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Authors: Calia Read

Tags: #General Fiction

Breaking the Wrong (20 page)

BOOK: Breaking the Wrong
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“How is this not?” Macsen murmurs against my neck. His hands rest on my shoulders and he guides us closer to the bed. When the backs of my knees hit the edge, he leans down and his warm lips touch mine as his fingers roughly tug on my v-neck sweater. My bra is exposed. “I want to touch you everywhere,” his voice lowers to a sexy whisper that makes me want to whimper. “But I’m trying to be slow. You want me to go slow?”

I know one thing: I want
Macsen. And he could go
way with me and I’d be happy.

His fingers trace the swell of my breast, pushed up by my bra. I shudder. “Which
way, Emilia?” Macsen breathes into my ear. He pulls down one bra strap and I’m practically panting. “You want fast?” Another strap is pulled down my shoulder. Macsen bends down until his head is eye level with my breast. “Or slow?”

To prove his point, Macsen slowly licks the skin above my bra. Teeth graze my skin, and my bra feels like it’s slipping down my body. Glancing down at Macsen, I see him working the material lower until only my nipples are covered.

This is the best kind of torture. If this is slow, I never want him to stop.

“Slow,” I whisper. “Go slow.”

That’s the answer he wants. Macsen stands up quickly. His arms reach back to the hook of my bra, and my legs are close to giving out. The hook doesn’t free under his hands, and he growls in my ear. “Take this off.”

I gather the hem of my sweater and pull it over my head. It drops to the ground
. Macsen’s eyes widen and a muscle in his jaw ticks over my little strip tease. My fingers move to my back, to the clasp of my bra. I let it drop to the floor.

A few seconds of silence stretches between us, and neither one of us moves. Breathing becomes impossible for me. I don’t know what to do with my arms. I’m tempted to cover myself up, but I swallow my fear and keep them firmly at my sides. My body star
ts to shake the longer Macsen stares at me, saying nothing.

Finally, he takes a step forward. His chest rises and falls rapidly as he looks at me without blinking. “God, Emilia.”

Cold air touches my breast. But it’s the way that Macsen stares at me that makes my body shiver. He looks at me with appreciation. Being almost naked in front of him doesn’t scare me.

“Touch me,” I demand.

Instantly, Macsen steps closer. His hands go to the back of my knees and he lifts me up. My legs lock around him, and my fingers grasp the back of his neck, holding on tightly. 

I wait for him to touch me, and when his hands cup my breast, I gasp in relief because it feels better than I imagined. Our breath mixes together as his fingers circle around my nipples repeatedly. His eyes never leave my face and I move against him impatiently. I want more, but I can’t even tell him what I want. The words won’t come out of my mouth.

I kiss him roughly, and try to show him with my lips, what I want. And he responds instantly. His hands caress my breast in slow touches that drive me to move restlessly against him. Macsen’s fingers lightly pull on my nipples and I groan into his mouth. His actions cause me to grip his hair tightly and kiss him frantically.

He pulls away, breathing harshly. “This isn’t slow,” he pants.

“It’s slow enough for me.” I guide him back to me and he resists weakly.

“Shit, you make me feel out of control,” Macsen whispers.

I like that. And
I like that I make him feel reckless.

And if I’m perfectly honesty with myself, he elicits the same reaction from me.

When I guide him back to my body, he leans forward willingly. I watch as he pulls a nipple into his mouth. I gasp loudly. No one has ever touched me like this. Everything I’m feeling is for the first time, and I never want it to end.

He moves to the other breast and repeats the process, sucking hard on my nipple. My fingers lace through his hair and I hold him tightly to me.

“Macsen,” I groan out.

Instantly, his head snaps up. I stare down at his damp lips and green eyes that are full of lust. All I want him to do is continue what he started. “Why did you stop?” I pant.

A wild expression crosses his face as he lowers me to the floor. “You’ve never said my name.”

I stare up at him. I can’t even get my mind to process what he’s saying. “Yes, I have,” I insist. 

“No ... God ... you’ve
said my name.” Abruptly, he hooks both arms around my thighs, and I fall back on the bed with a yelp. I wasn’t expecting that. 

Tingles shoot through my body as he crawls over me. And when I see that wicked gleam in his eye, heat instantly pools in between my legs.
“I want you to keep saying it,” he whispers into my ear. 

His head lowers back to my chest and he flicks his tongue against one nipple, before he wraps his lips around it.
My hips buck and pull him closer because I’m so close to finding relief. A few more seconds of this and I’m done. It feels too good.

“Macsen,” I whisper.

He groans and moves against me. I can feel how hard he is and I want him. “I’ve been waiting for you to say my name since I met you.”

A whimper leaves my mouth over his words. Macsen moves off of me and I lift my head only to find him unzipping my jeans. I oblige instantly and lift my hips in the air. My skinny jeans come off slowly, and the only clothing on my body is one flimsy piece of lace.

One hand brushes past my stomach and when he touches me in between my legs, I moan. He moves the piece of lace to the side and my body starts to shake in anticipation. I want him to touch me there. I want it so much.

But he only glides his hands up and down my thighs. I’m close to grabbing his hand and putting him right where I want him. This is torture.

“You’re wet for me,” he rasps out.

If I opened my mouth, I know nothing but moaning would come out. I settle on frantically nodding my head.

His finger brushes against me and I gasp. “Do you want more?”

Macsen’s slow touches make my eyes flutter shut. “Yes,” I whisper.

I hear his harsh breathing as he hooks his fingers underneath the material of my underwear and drags it down my legs.

A hand brushes intimately in between my legs and this time, my hips arch, trying to seek more. Slowly, Macsen pushes a finger inside me. I feel lightheaded from how good this feels.

“God,” I moan. My neck arches as Macsen’s finger moves in and out of me.

“Do you want me, Emilia?”

Opening my eyes, I find Macsen staring at me with a hungry expression. I want to say he knows the answer to his own question, but he looks desperate, like he doesn’t see the truth. It hurts my heart. I pull his head down and kiss him as hard as I can, trying to show him the answer.

Macsen pulls away. “Tell me, out loud,” he rasps out.

His finger is moving quickly, and I swivel my hips, desperate for release. This feels so good.

“Yes, I want you.” I moan out and press myself closer to his hand.

“That’s what I want,” Macsen admits against my neck. “I want you to always want me. Just me.” 

Biting my lip, I try to keep a groan from escaping my mouth. I’m holding my body back from whatever it wants to reach, and it’s becoming impossible as Macsen palms one of my breasts. The skin feels abraded from his stubble and his cold hands stroking my breasts makes my mouth form a perfect O. Nothing comes out. He increases his pace and with one thrust, I come. 

His name leaves my mouth in a scream. 

I feel his hand disappear and I pant, feeling relaxed and ready for more. He gave me what I didn’t expect and now I want his body on top of mine. I want him to move inside me. I want so much more from him.

The mattress dips next to me. Macsen pull me up so I’m resting against the pillows. He moves on top of me, and I realize he’s naked. The smooth skin of his chest against mine excites me even fur
ther. I wrap my arms around him and rub myself against him.

“I’m trying to draw this out,” Macsen says slowly.

“You don’t have to,” I whisper. I keep moving until his erection is right between my legs. My hands touch and knead the muscles in his back and when the tip of him rubs against me, my eyes almost roll back.

“Fuck, Emilia.” Macsen grits out.

He kisses me passionately and sits up, leaning over to dig through his nightstand. I look down and see his erection against my stomach. Boldly, I reach out and touch him. His body jerks and he swears loudly.

The drawer slams noisily and he looks down at me. My hand easily moves up and down his length and I watch with fascination as his mouth goes slack. “You can’t. Do. That,” he grits out.

I squeeze and his body becomes rigid. “You like it,” I whisper.

“Yes, I like it.” My hands move away from him reluctantly, and I watch him put the condom on. He looms over me and holds my face. “But I’d rather be inside you.” 

His knees press my legs further apart, and he settles between my legs. My breath is coming out in short little puffs as rubs the tip of himself against me.

“I can’t stop after this.”

My nerves make me reach out and grasp his biceps.
I’m excited and terrified. I’ve never done this before. “Keep going, Macsen.”

He makes a sound and soon, his arms are bent, boxing my arms in. “You’re going to feel good,” he murmurs against my lips.

When he enters, he’s slow at first. I sigh and relax my thighs, letting him go deeper. When I do, he moves with one quick thrust. I feel a burning sensation and yelp. He fills me completely and it’s more than I anticipated. Macsen freezes. His body is rigid. I want to hold him closer to me and push him away at the same time.

What’s done is done. My virginity is gone and we both know it.

Macsen pants. His eyes are clenched shut as he tries to stay perfectly still. When it feels like the pain will never go away, it does. My body relaxes slightly, but I’m still wincing. Finally, Macsen opens his eyes and looks down at me. His eyes show disbelief, but there’s something else.
It’s downright feral because he’s the first. I gave him something that I can never take back.

“You’re a virgin?” He grinds out.

My fingers rest against his lower back, rubbing his skin. I’m trying to stay patient but I’m starting to throb. I need him to start moving again. “Is that a problem?”

His voice is strained and his arms start to shake. “Yes.”

I pull him closer, desperately hoping that he won’t pull away from me. “You can’t take it back,” I warn, but it comes out as begging.

And I don’t want him to take it back. I want no regrets tonight.

“I can stop if you want me to,” he offers, but it’s weak. Macsen’s trying to give me an out. 

I feel him start to pull away and quickly wrap myself tighter around him. That pulls Macsen in deeper. He breathes hard and I speak against his cheek. “I want this.” He starts to shake his head no and I kiss him. This time, I beg. “Please.”

My plea seems to break his resolve. Slowly, I feel him move deeper. I wince slightly, and he pulls out slowly. I turn my hands up and my palms grasp the outer side of his biceps, pulling him closer.

“Slower?” Macsen grits out. I shake my head back and forth as he rocks back into me.

My hips arch up on their own will. Everything feels good now and my body is greedy for more.

Macsen pulls in and out, each time quicker than the last. I circle my hips in the air, and he groans loudly.

“You are so fucking tight,” he says through his teeth. 

My head kicks back against the pillow and I start to find his rhythm. The minute I do, he stops using restraint and presses himself harder into me, stretching me further. Sensations fill my body
, making me move quicker against Macsen. We’re both sweating as he increases the pace. It drives me to grip the sheets.

He whispers things in my ear that drive me to the brink. Things that I never thought I would like, but I do. I wrap my legs around his waist and push him deeper into me. My body starts to tingle, and I know I’m so close to coming. Macsen pushes into me harder.

“Macsen!” I shout out and claw at his back.

“You like when I do that?”

“Yes,” I say in between thrusts.

One of his arms moves away from my side and disappears in between my legs. While he’s moving in and out, he rubs his finger above my entrance.

“You chose me,” Macsen says in a rough, demanding voice. I nod my head. What he’s saying is the truth, but hearing him say it out loud makes it official. “We can’t go back from tonight.”

My head move
s back and forth as my back bows, arching underneath him. His words, mixed with his touches have me seconds away from release. “Oh God...”

Macsen makes a guttural sound and I open my eyes and find his eyes roaming my body. His eyes quickly squeeze shut as he tries to speak. “Emilia ... I ... can’t ... wait.”

His thrusts are more urgent, becoming faster and faster. I hear a slam above me. The bed shakes and I open my eyes long enough to see both of his hands gripping the headboard. His arms are tense and his muscles are bunched. I claw at his back. My body stiffens. Tingles spread throughout my body, causing my toes to curl. A quick burst of pleasure fills my body and I scream out his name.

BOOK: Breaking the Wrong
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