Bittersweet Deceit (26 page)

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Authors: Blakely Bennett

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Women's Fiction, #Contemporary Women, #Romance, #Contemporary Fiction

BOOK: Bittersweet Deceit
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“It’s my most endearing quality.” He laughed. “Stop shaking that head of yours. I’m not sure you even know you’re doing it half the time.”

“Nice way to segue
the conversation,” I said, tugging his ear.

“I’m more than happy to stay on the conversation of my hard cock, but I was trying to be sensitive. Since you so desperately want to talk about my
bulge ... earlier today, wow, I mean I had high hopes, especially after the kiss in the club, but...”—he tapped his chin—“How can I say this so it comes out right? OC, you shocked me. I thought it would take you awhile to be so loose and receptive but—I’m struggling to be patient and wait to have you again.”

“Maybe tomorrow,” I said and watched his face transform in front of me into a brilliant smile.

He maneuvered me onto his lap and ravaged my mouth. His gift of mindless passion took me away from myself and allowed me moments of respite. Someday I hoped I could repay him for his friendship and kindness. I wouldn’t even allow myself to think in terms of love. Love might never again be mine but thankfully desire still lived close by. And if I was to believe Stay, then I only had to worry about my heart and not his. I would have to trust him on it.

Our feral kiss became so explosive, so intense, I pushed away from him.

“Jesus, Lainie,” he said, breathing heavily.

“Me? It’s you. What the fuck do you do to me?”

“That, my dear, falls at least half on you.”

I just star
ed at him, my body charged up and pulsating.

“You’re shaking your head again.”

“I am? I’m going to the bathroom. You, Stay, stay here.”

He chuckled at me
, and my lack of composure.

I’ve clearly lost my mind and moved over to some strange
alternate universe. “Clean up your wet pussy and go watch a movie. No more kissing for you, girl,” I said to the stranger in the mirror. She didn’t look like the Lainie of yesterday.

Back in the living room he said, “Were you talking to yourself?”

“Yes, but she ignored me.”

He fell out in hysterical laughter. “I never realized how funny you are.”

“Tragedy has a way of doing that to me. You need to keep your lips to yourself for the rest of the night.”

“Yes, ma’am,” he said, saluting me.

I sat on the couch with some distance between us.

“I know how to behave,” he said, drawing me closer.

g my lips, I said, “I call bullshit.”

He laughed again. “OC, I love the natural wave of your hair,” he said,
playing with the ends.

“This is behaving?”

“That is known as a compliment. I also love your long, pale eyelashes that frame your eyes.”

I turned his face toward the TV and started
. My body melded with the side of his, and I felt grateful for the distraction of the movie.

“OC,” I heard in a whisper. “You fell asleep.”

“Huh?” I murmured cloudy with slumber.

“Throw your arms around my neck.
There you go. Good girl.”

I felt my pillow under my head and then blissful quiet.

Relax My Beloved
by Alex Clare

leep might have been my best friend, but the cold light of day was my brutal enemy. As I opened my eyes I had a brief window of reprieve until I realized the man next to me in bed with his arm draped across my waist, his hard cock enlarging and retreating against my thigh was Stay and not Mason. Everything that happened came flooding back and I lost my breath.

I scooted out of the bed and into the bathroom. After peeing and brushing my teeth, I sat on the edge of the sink, trying to decide what to do with
Stay, but was not drawing any concrete conclusions, coffee became the priority.

Filling the filter with enough coffee for two and pouring in the allotted water, I flip
ped on the switch. I hear noise come from the bathroom as I fought off a world of hurt inside. I zoned-out to the coffee dripping, focusing on the color, aroma, and sound.

“I’m approaching and I don’t want to scare you,” Stay said as he entered the kitchen sans clothes.

“You’re naked,” I said, straining not to stare at the semi-hard erection in front of me.

“That’s how I sleep. Come back to bed
, Lane, I have plans for you. It’s still early.”

“Did you carry me to bed last night?”
I said, pretending to look at something on the floor by his feet and then glancing up.

“Yeah, we didn’t get far into
the movie before you fell out.” He rubbed his hand over the top of his head and said, “Mornings are hard, right? I’d hoped to make yours much better.”

Stop being so damn nice to me. And you cleaned my kitchen again,” I said with an elevated voice. “I hardly merit it. I got what I deserved.”

“Would you like me to go?”
he asked, his arms held out in question. He looked incredibly adorable, naked in my kitchen, vulnerable and exposed. There was zero artifice with him.

“Yes ... no, I don’t know.”

“Don’t do it, Lainie,” he said, taking a step toward me.

“Do what?”
I said, hugging the counter against my back.

“Bring up my heart again or hurting
me. I take back what I said.”

I curled my hands behind me and held onto the edge of the granite.

He came closer and said,
“We can be whatever we are now. I won’t pressure you for more.”

“You can do friends with benefits?”
I asked with real skepticism.

“I never have
, but let’s give it shot. I understand you need time and frankly if I don’t get inside of you soon, I might blow a gasket.”

Focusing on his face, I said,
“It’s amazing how our firmly held resolutions fly out the window with great chemistry.”

“You think we have great chemistry?”

“I’m hurting, I’m not dead. I’d have to be blind not to have noticed. Not sure what that matters anyway. You yourself told me powerful chemistry doesn’t necessarily mean a healthy match.”

“I wasn’t talking about us, OC,” he whispered, standing way too close.

I cleared my throat and said, “Coffee’s ready. Would you like a cup?”

“I’d rather have you
first, and then take a shower together.”

“I’m not sure I’m ready for that,” I said, staring at his
inflating cock.

“Which?” he asked, one eyebrow rose. He knew. “The shower can wait, but I hope to change your mind about that too.”
Closing the short distance between us, he kissed his way from my collarbone up the right side of neck, cradling my head in his hands.

“Do you ever take no for an answer?” I murmured
, relaxing into him.

Mumbling against my throat, he said, “You didn’t say no, OC.”

“Didn’t I?” I moaned.

His lips found my pulse and he nipped and
sucked there. He tilted my head so he could savor the left side too.

When his lips finally reached mine,
he owned me, leading me to his unique rhythm and guiding me through each step until the music became so frantic I had to part from the sensual dance to catch my breath.

“Oh ... give me a ... second,” I panted.

And that’s about all he gave me. When his mouth moved toward mine again, he escorted me through another melody, and it didn’t take long for my natural juices to gather between my thighs.

I let him lead me back to
the bedroom, my heart pounding from his near proximity.

I dreamt of you last night,” he said as he pulled my shirt over my head.

My nipples
stood out for Stay to see, and his pre-cum beckoned me.

His hand brushed over
my buds and I moaned. “I love how your body responds.” He ran his hands down my sides, following the curve in at my waist and the flare of my hips. Hooking the elastic of the sweatpants, he slid them down my legs. “I adore every square inch of you and plan to get to know each spot intimately.” He dipped down in front of me and kissed my mound and then my belly. With his arms he hugged me to him and sighed against my stomach.

I held his head in my hands,
grazing them across his short hair.

“Oh, that feels so good,” he said. He
gazed up at me, his smile warming my heart. “Come”—he rose up and brought me into the center of the bed—“I have a request.”


“Be present with me,” he said.

“That’s not a challenge at all. Once you wrap me up in your energy—”

“Our energies,” he corrected.

“Okay, our
merged energies, I’m transported away from myself and acutely aware of every sensation.”


In the center of the bed, we sat facing each other, my legs over his, his cock resting against my mound. Once
our kiss reignited, I left my mind, the world, and nothing mattered other than getting as close to Stay as humanly possible. I circled my legs behind his lower back and he did the same, grasping me firmly, his hands buried in my hair and mine wrapped around his neck. If I could, I’d climb inside of him and stay there for months, allowing his love to repair the gaping hole in my heart. In his arms I felt scared and saved all joined into one strange concoction.

“You smell so good. I’m fighting with myself
about where to go first,” he said, dipping is fingers in my swollen labia. He licked them and we both groaned. “No one tastes like you, Lainie, so heady, musky, sweet, and salty all at once.”

I want you inside me,” I said, raising my hips over his lap. “I don’t know if I can take all of you so—”

“We’ll go slowly,”
he said, helping me to lower down.

“Oh ... oh ... fuck,” I said, my eyes opened wide.

He chuckled and said, “Damn, woman, you’re so tight.”

Gazing down between us, I said, “I thinking it’s more that you’re immense.”

“Oh, Jesus. We might have to start all our sex with my cock down your throat first. Get you soaking wet.”

“Very funny.” I lifted my hips and settled back down again
, but wasn’t making much headway.

The first time we make love, I want it to be phenomenal for us both. I have an idea.” He maneuvered me onto my back and lowered me down onto the bed.”

I reached and tapped him on the shoulder. “Your cock is too far away.”

“Shh, OCDC, trust me.” Once his tongue touched my pussy, I shut up. He licked around my entrance and then sucked gently on my labia. He pushed my thighs back and
knees wide. His teases to my clit caused a flood of wetness. “There,” he said. He moved up on the bed and positioned his cock at my entrance. “Are you ready to try again?”

I wanted him inside in the worst
possible way and told him yes with my eyes.

“Me too,” he said, slowly breaching my pussy.

“More,” I moaned.

“Okay.” He lowered
his weight onto me and said, “There you go, relax for me. You’ll get used to me in no time.”

“I’ll never get
used to you.”

“With all my heart, I
hope that’s true.”

Our eyes locked in a different way and our breathing became synced. He rolled his hips going deeper with each down stroke.

“Can you take more? I’m almost there.”

“Take it

“Don’t say if—”

I grasped his ass and he got the message.

He paused once fully immersed and said,
“Jesus, Lane, I could stay here forever.”

“I’d rather you start moving,” I said with a cheeky smile of my own.

“Your wish, and all of that.” He kissed the tip of my nose and then lightly bit my lower lip. Slowly and sensual he moved his shaft in, swiveling his hips, and eased out with equal precision.

My body better accommodated him with each stroke.

He took me by surprise when he manhandled me back onto
his lap, facing him. He had slipped out slightly.

I lowered down onto him and
had an easier time of it.

He wrapped his arms tightly around me and carried some of the weight of my up and down movement, controlling our pace. “This way ... I can easily—” He swept me up in another sweltering kiss.

I could finally touch his smooth, tan skin and I did. I caressed my hands down his back and then trailed up his neck. With one hand I stroked his head.

He broke off the kiss. “I love when you do that.”

“I can tell. You can go harder.”

“I don’t want to hurt you. Lay down with me. Let me spoon you from behind, that way I can pound into you like we both need.”

Side by side, my back to his, he entered me with a forceful thrust.

“Oh yes,” I groaned.

“Kiss me, Lainie. I need to see those eyes.”

I shifted my upper
body and turned my face to him.

He cur
led his arms around my shoulders and gave me exactly what I need.

“Take me, Stay, please.”

And he did, over and over again. I thought of nothing but the feel of his cock stretching me and the thick head of his shaft rubbing my G-spot on each stroke. “I’m close,” I croaked through the breath I held.

“Connect with my breath again,” he said as he slowed his incursion. “There, that’s good. I want to take you really hard. Are you ready?”


“Hang on.”
He pounded against me, gripping me tight, and I reveled in the force. “Look at me,” he ordered.

I turned my body slightly, laying more of my weight a
gainst him. He lifted my top leg and penetrated even deeper. His body’s energy permeated my back, his blue eyes captivating my soul, and his cock stretching me to new depths.

“Now,” I
screamed. I shot out of myself, away from all that reality had waiting for me. I sailed in the clouds above, praying, hoping, and begging never to come back down.

As soon as his orgasm began to fire, I was yanked back into my body for another stormy release.

“Lainie,” he grunted. He jerked repeatedly until he finally stilled. Then he started laughing.

“What?” I demanded, spinning in his arms to face him.

“Relax, OCDC, I loved every damn second of it. You just continue to amaze me, is all.”

“That’s simply because you expected me to be different.”

He gathered my hair behind my back and said, “That’s definitely part of it and after we make love another twenty times this week, I’m sure I’ll get over it.”

“Twenty times?”

“Don’t get bogged down with the details, OC. We can shoot for thirty if you’d like.” He winked.

“The other part?”

“I’ll tell you another time when I don’t think it will send you running in the other direction. Friends with benefits, remember?” He twitched his eyebrows in mirth but then his expression transformed. He mesmerized me with another deep kiss and when he pulled back, he said, “Shower?”

My heart dropped when I realized what I really need was time alone. “Stay,” I started.

“Your expression says everything. I’ll get going.” He moved to get up and I caught his arm.

“Please don’t be upset with me. Please. I ... I ... this time with you
… I would never trade it for the world. You have been so incredible to me in every way conceivable. If you truly think you can do friends with benefits, I want to. This isn’t ‘get lost’ this is, I need time to myself.”

He hugged me to him and said, “I understand. When can I see you again?”

“Can we play it by ear? I’d like to spend tonight alone but maybe Tuesday after work.”

“I’d prefer my place. I have a few things I like to show you.”

“Okay, your place, Tuesday night.” I didn’t know if I’d be ready by then but I also understood I couldn’t put him off indefinitely.

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