Blue Moon (35 page)

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Authors: Danielle Sanderson

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy, #Paranormal & Urban

BOOK: Blue Moon
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“Who did this? Why couldn’t you take them off?” She asks in a fluster.

“Mary, Laura, and Sarah had her, Richard knows, and she has no power. Come on, let’s get going, everyone is looking at us,” Ruk tells Dallah whilst looking to his left and right.

“Ok, ok.”

Dallah speaks her enchanting words of magic, and only a moment later she pulls them off with one movement of her hand.

Standing up, I straighten my dress and my hair and smile at Dallah, but I don’t get one in return.

“It's ok Dallah, it will work out,” I reassure her.

“I will never forget everything you went through for me. I wish I was the one to have saved you all those times sweetie,” She tells me with meaning.

“Stop it! I’m good, look at me. Come on, Ruk’s right, everyone is watching us, and Richard’s going to pissed when he knows that I got away from the three stooges,” I tell her with a smile, which she returns but a little weak, nevertheless, a smile.

Taking her in my
arms, I hug her tightly while whispering in her ear,

“You will do great up there, don’t be nervous, we will be there with you, nothing will go wrong, I promise. Just think, in an hour we will all be back at home, sitting on the porch with smiles on our faces. You and Julian will finally have what you have always wanted and deserve, each other.” I tell her whist passing her the dagger cautiously, so that prying eyes will not see me doing so.

“I want you to have your Julian,” She whispers back.

“I already do, I found him.”

Pulling away from her, Den is behind me in an instant, and his arms wrapping around me and he kisses the side of my neck and whispers in my hair.

              “I’m him.”

“She is mine!” Ruk warns with a feral growl.

“Stop it now! No cave man shit! I fucking mean it! This is too important. Den stop growling!”

“Zara’s right, let’s take our seats,” Sallack orders, whilst looking between Ruk and Den.

“Den?” Dallah asks shyly.

Dens arms fall away as he steps up to Dallah with a worried look.

              “You ok babe?”

“Den, will you walk me down?” She asks him, nodding her head behind her, indicating where the ceremony will take place.

“Oh babe, come here,” He tells her as he takes her in his arms and lifts her from the ground in a hug, “You know that when you guys have a baby, its gotta be named after me,” He tells Dallah cheekily.

“What if it’s a girl?” Julian asks winking at Dallah, making her snort a laugh.

“Yeah, same go’s”

“You can’t call a baby girl Den!” I tell him with a laugh.

“Yeah you can! Ours will be named after me too,” He taunts.

“Den! Stop it!” I scold him in annoyance. He is purposely trying to upset Ruk, which is pissing me off to no end.

“The amount of woman you slept with means there will be hundreds of little Den’s around!” Ruk tells him with a smirk.

“Right lets go then shall we?” I ask everyone.

“Yeah when you tell me that our first born will be Den junior?” He asks me with a smile.

“Den seriously, your being a dick again. I don’t mean to judge, but Ruk’s right, you probably do have a baby, or babies out there already. So leave it out Den, I’m not in the mood for this shit,” I tell him a little annoyed.

“I'll show you all, I’ll show you that I am and will be the one for you Zara” He tells us with his head held high.

“God damn it Den,” I say through my teeth, “It’s not like that anymore, please let’s just drop this,” I ask in a plea.

“Why because you decided that you want Ruk?” He asks in a raised voice and his temper showing.

“She said drop it!” Ruk tells him.

“You aren’t good enough for her!” He spits back.

“And you are,” Ruk laughs, “You sleep with every woman that will have you, because you love Zara! That is your idea of love. She doesn’t need you Den, you will break her, she doesn’t need that,” Ruk tells him in a calm tone.

“Stop! Now! Den, Julian, Parrise, go with Dallah, the rest of us will surround Zara,” Sallack tells us with authority.

Chapter Twenty



Watching the chairs being filled with Richard’s allies, I feel my nerves kicking up a notch.

To my sides there is Ruk and Theo, in the row in front of us are Mickey and Angus, and behind us are, Dom and Sallack. I feel as if
I am in protective bubble, which I am really, but deep down I know that anything can happen to anyone of us.

“It should start in a few minutes now Zara,” Sallack tells me as he leans forward and whispers to me.

“Ok, thanks Sallack,” I tell him and my voice betrays me completely.

“Nothing will happen to you,” He whispers again.

Turning in my seat to face him, I nearly bump heads with him as we are only an inch apart.

              “I’m not scared for myself Sallack, I worry for all of you,” I tell him as a light frown appears on my face.

“I know. We will all be home together tonight, got it,” He asks with a smile.

“Got it,” I tell him back.

Before I turn back in my
seat, he kisses my forehead.


Everyone goes still and quiet as Dallah makes her way past us with Den on her arm, they look so wonderful, if only this was a bonding of true love, it would be magical.

When Dallah is in position, Richard walks to meet her. He is by himself, which isn’t surprising in the slightest, I couldn’t imagine anyone wanting to stand with him.

Richard has on a grey suit and crisp white shirt with a red tie, he is a very handsome man, it’s just a shame he is so vile with it.

Richard steps up to Dallah with a smirk playing on his lips, and Dallah rolls her eyes at him, typical of both of them.

They are asked to take one another’s hands by the man that is performing the bonding, and as soon as their hands touch, I close my eyes at put everything I have into speaking the words. I will feel the words in my heart as well as speak them; I know that if I give myself to the spell, the spell will give me its everything.

Wehles nakra dioraka montas slyta missacla touchel deobla.....Take my soul, take it all, everything I am I will give to you for the spell to come true.

The man that you seek is evil and
cruel; he stands strong, he stands powerful and ever so tall.

Find the man I seek and twist in his heart, take in the power the darkness of it all.

Make him weak; make him fragile, so he will fall.

Find his heart and circle it blue, let the dagger do what it must do.

When the blade hits, the power will go, leaving a shell of the man that stands tall.

Take his power in the blade and hold it tight, for never should it be out of sight.

The Charmer has asked and pleaded with god; seek in my heart the truth that it holds.

The fire, the flame the spirit of charm, take the words, accept the task, for this is the one.


When I open my eyes, I instantly loo
k to my left where Ruk sits. He smiles at me with a sparkle in his eye, which I return before I take his hand in mine, making him grin widely.

Looking back to Dallah and Richard, I nearly choke when I see the blue flame that is
entwined around Richard's chest.


Dallah it’s done
,” I tell her telepathically, and in a sympathetic tone.

I know he deserves this for all the wrong he has done in his life, but
it is still a life.


Are you sure, I don’t see the flame?”
she asks me sounding panicked, but keeping her stance cool and controlled.


It's there, I promise. If you don’t want to do this Dallah, I will do it for you

I mean it to, I hate the thought of it, but if she wanted me to do it, I would, I would do anything to keep her from feeling the way she is right now.

No sweetie, tell the Brothers’ to prepare


Did you get that Ruk
?” I ask him telepathically, as he and Dallah can communicate telepathically.


Yeah, I have told them already. Dallah, keep calm, relaxed, do us proud
,” He tells her in a fighting spirit.

My body tightens as I sit waiting for the battle to commence, and I hold onto Ruk’s hand for dear life. I feel safe sitting beside him, I know that he will take care of me, but the thought of losing him is terrifying. I want to take care of him in return.


In a quick but steady motion
, we all see Dallah thrusting the blade into Richard heart. Every man and woman sit in shock as we see Richard fall to his knees then to the floor. It is so quiet that you can hear the trees gently swaying in the midnight breeze, and the echoes of grass hoppers, it is extremely eerie.

Dallah takes a step back from Richard and into the arms of Julian as he has joined her on the platform. This is when everyone stands to their feet in shock, but no one moves, well except for her mother. Her mother storms up to Dallah, slap her across the face and bends down to Richard.

              “What have you done? How?!” She screams at Dallah in frustration.

Brothers’ huddle around me as I make my way to Dallah in a hurry, knowing that she needs me with her. I can feel how frightened she is, not that she will show it, as she stands with her head held high, the dagger still in hand.

As we step up to Dallah and the
Brothers’ surround her for safety, I look deep into her eyes while I push my love on to her.

“This is your doing! What have you made her do?” Her mother screams at me from beside Richard's body. Now that I have gotten close to him, I can see that he still breathes, he is still alive!

“This was my doing, no one else made me do anything. He deserves to die!” Dallah screams at her.

As they shout at each other, Richard and I lock eyes, and in his
eyes, I see something different, I see him as himself, before the power and darkness took him.

“Zara, come to me?” Richard asks gently through gritted teeth, as he lays in a pool of his own blood, and his hands holding his chest.

Without thinking it through, I get down on my knees to face him, but
I am soon grabbed by Ruk and lifted to my feet.

“Ruk, I need to hear what he has to say, please,” I plead with him, showing him that I am fearless of Richard.

Ruk shakes his head angrily and places me back on my feet. This is when all hell breaks loose, shouting, roaring, people throwing magic, throwing fists
, and shifting into wolves. I take this time to get to my knees once again, to face Richard, to hear what he has to say.

“The Little Charmer, I was killed by the powers of a pure soul, perfection in its own right,” He tells me with a rough laugh.

“It didn’t have to be this way,”

I shouldn’t be sad, not after what he has done, how he has ruined Dallah’s life, but I
cannot help but feel the smallest of regret for what has happened, he did deserve it, but I was hoping that it would be over quickly.

“I’m sorry for what I did to you Zara, every moment of the pain I inflicted on you, was torture to myself. That is all I will ever be sorry for, I do not regret any other act,” He tells me in deep breaths through the pain.

“Well, I’m sorry you feel that way, you chose the wrong path Richard. This was the only way to stop you, and for that I am not sorry.”

“I can feel the darkness taking me, and I welcome it. Do me one thing Zara, take my hand, let me feel the warmth of a Charmer?”

Placing my hand in his bloody one, he squeezes tightly, but not enough to hurt. In my mind, I want to see him die horribly,
but in my heart, the heart of a Charmer, I see him as a fallen Warrior. I am not deluded, I know that he is a horrid cruel man; nevertheless, I will hold his hand while he leaves this world. When I look back into his eyes, they are a deep shade of blue, not the midnight black I have always seen.

“After everything I did to you, you sit at my side and comfort me as death takes me, why?”

“I’m not like any of these people, if you had taken a different route, you could have had a full life. I helped kill you Richard; I would have killed you myself for Dallah.”

“But not.. for...your.....self?” He coughs up some blood.

“No,” I whisper gently.

“I will find you again Zara, I will”

He stops speaking as the last breath is taken from him, but not from the wound! From Den, who silenced him forever with a final stab to his cold heart.

              “Get up babe,” Den shouts at me through the sounds of the battle that has been taking place from every angle.

Taking his hand, he pulls me to my feet. Looking around, my stomach flips at the sight of pure carnage.

              “STOP!” Dallah roars with rage.

As soon as the word leaves her lips, every Wolf, Vampire,
Witch, and Warlock, stop in their tracks.

“Look at what you have done Daughter,” Her mother points to Richard’s lifeless body, “There still has to be a bonding, you have to be bonded to another!” She spits at her, and by the look on Dallah’s face, shocking the shit out of her!

“No, that’s not true!” Dallah tells her almost in a plea.

“You stupid child! You will bond with the next in line, which is Thomas, Richard’s cousin. You will bond with him! I will not see you with a dog!” She spits her venom at Julian, angering us all.

“Meredith! Do not speak to your daughter in such a way. She is free from the Dark Coven, I will bond with one I choose, not to be told by you!” Thomas tells her in annoyance.

“No! She is to be the Queen! You will take her!” She tells him in an irate tone.

“Dallah, do you want to be the Queen of the Dark Coven?” Thomas asks her already knowing the answer.

Dallah walks to him and stops only inches away from him.

              “I have never wanted this life Thomas,” She tells him in a distressed tone, and wipes away the tear that falls from her eyes.

“Don’t be sad Dallah, I will find another. You can live the life you choose,” He tells her gently.

“Thank you Thomas, I will always cherish you for all you have done for me.” She tells him with meaning before she walks back into the open arms of Julian.

“Who will you choose?” Somebody shouts out from the crowd.

He shakes his head as a smile appears on his face, soon followed by his gaze landing on me.

              “Zara, will you be my Queen?” He asks with his head tilted to the side.

My heart stops beating and the blood in my veins heats as every pair of eyes are on me awaiting my answer.

He has got to be fucking joking! I hardly know the man, let alone want to be his bloody Queen!

“She’s mine!” Den and Ruk growls at the same time, making Thomas laugh aloud.

“But are you hers?” Thomas asks them with a smirk.

“Thomas,” Dallah warns.

“Ok, I’m only playing Zara, unless you would want to be mine, I would treat you better than no other man could,” He tells me in a serious tone as he walks to stand before me.

“I’m sorry Thomas, I can’t be with you,” I tell him apologetically.

“That’s what I thought. There will always be a home for you and for Dallah if you need it,” He tells us graciously.

“Thank you Thomas, you are a good man and will make an awesome leader of the Dark Coven.” I tell him while gazing at him in awe.

“Thank you Zara. So tell me, which one is he?” He whispers to me.

“The Wolf,” I tell him with a wink, making him laugh a real belly laugh.

“I will miss you two not being here. Go now, and be careful,” He tells us.

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