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Authors: Jaymie Holland

Tags: #romance, #erotica, #bdsm, #bondage, #domination and submission, #sensory deprivation, #cheyenne mccray, #jaymie holland

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The rope was snug so that her breasts were
firmed up, her nipples hard and prominent. He tied the rope so that
her upper body was in a body harness like she had seen in pictures.
She had never felt such a restrictive tie.

“You’re gorgeous.” He surveyed his handiwork
as he caressed her. “I love your body. I want to fuck you until
your eyes cross and the only thing you see is me as I take

Her heart couldn’t seem to slow down. She
felt a little frightened, but mostly so turned on that she wanted
him to take her. Now.

“You like fear?” his voice was almost
menacing as he caught her face in his palms. “You’d better be
afraid. You have no idea what you’ve gotten yourself into.”

Roni’s heart beat so hard it almost seemed to
hurt her chest. He was right. She didn’t know what she’d gotten
herself into. This might not be harmless fun like she had thought
from the beginning. She was reckless and she really should know

For all she knew he could be the serial

Now that’s just stupid, Roni.

Still her breathing was so fast she thought
she might hyperventilate.

He moved his hands to her shoulders. “Tell me
you want it. Tell me you want my cock inside of you.”

Despite her fear and the wildness of her
thoughts, she wanted him so badly she could taste it. She

“That’s what I thought.” Again he hooked his
arm around her neck and pulled her into the living room.

Her thoughts were wild, crazy. What was he
going to do with her?

He reached the couch and pushed her down so
that she was hanging over the back of the couch, her cheek against
the soft leather. Her arms were still tied behind her and her shirt
opened all the way so that her bare breasts pressed against the
couch cushions. The gag was so tight that she felt the rope rubbing
the sides of her face.

It wasn’t hard to imagine that she was taken
captive by a man who was going to take her whether she wanted him
to or not.

The brush of his slacks and his erection
against her backside sent a thrill through her core. A zipper
hissed and then the rustle of fabric and he was pressing his cock
against her panties. It felt long and thick and hard and she ached
between her thighs, wanting him to take her now. He shoved her
shirt up and over her hips then her pushed her panties down. He
knelt and took them from around her ankles and did something with
them before he rose back up again.

He bent over her and his breath was warm on
her neck. “You’ll notice that with your elbows secured, your
shoulder tied back, and your wrists secured to the harness, you
have no leverage. Go ahead. Try and get away. Fight me. And I want
to hear you, too.”

He was right. With her arms back and her
elbows tied she had no leverage, but she kicked back with her heels
and hit him in the shin and he cursed. She made muffled sounds as
she tried to get out of his grasp.

As she struggled, she heard the sound of a
package and knew he was putting on a condom. Her excitement grew
and she fought him even harder.

He put his knee between her thighs and forced
her legs so that they were wide apart. She bucked against him.

“That’s not good enough.” His breathing
sounded tight as he pinched her nipple. “Fight me.”

The more she fought, the harder he became
against her backside.

And then he thrust his cock into her core and
she cried out behind her gag. It felt so incredible having him
inside her. He was so big and the more she struggled the more
excited she became, the more erotic it felt.

He pumped his hips against her and she felt
his slacks against her naked ass. With each movement she made it
seemed to magnify every sensation that she felt. He slipped his
hands between the couch and her skin and grabbed her breasts. She
cried out behind her gag as he pinched her nipples.

She could feel an orgasm rising up in her,
heading out of nowhere.

“I know you want to come.” The man knew far
too much about how she was feeling. “But you’re going to wait until
I tell you that you can because I’m not through fucking you.”

She groaned and tried not to think of how
deep he was burying himself inside of her, how hard he was taking

It was impossible. She felt it coming at her,
faster and faster.

Then he stopped and spanked her hard. She
shrieked from surprise and pain, the gag muffling her cry. He
spanked her again and again and she felt his hard thickness inside
of her and the contrast of pleasure and pain made her whole body
quiver. Tears leaked from her eyes from the combination of so many
incredible sensations.

Her orgasm came closer and closer even though
she fought it down. He started fucking her again.

He leaned over her back. “You can come

A muffled cry escaped her as she climaxed
hard and long. It seemed like the vibrations would cause her to
become undone.

He made a hoarse sound as her body trembled
from her orgasm and she felt him throb inside of her.

“Damn,” he said as she started to come back
to herself. He braced his hands on the couch to either side of her.
“Best investment I ever made.”



Chapter 4



It was the best night of sleep she’d gotten.

Roni rolled onto her back and stared up at
the ceiling and smiled. John Taylor was so much more than she had
imagined. She looked at the pillow next to her. Too bad he wouldn’t
stay the night but that was understandable. He’d said he had to go
to work in the morning.

Hell, they’d barely met.

And they were getting together again tonight.
She had invited him for dinner and he had accepted. With sex like
that she’d be inviting him to dinner every night.

She stretched, a long luxurious stretch. What
a fantastic way to wake up on a Sunday morning. It had been a while
since she’d had sex and last night had been
sex. She
was nicely sore in all the right places. Nothing like being bought
and used for his pleasure.

After making a pot of coffee and pouring
herself a cup, she curled up in her robe on the sofa—the same sofa
she’d had wild sex on last night—and powered on her iPad. It was
her favorite place to read the latest happenings, and she pulled up
the local news site.

She frowned when she saw the headlines. The
serial killer had struck again last night, sometime after John had
left her house. She thought about his warning and was glad he had
brought her home rather than her catching a cab and coming

A slow chill rolled over her as she read.
Last night’s victim was the fifth in the past two months. What was
even more disturbing was the victim profile just released by the

All the women had long red hair, were between
five-six and five-nine in height, mid thirties, single, business
professionals, and lived within a tri-state area that included
Maryland, Delaware, and Virginia.

Goose bumps broke out on her forearms and she

Determined to avoid getting caught up in
thinking about the uncanny similarities of the victims to herself,
she perused the rest of the news. Despite her efforts, her mind
kept going back to the serial killer, along with tempting thoughts
of dying her hair blonde.

Frustrated with herself, she turned off the
tablet and set it aside. She had never been one to get caught up in
the news. But man, this was weird.

She grabbed her cup of coffee from off of the
end table and was headed into the kitchen when her phone rang. She
scooped it up off of the kitchen table and read the caller
identification screen.


Or Elizabeth as her older sister preferred to
be called. She hated the nickname her brothers and sisters had
given her as they were growing up.

“Hi, Lizzy.” Roni grinned to herself as she

“Bite your tongue, little sister.” Lizzy’s
response didn’t have the kind of enthusiasm that it normally did.
“I saw the news about the serial killer in your area.”

“Yeah. That.” Roni poured her now cool coffee
into the sink. “Find a man who has a thing for redheads and what
does he do? Dices them up.”

“I’m worried about you.” Lizzy blew out her
breath. “Living alone, fitting a profile like that… Talk about a
miniscule portion of the population and the guy is whacking them
off? I don’t like it.”

“Not so crazy about it myself.” Roni poured
herself another cup of coffee as she held the phone between her ear
and her shoulder. “But there’s no sense in worrying about it.
Besides, it’s like looking for a needle in a haystack, trying to
find women to fit his profile.”

“But he’s finding them.”

Roni dumped cream and sugar in her coffee.
“I’m fine and I promise to be careful. Just don’t tell Mom and Dad.
Both of them will worry too much.”

“I won’t,” Lizzy said. “But then I won’t have
to because Dad reads the papers.”

Roni groaned. “Downplay it, okay?”

“You be careful.”

“All right, Ms. McAllister.” Roni said her
sister’s name in a singsong voice, like one of her students might.
“And I’ll bring an apple to school Monday morning.”

“Very funny.”

“Thanks for calling.” Roni took a sip of her
rapidly cooling coffee. “Give everyone hugs and kisses.”

“I will.”

After they hung up the phone, Roni took a
long drink of her coffee then set it aside. The morning had started
out so awesome. She had to get her mind onto the more important

Like tonight when she and John got together



Roni selected a head of lettuce and set it in
her basket as she picked up a few things from the produce section
at her neighborhood grocery store for her dinner with John. After
choosing some tomatoes, garlic, and onions, she moved on to grab
some lasagna noodles then ricotta and mozzarella cheeses along with
other ingredients to make lasagna. She chose a nice merlot from the
selection in one corner of the store.

She’d spent the day catching up on things she
hadn’t been able to take care of during the week while she was at
work. E-mail, bills, laundry, yadda yadda yadda. She couldn’t wait
to see John later that evening. He’d said that he would be at work
until late that afternoon and would call her when he got off. She
wondered what security company he worked for.

After her last load of laundry was in the
dryer, she had headed to the grocery store. She enjoyed grocery
shopping. It was kind of relaxing, taking her time as she made her
way around the grocery store. Especially when it was for something
special like tonight.

After she picked up a pint of sorbet from the
freezers she went to the dairy case. She was taking a half-gallon
of milk off of the shelf when someone bumped into her. The carton
slipped from her fingers and slammed onto the floor, a flood of
milk rushing from it.

“What—” She turned to see who had just hit
her from behind.

It was Drake Pierson from the auction last

“Roni?” He sounded surprised to see her, then
said, “I am so sorry. Not exactly the way I envisioned us meeting

“Never dreamed I’d be ankle-deep in milk.”
She shook her head. “But you know what they say about not crying
over it.”

A store employee said, “You can leave it,
ma’am. I’ll take care of the mess,” as Roni started to pick up the
now empty carton.

Drake’s brown eyes were warm as he smiled at
her. “I am glad to see you, though.”

“Nice to see you, too.” Roni returned his
smile. Drake had the good looks of a male model—not to mention the
body—but a down to earth presence.

She pushed her basket out of the employee’s
way so that the milk could be cleaned up. She cocked her head to
the side. “What are you doing here?”

He raised a loaf of Italian bread that she
hadn’t noticed he was carrying. “It would go great with that pasta
and sauce ingredients you have there,” he said with a nod to her

She nodded. “It would indeed.”

“How about inviting me over and we can spend
a little time getting to know each other,” he said with a hopeful

“Tonight’s not good.” She would be
busy with John. At least that was the plan.

He sighed and with mock sadness shook his
head. “My hopes dashed.”

With a laugh, she said, “You still have my

He reached into his back pocket and pulled
out his wallet. “Safely in here.”

“You can call me later this week, if you’d
like,” she said. Who knew if things weren’t going to go well with
John? She hoped they went great, but it never hurt to have backup.
And as hot as he was, Drake would make excellent backup.

“I will do that.” He returned his wallet to
his back pocket.

“I’d better get home before my sorbet melts.”
She took another half-gallon of milk out of the dairy case and put
it into her basket.

“Did you walk or drive?” He fell into step
beside her as she went to the closest checkout lane.

“Walked.” She parked the cart and started
putting items onto the conveyor belt, and they moved toward the

“I’ll walk you home.”

She glanced at him and the hopeful look on
his face. What would it hurt?

Well, for one it would encourage him. For two
he might ask to come in and she would be getting things ready for
dinner for John.

“I’m fine,” she said. “But thanks.”

He handed her the Italian bread. “You should
take this.”

“Thank you.” She had completely forgotten
about getting some bread herself.

After she paid for the groceries, she turned
to say goodbye to Drake. “It was nice seeing you,” she said. “Next
time without the milk.”

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