Blue Moon (19 page)

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Authors: Lisa Kessler

Tags: #rock star, #paranormal romance, #Entangled, #shifter, #Select Otherworld, #second chance love, #Paranormal, #werewolves, #latina, #woman in jeopardy, #Lisa Kessler

BOOK: Blue Moon
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My eyes locked on his in the mirror. I wet my lips, my face flushed with heat from the beers we shared, and I whispered, “As long as I can watch.”

He groaned against my skin, kissing and biting at my neck while his hands went to work on my jeans. He yanked them down, and I braced myself on his shoulder while I stepped out of them. Without breaking eye contact, he bent me forward toward the mirror until I rested my hands on the table. He unclasped my bra, and the satin slid down my arms as he ripped off his shirt and started on his jeans.

With his pants pushed just below his ass he came up behind me, holding the weight of my breasts in his palms. Slowly, his calloused fingers circled my nipples as I watched.

His lips teased my ear. “Are you ready for me?”

I grabbed one of his hands and guided it down between my legs. “You tell me.”

His sexy smile in the mirror almost made me lose it before he even got inside of me. His finger slid along my opening and around, teasing me until my hips pressed back into his. He dipped his finger inside and nibbled at my shoulder. “You’re wet for me.”

I hummed, my gaze never leaving his. “You had me ready all night.”

“Good.” He straightened and plunged deep inside of me, finally giving me exactly what I wanted.

Chapter Twenty-Seven


For just a second, all the strength drained from my legs. Her body was made for me. From her dark eyes, to her thick hair, to her full breasts and curvy figure, she was mine. My mate, my lover, and my best friend. And the sexiest woman I’d ever known. Watching the pleasure on her face, the desire as I touched her, I was lucky I didn’t come on impact.

Instead, I lifted her torso up so her back was on my chest, and I worked my hips up into her. With one hand kneading her breast, I slid my other hand lower. I stared into the dimly lit mirror, loving the way her hungry eyes followed my movement, her desire plain on her face.

I nipped her ear. “Tell me what you want me to do.”

Her hips rocked into my thrusts. “I want…” She moaned as I teased her. “I want you to come with me.”

“I plan to.” I rubbed her sweet spot, thrusting harder and faster.

Her breasts trembled each time our bodies collided, tempting me over the edge. She was beautiful. My mate. Mine.

I growled against her. “I can’t take much more.”

“Don’t stop…”

I slammed into her, chasing the pleasure building between us. “No chance.”

She worked herself back into me while our eyes feasted on the sex in the mirror, and finally she screamed my name. That was all it took. Her muscles tightened around me, and I surrendered, exploding deep inside of her. For a minute, we struggled to breathe, laughing, moaning, and grinning like we were back in high school.

I slid free from her body and turned her around so I could hold her close. I kissed her hair and whispered, “I love you, Anna.”

She ran her nails up my back and hummed. “We should go home and do some more of this.”

I let my head fall back and laughed. “I am a lucky bastard.”

She grinned up at me. “And don’t ever forget it.”

Never in a million years.

I woke to my cell phone ringing in the other room. Anna slept soundly beside me, so I tried not to wake her. In
my living room, I grabbed my phone and answered.

“Hey, Logan.”

My dad. I glanced at the bedroom and walked farther away. “What’s up?”

“Miller is here.”

I straightened. “It’s the full moon tonight.”

“I know.” He sighed. “Adam’s not real happy about it.”

I ran my hand back through my hair. “So he’s shifting with us tonight?”

“We can’t exactly let him run wild in Reno, right? And we can’t put him on a plane and have him shift in flight.”

“But Adam’s not his Alpha. What if they fight for dominance?”

“They’re both aware of the situation, son. I’m calling to let you know he’s staying with us until we get things settled with the reporter.”

“Us, as in you and Mom?”


I frowned. “We don’t know whose side he’s on, Dad.”

“I grew up with Miller. I’m well aware he’s put others before his Pack brothers. I was one of the brothers he turned his back on.”

“So if this is all decided why are you calling me?”

“Because Luke is missing.”

It took a second for me to process what he said. “Missing?”

“I’m sure he’s fine, but with the full moon tonight, he should be here.”

My pulse kicked up a notch. “I’ll find him.”

“Thanks, Logan.” He paused. “Be careful, okay? Your mother is really worried.”

“He probably lost his cell phone.” Even I didn’t believe it, but if I could reassure my folks, I’d try. “I’ll call when I know something.”

I ended the call, and hit Luke’s number on my cell. It went straight to voicemail.

“Fuck.” I grumbled under my breath and threw the phone on the couch.

Anna rolled over as I walked into the bedroom. “Everything okay?”

“No.” I shook my head as I went to the dresser. “That was my dad. He can’t find Luke. I tried his cell, but it didn’t ring. Straight to voicemail.”

She sat up. “Do you think it’s Damian?”

“No.” I pulled on my boxers and grabbed a pair of jeans. “He’s wounded. I shot him in the foot. We heal faster than humans, but not that fast. He couldn’t get the jump on Luke in his condition.”

“Maybe Luke found a girlfriend.”

“He’d tell me. My money is on Chandler.”

“Chandler?” She frowned. “Why would he go after your brother?”

I spun around. “Because he told you he was going to take pictures of a werewolf shifting during the full moon. What better way to do that than to catch one of us? He probably doesn’t know I have a twin brother. For all he knows, he caught me.”

Her eyes widened. I didn’t mean to turn my rage on her, but if anything happened to my brother, I’d kill that son of a bitch with my own hands. Shit. I should’ve seen this coming. But I was too lost in loving my mate to notice.

Dark thoughts of Gabe crept into my head. Gareth’s twin was murdered by a jaguar a couple of years ago. It was the first time I’d lost a Pack brother. I wasn’t about to lose Luke. No goddamn fucking way.

My pulse kicked up a notch. Luke was no use to Chandler dead. As long as I got to him before he shifted, he’d be all right.

I yanked on a T-shirt. “I have to find him.”

“I’ll help.”

I shook my head. “It’s too dangerous.”

“So I’m just supposed to hide out and wait?” She groaned. “No. I told you I’m not going to be in that position again.”

I went in the closet and opened my gun safe. My hard case with the Glock was ready. I handed it to her. “The Glock is inside with a box of ammunition and two loaded clips. If I’m right, and Chandler has my brother, then you’re safest at the ranch with the Pack.”

She took the case and set it on the bed. Without a word, she got dressed while I put on my shoulder holster and grabbed my other pistol. My rifle was under the seat in my truck. I picked up a couple boxes of ammunition and closed the safe.

“I’ll drive you up to Adam’s place.”

She stashed the gun case in her messenger bag. “I could help you. Chandler might negotiate with me.”

“Please, Anna.” I crossed to her, gripping her biceps, careful not to hold her too tight. “I’m losing it knowing Luke’s in danger. I won’t be able to think straight if you are, too.”

She hesitated, but finally nodded. “Okay.”

I was grateful to hear her answer, because I was fully prepared to toss her over my shoulder and take her to Adam’s by force if I had to. My mate was going to be safe. One way or another.

When we got to Adam’s, word about Luke had spread. I’d been trying to convince myself he was fine, but seeing my Pack in force, ready to hunt for him, the reality sank in. I had no idea where to start looking, and once the full moon rose, we’d be wolves.

We’d be too late.

Anna sat beside me in Adam’s living room. My folks were noticeably missing. I glanced over at Adam. “My parents…”

“Are with Jason’s folks. They’ll wait there for news and keep General Sloan busy until we find the reporter.”

Adam paced the room. “We need to find Luke before we shift. That’s our top priority. In case we don’t have much time afterward, Sasha, I need you to stay here to watch Lana and the kids.”

Sasha crossed her arms. “Sorry, Adam. You need me to talk this guy down, and if we haven’t found Luke by the time the full moon rises, I’ll be the only one who still has thumbs and can aim a gun.”

Taryn got up. “I was planning on staying here with Charlie anyway. I can help Lana protect the kids.”

Adam nodded. “Thanks.”

Anna stood, surprising me. “Logan taught me to shoot. I’m armed. I can help, too.”

Adam’s gaze landed on me. “Is she ready for this?”

ever fucking ready for this? She deserved so much better than this world I was pulling her into. Too late to shield her now.

I sighed and nodded slowly. “Yeah, I think so.”

Adam stared at my mate. “Thanks, Vivianna.”

She kissed my temple and whispered, “Be careful.”

Before I could say anything, she followed Taryn down the hall. The messenger bag hung heavy from her shoulder, weighed down by a gun case instead of her laptop. A few months ago, Adam never would have left his mate and children during the full moon without Sasha and her guns, but Taryn’s pyrokinesis was equally deadly, and now that she’d been practicing, her gift was reliable and accurate. If she saw a threat, she could ignite it into a blaze.

Lana and Anna both had handguns, too, but they’d have their hands full. Our Pack was growing. We had a new generation to protect.

Adam paired us off to start tracking Luke. This was the first time in my life I’d be patrolling and covering ground with Gareth instead of my twin brother. But if there was anyone in this Pack who understood my manic need to find Luke alive, it was Gareth.

He nudged my shoulder as we headed out. “We’ll find Luke.”

I nodded. I had every intention of doing just that.

Chapter Twenty-Eight


Adam came in to say good-bye and let Lana know he was setting the alarm on the way out. It would be our first warning of trouble if anyone tried to come inside the house while the Pack was shifting. He kissed Madeleine and Malcolm, and the way they squeezed his neck tight made my vision blur.

It still surprised me whenever grief paid me an unexpected visit. What I’d give to be able to hug my dad one more time.

“I’ll call when we find him.” Adam gave Lana a quick kiss. “Be back as soon as I can.”

He walked out, and before awkward silence could descend, Madeleine plopped into my lap. “Mama says you tell stories like she does.”

I nodded, grateful for the distraction. “I try.”

Her twin brother leaned on my other leg. “Someday I’m gonna be a big wolf like my daddy.”

“And I’ll be a giant jaguar like Mama.” Madeleine stared down at her brother.

I glanced at their mom. “So they know everything already?”

“Yeah.” She nodded. “We’re working on learning to keep it inside the Pack.”

Madeleine pointed at Taryn. “We told Charlie’s mom, and she was mad.”

“She was just surprised.” Charlie turned away from his video game for a second. “She didn’t know werewolves existed.”

Lana chuckled. “Which is why we can’t talk about it with anyone who isn’t Pack, right?”

Both little ones nodded. Lana turned on the television and popped
The Lion King
into the DVD player. While they were singing along, we set up the portable crib for the youngest twins. I appreciated keeping busy. It kept me focused on something other than worrying about Logan and Luke and Chandler. Logan had plenty of ammo and guns both on his body and in the truck. This wasn’t a game. The stakes were way too real.

And not knowing what was happening out there was driving me nuts.

“How do you handle living like this?”

Lana raised a brow. “You mean staying behind while the guys try to save the world?”

“Yeah. We’re capable. We should be helping them.”

“And that’s exactly what we’re doing.”

I frowned. “By waiting in a locked house?”

“By keeping the defenseless Pack members safe.”

Taryn glanced our way. “We’d never trust anyone else.” Her arm tightened around her son’s shoulders. “That’s a big part of why I haven’t let Jared convert me.”

“You’re not a werewolf yet

“No. And I’m not ready to change that. I’m a strong psychic, so I can already handle a pregnancy with a shifter if we decided to make Charlie a big brother.” He rolled his eyes and kept playing his video game. “There’s no really strong argument for me to be converted.” She glanced at Lana. “Lana and Sasha are jaguars, so they shift during the new moon. But everyone else in the Pack has fur during the full moon. As the Pack grows, we have more little guys who aren’t shifting yet, and they need protection while the wolves are off running.”

Lana settled a sleeping baby into the crib. “Since Jason and Kilani will both be wolves in a few hours, I’m honored to watch their little ones until they get back, and they do the same for me during the new moon, when I’m shifting.”

I was beginning to understand. Staying with the family didn’t equal weakness. It was strength where it was needed.

“But you both know the guys are in danger out there. Doesn’t it make you nuts waiting to hear news?”

Lana and Taryn shared a look before the Alpha’s wife met my eyes. “You can drive yourself crazy with worry really quick. I have seen our Pack face Nero, beat mutated werewolves, and even protect each other during blizzards. I have faith in them. And I refuse to allow doubt to creep in.”

She was a tiny thing, but Adam’s wife had a will of iron.

I wished I shared her conviction.

My phone buzzed. I snapped it up off the chair and stared at the text. It wasn’t from Logan.

Live feed begins in two hours. Then you’ll see what kind of animal Logan Reynolds really is.

The next text was an image of a very pissed off Luke. His hands and feet were bound to a metal chair. My pulse pounded in my ears.

“Logan was right.” I turned my cell around. “Chandler has Luke.”

Taryn and Lana studied the photo. Taryn enlarged it, a crease forming in her brow. “I know where he is.” Her gaze lifted to Lana’s face. “I’d recognize that stonework anywhere. Tell Adam he’s in the soundproof wine cellar at the cabin I sold to Damian last year.”

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