Blue Moon (36 page)

Read Blue Moon Online

Authors: Danielle Sanderson

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy, #Paranormal & Urban

BOOK: Blue Moon
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“I banish you from the Light Coven. You are stripped of your title, never return!” Dallah’s mother screams with rage.

“As you wish,” Dallah tells her calmly with a nod of her head.


Before I make my way over to Dallah and the Brothers’ I take the time to look at Richard one last time, well that’s what I say now, but he did say that he would be back, I don’t know if it’s possible, but I hope it was just the mumbling words of a dying man.


Come to me baby,”
Ruk tells me in his rough sexy tone.

A smile spread on my face as I see him stand there waiting for me. I was so scared that he was going to be taken from me, but here he is. Stepping
up to him with clouded eyes, I wrap my arms around him as he lifts me off the ground in a loving embrace.

“Shall we go home?” I ask him excitedly, and then look to the others to see their smiling faces.

“Yeah, we should, everyone ready?” Ruk asks them with a grin.

“When you put her down, yeah!” Den tells him with an eye roll.

“Let’s go!” I tell them while I slip down Ruk’s body and lace his arms around my waist, before we all take each other’s hands, but not before the Brothers’ gaze at Thomas and nod their heads to him silently thanking him, which he returns gracefully.


Standing outside our home, I cannot believe we did it; I am so relieved it is over. Just one more thing to deal with, marching up to Den trying to keep calm.

“Stop it now Den, I want to be with Ruk, he wants me! Let me be happy!”

“You will never be happy with him!”

“I have been happy with him all week, he makes me feel different, and I like it Den. For the first time in my LIFE, I know in my heart what I really want! I am sorry that this is hard for you, but what you and I have is a friendship Den, don’t take that away from us. I couldn’t be in a relationship with you Den, I wouldn’t be able to trust you, I couldn’t walk down the street without bumping into at least one woman you have slept with. I needed you to be there for me at the Dark Coven, was you? No! You couldn’t do that for me, for us.”

“But you love me!” He yells at me, whilst taking me by the wrists. I look deeply into his eyes, and through my tears I speak to him gently,

“I was in love with you for such a long time, that I lost who I was, even when I was with Sallack I still found myself wanting you, but it’s different now. Ruk has given me everything I need and want in life, and in my heart, I know that he is the one; I can feel it when he is near. I know this is hurting you and I am sorry for that, but I am finally free of the pain in my heart after so many years. I want to be happy Den. I still need you in my life, if you want to be,” I tell him through the tears that fall from my eyes.

“I’m sorry I put you through all that shit babe, and for so fucking long, but I am in love with you, and I always will be babe. I won’t ever leave you, I will always be here for you,” He tells me passionately.

Looking away from Den, my eyes scan the
Brothers’, but land on Dallah. Walking up to her I wrap my arms around her neck a hold her for dear life.

“I’m so proud of you Dallah.”

“I’m proud of you sweetie, you have turned into one hell of a woman. Go find your man, I think it’s time you told him how you really feel,” She tells me with a blissful smile, which soon drops when my heart beat rockets and my head spins out of control when I remember that Laura and Sarah, know that I am the Charmer.

“Dallah, they know!”

“Parrise and Theo took care of them,” She tells me with pleased look on her face.

“You’re happy?” I ask in shock.

“They would have drained the life from you, me, and the Brothers’ if they would have had the chance.”

“Ok, uh shit what a mess though.”

Massaging my
temples, I look straight into the eyes of Julian, and a smile appears on my face. I have always liked Julian, he has a brilliant personality, and he is such a handsome man. Dallah and Julian are well matched in every way.

“She’s all yours now,” I joke with him before hugging him tightly.

“Yeah she is,” He winks at me, then takes Dallah in his arms and they both disappear.


Walking up to Theo who stands with Sallack, speaking in hushed voices, but soon stop when they see me.

“Theo, I will never forget what you did for me, I will always see you as my family now,” I tell him with a smile, before I surprise him by hugging him tightly.

“You saved me more then you will ever know angel,” He tells me with a stunning smile.

“Will you stay?” I ask with hope.

“Sallack and I have decided that we will bring our packs together on his land, see how it works out.”

“Really?” I ask in amazement, because I know that Sallack’s pack and Theo’s pack have been at war for many years.

“Yeah, we will sort something out, may take some time but the outcome could be incredible, the largest most powerful pack in the world,” Sallack tells me with a wonderful smile.

“I look forward to it,” I tell them with a bright smile.

“Can I speak with you little one?” Parrise asks as he stands before me with a sad look in his eyes.

“Yeah, come on,” I tell him while taking his hand in mine and walking away from the Brothers’.

Turning to face him under the moon lit
sky; my heart aches to see him looking so sorrowful.

“What is it?” I ask in concern.

“Demitri, he will be coming for you soon love, maybe a month or two,” He tells me then bows his head down.

“I know he will,” I tell him with regret, “I need you to promise me something Parrise.”

“No! I know what you will ask, and the answer is no. I will not keep this from them; they have the right to know. I know that you think it is for their own good, but it isn’t love,” He tells me sternly, “Stop trying to protect everyone, we are all grown men, and Dallah a powerful witch with a powerful mate. You need to start thinking about you; you have found the one in Ruk?” He asks with a small sigh.

I nod my head to him.

              “Then find him little one, I have never known anyone that deserves their mate more then you Love,” He tells me gently, before turning me around and gently pushing me away with a small laugh.

Taking a few step
s, I turn to him with a smile,

“Will you be here for the sunrise?”

“I wouldn’t be anywhere else,” He tells me with a grin.

“Good, I’ll see you in a bit then, I’ll bring the sun cream,” I tell him with a snort just as he laughs aloud.


Walking back to the house, I walk past the Brothers’ who sit discussing their plans for the two packs merging together and have Parrise and Angus with them as their Brothers’, I walk into the house and up the stairs to my bedroom.

“Knew you would be here,” I tell Ruk with a smirk.

He is standing by my bedroom window with his hands on the window frame above his head, while he looks out at the blue moon, the moons is highlighting the muscles in his upper arms.

Running my hands across his back, I slip under his arm to come face to face with him.

“What you doing?” I ask while studying his gorgeous face, the two-day-old stubble, where he hasn’t shaved, but I like it, he looks so rugged and sexy.

His gaze meets mine a smile forms on his face, which reaches his golden brown eyes. Just looking at him
makes me lose my breath, but his touch alone sends me to some place out of this world.

“I’m looking at the moon; you only get three blue moons a year. Will you sit with me on the bed,” He asks me with a raised brow and a husky voice, he seems nervous in a way!

“Ok,” I tell him suspiciously.

He takes a seat on the edge of the bed and waits for me to sit beside him, which I do.

              “Baby, I want you to be mine, I need you to be. So if you’re not sure now, then I have to let you go, I can’t fall even harder for you,” He tells me with hurt showing in his eyes already.

Climbing on top of him to straddle him, I wrap my arms around his neck and his arms lace around my waist.

              “Ruk, I am in love with you, and only you. I want to be yours and you to be mine. You are the one meant for me; you are him Ruk, the one. I have never felt so beautiful, so loved, then when I am in your arms. I want everything with you; I want to tell you my secrets, my fears, so that you can save me from them. I love you,” I tell him tenderly as tears escape my eyes, and for the first time, they are tears of complete adoration.

“I will never take you for granted Zara, you and me are for life now. You are my life baby,” He holds my face in his large warm hands, “Will you be my mate?”

              “Yes,” I tell him with fresh tears of absolute joy.

“We will live together; fight together and one day have pups?”

“Yeah, we will,” I tell him with a tender kiss.

His head goes back and he faces the ceiling as he lets out an almight
ily howl, soon followed by the Brothers’ going crazy downstairs, howling, laughing and what sounds like shifting into their wolves.

When he faces me again, he does so with the most breathtaking smile I have ever seen on a man, he literally takes my breath away.

              “What was that?” I ask him whilst brushing my fingers through his hair, and looking at him in awe.

“It was a howl of mating. I let every Wolf around know that I will be soon mated to the woman who holds my heart, my mate.”

“Your mate, I like the sound of that,” I tell him with a smirk before I push him back onto the bed and rip open his shirt, to see him properly.

Ruk howls again almost making me jump out of my skin, slamming my hands over his mouth I lean down to him with a mischievous smile,

              “You can’t tell them everything Ruk, leave something for the imagination.” I say tugging open his buttons on his jeans slowly one by one not taking my eyes from his once, noticing his gone deadly quiet

         “Not howling now,” I say teasingly.

But another part of him has gone all animal I notice as I take him in my hand pumping him slowly, bringing my lips toward him as I take him in my mouth, his groans exciting me encouraging me to take him deeper.

          “Oh baby your killing me,” He groans as he grips my hair, pulling it gently as he comes apart.

It makes me feel powerful bringing my hot man to his knees like that, and seeing him in so much pleasure because of me. It isn’t long before he has me in his arms, loving me to distraction.

Chapter Twenty-one




I wake up in my own bed, with the man who was made for me and me for him, cuddled up close together. He is incredible, all my dreams and fantasies have come to life.

Running to the bathroom to brush my teeth and get a quick shower before Ruk wakes up, my thoughts turn to Angus and Parrise.

This morning at sunrise, as we all sat on the porch together, and got to be a part of the incredible moment when Parrise’s and Angus’s skin was touched by the morning sun for the first time in centuries. The look in their eyes was heart touching, I had to keep wiping away the tears, as did Dallah, so that we could see them properly. I will never forget that moment for the rest of my life; it really was mind-blowing to see.



“What’s the towel for?” Ruk asks with a raised brow, and a mischievous grin.

Walking over to the bed, I drop the towel to my feet and wink at him playfully, and in one quick motion,
I am laying underneath him as he growls deep in his throat whilst his eyes search my naked body.

“You’re perfection Ruk,” I tell him whilst my hands run down his muscular arms.

“Mine,” He growls making me smile.

I love it when his Wolf comes through strongly like that, his eyes glow
, and his face changes slightly, not his looks, but his expression more wild.

“I’m yours,” I tell him in excitement, as I know how this will end. Wrapping my legs around his waist, he lifts me off the bed as if I weigh nothing at all; he sits me on top of him while he sits on his knees.

“Do you remember this baby?”

He means when we first kissed, and the kiss was mind-blowing, I should have known from that moment that he was the one.

              “I remember, you changed me that day Ruk.”

“You did me too.”

He takes my lips with his hungrily, as my fingers map out the planes of his muscular shoulders. He surprises me by pulling away from me and searching my eyes.

              “What?” I laugh at the way he is looking at me, like he is about to do something cheeky.

“I need to mark you baby, me and my Wolf have been fighting against it for so long, but now that you’re mine, I need to.”

“Mark? What do you mean?” I ask with a seductive smile, because I already have an idea.

“To bite you somewhere where others can see, so that they know that you belong to me and only me. It will mark you forever baby” He tells me whist watching me intensely for my reaction.

“Yes, you can mark me. Where do you want to do it?” I ask before throwing myself back on the bed to get a better look at him.

“Fuck it, you know how to make me crazy,” He tells me in a sexually charged tone.

Rolling me onto my front he lifts me by the hips so that my butt is in the air, I find myself moaning in pleasure in anticipation as he slowly teases me, driving me mad with want till I let out a groan.

“Please, now Ruk!” I plead.

“Please, what baby

“Take me NOW!” I scream as he enters me, not a gentle pushing, slowly until I get accustomed to him stretching me fully, but a
hard, forceful thrust to the hilt, as if his animal has lost patience with him and wants to show him how it is done. His hands squeeze my breasts roughly and pinch at my sensitive nipple as a mind-blowing orgasm begins rippling through me. I feel the warmth of his mouth between my neck and shoulder, and a sharp pain piercing my skin as his canines break through my flesh, I let out a scream of momentary pain, then my orgasm wipes it out, feeling him swell inside me as he's about to come and we exploded together.


Walking down the stairs into the arms of Ruk, I feel like a princess. I thought I knew what happiness was when I was with Sallack, but I had only touched the surface, and the love I felt for Den, but there is no comparison to the love I hold for Ruk. What I have now, with Ruk, is the reason for my existence.

“Zara, we need to speak with you sweetie,” Dallah’s stressed tone reaches me.

Lifting my head out of the crook of Ruk’s neck, I slowly slip off him and stand with my back against him.

              “It's bad news, right?” I ask with a sigh.


Scanning the kitchen table where Den, Sallack, Theo, Parrise, Mickey, Julian, Dallah, Angus all sit, my heart beats rapidly when I
realize Dom is missing!

“Where is he?” I almost scream at them in a panic.

“Who?” Asks Ruk from behind me.

“Dom! Where’s Dom!” I shout again, and walk out of Ruk’s embrace to stand with Dallah, knowing she will not lie to me.

“I’m here,” Dom says walking out of the living room across from the kitchen.

“Fuck it you guys, why are you scaring me like that!” I tell them while I walk over to Dom and give him a hug, as the thought of something bad happening to him nearly gave me a heart attack.

“What’s wrong?” Dom asks me in a worried tone as he holds me at arm length to gaze at me intensely.

“She thought you bit the bullet!” Mickey tells him before he takes a huge bite out of his bacon roll.

“I didn’t see you at the table, and Dallah was telling me she had bad news. So next time there is bad news, make sure everyone is together before you go dropping those bloody words,” I tell her with a smirk, before I look back to Dom who is smiling also.

“Thanks babe,” Dom tells me before he kisses my forehead and takes a seat at the packed out table.

“Ok shoot!” I tell her with a raised brow, and try to act as if whatever the news is, it will not affect me in any way, even though I know it will.

“I think you should both sit with us,” She tells Ruk and me with a weak smile.

Walking back over to Ruk, I smile up at him and lace my arm around his waist instantly calming him as we stand and wait for Dallah to deliver the news.

“Word has gotten out that the Charmer is here in America, some men from the Dark Coven have already guessed that you are her, but most have no idea. We need to take you somewhere Zara, somewhere where you won’t be recognized.”

“No! I won’t hide!” I tell her in a raised voice.

“Just for a little while Zara, a year or two.”

“Ha! Dallah are you being serious? Why are you guys not speaking?” I ask the
Brothers’, and turn my head to Ruk, who is gazing between the Brothers’, and I can already tell they are speaking telepathically, or they were before I interrupted.

“We all stick together, if they come we fight. We know that you worry for her Dallah, but have faith in us, we are all strong, we can take on these men,” Ruk tells her with pride.

“But she has been through too much already, I can’t watch this happen all over again, her getting beaten to death, tortured!” She asks him with a cry.

“Damn it Dallah, I am here! I know you are scared for me, but it is different now. I have Ruk! I know that he will give me the strength I need, and he is right, we are all strong,” I tell her gently and push my feelings of being complete now that I have Ruk at my side.

“Are you going to be mated?” She asks with a sparkle in her eye.

“Yeah, we are,” I tell her with a wink, and ever so slightly, I see a little smirk play on her lips.

“Really?” She asks in excitement as she makes her way over to us.

“Zara, is mine, and I hers, we will accept each other as mates on the next full moon,” Ruk tells her with a handsome grin, before he kisses my cheek tenderly.

Dallah quickly wipes the happy tear that falls down her cheek, as she smiles at us.

              “Zara...I’m so happy for you sweetie. Ruk I swear to goddess if you make her sad, just one time I will hurt you so bad that...”

“Dallah! Calm down. I would never hurt Zara, surely you know that by now. She is my mate, and she will be treated like it in every way,” Ruk tells her truthfully.

“Ok, you better! Come here,” She tells him, as she wraps her arms around him and hugs him tightly, which he returns gracefully.

“Right, everyone sit down, let’s get plans underway,” Sallack tells us.


Taking a seat at the table, well my seat being Ruk’s lap, I have nine pair of eyes on the space between my neck and shoulder, which is where Ruk marked my with his wolf bite.

“Claimed your mate then?” Den asks in disgust.

“That’s what happens Den,” Ruk tells him with annoyance.

“You know the mark, that you will always have that there. It might not be visible to you, but it will to any other man.”

“I didn’t force her!” Ruk roars, as he jumps to his feet and pushes me to his side, this is when everyone stands to their feet.

“I didn’t say that Ruk! What’s got your back up? Thinking you don’t deserve her, good! Cos you don’t!”

Before anyone can react, Ruk jumps across the table and lands directly on top of Den. Den and Ruk shift in to their wolves in a blink of an eye, as we watch them battle fiercely.

              “Sallack! Stop them, Dallah?” I scream at them whilst pulling at Mickey’s arms for him to free me from his tight embrace.

“Now you have accepted Ruk as your mate, he has the right to battle with any wolf that challenges him for you. This is what we do Zara; this is what you will have to deal with on a regular basis. Ruk won’t seriously hurt Den, he will just show him that he means business when it comes to you,” Mickey tells me calmly.

Ruk is now on top of Den, as he has him pinned to the floor, while growling viciously snapping his teeth in his face.

              “Ruk! Please stop this?” I plead.

Ruk meets my gaze with the same frightening expression he was showing Den, his canines on show and his eyes glowing brilliantly, with his heckles raised. He looks fierce, dangerous, but he doesn’t scare me, not one bit.

Ruk’s Wolf loses the savage expression as he steps cautiously away from Den, but Den takes that moment to slash his claws across the side of Ruk’s face. Blood spits across the kitchen before Ruk is on top of Den again, and in a quick movement, he has Den’s neck in his jaws.

“No, this is wrong, stop them please?” I ask in a whimper to anyone that will listen, and before I can blink, Den has vanished from under Ruk. Looking to my side, I realise that it was Dallah, thank god.

Ruk was going to kill Den! I could feel it tingle through the air, the hate they were feeling for each other was stomach wrenching.


Ruk shifts back to his human form, and stalks his way over to me. Blood is covering the right side of his face, and running down his white t-shirt.

              “Shit! What were you thinking?” I scold him, but soon wrap my arms around him in a comforting embrace.

“He pushed it too far this time, I won’t have him speak that way anymore. You are mine!”

“He did,” I sigh, “but he’s trying to wind you up Ruk, and its working. I get that you are all dominant with all the ‘mine’ shit, but for god sake Ruk, you was going to kill him! That is not ok! I have given you my everything, but you still fight for me, you don’t need to. I’m going to find him,” I tell him before I step away from him walk out on to the porch.

Thinking of Dallah, and wanting to be with her and Den, I close my eyes and concentrate wholly on them.

Opening my eyes I scan my surroundings quickly, all I can see is green grass, and the smell alone reminds me of fond memories. Den and I would spend all day in the fields, just chatting and messing around.

“Zara?” Den’s voice reaches me from across the field.

Squinting my eyes I see him, but only him, Dallah must have left us to speak.

We both run to each other, never breaking eye contact. As soon as we reach each other, I fall into his open arms.

“I don’t know if I can do this babe,” He tells me in a sigh, “Sit with me,” He tells me as he sits on the grass, soon followed by me.

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