Blackmailed Merger (28 page)

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Authors: Marie Kelly

BOOK: Blackmailed Merger
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“Despite everything Sam, I was truly happy here with you”


Sam needing to turn from him, once more telling herself that she hated this man, once more reminding herself what he had done to her, fighting the feelings that were
so painfully resurfacing.  Hardening her heart
she had told herself that it was easier to manipulate a compliant wife than one who was watching out for herself, that this was just one more of his schemes.


Dante had watched her from his seat.  Again, frowning seeing the changes in her.  Sam had never been good at hiding her feelings, and again he was surprised to see the cold look come onto her beautiful face.  It seemed that whenever he tried to get close to her, she
withdraw further from him, Dante not liking this, not liking his Samantha treating him that way, once more seeing the young tourist he had met, that girl so happy and full of life.  Finally it had struck him what was so differe
nt about her.  She had lost the
ability to laugh and to see the wonder in the simplest of things that he had liked so much about her before.


As they had landed, he had asked for her watch changing it quickly before returning it.  Looking at the face, she had given a small smile.  While they had travelled for ten hours, both now feeling refreshed from their long sleep
neither having realised just how tired they were, it looked as though they had only traveled for three hours.  It had been dark as they boarded the plane, and it was still dark outside, Sam seeing that it was nearly 3 in the


They had quickly been collected from the airport by a large expensive car
, which
had taken them to the waiting cruiser, Sam gasping recognising it as Dante’s own, the memory of the day
and many nights
they had spent on it causing a lump in her throat as she had looked over at him with surprise


He had smiled widely at her


“Too early for the
this seemed the best solution”.


Dante knowing that his choice of honeymoon location had been the right one as her eyes and whole body had seemed to relax for the first time since they had become engaged, and taking her hand she had not even flinched
he had moved onto the cruiser with her.


This time however, it was not he who had driven the boat
, Dante
sitting with her on the loungers for the thirty minute journey before
moving to
yet another car waiting for them.  Once back at the villa, Sam had stood, the memories of their time there, when they had been so happy filling her.  She had blinked back the tears once more
struggling with the memories and
how she had
at that time been
full of
hope for the future, a future she believed to be with the man who was now her husband, this fact so ironic
mocking her.  He had watched the way the myriad of emotions had crossed her features, seeing the happiness so soon followed by sadness, once more feeling
deep within him.


Moving forward he had guided her into the house, walking with her up to their old room, Dante having chosen to carry the cases himself.  Depositing them onto the ground, he had flashed her a small grin.


“Welcome back


Seeing as her eyes had dropped to the ground before
to look at him, a sadness deep within them


“Kind of ironic really” she had managed as the smile had dropped from his lips


“There was a time Dante that I longed to be that............there was a time I thought you to be somebody so different, guess I was just a stupid little fool” she had finished with a small
half laugh


He had not moved forward, his eyes holding hers. 


“No Sam, you were not the fool.........I was”


Sam flustered to hear him


“I should never have treated you the way I did”


Turning from him she had moved to the large windows, looking silently out of them for several seconds, not really seeing the way the sky was already starting to turn grey as the light began to break up the dark of the night


“I guess those words would have more meaning if you were not still blackmailing me Dante........not still scheming to get your hands on something that my father can give you........if it was about me and not him”


She had felt him move over to her, felt his hands move around her shoulders pulling her in harder to his chest, felt the way her whole body had once more responded to being there, hating herself for still wanting this man.


lie that that is not a welcome part of this Sam, but having you here again.......I wish that you could believe that it means
a lot
to me”


Sam had bit her lip, knowing the futility of arguing how she
knowing that the farce of a marriage she had agreed to was temporary. 


Looking back at him, she could see an all too familiar look in his eyes, as his hands had began to move surely down her arm, his mouth moving to kiss down her cheek, his intentions so clear.  She had felt as her body had began to shake, Dante surprised to feel her trembling in his arms, turning her around to look down into her lovely face, shocked to see the fear so deep in her eyes


“Sam?” his eyes had been questioning, as she had looked back, the fear holding so much more.


“What is it...what’s wrong
” he had whispered sensually against her, her expression becoming almost mournful as she had pulled back from him, her hand shaking as she had pushed her hair
from her face.


“I think I will have a shower if you don’t mind” she had mumbled softly, feeling his hold loosen as she had moved into the bathroom. 


The feel of the jets against her body had been so welcome, the water running down in riv
down her supple body.  Giving a small sigh of pleasure she had allowed it to relax her tense body, her whole being wide awake.  The sound of the door opening had made her gasp, once more tensing as Dante had appeared, his naked body exactly as she had remembered, Sam groaning with the way she had felt herself respond, her body a traitor of the worse kind


I’m not finished” she had cried out, a hint of panic in her voice as he had moved into the shower with her, Sam feeling her whole body on high alert.


“I thought that I could help you”


His sensual voice had swept down her, making her shiver as she had tried to move past him, a strange fear in her eyes.    His arm however, had shot out winding around her waist, pulling her in closer to him


“Don’t go.....” he had whispered sensually, his eyes full of desire as they had travelled over her wonderful body.  She had gulped feeling his naked flesh against hers feeling herself sink with the need for him that had always been there.


I should..” she had stammered as he had dropped his head, his mouth covering hers, Sam whole body shiver
with the desire flooding through her as she had fallen in harder against him.  She had felt as he had moved her around knowing that the water now ran down his back, as his hand
the soap and firmly lathered them before moving to run them over her body, turning her around in his embrace as his fingers had opened over her breasts, sliding between the hardened nipples as he had covered her body with the
.  Sam had involuntarily groaned, the sound turning to a gasp as his hands had moved further down, pushing her legs apart as his hand had moved between her thighs.  She wanted to run, to get away from the torrent of sensations filling her, the white hot fires that licked at her belly sending shocks to every part of her.  As his fingers had moved to the centre of her, moving to caress the wetness of her before sliding deeply inside her quivering body she had struggled to keep her breath even


“Stop...please...stop” she had whispered, her voice lacking real


He had kissed down her cheek, his mouth sliding along her neck, along her back, his other hand now gently
one breast, Sam unable to stop her body as it had moved sensually against his hands.  As she had thought herself lost, he had moved her once more to face him, his hands taking hers, placing the bar of soap into it


“Do you remember how you used to clean me
” his voice a mere whisper against her ear as Sam had nodded wordlessly against him,
soaping her hand before sliding them
over his hard belly, down his sides, slowly lathering his hard form moving in closer so that she could
her arms around him to do the same to his bottom and back hearing as he had groaned softly his arousal digging into her stomach.  Moving back she had taken the hardened heat of him in her hand cleaning that
her eyes
to meet his, seeing as his had half closed with pleasure as he had sucked in air his hips moving with her hand.  As he had pulled her in harder, pushing her against the cold tiles she had heard the low throaty sound from him, before his mouth had dropped once more to take hers, this time full of the heat and passion they both shared as he had crushed her to him, their bodies fusing together as one


“It has been so long Sam” she had heard him whisper, as his mouth had moved to suck in her ear lobe, she feeling her whole body shudder at the sensations which had ran through her, his hands
her bottom as his fingers had
between her legs.  Samantha was on fire, her arms flying around his neck little caring as she had pulled his head to her, her hips grinding against the hardness of him as he had given a small chuckle


“You are still as hot as ever”


He had moaned, before bending and lifting her in his arms, scooping her up like a small child
out of the shower.  With long sure steps he had moved them to the bedroom, gently laying her still wet body over the bed, the covers pulled down the cotton so cool on her back.  Sam had said nothing, her eyes watching him with a burning need in them as he had stood back his eyes flicking over her slowly.

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