Bound by Love's Gravity (33 page)

BOOK: Bound by Love's Gravity
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Relaxing in Adam’s arms, she allowed him to carry her to the bed where Deke was now sitting. He handed her off to Deke, who flipped her over easily, despite the rope binding her arms, and positioned her face down with her butt up in the air.

“You get twenty swats,” Deke told her as he caressed her bottom with his hand. The slow, methodical movement had her relaxing further. “You get five for not confronting me personally, five for sneaking into the dungeon, and five for pushing me in front of all these people. Not to mention, I still owe you five for disobeying me at BR’s.”

Sarah’s head swam.
She wasn’t sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing. It did sound like an awfully big number.

“Keep in mind, I’m being lenient. Next time, I won’t go so easy.”

Sarah shuddered. “Yes Sir. Twenty.”

“You will count each one,” Adam instructed from somewhere behind her. “If you forget or miscount, we will add one swat each time. Understand?”

She squeezed her eyes shut as she prepared for the first blow. “Yes, Sir.”

Deke cleared his throat, obviously demanding her attention. “Green?”

“Green, Sir.”

As soon as she uttered her agreement, a giant hand came down on her ass with a crack. The noise was loud, eerily voluminous, in the room that should be filled with moans and groans. But there was no noise. No nothing. She had a feeling that if she were to look, they would have the whole crowd gathered around them.

The reminder of being viewed by voyeurs surrounding them turned her trembles into outright tremors. But that had nothing on the spike of lust from Deke’s blow. “One,” she moaned as heat bloomed in her ass, warmth sizzling across her skin at record speed.

Then came another whack from Deke.

“Two,” she squealed.

Then Deke doled out another smack, this one packing a wallop. She arched, crying out, “Three.”

Adam chuckled. “Her ass is beautiful. Look at all that pink.”

Apparently, admiring wasn’t enough for Adam. He must have wanted to inspect the color closer because he reached out and pinched her ass unmercifully. The pain of his finger’s nip on her sensitized skin careened through her, and she yelped, “Ouch!”

Her agonized cry was met with chuckles from both her Doms and the people watching nearby. She heard whispering from the nameless, faceless spectators. But she wasn’t given time to dwell on them or what they could be saying before Deke rained down fifteen more blows.

With each strike he delivered, he didn’t hit the same spot twice. He kept no rhythm, no warning, just one then the next, over and over. After a while, the whacks blended together. But she managed to somehow count as they’d instructed her.
Thank goodness.

By the time Deke hit the number nineteen, tears seeped from her eyes. She could barely talk. Her ass burned. Her cheeks were ablaze from the continuous lick of heat dancing across the flesh. And her poor pussy ached, the agony of her arousal torturing her.

“Sarah?” Adam asked, obviously reminding her to count.

Oh crap. Or was it twenty?

Deke chuckled darkly as he rubbed her bottom in soothing circles. Out of nowhere, he growled,” Wrong,” then his hand struck her cheek once again. “That was twenty, sub.
we’re done.”

Relieved, Sarah deflated onto Deke’s lap.
Thank heavens. My butt needs a breather.

“I’m proud,” Adam announced. “You took that better than I would have thought.” Without another word, he grabbed her, manhandling her in the sexiest way possible, and lifted her off Deke. He spun around then stalked to the front of the bed where he deposited her on the floor. “Maybe you’ll really like this.”

“Huh?” she squeaked. “Like what?”

Adam arched an eyebrow, his dare implicit. “Do you have something you want to ask?”

No, she didn’t.

“Or are you ready for your treat?” Adam continued.

She was ready. “Treat, Sir.”

“Good girl.” Adam wrapped his big, strong hands around the upper part of her arms and jerked her back against him. Their bodies touched, hers pressing intimately to his, and he lowered his head until his mouth was even with her ear. “You’re a very, very good girl.”

Adam’s velvety voice glided over her skin, and she shivered. “Thank you, Sir.”

Tantalizingly, Adam skimmed his fingertips down her arms, stopping just above her bindings. “See what I mean? You know exactly what to say and when to say it,” he whispered as he tugged on one end of the rope. The stitch swiftly unraveled, and she was free. But she didn’t stay that way for long.

Adam hauled her around to face him. Before she had time to catch her breath, he manacled her wrists, the touch of his hands amazingly firm yet somehow gentle. He drew her hands together then turned them and placed them palm to palm. With noticeable care, he wrapped the rope he’d just released her from around her wrists and set about binding them.

As Adam worked, Deke appeared at her side. He held a pair of surgical scissors in one hand and a flogger in the other. And he wore a wicked smile that she felt all the way to her wet pussy. “Do you like, sub?” he inquired as he fingered one of the long leather tails with the bottommost tip of the scissors. “We picked this one out just for you.”

Sarah’s heart picked up speed, and she squirmed. “You did?”

Deke nodded. “We wanted something special for your first time.”

“Yes, we did,” Adam agreed as he inspected his handiwork. “How does that feel?”


“Good,” Adam growled.

A heartbeat later, Sarah found herself bent at the waist, facedown on the bed with her bound hands above her head. She was impressed by the speed and fluidity of Adam’s move and couldn’t suppress a smile. “Wow.”

Chuckles filled the air again. But she only heard two, the two that mattered.

Behind her, she felt one man ran a fingertip down the length of her spine. She involuntarily arched. The move was a little bit awkward in her position but not impossible. And chill bumps skittered along her back before sweeping through her body. “I think she likes that, Deke.”

“I do, too.”

Rotating her head, she looked for her Doms. But they weren’t close enough for her to see. The only people in her sight were in the crowd gathered around them. Suddenly nervous, her breath hitched. “Sirs?”

“We’re here,” Deke assured as he moved into her line of sight. “We wouldn’t leave you.”

Sarah had no doubt about that, but she still couldn’t calm her hammering heart. She needed one of them close to her. She needed one of them to hold her.

Deke apparently anticipated her desire because he came over to her and lay out on the bed beside her. He had to lie upside down so they were face-to-face, but he didn’t seem to mind.

Smiling softly, Deke took her hand into his and squeezed. “Adam’s going to make it feel so good, sub. The deerskin is so damn soft. It’ll make the flogging feel like the most sensual massage.”

Breathing deeply, Sarah drew out each breath as she waited. But Adam did nothing. He simply said, “Spread your legs.”

She did.

“Brace yourself,” Adam instructed. “I need you to remain steady.”

Again, she followed his order. She planted her feet on the floor as firmly as she could. Apparently, she unconsciously stiffened because Deke brushed a kiss across her forehead and said, “Don’t. You need to relax.”

That was easier said than done, but she forced herself to loosen her muscles and allow the bed to take the brunt of her weight. She continued to slow her breathing. But that lasted a mere second. When the feel of leather came in contact with her backside, she jolted.

Deke was there to stop her. He held on to her so she didn’t move far. “Feels good, doesn’t it?”

“Y–Y–Yeah,” she miraculously stammered as Adam brushed the tails down her spine. He swept the flogger from side to side. Each time the tips stroked her skin, she writhed, her moans saturating the cool air.

“Do you remember your safe word?” Deke asked out of the blue.

Confused, she blurted out, “Red.”

“Good girl,” Deke growled. As soon as the words left his lips, he leaned forward and kissed her. Surprised, it took her a minute to catch up with him. But she did.

While Deke kissed her fast and furiously, Adam finally reached her bottom with the flogger. Only he didn’t wait as she’d expected him to. He immediately brought the tails down on her flesh, and she moaned into Deke’s mouth.

The flogger’s caress was amazingly light, the impact smooth as silk. She’d expected discomfort. But no, the stroke of soft leather felt good, extremely arousing. Deke had been right. It was like a warm, sensual massage.

Adam increased the speed and force of his strikes, building the pleasure slowly, but the heavy blows never morphed into pain. The flogger he wielded electrified and inflamed her further and further, leaving her mindless with lust. The sensation was heady and addicting. And she never wanted the flogging to end. But then as quickly as it had started, Adam stopped, and Deke pulled away.

“No,” she grumbled without thinking. “Sirs.”

“Nice try,” Deke said while helping her up then reaching for her binds. Using the surgical scissors he’d held in his hand, he cut her loose. “But it’s time for us to fuck that pretty little pussy and ass. We have years of playing ahead of us.”

Yes, they did. They had forever. Besides, it wasn’t like Sarah was going to complain about being fucked by Adam and Deke.
Nope. No way.
So instead, she allowed Adam to throw her on the bed. Then he was on her, rolling her underneath his already naked body. “You did well.”

Despite herself, she giggled. “Thank you. I think.”

Cupping her cheeks, he swooped down and stole a kiss. “You’re welcome.”


* * * *


As Deke shucked off his pants then picked up the bottle of lube Adam had apparently laid out for him, he grinned. He could hear Sarah on the bed only feet away asking where he’d gone. Her attentiveness warmed his heart.

“I’m over here, sub,” he told her. “Someone has to get lube and condoms.”

Sarah mumbled something that made Adam chuckle.

“Condoms do not suck, Sarah,” Adam said between laughs.

Their sub snorted. “Sure they don’t.”

“They’re a requirement in the club,” Adam reminded Sarah.

Again, Sarah snorted. “I know they are. But I still don’t like them. They suck.”

“Do you really want to get into this
?” Deke asked pointedly when he returned to the bed.

Sarah shrugged. “I guess not.”

“No. You don’t,” Deke replied. “We will discuss it tonight.”

“Good,” she retorted. “Maybe I want a baby.”

Deke froze. He sucked in calming breaths. This was not the time. This was not the place. He kept telling himself that, but his mind wasn’t in agreement. Finally, he gritted out, “We will discuss this later.” He left no room for argument. Luckily, neither she nor Adam said a word.

Regaining his bearings, Deke tossed Adam a condom then sheathed himself. He lubed himself thoroughly before joining them on the bed. When he moved in close, Adam rolled them in the opposite direction, landing with Sarah on top of him. Swiftly, he thrust inside her, holding himself still as soon as his balls slapped against her ass, and Sarah moaned loudly.

Approaching from behind, Deke didn’t wait for preliminaries. He’d been waiting too damn long to take that gorgeous ass of hers. He prodded her hole with his cock then leaned forward and whispered, “You’ve been wearing the plug every day like we told you, right?”

“Y–Yes, Sir.”

Her breathy voice nearly undid him. He needed her. God, he needed her more than anything. So he took her. He eased his throbbing cock into her ass, very carefully, extremely slowly. At first, her body fought him on pure instinct. She didn’t help when she stiffened. But as he burrowed further, she loosened, little by little.

“Sweet pea, you’re so perfect, so beautiful,” Adam praised in a mere whisper. “God, I love you so much.”

Dropping his head down, Deke inhaled the scent of her skin as he met resistance then forged on. He didn’t want to hurt her, so he didn’t rush. He remained slow and steady, pushing further and further into her hot hole, until he breached the tight ring of muscles.

She sighed, her rush of breath relaxing her ass just enough that he could embed himself fully.

When he was in her ass to the hilt, he broke out in a sweat. The feel of her snug ass clamping around him nearly pushed him over the edge. But he held on long enough for her to adjust.

“Fuck,” Adam hissed. “She’s so small, so damn tight.”

“God yes, she is,” Deke countered. “And she’s ready to be fucked.”

With that pronouncement, Deke pulled back then thrust home as Adam retreated. They fucked her together, alternating back and forth. Their rhythm was seamless. Their moves were coordinated. They worked her in hedonistic harmony.

Sarah cried out with each plunge, her body writhing between theirs. Every touch, every kiss they gave her had her begging for more, pleading profusely. As her arousal grew, so did his and Adam’s. The fire built between the three of them, their orgasms simmering just below the surface. Then everything came to a head, and their lust boiled over.

BOOK: Bound by Love's Gravity
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