up a few things I need to discuss with him.

the early hours of Sunday morning and still dark outside.  The sun isn’t threatening to come out yet.  The lights from the parking lot are the only thing illuminating the room.  Davis’ iPod is playing softly.  We are lying there.  In the semi-dark.  Semi-dressed.  Wrapping around each other, stroking each other’s skin.  When Davis hears me giggle, he asks in a deep, sleepy, sexy voice, “What’s so funny?”

“The condoms,
” I tell him.

“Since when are condoms funny?”

“You haven’t run out and we’ve been in here a long time.”

tells me exactly what I suspected, “I may have dropped by Charlie’s room when I went out.”  I giggle a bit more.

“That’s what I was giggling about.  You asking Charlie.  Did he warn you again?”  I ask.

“Of course.  He’s very protective of you.  I’m glad he is.”

“Mavis, even though I was laughing….I was also wondering…”


“Well, you know about me…about my…”

“Sexual history?”  Davis finishes my thought.


He sighs.  “And you want to know about mine?”

“If you don’t mind telling me.”

“Lizard, I don’t mind telling you anything.  I just don’t want it to change how you feel about me once you hear it.  It’s not something I am proud of.  Maybe I was at one time.  But not now.  Now that I have you.”  It is such a declaration.

I need to reassure him.  “
You know pretty much everything I’ve done.  I just think we should both know.  To be safe.”  I cringe internally.  I have told him everything…everything I remember.

I don’t really enjoy hearing it, but I know I need to.  Davis was promiscuous beginning
at age 16.  He never lacked for girlfriends or sex, which doesn’t surprise me.  He’s incredibly attractive, mysterious, quiet at times, but then, at times he can be outrageously flirty.  I’d seen him that way with me.  Briefly with others.  I knew he’d pulled back from flirting with anyone else recently.  I could easily imagine him charming the pants off anyone he chose to.  He became engaged to Kathleen after his brother died, when he finally went to college, but the engagement didn’t stop his fooling around.  He struggled with why, but he felt he was looking for something.  He tried to find it with Kathleen, but it wasn’t enough.  When he moved to Weldon, nothing much changed.  He had his pick of available and ready girls.  There seemed no need to change.

“Then I went to Charlie’s room one day before fall semester.  I saw that picture of you with him.  He explained it.  Told me and Jake, unfortunately, about you.  Some of the crazy plans you and he had when you were bartending.  How you and Charlie kissed a
nd it just didn’t feel right.  How you shut him down.”  I laughed out loud at the memory of that ill-fated hook-up attempt with Charlie.  We liked each other, just, no chemistry, like kissing your brother.  Davis continued, “You looked so happy and mischevious in that picture. Cute and sexy and fun.  Someone to talk to and be goofy with.  Charlie’s stories about you confirmed it.  Who thinks to do something like re-inact the movie, Less than Zero?  And the fact that you turned down Charlie, I mean, come on, Charlie’s pretty hot.  I’m a dude and even I think so.   Then I met you the next day in the cafeteria.  I thought you were so adorable.  I couldn’t stop looking at you.  I was dying for you to look in my eyes.  When you did, your eyes just slayed me.  I saw flashes of the Biz that Charlie described, but I also saw the hurt.  I didn’t know everything then, just the little bit Charlie had told us about Neilbreaking up with you so publicly
Still, I wanted to take away the hurt.  I wanted to see you smile, make you laugh.  I told myself you were off-limits, but I couldn’t stay away.  Then you got the job at The Space.  It was like you were being sent to me.  I was with a lot of girls before, I admit that.  I was always looking for you, I think.  I think I loved you before I met you.  Wow, that sounds crazy!”

He knew
he loved me?  He knew back then?

“You weren’t… but you were…what about Kathleen?  Opening night?”
I am truly confused.  He had to have been with her then.

“Ahh, Opening night… You mean Hell on Earth night.”  Davis intones sarcastically.

Hell on Earth for me, yes.  “What do you mean, Hell on Earth?” I quiz.

“Are you kidding?  Seeing you with Jake like that.  Him all over you.  You seeming to want him.  I was a mess.  When I made eye contact with you on the street
from my car, I snapped.  I told Kathleen I had forgotten something in the lobby of Lawrence Hall.  I waited until I saw you and Jake walk in the side door. Then I went in with a bunch of people and, pretending to be drunk, fell against the fire pull station and yanked it.  I turned around and left.  I don’t think anyone saw me.  I know you are an RA and might need to report me, but I don’t care.  You need to know.  I had to do something.  Something to slow you down with Jake.  Something to make you stop and think.  Something.  Anything.  I don’t even know if it worked.”  I’ve never heard Davis say so much at once. 

Becoming very quiet and serious, I tell Davis it did work.  That I didn’t have sex with Jak
e.  His face is overcome with a look of relief and joy. He pulls me in for a kiss.  Knowing I wasn’t with Jake has made him very happy.

“Davis, I haven’t been with anyone since last May.  And I won’
t report you for the fire alarm,” I tease.   “I’m glad you did it.  It is the most romantic thing anyone has done for me.  Exceptionally weird and risky, but romantic.”

Continuing his kisses down my shoulder he tells me, “I’m so glad it wo

Lizard, I didn’t sleep with Kathleen that night either.”

“You didn’t?”

Davis reassures me, “No, we had a huge fight.  She was beginning to suspect something wasn’t right.  Not about you in particular, but she knew I’d been unfaithful before.  She sensed that I didn’t love her.   She got so angry she packed her stuff and made me take her to the train station.  She said she needed time to think.  When we talked again over winter break, we both knew it was over.”

I have to ask.  Not knowing is killing me.  I collect myself for what I am about to ask and what I am almost sure the response will be. 

“Thanksgiving, Davis.  Did you sleep with her over Thanksgiving?”  He is still holding me, but all movement, all the soft strokes and kisses we have been sharing throughout this conversation cease.  Davis turns his head away to look toward the wall.

“Yes.”  His voice is shaky

Small tears slide down my face before I am even aware.  “I think I already knew that.”

Turning back to me slowly, I see he is tearful, too.   He reaches up tentatively, as if I would stop him, and wipes my tears away with his thumb.  “I did.  She was my fiancée.  I wasn’t sure if I could ever have you.  I thought you were with Jake and I owed it to Kathleen to try.  I …I was incredibly weak.  It may not make you feel better, but I did nothing but think of you the whole time I was with her.”

I understand.  I did the same thing the times I made out with Jake.

I sniffle. Tears drop onto Davis’ chest.  I rub them away with my fingers and then lean over to kiss where they landed.  He pulls me into his chest.  Tilting my head up to look at his beautiful, sad face, I tell him, “I will never like it, but I understand.”  I can’t control the soft sobs I’m breathing onto his chest.

“Biz, I already knew I wanted you, loved you.  I should have been stronger.  I am so, so sorry.”

“You don’t have to apologize anymore, Davis.  I really do understand.  More than you know.  I want to make sure we are safe, you know?”

“We are.  I’ve always used a condom, because of my lifestyle.  Even with Kathleen.  How about you?”

I swallow a few times.  Time to be honest. “Like I said, I haven’t been with anyone since May.  I was tested over the summer and everything was negative.  But, Davis, you have to know, I wasn’t always so “with it” when I was with some of those random guys.  Oh my god, I can’t even remember the las…”  Before I can finish the thought, Davis hushes me.

“It’s going to be fine.  We are together now.  We’ll use protection.  We’ll get tested, together.  It’s going to be all right.” 

I can’t believe he is being so cool about all this.  I know he must be upset and angry on some level.  I am. With myself.

“All that really matters is that we are together.  We’ll just figure it out, okay?  Can you do this with me.  Can you let go an
d trust me to take care of you? Us?

I nod my head against his hard chest and stroke my hand across his rippled abs and sigh.
Trust him.
Allowing myself to relax into him after this extremely difficult and enlightening discussion, I drift and am asleep before I know it.


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