Blackmailed Merger (27 page)

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Authors: Marie Kelly

BOOK: Blackmailed Merger
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“Will this be so bad Sam?”


He had surprised her, her face
that surprise


“I will make a good husband to you”


Samantha had fidgeted nervously, an almost mournful look coming to her eyes


“When we were first together Dante, I loved you.  I loved you with all my heart, and you broke me.  You used me and are continuing to use me, so please do not do this”


He had sat silently watching her, seeing an almost grim determination in her before sighing again


“I was wrong all those years ago Sam, but in some way good came out of it”


Seeing the disbelieving look on her face he had continued


If I had not done what
did then, we would never have met, and I know it was wrong but I still
help be pleased that we did meet”


He had seen the shadow pass her eyes pressing on


Truth is Sam
that I had never been happier than when we were together,
and there were many times I wanted to come after you”


Giving a small self
deprecating laugh


“But I was too stubborn, too sure that I was right...
even though I kne
w I wasn’t”


Sam had looked down at their hands once more, confusion on her face Dante holding his breath with expectancy, before something seemed to cross those lovely eyes, some memory that had seen her pull her hands fro
m him, her eyes once more hardening


“Please do not do this.  We have an agreement and the bottom line Dante is that this whole marriage has nothing to do with you wanting to be with me.  It has everything to do with you wanting my
company.  You have chosen your company at the cost of your own child, so not romanticise this whole thing”


Sam had been surprised to see a hurt look on his handsome face, for some reason feeling the need to offer the smallest of olive branches


for our time together I would prefer that we were not constantly at each


Her eyes darting back to his, seeing as he had nodded softly, an almost determined look coming to his face


“I can take that as a start” he had replied softly, his mouth curving into a gentle smile.


The rest of the day had passed
with the two slipping comfortably into their new

After the wonderful meal Philippe had everybody laughing with his stor
ies of his and
Sam once more aware of
how Bella sat beside him seeming so
happy to be there, also taking in the way that he had looked at her through
t the night, his eyes full of such warmth.


Finally it wa
s time to leave and
Sam had slipped into the room provided for the two, quickly changing into a soft silver blue suit which Bella had insisted she buy, despite that fact that it cost more than she normally made in a month.  After throwing the bouquet to the many women who had gathered
Dante had taken her hand and hugging
Bella tightly the
two had left the reception, many paparazzi still clicking pictures of the couple.  In the car Sam had peeked over at Dante


“So....where are we going
” she had queried, seeing as his lips had twitched gently.  For the two weeks she had been there neither he nor Bella had been prepared to tell her where they would be spending their honeymoon, Bella only smiling and sighing softly declaring it to be “so romantic”.


“Well.......we have a flight, Philippe has leant us his private jet”


Sam laughing
“Wow, you two and your toys”


Seeing as he had grinned back
“Yep we have the spectrum pretty well covered



Then tomorrow...
ou will know”
at her as she had given a sigh and a frustrated frown.


“Won’t I find out when we take off
” she had finally
, as he had shaken his head.


“Nope they are under instructions not to tell”
Sam groaning, but smiling
in spite
of herself


She had been amazed as they had driven up to
plane.  It was bigger than she had expected and on the inside there were couches and tables and what appeared to be a bedroom.  He had helped her to fasten herself in as the plane had taken off.


The two had shared a bottle of wine
watching a movie together, her choice making him groan as he had declared it to be a “chick flick” but settling in beside her to watch it anyway.  It had been a long day, full of so many emotional changes and as the credits had rolled, Sam had found herself curl her feet up on the soft leather and yawning softly had gently slipped into a deep sleep, slowly falling against Dante.


When he had heard her soft deep breaths, he had moved her to lie out comfortably over the plush couch retrieving a blanket to drape over her small frame.  For a few moments he had looked down on his wife, once more feeling such strange sensations flood him.  With a small sigh he had stood, moving to the other couch, feeling the tiredness filling him too.  The past two weeks had been demanding with the news of the merger of the companies, along with the many meetings that entailed.  Dante was not a man who dealt with fools lightly and he expected no less in his employees.  Therefore, the merger had
smoothly, making his honeymoon plans possible.


Looking back over at Sam who had turned onto her side, her hand moving under her chin, he had remembered how she used to lie like that when they were together, this simple thing making him frown with the way the memories were now crashing
in on
him, including the way she would meet him smiling that wonderful wide smile of hers.  With a scowl he had chided himself.  This was not a long term arrangement, Sam had made it very clear that it was to be a temporary one, Dante finding that thought disconcerting, this his last thought as sleep had taken him too.


Sam had woken with a start, not sure where she was, her eyes opening slowly hearing the strange burring sound of what
appeared to be
an engine.   With a small sigh, she had turned, feeling the back of the couch stopping her, th
e realisation overtaking her as to where she was her
.  With a small sigh she had swung her legs off the soft leather her eyes slowly focussing on her surroundings
.  Across from her Dante lay sleeping, his handsome face relaxed in

Jumping a voice had sounded over the
loud speaker
, Sam realising that it was this that had woken her, as listening she had heard the pilot informing them that they
should prepare to land. 


Rising groggily to her legs, she had moved over to Dante,
over him, as she had shaken him gently, hearing as he had groaned softly


“Dante...the plane is landing”


She had whispered gently, for some reason not wanting to wake him too hard.  Finally she had been rewarded as he had moved, Sam starting to straighten up before his arms had moved around her, Sam losing her footings as she had fallen over him, his hands wrapping around her.


His eyes had opened quickly, confusion in his look seeing her so close, before with a groan he had lifted his head, his hands moving to the back of her head pulling her harder into him.  His kiss had been so tender that she had felt her whole body shiver before with a will of its own moulding harder against his, kissing him back.  As their kiss had deepened, become more demanding he had moved her under him, his mouth moving to kiss along her jaw, down her throat Sam shuddering and gripping him
her head falling back her lips parting as she had moaned softly


“Please ensure seat belts are fastened Sir,
anding in five minutes”


The voice over the
loud speaker
once more finally breaking through the fevered minds of husband and wife.  Dante had pulled back from her groaning softly as his head had fallen onto her breasts, hearing as her heart had still beaten so fast.


I just wanted to wake you” she had found herself stuttering, once more so unsure what had happened.  This man had blackmailed her and treated her so badly, yet the force of her need for him was scaring her.  He had lifted his head, looking deeply into her shocked eyes


“You can wake me up like tha
t anytime you like Samantha Dura
nt” he had said softly, Sam feeling the jolt rushing through her hearing her married name for the first time, feeling as her cheeks had glowed seeing the fire in his eyes.  Rising quickly she had straightened her suit, moving to the other couch and strapping herself in, watching from the corner of her eyes as he had slowly done the same.


As they had come into land, the plane moving lower and lower she had gasped, realisation hitting her as to where they were, turning to look at Dante with bewilderment in her face


“We are in Greece”


She had stated, seeing as he had given a small smile.


“Yes.  I thought that you might like to spend our honeymoon in the place we met”


Sam had stared back out of the window, so many conflicting feelings flitting through her.  On one hand she had loved the island, the people and the peacefulness it offered.  On the other it seemed
yet another
reminder of how he had used her, tricking her into becoming his instrument of revenge.  As though sensing her thoughts she had heard his soft tone, quickly turning to look at him

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