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Authors: Jaymie Holland

Tags: #romance, #erotica, #bdsm, #bondage, #domination and submission, #sensory deprivation, #cheyenne mccray, #jaymie holland

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He moved to her and started by crouching and
untying the rope from the cuffs on her ankles. When they were free
he moved up to her knees and to the rope cuffs on her thighs. If it
wasn’t for the rope body harness she would have been feeling more
pressure on her elbows and wrists.

When he reached her arms he murmured, “I’m
going to get you out of this.”

Drake chuckled from behind John. “Go ahead
and delude yourself and her, Special Agent Taylor. It’s going to be
hard getting her out of anything when you’re dead.”

Roni swallowed down her fear. They would get
out of this before Drake had the chance to kill either of them. She
had to believe that.

John untied the ropes that had been secured
to the posture collar then took the collar off and let it drop to
the floor. She felt a moment of relief to be able to move her head
and neck again. It was only a flash of relief. It was hard to feel
anything but fear in their current situation.

He turned to Drake when she was hanging from
only the body harness. “I need to cut her down so I can catch

“You’ll just have to let her fall then.”
Drake shook his head. “You’re not getting the knife if that’s what
you’re angling for.”

“I’ll be fine.” Roni said. “Just get me down
from here.”

With a grim expression, John moved directly
in front of her. “Hook your legs around my hips.”

Drake looked on with what seemed like
interest. “Go on,” he said.

Just feeling John so close was in some way
comforting. He worked on the rope tying her body harness and then
she fell backward.

He caught her in one arm right before her
head could hit the floor. He brought her back up and set her on her
feet. She was unsteady at first after having been hanging.
Circulation slowly returned to her limbs.

Drake barely gave her a chance to recover
before he pointed the gun at John. “Push her over here.”

John met Roni’s gaze. “It’s going to be

He released her and she refused to budge.
Instead she got in front of him. “I’m not letting him kill you,
John,” she said as she stared at Drake.

Drake gritted his teeth. “You’re both going
to die anyway, princess. So it ends now for both of you or I get
the opportunity to play with you a bit.”

“Go.” John gently pushed Roni. “I’ll be

No way was she going to let Drake murder
John. She moved toward Drake, not knowing what she was going to do,
just knowing that she was going to do
to help both
her and John.

When she got close enough to Drake, he
grabbed her arm and jerked her to him. She was off balance and
almost fell but he kept her on her feet. As he jerked her to him,
she spotted the policeman’s baton that he’d threatened her with
earlier, sitting on a small table beside them.

“This is it, Special Agent Taylor.” Drake
cocked the gun as he pointed it at John. “Say goodbye.”

Roni grabbed the baton and with a two-handed
grip she swung up as hard as she could beneath his wrist.

The baton hit him dead-on. A shot rang out as
bone snapped. He screamed and dropped the gun.

John lunged for Drake, but Drake grabbed her
by the throat and jerked her to him with his good arm.

“I’m going to break her neck,” he

She clenched her fist and brought it down on
his wrist.

Drake screamed in pain again and Roni jerked
herself away from him. She landed on the floor, near the gun.

She scrambled for the gun as Drake grabbed
the butcher knife from where it had fallen on the floor and raised
it up as John was coming down on him.

She wrapped her fingers around the gun’s
grip, pointed it at Drake, and pulled the trigger.

Drake went still.

A hole was in his forehead, a single drop of
blood rolling down his skin.



Chapter 11



Roni reeled her line back in as John was
casting his as they sat on the mid-sized boat they had rented for
the day. They were alone out on the water where John had driven the
boat. Their weekend at Half Moon Bay was almost over and she hated
to see it end.

It was two months after the ordeal with the
serial killer and it seemed like life was back to normal.

John brought his line in again and then took
both of their poles and set them aside. He brought her into his lap
and hugged her close to him.

“You know I love you, don’t you?” he said
once again with a smile.

“And you know I love you.” She smiled and
kissed his cheek that was rough with stubble. “Now that we have
reestablished that fact, why don’t you show me what you have below

“My pleasure.” He rose up with her still in
her arms and she laughed and held onto him.

He carried her down the stairs and she felt
the gentle rocking of the boat when they were below, he carried her
to the bed and set her on it. “Take off your clothes.”

She was delighted to. She pulled her shirt
over her head and tossed it aside then wiggled out of her shorts,
leaving her in her leopard print bra and matching panties. Then she
unfastened her bra and pushed down her panties and stepped out of

After what she went through, being restrained
by a sick murderer, John had been concerned that playing bondage
games would bother her. She had explained to him that this was
different and she didn’t have any of the feelings she had
experienced during the ordeal.

She knew that with John she was safe and
bondage was something that they both enjoyed. She wasn’t going to
let a lunatic ruin that for either her or John. She wouldn’t let
him put a dark mark on their lives.

Over the weeks she had worked hard to occupy
her mind with other things if they strayed toward things she didn’t
want to dwell on. When they played, it was easy to forget
everything but what mattered—each other.

“What did you bring?” she asked as he dug in
the duffel bag he had taken on board with them.

John pulled rope out of the duffel bag as
well as cuffs and a short spreader bar. His muscles flexed as he
moved and she enjoyed the view. He took a pair of what looked like
fishing weights out and set everything down then put the cuffs on

“Come here.” He gestured for her to come to
him and then he picked up the fishing weights. She saw that they
were connected to nipple clamps.

“Ow,” she said as she looked at them. She
could already imagine what they felt like.

He shook his head. “No complaints.”

She bit her lower lip and stood in front of
him. He leaned over and sucked one of her nipples before putting on
the clamp. She cried out at the feel of the thing as it squeezed
her nipple and the weights intensifying the feeling. He sucked the
other nipple then put the clamp on and she cried out again.

His scent of sunshine and the ocean enveloped
her as he kissed her, a sweet, sensual kiss.

He took her by the hand. “Let’s go.” In his
other hand he held the spreader bar and something else that she
couldn’t see.

She reached out and took his hand and he led
her back up the stairs and into the cool California sunshine. The
wind caressed her naked body, her nipples already hard and

The metal rings on the cuffs jingled as she
walked. When they reached the railing at the bow, he used rope to
secure her cuffs to the railing and then put the spreader bar
between her ankles and attached it with clips to the cuffs.

He positioned her so that she was bent over
the railing with her legs spread, the weights hanging from her
nipples. The breeze was cool as it brushed her folds. He moved
behind her and pressed something hard against her anus. She held
her breath as he slowly pushed a butt plug inside of her.

The plug started vibrating. She caught her
breath as he pressed himself to her and his cock was hard as he
rubbed it against her folds.

She thought she heard the sound of a boat in
the distance and her heart started pounding a little. What if they
were caught? The danger of it added to her excitement.

He caressed her body from her breasts down to
her ass and back. “I love your body.” He tugged on the weights and
her eyes watered. “You are so beautiful and you’re mine.”

“Yes.” She pressed back against him. “I’m all

She heard the rustle of his zipper then felt
his hard cock against her core. He thrust inside of her and she
moaned from the exquisite pleasure. The erotic feel of him taking
her while she was naked and out on the water, with the sun kissing
their bodies, and the breeze caressing their skin, and the boat
rocking on the calm ocean.

He took her at a slow, easy pace and her
climax started to build inside her. Everything grew even more
intense and she fell into the incredible sensations.

In and out, harder and harder.

She felt her orgasm starting to crescendo,
closer, closer—

Brilliant light flooded her mind as she
climaxed and cried out. He pulled on the weights on her nipples as
she came and the pain somehow added to her orgasm. Her body jerked
and her core spasmed around his cock.

He shouted as he came and he gripped her hips
tight in his big hands.

Her limbs felt weak and she needed his
strength to hold her up. He undid her bonds, took out the plug and
removed the clips and set them aside on the deck. Then he took her
to one of the deck chairs and cuddled with her in his lap.

She laid her head on his chest and he kissed
the top of her head.

“The best investment I’ve ever made,” he

Imagine the possibilities,
through her mind as she remember her thoughts the night she met

“Yes.” She smiled and looked at him. “It
certainly was.”




Excerpt… The Auction:

Jaymie Holland

Available Now!




He laid the coats and jacket over the back of
the chair as if impatient to rid himself of them, and then he
brought her into his arms.

The move surprised her, yet at the same time
it didn’t. She had wanted him to kiss her all night. The way he’d
looked at her at the nightclub, she had the impression he’d been
thinking the same thing.

Being in his arms was better than she
remembered and when he brought his mouth to hers, his kiss was more
amazing than the countless kisses she had imagined.

His kiss was searching, as if he was
remembering her taste and the feel of their mouths together. She
felt like she’d been transported back to the time when everything
between them was amazing and fresh and new.

As he drew away, he cupped her face in his
hands and studied her. Her lips were moist from his kisses and she
almost begged him to kiss her again.

He slowly rubbed his thumb over her cheek.
“It almost doesn’t seem real having you here with me.”

“It feels like a dream.” She put her palms on
his chest, feeling his heat through his shirt as she moved her
palms up to his shoulders. “I’ve imagined this, imagined being with
you again.”

He continued caressing her cheek with his
thumb as his dark eyes looked into hers. “I can’t remember a time
when I didn’t think about you when I was with another woman.”

She looked at him with surprise. “Do you mean

“There have been a lot of women in my life,
Christy.” He brought his face closer to hers. “None of them were

The thrills that went through her belly
caused a spiral straight to that place between her thighs. Even
after all of these years, she knew him well enough that she didn’t
have to question what he just said. Zach Nikas didn’t say anything
he didn’t mean.

“I guess we aren’t waiting for the weekend at
the resort,” she said softly.

“This will make that weekend all the more
exciting.” He grasped her hair in his hand and pulled her hair
back, causing her to gasp. “Are you sure you want to be here with
me tonight, Christy? Last chance.”

“I want to stay.” She winced at the harshness
of how hard he had pulled her hair. Yet at the same time it had a
good sting to it.

And the mastery in the movement… He was
already taking control of her and it turned her on so that her skin
felt on fire.

He brought her to him for a hard kiss,
nothing like the gentle reunion of moments before. This was harsh,
forceful. He pinched her nipples hard through her dress and bit her
lower lip, causing tears to sting her eyes.

She loved it.

The kiss was wild, hungry. He reached behind
her and drew down the zipper of her dress. It fell in a silken
caress down her body and around her feet, leaving her in her black
bra and matching panties along with thigh-high silk stockings and
her high heels.

He grabbed her by her ass and brought their
bodies flush together. His cock was hard against her belly and
knowing that he was as turned on as she was, sent an ache between
her thighs. She held onto his biceps, digging her fingers in as if
to hold on for safety from a coming storm. He moved his hand to the
clasp of her bra and unfastened it.

Heat warmed her as he stepped away and took
her bra with him and then he tossed it on the couch. He cupped her
breasts and she sucked in her breath as he pinched her nipples
again, harder this time, and she bit her lower lip to hold back a

“Take off your heels.” He stepped back and
crossed his arms over his chest. “Now, Christy.”

He looked serious and she knew she had better
do what he told her to. She hurried to remove her heels. When she
straightened, he said, “Take off your panties.” She slipped them
off and stepped out of them, leaving her in only stockings. “Now
your stockings. Hand them to me.”

A heady thrill caused her to shiver as he
watched her with his dark eyes. They told her nothing, but the
intensity of his expression made her obey.

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