Blue Moon (23 page)

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Authors: Lisa Kessler

Tags: #rock star, #paranormal romance, #Entangled, #shifter, #Select Otherworld, #second chance love, #Paranormal, #werewolves, #latina, #woman in jeopardy, #Lisa Kessler

BOOK: Blue Moon
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Chapter Thirty-Six


Three days without any contact from Logan, and I was climbing the walls. Madison was trying to distract me with our girls-only week, but she still had to go to work. Taryn had a mild concussion, so Madison had to open and close Goldstone Properties. I spent the days staring at my cell phone and vacillating between relief and heartbreak that it didn’t ring.

I had been the one to ask for space. Logan was respecting my wishes, but I missed him so much it hurt. It didn’t escape me that I could have called him, but between my boulder-sized pride, and the nightmares constantly reminding me that I’d killed a man, I didn’t punch his name on my cell phone.

Instead, I busied myself with press releases for the band. Every radio station wanted to interview Logan about his heroic rescue in the coffee shop, but Logan had a reputation for being quiet when it came to the media so no one was surprised when I let them know he wasn’t available.

I got up and started making a sandwich, but someone knocked on the kitchen door. My pulse raced as I peered through the side window.

The man standing outside was the last person I expected to see.

I opened the door. “Adam? What are you doing here?”

He flashed a smile that had probably rendered plenty of women defenseless over the years. “Hi, Vivianna. May I come in?”

“Sure.” I stepped back. “And you can call me Vivi.”

He took a seat at the kitchen table. “I came by to thank you.”

“Thank me?” I frowned. “For what?”

He sobered. “You saved my daughter, and probably my wife, too.”

Adam’s green eyes locked on mine, and although I wasn’t a werewolf, there was definitely a mantle of authority that he wore. He was the Alpha, and I was beginning to realize he commanded respect, even when I wasn’t a member of the Pack.

I wanted to look away, but I couldn’t move. “I’d rather not talk about it.”

He let out a slow breath and leaned a little closer in his chair. “I didn’t come here to dredge up demons. I’m not going to force you to tell me anything. But I have some crazy spidey-senses when it comes to my Pack, and you and Logan are hurting. I’m offering my help. If you need me, I’m more than willing
to get involved.”

“But I’m not part of your Pack.”

He almost smiled. “You’re the mate to one of my most loyal Pack members, and you single-handedly saved my family. I’d be honored to call you one of ours.”

I blinked back unwelcome tears. “I killed that man. He was the son of the head of the Nero organization, right? There could be a supernatural war, and it’s all my fault. I heard Sebastian tell Lana she needed to convince you to leave Reno.”

“None of this is your fault.” He covered my trembling hands with one of his. “If you hadn’t been there, my mate could be dead and my daughter missing. We’ll deal with the aftermath together. That’s what makes us Pack.”

“I don’t think I can. I’m not strong like all of you. Every night I have nightmares.” I shook my head. “Logan needs an equal, not a liability.”

He squeezed my hand, and I lifted my gaze. “Can I tell you what

I nodded slowly, unable to find my voice.

“I see a human woman who put her life in jeopardy to save people she hardly knew. I see a woman who can stand toe-to-toe with a werewolf like Logan and hold her own. And I see a woman I would be honored to welcome into my Pack.” He paused. “But no one can make that decision for you. You’ve seen the danger, but if you look a little deeper, you’ll find we’ve got a lot of love to give, too.”

I didn’t know what to say.

Adam got to his feet. “Okay, I’ve said my peace.” He looked down at me with a crooked grin. “Whatever you decide, I owe you one. Anytime.”

“Thank you.” An unexpected smile spread across my lips. “I’m glad Lana and the kids are okay. And Madison told me Taryn’s got a concussion.”

“Yeah, but she’s feeling better.” He paused at the door. “Damian was unhinged, and he hurt more Pack members than you know. You stopped him.”

“At what cost?”

“I would’ve paid anything to protect my daughter.” He looked at his Jeep. “We’ll be ready for whatever comes.”

He got into his 4 X 4 and waved
“Thanks again, Vivi.”

As he drove away, I stayed at the door, my mind buzzing.

I’d seen the danger of Logan’s world. In the haze of panic, I hadn’t considered there was more. There was friendship and family, support and security. Acceptance.

Slowly, I closed the door and went back to my partially made sandwich, struggling to keep from staring at my cell phone.

It would be so easy to hear his voice again. One click.

But what would I say?

Chapter Thirty-Seven


The phone rang twice before she answered. “Madison Williams.”

“Hey, Madison, it’s Logan.”

The only time I’d ever really been around Anna’s best friend she’d threatened to kick my ass if I ever hurt Anna. But I was willing to risk it.

“Logan? Why are you calling me?”

“Levi gave me your number. I have a favor to ask.” The silence on the line was palpable. I sighed. “I’m planning a surprise for Anna and I need your help to pull it off.”

“I’m at work.” She lowered her voice. “And seriously, why would I help you? She’s been like a sad puppy all week, and she screams in her sleep from nightmares. Let her go, Logan.”

Nightmares. Shit. I ached to hold Anna and protect her.

“No way.” I shook my head, even though Madison couldn’t see me. “I love her. I’m not walking away again.”

“Ever consider that your love might not be a good thing for Vivi?”

Yes, I had. It was the only way I’d been able to keep my distance from her. But I couldn’t explain to her friend that I had a solution.

“I don’t know what she’s told you, but we can make this work.”

She groaned. “What do you want from me?”

“I want you to take her shopping for a formal dress.”

“A formal? For what?”

“That part’s a surprise.”

She went silent again.

“Please. I swear this will make her smile. I owe her this.”

“Fine. When does she need to have it?”

“By Friday night. I’ll pick her up at seven.”

“I’ll see what I can do.”

She hung up.

I called Levi back. “Hey dude, it’s me.”


“It’s on for Friday. Tell Stryker and Zane to set up in the ballroom at Harrah’s at five and sound check without me. We’ll be there by seven-thirty.”

“Will do.” He paused. “Can I bring Madison?”

I chuckled. “You like that one.”

“Sure do.”

I smiled. “Yeah, but keep her in the dark about what’s going on until she gets there. I don’t want her to accidentally spill it to Anna.”

“You got it.”

He hung up, and I made more calls. I needed Friday to be perfect.

Adam called an emergency Pack meeting Friday morning. I decided it was for the best. It would help kill time until I could see Anna again. God, I missed her.

When I parked at his place, I got an email notification on my phone. I clicked it, hoping for word from Anna. Instead, it was from someone named…Nicole? I skimmed it and rested against the seat of my car. It was the fan from the shooting range. Her brother had told her the reporter cancelled the interview.

Apparently Sloan’s threat to Chandler must have worked. One less problem to worry about for now.

By the time I went inside, the room was full. All the Pack members were there, little ones in tow. Even my parents and Jared and Jason’s folks were present. Whatever Adam wanted to discuss, it was big.

I found a spot next to Luke. He leaned in close. “Ready for tonight?”

I nodded. “Hell, yeah. More than ready.”

He chuckled, and we both turned as Adam got everyone’s attention.

“Thanks for coming by on such short notice.”

The room quieted. He scanned the room as he spoke. “Lana and I have been talking about our next step ever since the night Damian died. Sebastian warned her that there are factions inside of Nero that supported Damian’s leadership, and his death could unite Nero’s forces to come to Reno for revenge.”

Luke and I shared a glance then focused back on Adam.

“Damian also had one jaguar bodyguard that we haven’t accounted for. Luke and Logan had heard the guy mention Sedona, and that was Damian’s last word as he died. They’re planning something, and as Alpha, the Pack is my top concern.

“We all know that Nero has more money and more manpower than we do, but no one knows our territory better than us. If we stick together, I think we can stand against whatever they throw at us. But the last time they sent a massive force to face us, we lost my father and Gabe. I won’t make the decision for any of you to stay and face that again.”

Adam’s twin frowned. “So what are you saying?”

Adam glanced at his brother then back to the rest of us. “I’m saying that if you have any doubts about staying in Reno with the Pack, now is the time to let me know. I’d hate to lose anyone, but I’ll understand if the threat is too great. The safety of your families comes first. I have no idea what’s headed our way, or if we can win against it.”

Chatter rose in the room as mates and families discussed the options. I kept my mouth shut, nausea burning the back of my throat. My Pack needed me. Luke and I were the deadliest pair with long distance rifles. Losing me would be a hit to their defenses if Nero came calling.

My father’s gaze found mine. He didn’t say a word, but we didn’t need to speak. He didn’t want me to end up like Niko. He wanted me with my mate.

And I wanted Anna.

But turning away from the Pack was making me physically ill.

One by one, Pack members and their mates told Adam they’d stand with the Pack. As it moved closer to us, my muscles tensed. Finally, my dad’s voice filled the room.

“Laura and I are staying.”

Luke nodded. “Me, too. I’m in.”

All eyes fell on me. I cleared my throat searching for my voice. “I’m out.”

All the air sucked from the room. Adam frowned. “Is this about Vivi?”

I sighed. “She’s not ready for this. I can’t ask her to face more violence, and I can’t live without her.”

Adam and Lana shared a look, and he met my eyes. “Do you want time to think about this?”

I shook my head. “I’ve already thought about it. If everything goes well tonight, I’ll leave with her next week.”

Luke walked out and slammed the door. Shit.

Adam crossed his arms. “We really need you here.”

My father rested a hand on my shoulder. “Vivi was in shock after firing on Damian. She’s not ready for the violence that’s probably headed our way. Logan needs to protect his mate.”

Adam raked his fingers through his hair. “Okay.” He shook his head, meeting my eyes. “Fine. Where will you go?”

I shrugged. “I don’t even know if she’ll take me back yet, but assuming she does, I’ll go wherever I can keep her safe.”

Adam glanced at the door. “You’d better find Luke.”

Without question, I went after my brother. My Alpha’s senses when it came to knowing when his Pack was in distress were fine-tuned, plus Luke’s exit hadn’t been subtle.

Outside, I tracked Luke’s scent down to the barn. He stood alone at the far end, in the center of the the barn aisle
chucking rocks into the ravine. I walked down and stopped beside him.

“Sorry I didn’t get a chance to tell you first. I didn’t know this was what Adam was going to ask about today.”

Luke glanced my way, his expression cold. “You’re a selfish asshole. No one else matters but you.”

“I don’t
to go.”

“Oh, please.” He was getting louder. “Then don’t go. Find another way.”

“You didn’t see Anna after she shot Damian.” I shook my head, staring into the distance. “She was in shock. Madison says she screams in her sleep every night. She’s not ready for all this yet.”

“Sounds like you’ve already thought this through. Were you going to tell me before you left, or just call me once you were out of state?”

“That’s not fair.”

He shoved me back a step. “You know what’s not fucking fair, Logan? When you’ve confided in your twin brother about
for your entire life, and then you find out it was a one-way street. You find out he met his mate back in high school and he never told you, and now he’s abandoning the Pack without even flying the idea past you. That’s unfair.”

He shook his head, breaking eye contact. “I guess I should be thankful you even searched for me when I was missing. Maybe Dad can cover me when Nero comes to town.”

My gut twisted at the thought of my brother facing Nero mercenaries without me.

“None of this is easy for me. You’ll understand when your mate comes into your life.”

His eyes narrowed. “Has it occurred to you that I may never find her? Everyone else in the Pack has found the other half of their soul. Maybe mine is meant to be unfinished just like Uncle Niko.”

“That’s not true.”

“Can you see the future now?” He crossed his arms over his chest.

“It’s not like I’m going into witness protection. I’ll talk to you on the phone, and once we get settled maybe you can visit.”

He rolled his eyes. “We’re going to have our hands full here. I can’t look away and pretend it’s not happening.”

“I’m protecting Anna.”

He turned and started walking away. “Send me a postcard.”

“Luke!” I shouted, but he didn’t stop.

Damn it.

I jogged after him. “I’ll be back. We won’t be gone forever.”

He chuckled, but there was no humor in it. “You don’t get it, do you? I’m everyone’s third wheel now. Every member of the Pack has found their mate except me. You were my last connection here, and you’re leaving.” For a second his anger faded, and the same fear I’d witnessed in our father’s eyes flashed. “I don’t know how much longer I can do this.”

“Come with us.”

He shook his head. “I’m the last thing you need on your getaway with your mate.”

“Anna will understand.
She cares about you, too. Come with us.”

“No.” He glanced at the house. “I’ll figure something out.”

“I would’ve told you about this. I thought I’d have more time.”

“And I thought we’d always be together in the Pack. Shit happens.” He walked away, calling over his shoulder, “Take good care of Vivi.”

Luke didn’t look back, and I didn’t chase after him. What good would it do? I’d still be leaving him behind.

How could I shelter my mate and protect my brother at the same time?

I couldn’t.

But, damn, did I ever wish I could.

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