Boys Will Be Boys - Their First Time (15 page)

BOOK: Boys Will Be Boys - Their First Time
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He let go of Louis

s head and flexed his right bicep while his stepbrother felt it with his left hand, as they continued to kiss. Louis obviously liked the feel of flexed muscles because his dick would swell and pulse emitting more precum whenever Adam flexed. This in turn made Adam

s thick cock swell up, and he didn

t know how much longer he could last.

Their breathing increased, and the stepbrothers were getting closer, but they never unlocked their lips.

Finally, Louis pulled away from Adam

s lips and screamed,

hhh ahhh ahhh

so loud
it startled Adam. Then he shot his load covering Adam

s belly and chest with pints of cum. The site of his stepbrother

s load on his pumped chest made Adam shoot all over Louis, who groaned while Adam was shooting,

You are such a good boy, oh yea
, good boy, good boy.

Then, there was silence.

They pulled away from each other, and Adam grabbed a towel to wipe himself off, but Louis stopped him. He bent down and licked his stepbrother

s body clean. After he finished his breakfast of cum, he winked at Adam, turned and walked back upstairs without saying a word.

Adam stood there with his half hard cock hanging out and his black cotton jock at his ankles and watched Louis

s round butt bounce as he walked up
once again

What a fucking nut job
, Adam thought. Then he smiled and hoped all his workouts would end like this one.




Mickey Erlach

The Masseurs
Lew Bull

I picked up a copy of the newspaper and turned to the classified
s. There I saw a heading, Massage. I skimmed through the lists of adverts and noticed how many included items such as

Man to Man,

or various sizes such as


I realized that these adverts were not simply for massaging, but for little, or in some cases large, extras. I had never experienced a massage, with an

extra bit

thrown in, but at this present moment, I was feeling extremely horny and in dire need of some sex.

Having gone through the
s, I went back to one that had caught my attention; which read:



Many hot guys waiting for you!

Brad – young, hung, hunky 9


hottest butt in town

Clint – thickest 10

of passion

– body-builder 8

Eric – sexy stud to tease

– muscular 9

both ways


The reason this advert caught my attention was that if I was going to get a massage, plus a bit extra, at least I could have a choice
a number of young guys, who all sounded like Adonis
; after all, one should always keep one

s options open! Underneath the advert was a telephone number
so I picked up the telephone and dialed the number. A soft-sounding male voice answered at the other end of the line and said,

Fun in the Sun, good morning. How may I help you?

I replied hesitantly, as I had never done this before.

Hello, I was just phoning to enquire about the massages. What are your hours and how much is it?

Obviously the voice on the other end was used to questions of this nature, so there was no hesitation on his part.


re open twenty-four hours
and it depends whether you want a half-hour or full-hour session

Before I had a chance to reply, he continued,

Why don

t you pop around and come and meet the guys and see if you like anything

With an invitation like that, and feeling as horny as I did, I thought, to hell with the cost, let

s go.

I, however, decided I would go in the evening, maybe
so that no one would see me.

Early that evening, I had a shower, a bite to eat and left for the place, having been given directions by the man on the phone.

I drove up to the gate of a fairly large house and pressed the intercom button. I heard the same voice I had heard earlier on the phone and introduced myself as the guy who had phoned earlier and was coming for a massage. The gate opened
and I drove my car into the grounds and parked in the demarcated parking area. I noticed that there were a few other cars already parked there
so I knew there had to be other customers. I walked up to the front door, which was smartly opened before I could ring the doorbell by a young guy of about twenty-two years of age wearing only a pair of running shorts. I think my mouth dropped open as this was not quite what I had expected, however, I did like what I saw.

Please come in, and welcome to Fun in the Sun. I take it that this is your first time here?


I stammered, still not being able to take my eyes off of the guy. I thought, well, if the rest are as good looking as this one, then this should be a very interesting evening.

Come through to the lounge
he said, closing the door behind me and then leading down a long corridor. As I walked down the corridor, I noticed quite a few doors leading off it. At last we entered a lounge that was tastefully furnished in a mix of modern with touches of art deco and had a few young men sitting around, half naked, casually chatting to each other.

Would you like a drink?

asked my host.

Thank you,

I replied,

just a beer

He disappeared for a moment and returned with my beer, which he handed to me.

The first drink is on the house,

he said smiling at me, and we both sat down.

he continued,

my name is Fred
and if there

s anything that you want, please don

t hesitate to call me. Are you looking for anyone in particular?

I don

t know,

I said rather sheepishly.

I don

t know any of the guys

Well, I

ll tell you what
why don

t I take you to one of the rooms
and I

ll send the guys in one at a time and if there

s anyone that you particularly want, you simply tell him
and we stop the


and he

ll be your masseur for the evening

What about the cost?

I asked.

That you negotiate with your masseur, whether it

s for an hour or for less. Would you like to try?

I replied, and off we went down the corridor toward some of the bedrooms.

I noticed that the f
rther down the corridor we went, the darker it seemed to get.

we entered a room which had a double bed situated in the center of the room and a TV on a stand against one of the walls; other than that, the room was bare. There were no lights on in the room
and the only light that filtered in came from the glow down the corridor. Although the room looked gloomy because of a lack of light, it still felt comfortably warm.

Fred led me over to the bed and said,

Make yourself comfortable, take your clothes off
and I

ll send in the first of the guys

He then exited the room, closing the door behind him. It was now pitch dark inside the room
so I ventured to where the curtains had been. I pulled them apart slightly in the center
and a little moonlight came in through the crack. I took off my clothes, folded them and placed them on the floor next to the TV set, and sat on the edge of the bed to wait.

Eventually the door opened
and the first of the guys came in. I could see in the corridor glow that he was young and very well built. He came into the room wearing a pair of loose fitting track-suit pants and a white vest looking as though he had just finished doing some training at the local gym. He introduced himself as
and then proceeded to tell me about himself and what he liked doing. I wasn

t quite sure what I was supposed to say or do, so I simply said,

Thanks Chad. I like what I see, but I

ll look at the others and then make a choice

My God, I sounded as though I was at the market trying to choose some beef rump and being not quite sure which piece I wanted, but after all, one should never rush into things, one should always think things over. So off he went and in came

He stood in the doorway
and I could see the silhouette of an incredibly muscular man. He stood there wearing the shortest pair of shorts I had ever seen, with muscles bulging everywhere. He introduced himself, but before he could continue, I said,

I can see you

re into your bodybuilding
That must have been the cue for him because he suddenly started to flex his muscles in front of me. Now I have no problems with that, except, it does make my choices a little more difficult.

Do you like what you see?

he asked flexing his biceps virtually under my nose.

I caught a scent of manliness and sweat
which turned me on
and I replied,

Oh yes, I

d like to see more, but I really should be fair to the others as well. As
turned to leave I couldn

t resist squeezing his butt. By now my cock was standing
and I thought, thank goodness it

s dark in this room
and no one can see my hard-on.

The door reopened
and in strutted Mark. He had a very pleasing, young face from what I could see in the dim light
and I remembered that the newspaper said that he had the hottest butt in town. By this time I was no longer feeling as though this was my first visit to a massage parlor and had become bolder in my questioning.

I said to Mark,

I believe that you

ve got the hottest butt in town, is that true?

Well that

s what they say,

he replied.

But seeing is believing,

I added.

How about showing me?


s not part of the deal,

he said.

Maybe not, but as the customer, I need to see what I

m paying for
I couldn

t believe that I had actually said that.

Without much hesitation, Mark turned his back to me and pulled down his shorts to reveal a very sexy bubble-butt.

Well, are you satisfied?

he enquired.


I replied truthfully, and I thought to myself how great it would be sliding into that butt and making love to it.

Mark, could you send in the next please?

There was a knock at the door
and I got up from the bed and opened the door. There stood the most beautiful young guy of about twenty-five dressed only in a Speedo costume. I think my jaw dropped open when I saw him. He looked me up and down and said,

You look as if you

ve seen some nice things already
I realized he was looking at my cock throbbing in the air.

Come in,

I said,

and who are you?


m Brad. I

m twenty-six years old, horny and I

ve got a nine
inch cock

Is that when you

re hard or soft?

I joked, because I could see from the shape and bulge in his Speedo that he wasn

t small
and he didn

t have an erection.

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