
Read Bought Online

Authors: Jaymie Holland

Tags: #romance, #erotica, #bdsm, #bondage, #domination and submission, #sensory deprivation, #cheyenne mccray, #jaymie holland

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Jaymie Holland



Copyright 2011 Jaymie Holland



Smashwords Edition
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Also by Jaymie Holland


The Auction




Taboo Series

Taking it




: 3 Tales of Lust and Passion

: 3 Stories of Sensual Submission



Paranormal Novels


Come to




Chapter 1



She’d never been up for sale before.

Imagine, the possibilities.

The pre-auction wine tasting mixer was in
full swing. Roni McAllister tossed her long red hair over her
shoulder and smiled as she made her way around the room. She
intended to scout out the place and pick and choose which men she
wanted to bid on her—men with triangle pins, preferably. She
touched her own pin, an ornate circle and rubbed it for good

She intended to get very lucky tonight.

The pins were for members of the Kink Club to
recognize one another. A triangle meant a Dominant man or woman who
would be a bidder, while a circle indicated a submissive who would
be put up for sale. KC had infiltrated the elite charity auction
thanks to one of the members on the Uptown Charity’s board.

An overture of excitement carried on the busy
hum of conversation, and a shiver went through her. She smoothed
her palm over her abdomen, the satiny feel of her black dress a
caress against her skin. She had designed the dress herself, an

She glanced to her right and saw that one of
her best friends, Christy, had been cornered by a hairy Pillsbury
doughboy who was wearing a triangle pin. To Roni’s surprise,
Christy had shored up her courage and had put on her circle pin.
Roni was just about to head over there to rescue her friend when a
g-o-r-g-e-o-u-s man interrupted the doughboy. The way Christy
looked at the new man, with pleasure in her eyes, let Roni know
that there was something between the two, more than just a natural
attraction. Gorgeous looked like he could more than handle

Satisfied that Christy would be okay, Roni
passed by Leslie, her other best friend, who had accosted the Navy
SEAL she’d been after.
“Come with me. Come with me into my
Roni imagined Leslie saying. Unlike Roni and Christy,
Leslie wore a triangle pin and was a bidder.

Roni looked away from Leslie and finished
making her sweep, identifying no less than four good prospects. Now
she would give each of them a chance to talk with her and she would
interview them in her own way, determined that someone who excited
her would bid on her.

Number One was a nice looking guy with a
triangle pin and a Dom’s confident demeanor. He had short dark hair
and warm brown eyes.

The man had just turned away from talking
with another woman with a circle pin when Roni held out her hand
and introduced herself. “I’m Roni.”

“Drake Pierson.” He gripped her hand and
smiled. He had a good smile, one you could trust. “Are you enjoying
yourself tonight?”

“Most definitely.” Roni smiled as he released
her hand. “It’s a beautiful night, an exciting event, great people.
What’s not to enjoy?”

He laughed. “I like your attitude.”

“And for you?” she asked. “Meet any
interesting people?”

“I’ve met you.” He winked. “I think I’m done
for the night and ready to bid.”

“Oh, so you’re a flatterer.” Roni gave him an
impish grin. “One of those.”

“I like to consider myself honest.” He raised
his glass of wine and took a sip before he asked, “How long have
you been with KC?”

She paused, surprised that he had brought the
Kink Club up so quickly. “Not long,” she said.

“How did you get involved?” he asked.

She shrugged off the unease she felt as he
asked the questions. He was just curious. Wanted to know enough
about her to bid on her. “A guy I dated was in KC.”

Drake looked interested. “Did you play

“Not really,” she said. She and the former
congressman she had dated had played a few times but he wasn’t the
right guy for her. She didn’t always feel…safe with him. She wanted
to play and know that she was safe. A little fear was always fun,
but not the kind where one was afraid the guy was going to go out
for lunch while leaving her in a vulnerable or even a dangerous

He nodded. “What do you like and don’t

Roni was beginning to feel like she was at a
job interview. “Listen, it’s fun talking with you but I feel like
it’s rushing things a bit, getting so personal.”

“I’m sorry.” He looked a little sheepish. “I
find you exceptionally interesting.”

“I’m flattered.” She gave him a smile. “I
suppose we should do that mingling thing.”

He returned her smile. “I hope to meet up
with you again.”

“Perhaps we will,” she said before she turned
away and went in search of Number Two hot prospect.

Drake might have been at the top of her list
if he hadn’t rushed right into talk about play. A little too
anxious as far as she was concerned.

Now for Number Two.

She went up to the blond, blue-eyed man, who
wore casual sexy like a second skin. “I’m Roni,” she said and she
held out her hand.

He took it. “Craig Hendrix.” He gave a lazy
smile that would make a woman’s toes curl, including hers. “What’s
the circle pin for?” he asked as he released her hand. “I’ve been
seeing circles and triangles all night.”

She’d been so blinded by his smile and good
looks that she hadn’t noticed he was missing a triangle pin.

“We’ve all been to various events throughout
the year,” she said as she gave the canned answer that they were to
give any vanilla—someone not into kink—who asked. “The pins were
for special donations made to various charities.”

He gave a nod. “I see.”

Craig was easily one of the hottest looking
men she’d met tonight, but he wasn’t a triangle and she was all
about exploring the world of kink some more. For a brief moment she
wondered if she might be able to convert him into a kinkster, but
the chances of finding a man who met her needs in that area, among
the vanilla crowd, were remote.

And there was something about Craig…something
she wasn’t sure about. She had good instincts and she intended to
listen to them—even if they did seem a little off the wall at
times. Her instincts told her that for whatever reason she should
move on.

“I’d better get to mingling.” For the second
time Roni used the “mingling thing” as an excuse to move on. “It
was good to meet you, Craig.”

He gave a brief nod. “Likewise.”

As she turned away from him she had the
strangest feeling that she’d just pissed him off. Maybe she had cut
any conversation with him short, but she didn’t like to waste
precious mingling time when she was trying to meet a few more

After she moved on she went to her next
prospects. Number Three had great potential, Number Four not so
much. This time she had made sure to check each man’s lapel for a
triangle pin.

She was searching the crowd for someone else
to check out at the same time she was walking when she ran into a
solid wall of man. She stumbled back and the man caught her by her
shoulders. At five-eight most guys weren’t that much taller than
her, but this time she found herself looking up. Way up. The guy
had to be at least six-four.

He had harshly cut features and an intense
expression, hard, unyielding. His eyes were crystalline blue and so
cool that she imagined herself shivering and goose bumps swept over
her arms. He was sexy in a dark, mysterious kind of

Yes, she had just run into Mr. Tall Dark and

Well, scary if it had been anyone but her. It
would take a lot to scare Roni McAllister.

She gave him a brilliant smile as he released
her shoulders and she held out her hand. “I’m Roni.”

A pleasant feeling traveled though her arm as
he took her hand. His grip was firm, a man of confidence. “John
Taylor.” His voice was so deep and powerful that it made the most
delicious flutters in her belly.

She glanced at his lapel. No triangle. Too
bad, she would have loved to have this guy tie her up. She’d teach
him how to smile.

“I’m not so sure you look like you want to be
here,” Roni said.

John raised an eyebrow. “Do you always say
what’s on your mind?”

She cocked her head as she considered his
question. “Yes, as a matter of fact, I’d have to say that I

Was that the faintest quirk at the corner of
his mouth? Had he almost smiled? Ooh, she loved a challenge and
this guy would be a good one. He was intriguing and he had sex

“How did you end up here?” she asked.

He shrugged. “You could say that I was roped
into it.”

“You’re kinda cute.” Roni gave an impish
grin. “You just need to lighten up.”

He looked like he had no idea what to do with

That was okay. She could teach him.

A male’s voice came over the sound system.
“Ladies and gentlemen, please join us in the ballroom,” he said.
“The auction is about to start. Bachelors and bachelorettes, please
meet behind the stage. Everyone else find a seat and we’ll get

“Gotta go.” Roni held out her hand again and
he took it. She loved the tingles that traveled between them when
they touched. “See you later.”

He let her hand go. “You just might.”

A pleasant thrill stirred in her belly. Just
maybe she
be seeing him again.

She hurried backstage where everyone was
getting ready. She didn’t even have a chance to check in with
Christy because her friend was nowhere to be seen and Roni was to
be the second person auctioned off for the night. She saw Leslie in
the audience, waiting to bid on the SEAL she was determined to

Excitement made Roni almost bounce on her
toes as she waited for her turn. Thank goodness she didn’t have to
wait for too long. Patience wasn’t one of her greatest attributes,
and she had a lot of attributes.

She had never had a model’s body and never
would. She had a full and luscious figure and as far as she was
concerned, if you’ve got it, flaunt it. Many men loved her
curves—unless they had a thing for Twiggy-esque women. In that
case, she wasn’t missing anything.

“Roni McAllister!”

She walked from out behind the curtain and
waved as she greeted the audience with a smile. The applause was
generous and she felt her heart rate increase.

This is it.

“This Irish beauty is a fashion designer from
Baltimore,” the MC said as he gestured for her to show herself off.
“Isn’t she gorgeous?”

More applause as Roni walked across the stage
like a fashion model would before returning to her spot.

“If you’re lucky tonight, you will be
spending a weekend for two at Half Moon Bay with Roni,” the MC
said. “Let’s start the bidding out at one thousand.”

At the same time, no less than four men
indicated they wanted to bid on her. The lights weren’t too bright
and she was able to see the men as they bid. A couple of the men
wore triangles, the other two did not. She spotted John sitting
three rows back and found herself a little disappointed that he
wasn’t bidding.

However, Craig, the vanilla guy was bidding,
despite the fact that she had come close to blowing him off. What
would it be like to be owned by him for a weekend? Hopefully more
interesting than their conversation had been.

The bidding reached twelve thousand and there
was a pause before someone in the back said “Thirteen.”

She knew that voice. It was John’s.

A thrill went through her. Mr. Tall Dark and
Scary had actually bid on her.

The next thing she knew, the auctioneer
pounded his gavel and said, “Sold. To Mr. John Taylor.”

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