Blood of Dragons (33 page)

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Authors: Bonnie Lamer

Tags: #Romance, #Paranormal, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy, #Paranormal & Urban, #Angels, #Witches & Wizards

BOOK: Blood of Dragons
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I wish.  Not really.  “Um, almost.  Turns out I can be meaner than the Dragons.”  That sounded more serious than I meant it to sound.


Zac shrugs.  “Yeah, Mom says that’s your job.  You have to be mean sometimes to make the bad people stop being mean.”


I smile up at Mom.  “She does, huh?  That’s a very nice way to look at it.”


I stand up and yawn.  “I seriously need some sleep.” 


“Sleep.  Right,” Kegan snorts so Kallen hits him with a small blast of magic. 


He’s about to retaliate when Isla walks in.  “I suggest you not antagonize tired and hungry Fairies.”  With a dirty look in Kallen’s direction, Kegan lets his magic go.  Isla inclines her head.  “Kegan, we have three more additions to our growing family.  Please check which rooms are in the best order to be used this evening.”  This house is huge.  There are a lot of bedrooms.  But knowing Tabitha and her cleanliness, every room is in perfect order.  Wait, she said three rooms.  That means that Garren is staying here as well.  I can’t wait to see how that plays out.


“Thank you for making room for them,” I say with a smile.  I mean Raziel and Adriel.  Garren is all her.


“This house has always been too large for so few to live here.  It is good to have it finally be lived in as it should be.”  Changing the subject, she says, “Tabitha is making sandwiches.  They should be ready in a few minutes.”


Ugh.  I’m going to have to go to the kitchen and sit down.  I start to head that way when Kallen catches my hand.  “I promised Xandra dinner in bed.  She has been through too much in the past few days.  She needs her rest.”  Kegan snorts again but Kallen ignores him this time.


Isla looks like she’s going to argue but she doesn’t.  “Of course.  We can discuss everything in the morning.”  She turns to leave the room then hesitates before turning back around.  “I do have a bit of bad news.”


Seriously?  I don’t think I can take any more bad news.  Why can’t I have one night off from it?  “What?” I ask sounding as annoyed as I feel.


More hesitation.  “Grandmother, please,” Kallen says impatiently.  I’m rubbing off on him.


She sighs.  “Dagda did some research while we were away.  It turns out that the right hand fasting ritual truly is a binding of souls, not bodies.”


Kallen’s face is turning so red I’m afraid it’s going to explode.  “Are you telling me that I am married to Raziel?  Xandra and I are not married?”


She half shrugs.  “So it would seem.  Dagda has his staff working on finding a loophole to annul the marriage so you two may be wed.”


I’m confused.  “If we’re not married, why aren’t our rings glowing?”


“Because the right hand fasting ceremony negated the magic from the left hand fasting,” Kallen says.  I’m pretty sure his head is going to explode any second now.


“Um, Isla, I think I’m going to bring Kallen upstairs before he self-destructs.”


She nods.  “That is an excellent idea.  I will have some sandwiches brought up to you.”


I find I still have the energy to teleport.  I whisk us upstairs and directly to our bathing room.  “Is this okay?” I ask him.  He gives me a curt nod but I’m not really sure he heard me.


I guess more drastic measures are called for.  Moving in front of him, I slide my hands under his shirt to feel his hard, smooth muscles as I bring the shirt up and over his head.  When it’s gone, I kiss a trail from his chest to the waistband of his jeans.  Undoing them, I slide them down his legs.  They disappear when they hit the floor.  My hands and my mouth continue to explore his body until he groans deep in his throat. 


That’s when I make my clothes disappear.  I want to feel his skin against me.  I want his lips on mine as his hands find all the places I love.  Snaking my arms around his neck, I bring his head down so I can capture his lips.


Reaching down, Kallen puts his hands on my thighs and lifts me from the floor.  I wrap my legs tightly around his waist and our lips never part.  Walking to the steps that lead down into the bath, warm water touches our hot skin, further increasing the sensations of our touches. 


Kallen presses me against the wall of the Olympic size bath and eases himself inside me.  Slowly.  I moan against his mouth as I try to hurry him but he’s determined to tease me.  I pull him to me with my legs that are still wrapped around me and soon, he can’t resist any longer.  Our bodies find a rhythm that is made of pure love and passion.  When we go as high as we can, we both tumble together, drowning our cries of bliss into each other’s kisses.  We cling together for long moments afterwards.


In his ear, I whisper, “You are my husband.  No one can make me believe otherwise.”


“Yes, I am,” he says as his body begins to move against mine again.  Soon, we’re lost in each other once more.  Sleep is a thought that doesn’t cross our minds again for quite a while.


When we finally leave the bathing room, there is a tray with sandwiches waiting for us.  Our stomachs convince us that we are still hungry for something other than each other and we devour them all.  Afterwards, we fall into bed holding tightly to one another.  Our marriage is real.  I don’t care what Fairy law says.




































Chapter 41 – Belial


Standing next to the bed I look down at my tormentor.  She and Raziel are both fools believing that they could hide the truth from me.  Yes little Witch Fairy, I know it was you.  You sleep peacefully now, but I have things in store for you that are far worse than what you did to me.  I am going to make you pay for every ounce of pain you caused me.  You will pay even more for the humiliation.  It will be slow and agonizing.  I will take away all that you love so dearly until there is nothing left except you begging me to kill you to put you out of your misery.  With Raziel Fallen, there is no one to stop me.


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