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Authors: Jaymie Holland

Tags: #romance, #erotica, #bdsm, #bondage, #domination and submission, #sensory deprivation, #cheyenne mccray, #jaymie holland

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Chapter 3



Roni watched patterns of porch lights that
winked through the trees as John guided his truck down the street
to her home. She had already given him her address and house

He pulled his truck into her driveway and put
it into park and she said, “It’s still early, so come on in. I have
beer in the fridge.”

She was afraid he would say no but he gave a
nod. “All right.”

A spark of excitement went through her. The
fact that he’d said yes felt like a small victory. She opened the
door to his truck and was trying to decide the best way to get down
without tripping over her heels when John appeared and helped her

When she was solidly on her feet she looked
up at him. “Thank you.” On impulse she reached up and lightly
kissed his cheek. His light evening stubble was rough against her

She didn’t give him time to react. She hooked
her arm through his and walked with him along the path to her front
porch and up the stairs that squeaked with every step. By the time
they reached the door she had her key in hand. He took the key from
her before she had the opportunity to use it and he opened the bolt
lock and the door lock.

As he held the door open for her, she noticed
that he casually looked up and down the street and wondered why. It
was like he was surveying his surroundings, making sure everything
was clear. The entire way home he had continued to check his
mirrors as if watching to make sure they weren’t being

You’re being silly,
she told

“Take off your jacket and make yourself
comfortable,” she said as she gestured toward the couch and chairs
in her living room. “I’ll get the beer.”

She passed the grandfather clock and entered
the kitchen through the pair of swinging doors. A six-pack of
Heineken was in the fridge and she grabbed two bottles before
returning to the living room where John was relaxing on the couch.
He’d taken off his jacket and tie and had laid them on a chair near
the front door. She smiled and handed him a bottle of beer and set
her own bottle on the coffee table.

“I have to get this dress off and get into
something else.” She headed toward her bedroom and looked back at
him. He had an eyebrow raised. “Don’t worry,” she said. “I don’t
plan on putting anything racy on to seduce you.”

“Too bad,” he murmured and she grinned and
disappeared into her bedroom.

She was tempted, really tempted, to go out in
her corset and panties, just to get his reaction, but decided not
to and went for a long button-up silk shirt in emerald green that
she used for a nightshirt, and she rolled up the sleeves.

When she returned to the living room, John
had the TV on and was watching highlights of the day’s games on

“Color me not surprised.” Roni laughed as she
approached the couch. He looked at her and something flared in his
eyes, something like lust. Maybe the shirt was sexier than she had

“I’ll take your empty.” She leaned down to
pick up his bottle from the coffee table and as she did she looked
at him to see that he was staring at her breasts. She glanced down
and felt a rush of heat to her cheeks when she saw that her top
button was undone and there was a clear view of her cleavage. She
rushed to grab the bottle and almost tripped over his feet when she
stepped away from the coffee table.

“Oops.” She held her free hand to the top of
her blouse. “I’m forward, I know, but that was not

He gave her a dark look that she couldn’t
read. “I enjoyed the view.”

She wasn’t used to feeling embarrassed, but
then she’d never flashed a man in quite the same way before. “Take
mine and I’ll be right back.” She gestured toward the Heineken
she’d put on the coffee table for herself.

He leaned forward and took it and she thought
she saw amusement on his features. As she walked to the kitchen she
couldn’t help a grin to herself. Amusement was a step closer to a

After she snagged herself another beer, she
walked from the tile that was cool beneath her bare feet to the
soft carpet in the living room. He still had the sports news on but
turned it off when she reached him.

He looked so hot and sexy as he studied her,
dark sensuality in his eyes. She sat on the couch, next to him, and
put her feet up on the coffee table. She twisted the cap on her
beer and tossed the cap onto an end table before she took a long
drink. She’d always enjoyed the flavor of beer over wine or
anything sweet.

John took a drink then lowered his bottle.
“How long have you been with the Kink Club?”

“Close to five months.” Roni tilted her head.
“I dated a congressman who introduced me to the club. He was fine
at the beginning and I got my first taste of submission and I know
I like it.”

“Things didn’t work out, I take it,” he said
as she took a long drink of beer.

She lowered her bottle. “Nope. Cheating

John raised his beer and she watched as his
throat worked while he swallowed. She had not submitted to someone
like him. He was a man’s man. Thoughts of him and being tied up by
him made her skin hot and caused an ache between her thighs.

“What about you?” She sloshed beer around in
her almost empty bottle. She was starting to feel pretty mellow. “I
think you know exactly what KC is.”

He drained his bottle then set his empty on
the coffee table. “Yeah, I know what the Kink Club is.”

When he didn’t elaborate, she said, “So are
you? Into kink?”

“I like it hard and rough.” The way he said
it made wild tingles shoot throughout her. “And I like rope and
cuffs. I like control. Is that kinky enough for you?”

“We have a lot in common.” A shiver went
through her. She raised her bottle to cover her sudden nervousness,
only to find it was empty. “I’ll grab another couple of beers.”

Hard and rough.
Butterflies went crazy
in her belly as she walked to the kitchen. She could easily picture
getting naked with John and submitting to him. She wasn’t one to
rush into things, but the way he talked and looked right now, she
wanted to be his tonight.

When she returned, she gave him his beer then
opened her own and sat facing him with one leg tucked under her.
His gaze dropped to her breasts again as she took another drink,
but she pretended not to notice.

She was a little tipsy, the butterflies she’d
been feeling now bouncing around like drunken moths in her

People at the auction had to know John or he
wouldn't have been able to be there. Her friend had said all the
bidders were known well by someone on the auction board. He had to
be safe.

“When I was dating whatshisname,” she said.
“I discovered something about myself.”

“What’s that?” John asked.

“I get excited when I experience fear.” As
she said the words, his expression didn’t change but she felt a
subtle shift in something in the air. “Not crazy stuff… But fear.
Including being out of control to someone.

“I didn’t know the congressman well when we
first played,” she continued. “I got the taste of being out of
control to someone that I barely knew.”

“Is it something you think of often?” he

“I do.” She nodded. “When it’s someone I
don’t know well, it is a different type of excitement that is
amazing. As you get to know someone in the right relationship, the
submission gets better, but that certain excitement and fear from
the early times can’t be recreated the same way. That might sound
crazy, and some would say it is dangerous.” She raised her hands.
“There you have it. True confessions.”

Yes, she was drawn to it. She wanted the
feeling that she thought about alone in her bed. She wanted to
experience that excitement now and she wanted it from John.

“Stay here.” She set her bottle on an end
table as an idea—a rather naughty idea—came to her, and she stood
again. “I’ll be right back.”

She hurried to her garage where she found
packages of new rope and then went back inside and handed the
packages to John. He took them with a wary look in his eyes.

“I want you to show me how well you know how
to use rope.” She stood and held out her wrists. “Come on. Put your
money where your mouth is.”

He stood and suddenly he seemed so tall and
almost intimidating. Giving this man, a virtual stranger, some rope
and letting him tie her up… She might as well be offering herself
up as a sacrifice to the gods.

It was crazy what she was doing but she
trusted her instincts. They had always served her well in the past.
Okay, there was the congressman, Mr. Cheating Dickhead, but he had
introduced her to KC so that had worked out just fine. She had only
gone to a couple of the club’s events with him, but they had been
exciting and fun.

She kept her arms outstretched, her wrists in
front of her as he took a rope out of one of the packages. He
clasped her wrists in his hand and jerked her close to him, so
close that she could feel his body heat, smell his masculine scent
and her heart started pounding in a rapid beat.

“Are you sure you want to do this?” His
heated expression was doing dangerous things to her body. “Once I
start, I don’t stop.”

She loved the way he said it, the power in
his voice, and the meaning in his words. Yes, she wanted this.

She shivered with excitement, she said, “I
know I do.”

Instead of tying her wrists in front of her,
he turned her around and took both of them behind her.

She bit her lower lip as she felt him making
secure cuffs out of the rope, wrapping it around each wrist so that
the cuffs were about two inches wide. He pulled at her hands,
testing the rope and she felt how snug and secure they were

Fear mixed with excitement as he began tying
her arms at the elbows behind her so tightly that they were almost
touching. Her arms started aching but she didn’t complain—she loved
how he was taking control.

When he finished he gripped her shoulders.
“So you like fear do you?” He gave a low laugh close to her ear
that sent chills through her. “Well, you’re getting what you asked

She swallowed as more chills rolled through

“I can show you fear.” He slid his hands
around her throat and lightly squeezed. “I could do anything to you
right now. Isn’t that right?”

She swallowed, her breathing quickening as he
increased pressure. “Yes.” She had to gasp the word.

He kept his hold on her neck and lowered his
head and kissed her. It was a hard kiss, fierce and primal. It made
her head feel like it was spinning.

When he broke the kiss he met her gaze, fire
in his eyes “You tend to talk too much.” He kept the pressure even
as she nodded. “I’m going to fix that.”

He picked up the additional rope then hooked
his arm around her neck and drew her backward toward her room. When
he reached her room, he kept his arm around her neck as he set the
rope on top of her dresser then searched her upper drawer. He
pulled something out and caressed it along her cheek to her mouth.
She felt the silky softness of one of her panties as he moved it
over her lips. He forced the panties into her mouth and secured
them with more rope.

She looked up at him as he turned her around
to face him. An almost exhilarating sense of fear shot through her
when she saw the look in his eyes.

He brought his palms to her breasts and her
eyes widened at the dark sensuality in his expression. The heat of
his hands traveled through the satiny material and her nipples

“I think this is why you flashed your breasts
at me.” He began massaging them as his gaze held hers. “I think you
had every intention of seducing me.” He grabbed her long hair and
her scalp stung as he jerked her head back. “Isn’t that true?”

Her head was back so far and so tightly that
she couldn’t nod or shake her head. With her arms pulled back like
they were it caused her chest to thrust out. He lowered his head
and cupped her breast with his free hand as he brought his mouth to
her nipple.

She gasped behind the gag. It felt so
wonderful with his hot mouth sucking her nipple and wetting the
fabric. He moved his hand to her other breasts and sucked that
nipple, too.

When he raised his head, he jerked her hard
against him and she felt his rigid erection against her belly. “I
want to fuck you, and there isn’t anything you can do about it if
you wanted to.” He lowered is mouth to her ear. “But we both know
that’s exactly what you want.”

He kept her head pulled back and nuzzled her
neck as he started to unbutton her nightshirt. With every one that
came undone, her blood rushed in her ears. When the shirt was
completely unbuttoned, he let it fall open and expose her breasts
and her silky black panties.

“You look so beautiful, so helpless.” He
caressed her curves then raised his hand and let her hair slide
through his fingers. “I love the color of your hair.”

One erotic thrill after another went through
her as he fondled her nipples then moved his hand down her belly
and slid it into her panties. Her eyes widened and her breath
caught as he slipped his fingers into her folds.

“Wet.” He rubbed her clit and her eyes nearly
crossed from the pleasure he was giving her. He moved his hand out
of her panties and she almost whimpered, wanting him to touch her

“I’m not finished with you.” He grabbed the
rope he had left on her dresser and released her enough to begin
binding each of her breasts. He looped the rope around the back of
her neck, then, around her upper chest and each shoulder so that
her shoulders were pulled back. He then began to wrap the rope
around each breast before finally tying it off.

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