Read Blue Moon Online

Authors: Lisa Kessler

Tags: #rock star, #paranormal romance, #Entangled, #shifter, #Select Otherworld, #second chance love, #Paranormal, #werewolves, #latina, #woman in jeopardy, #Lisa Kessler

Blue Moon (24 page)

BOOK: Blue Moon
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Chapter Thirty-Eight


Madison had a work emergency and had to run back to the office. I double-checked my hair in the mirror. Tonight we were heading into downtown Reno for a concert at Harrah’s. We’d gone shopping for formals and shoes.

And here I was, ready to go, and Madison wasn’t back yet. I’d bought a red cocktail length dress with a black collar and black buttons down the back. It had a retro feel to it, and for the first time since I’d sent Logan away, I felt attractive.

Baby steps.

There was a knock at the door, and I frowned. Did Madison forget her house key?

When I peeked through the sidelight I almost choked on my tongue. Logan was on the porch in a tuxedo.

And, holy crap, he looked amazing.

My pulse raced while I weighed my options. I could pretend I wasn’t home, or I could tell him to go away because I had plans, or I could open the door and lock lips with the guy I’d loved for most of my life

I opted for opening the door. “Logan?”

His gaze wandered up from my shoes to my face. “You look amazing.”

“Same to you.” I stepped back so he could come in. He smelled like the forest after a snow. I bit my lower lip to keep from throwing myself at him. “Why are you here?”

He turned around with a gift bag. I’d been so focused on how he looked, I hadn’t even noticed he was carrying anything.

“Sorry I’m so late.” He held out a wrist corsage. “Anna Lopez, will you come to the prom with me?”

I must’ve looked at him like he’d grown a second head, because he burst out laughing. My heart clenched. I could listen to him laugh forever.

“I wanted to surprise you.”

“Mission accomplished. You know you’re over five years late, right?”

He smiled and opened the clear plastic box. “I know, but I was hoping you might give me another chance.”

“I already have plans with Madison.”

His eyes sparkled with mischief. “At Harrah’s? For a concert?”

“How did you…”

“My band is playing tonight. I asked Madison to take you shopping.”

I wrapped my arms around my middle, struggling to keep my composure. “I don’t think it’s a good idea.”

He sighed. “Just hear me out, okay?”

My battered emotional barriers were crumbling. “Fine.”

“I tried to honor your wishes and stay away, but I can’t. I want to be with you, and if that means we need to leave Reno or even Nevada, we can find a place in the suburbs someplace. I’m willing to do that.”

My jaw dropped and tears welled in my eyes. “What are you saying?”

“I’m saying I love you, Anna. And I’m ready to put your needs ahead of mine. If the danger is too much, we’ll move.”

I rushed to his arms, and our lips fused together. He held me tight, humming into the kiss. Gradually, he pulled back, resting his forehead against mine. “I finished the song. We should get to the hotel. The band is waiting.”

I smiled. “I can’t believe you did all this.”

He slid the corsage onto my wrist. “I’m trying to sweep you off your feet.” He put his arm out for me. “How am I doing?”

I hooked my arm through his and followed him to the door. “I’m lucky I can still stand.”

When we walked into the ballroom at Harrah’s, I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. Logan’s Pack were all there, and they’d decorated the room with centerpieces on the tables, streamers, gold and silver helium balloons that covered the ceiling, and a big sign hung behind Logan’s band that read: Arabian Nights.

I laughed. “You even remembered the prom’s theme.”

“I can’t take credit for that.” He pointed to his brother
who was keeping busy inflating balloons. “Luke went to the prom that night, so he helped me with all the details.”

“Surprise!” Madison ran over and took my hands. “Isn’t it beautiful?”

I nodded and hugged her. “I’m so glad you’re here, too.”

“I wouldn’t miss it.” She looked over at Levi on the stage. “They didn’t tell me what was going on, either, just that we needed to dress up for a concert.”

Logan brushed a kiss to my cheek. “I’ll be right back.”

His parents and the rest of the Pack came over while Logan joined the Howlers on stage. I wanted to memorize every detail. They’d all worked together so Logan could pull off this second-chance prom for me. Adam hadn’t been exaggerating about the love in this room.

Madeleine and Malcolm were on the dance floor wiggling like the band was already playing. Finally Logan took the mic.

“Thanks for coming. Tonight, I’m going to debut a brand new song. This one is for Anna.”

Everyone cheered around me while I clapped, my eyes locked on his. He put the microphone into the stand and strummed his guitar, stepping in close as he started to sing.

If fairy tales came true,

I’ll be right next to you.

But this is only a song,

It’s all I’ve got to move on…

You are my love, my light, my song,

One single lifetime will not be long

Enough to show you how much I care,

Or to prove to your heart, I will always be there.

My soul is wide open, no more need for lies.

I can see happily ever after in your eyes…

A tear spilled down my cheek, but nothing in the world could’ve wiped the smile off my face as he sang the next verse. Madison came over and held my hand. On stage, Logan hit the key change for the final chorus.

In your eyes,

I can see Heaven’s light.

In your eyes,

There is no need to fight.

In your eyes,

I lose all my fear,

And I’m so damned glad you’re here….

You are my love, my light, my song,

One single lifetime will not be long

Enough to show you how much I care,

Or to prove to your heart, I will always be there.

My soul is wide open, no need for lies.

I can see happily ever after in your eyes…

I can see happily ever after in your eyes…

Around me, the room erupted in cheers and applause as Logan stepped off the stage and took me in his arms. Resting his forehead against mine, he whispered, “I love you, Anna.”

“I love you, too.” I rose up on my toes and kissed him.

He returned my kiss, slow and tender. When he straightened, more clapping broke out, and we laughed.

I reached up to caress his cheek. “Can we talk someplace?”

He nodded and took my hand, giving the band a signal. They started a cover of
and the dance floor filled up. We headed to the far corner for a little privacy, although with so many werewolves in the room, I wasn’t sure just how private our conversation would be.

“I loved your song.”

“Thanks.” He grinned. “You inspire me.”

I glanced at all the dancers. “Your Pack is pretty amazing, too. I can’t believe they went to all this trouble.”

He chuckled and nodded. “They’re the best.”

“Adam came to see me this week.”

His smile faded. “Why?”

“He wanted to thank me for saving Madeleine, but I think he had some kind of Alpha ESP that you were hurting.”

“I have been.”

“Me, too.” I searched his eyes. My Logan. Butterflies filled my stomach. “It means the world to me that you’re willing to leave with me and start a new life.”

He caressed my cheek. “I’m empty inside without you. Home will be wherever you are. I’ll make it work.”

I nuzzled into his touch. “I feel the same way. That’s why I think we should stay.”

“Are you sure?” He frowned. “Nero is probably headed our way. What you saw last week is just the beginning.”

“I’m not saying it’ll be easy, but this time my eyes are wide open. Until tonight, all I’ve seen around your Pack was the danger. But Adam is right—there’s a whole lot of love in this room, too. All of them are part of you. I don’t want you to lose that.”

He kissed me and rested his forehead against mine. “And I don’t ever want to see you hurting and scared like you were the other night.”

“When I asked you to teach me to use a gun, you told me about the first time you shot a person. I listened, but I didn’t understand. Not really. I do now. And it’s horrible, but I know I did the right thing.”

He searched my eyes and finally whispered, “You’re amazing.”

I started to smile. “And don’t you forget it.”

“No chance.”

The next thing I knew he was cradling me in his arms and walking back out to the center of the dance floor. He set my feet on the ground and his lips brushed my ear. “Don’t go anywhere.”

Logan jumped up on the stage and grabbed the mic. The Howlers stopped playing and all eyes turned to Logan.

“Sorry to interrupt, but I have a couple of announcements. First, Anna and I will be staying in Reno, and whatever comes our way, we’re standing with family.”

His cryptic declaration made sense to every Pack member in the room, and cheers drowned him out. Logan winked at me and pulled the microphone close again. “And I’ve got one more thing to say to Anna.”

Silence descended as I stared up at him.

“Thanks for giving me a second chance at the prom.”

I laughed and rolled my eyes.

He grinned. “Now, this one’s for you.”

Logan nodded to Zane and they kicked off an awesome cover of “Shut Up and Dance.” All the couples, the kids, everyone in the ballroom started dancing. Madison found me and we bumped hips, jumping in time with the driving beat. Every once in a while I’d glance up at Logan. His eyes were on me, and the desire was plain.

So was the love. I couldn’t remember ever being this happy.

Maybe it took almost losing something to realize how precious it really was. Whatever I’d missed at the prom in high school, there was no way it could’ve compared to this one.

Chapter Thirty-Nine


Anna rested peacefully beside me. I loved this time of the morning. She usually wrote until late at night and then slept in. Mornings weren’t her thing. It gave me the opportunity to watch over her and remind myself how damned lucky I was.

We’d lived together for almost two weeks now. She already rearranged the kitchen and the closet, and I barely noticed. Being with her, breathing in her scent, hearing her laughter, it all fed the wolf inside of me. I’d never felt stronger or more complete.

I stroked back her hair at her temple, and she gave me a drowsy smile, snuggling closer. She kissed my chest and peered up at me with sleepy eyes.

“Everything okay?”

“So much better than okay.” I smiled. “Sorry to wake you.”

“No you’re not.”

I chuckled and held her tighter. “Maybe not.”

She rolled back onto her pillow and glanced out the window. “Tonight’s the full moon.”

I nodded, propping my head up on my elbow, and did my best to ignore the nerves brewing in my gut. “Yep. Second one this month.”

She turned her attention to me. “The blue moon, right?”


I waited, but she stared out the window again.

My shoulders tightened. “Are you having second thoughts?”

“No.” She rolled onto her side, facing me. “The blue moon is like a second chance, right? It’s perfect for us.”

“You know I love you whether we do this tonight or not.”

She nodded. “I want to.”

“Last time you saw my wolf, it scared you.”

Her hand wandered up my bare chest. “I know what to expect this time.” Meeting my eyes, she whispered, “I’m ready for this.”

I kissed her lips and prayed she was right.

Anna came with me up to Lake Tahoe. I hiked with her to our rock at the edge of the water. Once she was settled up top with the sleeping bag, water and snacks, the sky was already darkening. The moon would be up in less than an hour.

“After I shift, the wolf will be in charge. The others have told me the instinct to find his mate and change her is overpowering.”

Her dark eyes met mine. “I haven’t changed my mind.”

“I never want to hurt you or scare you, Anna.”

She smiled and cupped my cheek. “I love you.”

I pulled her into my arms, kissing her with all the emotion brewing inside of me. When I forced myself back, my pulse was racing. I wasn’t sure how much was the rising moon and how much was the desire she kindled in me with every touch. Either way, it was time to go.

“I guess I’ll see you soon.” I stood up, a smile tugging at my lips. “I love you, too.”

I landed the jump to the ground with no trouble and jogged into the darkness to find my Pack. Adam was the only one who knew I’d be taking a detour on our run. Tonight Anna would become one of us. It still seemed like a dream.

When I found the clearing, my Pack brothers were in good spirits. All except one. I tracked my brother’s scent to the edge of the clearing. He sat alone, staring into the dark water of Lake Tahoe.

“Hey, Luke.”

He didn’t turn. “Thought maybe you skipped town already.”

The barbs were getting old. “I told you, I’m not going anywhere.”

“Yeah, I remember.” He glanced my way. “But secrets are big with you these days.”

I sighed and sat beside him. “I’m converting Anna tonight.”

His eyes widened. “Really? She’s ready for that?”

“Hope so.” I shrugged. “She says she is.”

The moody cloud lifted from over my brother, and he pulled me into a tight hug. “I’m happy for you.”

I smiled, returning the embrace, then stepping back. “Thanks.”

“Do Mom and Dad know?”

I shook my head. “No, just you and Adam.”

He nodded. “Thanks for telling me. I know I’ve been…dickish, lately.”

I chuckled. “I deserve it.”

He sobered. “I’m worried I won’t ever find her. My mate.”

“I know.” The thought of Luke going down the same path as our uncle terrified me. “But she’s out there. We’re young. You’ve got plenty of time.”

“Yeah.” He didn’t sound convinced. He got up and offered me his hand. “Guess we’d better get ready.”

We found a couple private spots. Shifting from a man into a wolf was a painful process, and not something we liked to share with an audience. My skin prickled, heating from inside out—the first sign the change was coming.

I yanked my T-shirt over my head and stripped off my pants. By the time the first wave of pain dropped me to my knees, I was completely naked and ready for the onslaught of transformation. I tried to focus on Anna, to distance myself from the popping of my mutating joints and the fire in my skin as fur pushed through to cover my body.

When the pain finally started to fade, I panted and stood on unsure legs. The wolf was in charge now. I was a passenger deep within, our spirits joined. He shook off the last remnants of the change and sniffed the air.

Luke ventured out, nudging me before he tipped his head back and howled. The sound called to the others, and soon we all sang together to the moon. I pulled in another breath and caught a familiar scent.


I nipped my brother. He chuffed in reply, and I turned and ran into the darkness.

BOOK: Blue Moon
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